Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Planetarium 3D was available as a giveaway on August 12, 2017!
!!!Featured titles by Rixane Interactive - Free Today!!!
(Support Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile only.)
Love astronomy? Looking for some educational tool to teach children astronomy? This interactive 3D planetarium features all 8 planets of our Solar System and Moon in very high details.
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Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile
2 GB
!!!Free Today!!! Support Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile only. Earth 3D shows a magnificent view of our planet as seen from space
!!!Free Today!!! Support Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile only. Ocean 3D takes you on a peaceful flight over the ocean surface.
!!!Free Today!!! Support Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile only. You can observe the lunar surface as if you were looking through the largest telescope you can imagine.
I'm on a mini-break (away from Home) for the weekend and only have a notebook with me which has Windows 8.1
My PC at HOME has Windows 10
QUESTiON: Is there an actual download address I can use to obtain this program? Because the "Get the app" box is not active using Windows 8.1
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Walter Lindrum, look for Planetarium 3D in the Microsoft store. You have 3 more days. (I can't give you a link, as it depends of your country)
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Yes, it is there, at windows store, for three days more.
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where does Planetarian 3D get installed? I need to know where I can uninstall it if on c drive.
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No Microsoft account, not going to create one, sorry. If there is a version not on the Windows store I will try it, otherwise no.
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So this is already on a free sale in the windows store (3 more days). If you can't figure out the download from here you could just do it that way.
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Pluto is not a planet. It is CLEARLY a dog. I have no idea, however, WHAT Goofy is.
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I'm supposed to support a company who only writes software for Windows 10?
No 7 or 8? No Thank You!
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All that is downloaded is a readme file.
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Charlie Samson, Well, read it and it will tell you what to do.
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I downloaded this morning, but didn't have time to read the read-me file and I saw this question earlier so I am checking the comments now. I see that it is a microsoft store app. maybe that is why it is for Win 10 and mobile only.
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well won't download on windows 7 even though it would run just fine. M$haters
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Kerry Voss, System Requirements: Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile
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Kerry Voss, read the requirements first?
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Requirements Read Thank You, Perhaps it would help if you didn't post stupid comments like "read the requirements". Are you trying to elate yourself thinking your better than me because you read the requirements. That is not what is about. It is about m$ making programs that would run just fine in 7 only run in 10. and in a retarded fit of fury they release 10 only software like I am going to go out and buy windows 10 because of their program. And that is just not the case. I is just M$ has a long, well-documented history of taking advantage of anyone and everyone in its path. This is just another anti-trust violation.
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A very nice 3D rendered program with some interest facts and sun effects. Two issues which I don't know how to resolve. I couldn't zoom in the planets but couldn't zoom in using the mouse and couldn't go back to windowed mode after switching to full screen mode.
I'm not going to touch the Pluto controversy but it's been rumored there is another planet out there past Uranus.
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Paul Anderson, Move mouse to the top right corner and https://image.prntscr.com/image/wL-pSYhXSk2BnrlmDZRO7Q.png
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An unusual download. You get a text file with a link to the download. The download is pretty big, upwards of a half gig or so. Not sure why it needs to be quite so large. People with space problems on their hard drive might pass on this.
Once downloaded, it works easily and intuitively, and has very nice detail on the planets and the moon. Once you've looked at the minor, distant planets like Uranus, I don't think you'll care much that Pluto is not there. As in, there's not much to see.
I have plenty of hard disk space, so I'll keep it. It's interesting, but I wouldn't pay 3 bucks for it unless I had a child who was a budding astronomer.
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Charles Lewis,
This is worth at least $30. The planets are amazing!
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Charles Lewis, I agree. This program doesn't seem to have much more to offer than you can find on the internet.
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Why all the comments about Pluto. It is not a planet any more, OK? And even if it was, it is by far the least interesting.
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Pluto and a lot of other satellites will appear in future updates.
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no Pluto no good. PLUTO IS A PLANET!!!!
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Mavadelo - no its not
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the GAOTD zip only contains the readme .txt file NO setup !!!
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miep bart, I ran into some nonsense like that the other week. Asleep at the wheel, I guess.
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Screensaver 2 GB ?, ain't nobody have space for that
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Vermeilia, I do, but then, I have 7 terabytes of hard drive space.
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Vermeilia, This is not screensaver. Real download size ~600 Mb, unpacked size ~1 Gb.
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I agree with lg, where is Pluto here? As many other planets that's been 'discovered' as of late, no need not to include those that's been on the map for over many years (I learned back when I was in the 4th grade 45 years ago) & was discovered on February 18, 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh, who died just 20 years back in 1997.
Why would his discovery be left out?
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Totally not worth without Pluto :)
Saying that dwarf-planet is not a planet is... just silly.
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lg, I agree. Why is a dwarf planet not considered a planet? Little people are still people aren't they?
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lg, No Dwarf people are not planets :)
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lg, if it revolves around the sun in a stable orbit it is a planet to me. I hope Pluto gets the planet status back.
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