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Planetarium 3D Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Planetarium 3D

This interactive 3D planetarium features all 8 planets of our Solar System.
User rating: 46 46 comments

Planetarium 3D was available as a giveaway on December 28, 2018!

Today Giveaway of the Day
$14.95 / month
free today
Burn all sorts of videos to fantastic DVD & Blu-ray discs.

Love astronomy? Looking for some educational tool to teach children astronomy? This interactive 3D planetarium features all 8 planets of our Solar System and Moon in very high details.

  • Highly detailed planets
  • Full 3D environment
  • Easy to use
  • Zoom-in and zoom-out
  • Subscribe to Youtube channel

    System Requirements:

    Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile;


    Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian (Bokmål), Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese


    Screensavers Store



    File Size:

    194 MB



    GIVEAWAY download basket

    Bring back the Start button and menu to Windows 8.
    Developed by Microsoft
    Developed by Stardock Corporation
    Developed by Repkasoft

    Comments on Planetarium 3D

    Thank you for voting!
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    This same program was an offer at GOTD on August 12, 2017 at URL:

    The comments were along the lines of today's comments, and few left very happy.

    Reply   |   Comment by Gary  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

    This is not really a giveaway, it's only an cheap advertisement for Windows 10. Microsoft doesn't give gifts, they only try to force us to abandon the precedent versions of Windows which we paid, and to buy their Windows 10. But me, I was forced to abandon Windows XP, according to me the best Microsoft operating system, and now I'm using Windows 7 and will continue to use only it.

    Reply   |   Comment by reussiteoisillon  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

    its become freeware again :) thank you GOTD !

    Reply   |   Comment by Dima T.  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

    The download button takes us to https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/planetarium-3d/9p64w7gp0t12?hash=a929513801bdc35040bfc98ae80803f6&activetab=pivot:overviewtab where Planetarium 3D is available for half price. It doesn't give us the giveawayoftheday free download.
    I hope you aren't going to require Microsoft accounts.

    Reply   |   Comment by Eliz  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

    It's showing up half price for me, too. What a disappointment!

    Reply   |   Comment by Diana Carroll  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

    Diana Carroll, Due to technical problems, Planetarium 3D can be downloaded after 1 hour or at 23 hours UTC. Sorry.

    Reply   |   Comment by Screensavers Store  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

    Screensavers Store, Since I wasn't sitting by my computer for replies I guess I missed it again. Maybe you should have a free coupon code for those of us that truly wanted it.

    Reply   |   Comment by Diana Carroll  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

    Diana Carroll, Contact us via e-mail support@screensavers-store.com

    Reply   |   Comment by Screensavers Store  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

    Why do you say it's free? It costs half price, $1.49.

    Reply   |   Comment by JL  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

    JL, Due to technical problems, Planetarium 3D can be downloaded after 2 hours or at 23 hours UTC. Sorry.

    Reply   |   Comment by Screensavers Store  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

    Sure enough, now that the 50% promotion has expired, it's back to being free.

    Reply   |   Comment by Jim Stone  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

    Screensavers Store, OK, so I missed it because it was in the middle of the night in my part of the world and I was asleep. And now it's no longer free.

    Reply   |   Comment by JL  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

    JL, Contact us via e-mail support@screensavers-store.com

    Reply   |   Comment by Screensavers Store  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

    Due to technical problems, Planetarium 3D can be downloaded after 2 hours or at 23 hours UTC. Sorry.

    Reply   |   Comment by Screensavers Store  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

    First time I've seen a Giveaway on Microsoft store, and hopefully the last.

    Can't find it in my listed programs, and when I tried again it told me it was already installed.

    Ran a full search on the C drive, and even tried right clicking the start menu and searching app's - nothing, nil, nada.

    Order history shows it's there, but just has an install link - if I click that it just gives me a serial number I can't use on non existent software.

    Not a fan of 'stores' like MS, Apple or Steam at the best of times. And if it turns out I have to register a device or something equally daft, forget it.

    So thanks, but no thanks. Maybe those with a MS store account will have more luck.

    Used the MS logon this once, and that'll probably be the only time.

    Reply   |   Comment by Paragon  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

    Paragon, Yes, hopefully DEFINITELY the last Giveaway involving MS store.

    Reply   |   Comment by Morgan Pierce  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

    Simply Fascinating!

    Reply   |   Comment by Bijan Kamrava  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

    I cannot take anyone serious if they refuse to recognize Pluto as a planet. Can't we just accept Pluto for what it is in this day and age? Pluto identifies as a planet...let it be a planet!

    Reply   |   Comment by BlkCrowe  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+17)

    BlkCrowe, Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006.

    Reply   |   Comment by Screensavers Store  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

    I'm sorry, but I've got plenty of dioramas from the late 1970s that suggest otherwise. And a 1986 Encyclopedia Britannica to back that up! Plus, you are being very insensitive calling it a "dwarf planet". I believe these would be referred to as a "little people planet" these days.

    Reply   |   Comment by BlkCrowe  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

    BlkCrowe, There are no people on Pluto :) Pluto will be added in the future as a dwarf planet. Dwarf planet is the official scientific term.

    Reply   |   Comment by Screensavers Store  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

    Interesting read on this topic: https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/10/world/pluto-planet-status-trnd/index.html

    Reply   |   Comment by Kurt  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

    Yes, its a strange phenomenon called THE MANDELA EFFECT. Things are not the way they used to be. Reality changed. Example: Remember the song from "Cats" - "Memories"? Well, it's "Memory" now - in this new reality it never was "Memories". Remember the novel the "Portrait of Dorian Gray"? In this new reality its "PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY". Next: the painting THE CREATION OF ADAM at the Vatican... Have a look at it, you will see they lowered God on the right. And not only at the Vatican - it changed everywhere: in books, catalogues, postcards... Movie BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER KWAI is (and always was in this new reality) BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI. In this new reality Ed McMahon NEVER worked for Publishers Clearing House. In the movie FIELD OF DREAMS at the end there was "IF YOU WILL BUILD IT THEY WILL COME", now it is: "IF YOU WILL BUILD IT HE WILL COME". You wont be able to find a single cassette, tape, CD with the word "THEY". "Flinstones" are in this new reality: "Flintstones". The North Pole is not there anymore, it vanished from practially all world maps. South American continent "moved" to the right 1000 km.... In "Moonraker" Dolly is not wearing braces anymore. Check your Roman numeral clocks, the 4" "IV" probably by now morphed to "IIII". In the movie "Risky Business" Tom Cruise dances in white shirt + glasses, now it's pink shirt and no glasses. In "Snow White" "mirror mirror on the wall" became "Magic mirror on the wall". Sex in the city is now "Sex and the city"... The Statue of Liberty was on Ellis Island... now it is on Liberty Island.
    And these are just a few examples.

    Reply   |   Comment by Lily  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

    Pluto got kicked to the corner because it's orbital path crosses Neptune's and that's the only reason why. Stupid, if you ask me.
    Here's the story:
    Pluto is usually farthest from the Sun. However, its orbit "crosses" inside of Neptune's orbit for 20 years out of every 248 years. Pluto last crossed inside Neptune's orbit on February 7, 1979, and temporarily became the 8th planet from the Sun.

    Reply   |   Comment by Robert  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

    I'd like to congratulate MS for their tireless efforts to make anything MS related as confusing as possible.

    Here at GAOTD you get a few links, get the PGM download it install it and you are done. Not here with this, from what I see !

    Would someone kindly tell me exactly where you actually download the program ?
    I got the activation key and then you get left hanging...

    Perhaps more importantly, what is this to begin with ?
    The description is very vague on it's purpose. That usually indicates it will be disappointing.
    Is it a 3D Planet creator of sorts ?
    Is it a screen saver ?

    Reply   |   Comment by Frank  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

    Frank, I totally agree with you.

    Suddenly I was signing in to MS for a purchase.

    Giveaway people, please do no do this anymore.

    Reply   |   Comment by Morgan Pierce  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

    Windows 10, only two machines here. 8 planets, that is it. Was wondering until I saw microsoft.com. will take a pass thank you very much GOTD.

    Reply   |   Comment by John Blue  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

    Microsoft Software, downloaded from MS Store with free activation code already added to code field.

    OK software for children - view 8 planets in our solar system. Very nice graphics.

    I was looking for something like the old EZ-Cosmos for DOS.

    Reply   |   Comment by jj juice  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

    Where I find the license number?

    Reply   |   Comment by silvqua  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

    Installed the program, but leaves no desktop icon. How do I start this thing?
    It says :"Thank you! We’re attempting to install on your selected device(s).", but nothing happens.
    Confusing program!
    Any help will be appreciated, step by step.
    Many thanks!

    Reply   |   Comment by drvajra  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

    drvajra, On PC you can find app in programs list. Press "Start" button or Win on keyboard. See screenshot: http://prntscr.com/m0kxxr

    Reply   |   Comment by Screensavers Store  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

    Installed and working - however, could not find a way to exit the program when it was in full screen mode. I had to revert to CTRL-ALT-DEL to invoke the Task Manager.

    Reply   |   Comment by Tony  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

    Tony, Move your mouse to the top right corner and wait a 1-2 seconds.

    Reply   |   Comment by Screensavers Store  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

    If you try to go to Micro$oft with Windows 7, you get told, this software won't work for your device. It will work on 7, 8 and 8.1, but Micro$oft shades out the download button, so you can't download. Screensavers Store, thanks for nothing and wasting my time!

    Reply   |   Comment by Jim C  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

    Jim C, App will not work on Win7, 8 or 8.1 because it use frameworks from Win 10. Eight years ago, Windows XP users wrote the same thing about Windows 7 software.

    Reply   |   Comment by Screensavers Store  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

    Can this software work on Windows 7 professional ?

    Reply   |   Comment by Umesh  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

    Umesh, No. Only Windows 10 platform.

    Reply   |   Comment by Screensavers Store  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

    The only way to get is to log into Microsoft

    Reply   |   Comment by Kraps3044  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

    Kraps3044, Is this a problem?

    Reply   |   Comment by Screensavers Store  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

    Screensavers Store, for me this is a problem. Nothing against your program per se, but the 'walled garden' approach to selling software (i.e. Microsoft Store, Apple Store, etc.) is abhorrent to some people. Also, as you mentioned elsewhere, this will only work on Win10, not Win7.

    Reply   |   Comment by Kurt  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

    Screensavers Store, the Microsoft Store is very confusing. Your link led to a screen telling me to redeem a code. Didn't say what the code is for (I assumed it was for Planetarium 3d). I clicked Redeem and then it says what I got. Need to read terms and conditions of Microsoft "gift"? No, I'm sure they say Microsoft has no responsibility for anything that goes wrong and I can see an arbitrator of their choice with no way to take them to court.

    Ok, so I click to download the program and get this message:
    Looks like you already own this
    Go to My games or My library on your home device to download it.
    Looks like you already own this Go to My games or My library on your home device to download it.
    2018/12/28 - 16:33:56 UTC

    It shows a "Cancel" button and nothing else. Sorry, I'm running a PC with Win 10/64. I don't have an App called My Games or My Library so no way to download?

    Ok, so I searched my system and finally found the program IS listed in the Start menu. Looks like I got it from GOTD back in August 2017 (thanks!). I tried to create a shortcut to put where I want (I keep my hundreds of programs organized in True Launch Bar). Because it's a Microsoft Store App, the program can only be run from the Start menu. It gets lost in the long list. If I don't remember I have it, and don't remember the name, nothing will ever remind me. It's no wonder I don't remember the program, I probably never found the icon in Start before.

    Anyway, the program looks nice and my granddaughter would like it, a perfect compliment for the telescope she got for Christmas! Interesting information on the planets, very nice to see the shadows and day/night cycles as the Sun moves around, and I like being able to change my viewpoint. So in spite of the MS BS, thank you Screensaver Store and GOTD!

    Reply   |   Comment by Mr.Dave  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

    Kurt, Selling software through stores greatly simplifies the whole process for developers and allows us to set low prices.

    Reply   |   Comment by Screensavers Store  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

    Screensavers Store,

    Selling SW through MS store COMPLICATES the process for USERS.

    I went through the whole process. Have License code but no link to download to mt desktop. It wants me to add my desktop as a device in MS store before I can download! That in turn REQUIRES me to sign in my Desktop into MS store!
    No way...too many hoops to jump...
    I do not WANT to tethered to MS store from my desktop.

    I give up. Will not install this SW or ANY that requires me to be tethered to MS store.

    Reply   |   Comment by samee  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

    this should be for all platforms

    Reply   |   Comment by Taylor  –  6 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)
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