Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Zoom Player MAX 14.3 was available as a giveaway on January 3, 2019!
Zoom Player, the most Flexible and Sophisticated Media Player for Windows PCs and Tablets. Based on our highly-touted Smart Play technology and Fullscreen Navigation interfaces, more media formats play with less hassle, improved stability and greater performance while browsing for content is easily accessible using a Mouse, Keyboard or Touch input.
Beyond Zoom Player's classic media player look, hides powerful Media Center features designed with an intuitive fullscreen navigation interface.
The 5-Key (up/down/left/right/select) fullscreen navigation interface includes intuitive interfaces such as the Media Library, File Browser, Playlist, Color Control, Audio Equalizer, Bookmarks, Play History, Subtitle & Audio Stream Selection and many more.
In fact, with Zoom Player, you can instantly Convert any PC into a Home Entertainment Center (HTPC) with no specialized hardware or operating system requirement.
With Zoom Player's Install Center, your computer is always securely updated with the latest verified media playback technologies. For a video tutorial detailing how to use the Install Center, click here.
Learn more about Zoom Player and other products on Inmatrix Website
Purchase a license from Inmatrix Shop
Please note: the giveaway license does not support upgrades to future versions. Do not install updates if you want to keep the giveaway license
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10 (x32/x64)
4 KB
Installed and I like it
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What did I do wrong? When I try and launch the player it shows I have the 30 day trial. Someone please help me before this giveaway runs out.
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Is it worthwhile to install this version instead of Version 14? Should the earlier version be deleted before installing this version?
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I did the first 5 steps, but it wouldn't let me install it on my PC.
1. Visit the link provided in the readme file
2. Input your email address on that page
3. This will generate a download link
4. Download the thing
5. Install it
I have a PC with Windows 10. But when I try to install the exe file, an error message says
"This app can't run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher."
After inputting my email address, on the next page, I downloaded (1 at a time) both from the "Download here" link and the "Alternative download link". Both times, I got the same error message above.
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Kieran Tong, did you try an install with admin-rights?
Right click on the EXE and choose Run as admin or something like that.
In the Win10 here it did install with no trouble at all.
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I actually bought this years ago and have bought the paid upgrade to every new version since. This is a GREAT media player, folks, and you can get the same one I just paid for, for free today. Definitely recommended.
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I got a lot of errors during installation. Installation was fine after I deleted all leftovers of former zoomplayer installations manually from the registry (all entrys with "inmatrix" and "zoomplayer" in the name or path) and after I unchecked the ZoomPlayer update box in the setup.
ZoomPlayer is my favourite player since years. I just miss a mouseover preview function in the timeline like GomPlayer or YouTube.
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I can find no special link to download a readme file, only the usual download button which brings up the usual demand to download with facebook (ugh!) or send an email when they will send me a download link via email. This does not agree with what others have found in the comments, so I will not risk going further.
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Zen ,
Download just like you normally would any giveaway here.
Then extract just like you normally do.
There will be no setup file, only the readme.
Open the readme file. That contains the link!
I would just post the link here but I am unsure that would be allowed.
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[ jboy ],
You can post anything on topic and helpful, and then let the moderators decide if it compromises their intentions in giveaway of the day scheme.
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[ Zen ],
No risk.
THIS is what the README.TXT file says:
Unzip the package you've downloaded and visit the page below.
Fill in the form with your email address and use the program
download link on the next page to receive GOTD program version.
You have to install it before the Giveaway offer for the software is over.
Terms and conditions
Please note that the software you download and install during
the Giveaway period comes with the following important limitations:
1) No free technical support
2) No free upgrades to future versions
3) Strictly non-commercial usage
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I have v. 13 installed, from a previous giveaway. Also have a handful of other players -- because just one of several categories of apps is not sufficient for handling the variety of sources that are out there. (Not a single web browser, a single ____ editor, etc. Inevitably, one will handle something that the others don't. You need to be able to do cross-checks, when something fails to do the job. Are those subtitles actually there or not ? That sort of thing.) The one I reach for first is generally VLC. While I thought it was useful to have Zoom Player in the mix, I found its user interface to be overly complex and cumbersome, relative to various other players. Spent too much time looking for the right controls to operate its functions. (Potplayer was the runner up, suffering from those same issues.) I'd say a major, straightforward simplification redesign of the UI is in order. But that's just my impression.
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[ Gene ],
Yes, many things get lost in translation, such as looking for "speed" controls to "slow down" or "speed up" the video, to "play faster" or "play slower".
Inmatrix calls this control "play rate", as in "rate less" and "rate more" the video, I suppose?
Translations from other languages, from other ways of thinking, can be hilariously entertaining, but, yes, they can also interfere with easy access to stuff.
When visiting another country, my own native-speak was 99.99% effective except for ONE word ... "bathrooms" ... no ... "restrooms" ... no ... "TOILET", YES -- that's the ONE word I had to learn to use, otherwise, another country was no problem.
Same with InMatrix Zoom player, and so many other programs -- the hard part is translating the programmer-unique-speak.
Sadly once we find something that works, we are forever bent by that programmer's quirks, and then we can't understand the next programs that actually might have a better, more accurate or more intelligently chosen presentation, and we can't understand it because we have become familiar with the previous programmer's quirks.
I keep a cheat-sheet of the few controls I need written on a piece of paper, my "keys to the kingdom" to help reduce my frustration, to help increase my success, when using new programs.
-- I prefer free [ Media Player Classic Home Cinema (64bit) ] because I found a way to make it automatically download subtitles and displays them, then I can save them for subsequent immediate use.
-- I like free [ VLC ] because I found out how to make it play faster or slower without changing the timbre ( ? ) of the voices.
So far, for me, all other players have not risen to recommendation status, either because they are less-than, or because the controls I seek are hard to find.
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Installed and registered (unchecked the Update box) and all seemed to work -- until I discovered that it's no longer possible to open a web page from another program on my PC. Tried my password manager and my antivirus. All requests to open a web page are simply ignored. That functionality worked an hour earlier, and Zoom Player Max 14.3 is the only program I installed, only system change I made, since then.
Thanks for the program but NO THANKS for the hours (days!) it will take to fix this. Who knows what else it changed in the installation? Was it one of the media codec packs that caused this, or Zoom Player itself? When will I learn to create a restore point and do a full backup before installing anything?
Does anyone have clue as to what might have happened and how to fix it?
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It will take all of 10 minutes to do a system restore if you know what you are doing.
Installing any program will not brick your system...unless you don't know what you are doing ??
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Short reply: I'm still looking for help if anyone know what is going on. Is there a registry line to change, or a default program assignment that was overwritten?
Mothman, the long reply: I had to re-learn how enable typing in the Windows Search box on the Start menu and any dialog boxes in Settings (run cftmon.exe, then kill Cortana process and wait for it to restore itself). Only then was I able to get to System Restore. There's nothing in Start menu and no easy access I can find to Control Panel since I'm running Windows 10. Microsoft and dozens of websites have no permanent fix for Cortana issue. In System Restore, I only have 1 restore point, it's from a few days ago. Reluctant to use it because I'll lose some giveaways, so that's my last resort. So, yes, I'm an absolute idiot for attempting to install a program from GOTD without first creating a restore point. Since I had a previous version of Zoom Player Max there was a level of trust that, for me, outweighed the research needed to even create a restore point. My system is not "bricked", just limping along because I refuse to do the obvious and do a clean Windows reinstall every month or two. And I have about 30 years of PC experience, my Vista system is still running with over 800 programs installed and never a single reinstall.
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This is Mr.Dave again... replying to let everyone know how I fixed this:
1. Go to Settings, Apps, Default Apps
2. Click on Web Browser option. My default was set to Chrome. Be sure to close this browser if it's open.
3. Change it to a different browser -- I selected MS Edge.
4. Open this different browser with a desktop shortcut to a web page, or from some other program that opens a web page in your browser.
5. Exit this different browser.
6. Go back to Settings > Apps > Default Apps.
7. Click on the Web Browser option again and select the browser you want to use.
This worked for me. Simple once you know how.
Now I'm off to make sure other video and audio programs still work. Will never again install from GOTD without a system restore and current backup (so I'll likely pass on most programs and only get the few a year that I already use when updates are offered). Considering un-install of Zoom Player as well but fear the un-install will break something else. Will not install any future versions.
Maybe this was just my situation: Win 10/64 Home (updates current), Bitdefender antivirus, Secure A-Plus whitelisting program, Dell XPS PC, Chrome browser set to default. Task Scheduler hasn't worked for over a year (appears to be no possible fix for this). System declared clean by Malware Bytes, Bitdefender, Windows Defender.
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Mr.Dave, Press windows key and R then type rstrui.exe in the run box that opens
right click and run as administrator
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ilikefree, thanks for the handy shortcut! Do you know of a list that shows this and shortcuts for the other system utilities? I've found many of them but this is a first for System Restore. Is there one for creating a restore point?
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Mr.Dave updating... should be "ctfmon.exe" in the reply to Mothman above, not "cftmon.exe". Sorry!
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[ Mr.Dave ],
1 - Free IObit Advanced SystemCare has a tool for default programs ( other all-purpose utilities and Microsoft Windows does, too ).
3 - Free Tweaking. com Windows Repair / Repair Windows has a re-setter tool for Windows defaults.
2 - Learning to reboot through SAFE MODE helps discipline a computer to have minimum programs running while trying to fix things, and running SFC System File Checker makes sure things are there that should be there ( Tweaking Windows Repair has an option to reboot in SAFE MODE and run SFC ).
Don;t be afraid of these giveaways, we need folsk like you who share what works and what misbehaves, and you also benefit by not only getting new stuff, but also learning fix-it tips and tricks that we all share.
Hang in there.
I run a VBS Visual Basic Script to create a restore point at startup, try it, ot web-search for equivalents that work for you:
==== start ====
'Auto Restore Point for Vista, No Prompt
If WScript.Arguments.length = 0 Then
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objShell.ShellExecute "wscript.exe", """" & _
WScript.ScriptFullName & """" &_
" RunAsAdministrator", , "runas", 1
Set srp = getobject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:Systemrestore")
Msg = "New Restore Point successfully created." & vbCr _
& "It is listed as: " _
& "Automatic Restore Point " & vbCr & Date & " at " & Time _
& vbCr & vbCr & "This script was downloaded from www. paulsxp. com"
If (srp.createrestorepoint("Automatic Restore Point", 0, 100)) = 0 Then
MsgBox Msg, 64, "Done"
MsgBox "Restore Point creation Failed!"
End If
End If
Set srp = Nothing
==== end ====
Also, folks, where did booting through "Last Known Good" go? It's saved me dozens of times!
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Peter Blaise, thanks muchly! That's an interesting script, looks like it can be adapted for many of the system calls. I've used SFC /SCANNOW many times, as well as chkdsk and several others. None seem to make any difference. On my Vista system, SFC finds errors but can't fix them. On my Win 10 system, it tells me all errors are fixed but if I run it again see the same errors.
Rebooting into Safe Mode had me completely locked out of my PC for days.... Apparently Microsoft requires a password in Safe Mode, but has no way to verify it because it's in Safe Mode. Lost a few days on that one until I figured out how to access the "hidden" Admin account (no password needed) in combination with booting from a Macrium Reflect recovery disk. That was the ONLY way to get out of Safe Mode. So now if I try to use Safe Mode again, I need to remember to activate that Admin account first. Life used to be so much simpler! I don't know where Last Known Good reboot option went either, it was quite helpful. I get the impression Microsoft simply does not want to provide tools anymore that an end-user might abuse or have questions about.
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[ Mr.Dave ],
Oh, you used a Microsoft account to operate your computer, as if it were an Apple, tethered to the mothership for constant permission and monitoring.
Try setting up a local, non-Microsoft account and untether yourself from Microsoft -- it's YOUR computer, after all, not Microsoft's ( or Apple's ! ).
[ SAFE MODE with NETWORKING ] is the go-to mode for getting things done, I use it all the time, for days at a time, when I just want to, as I say, get things done ( without the dancing baloney entangling itself ).
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Although I have had this on my system for a long time now, I rarely find a need to use it.
VLC, kodi and the K-Lite codec mega pack takes care of 99.9% of my media needs, with both players also being available across a range of OS platforms.
Inmatrix should provide a side by side list of features against that of the main competition (especially the free varieties) to persuade people to part with money that they otherwise cannot see a reason for.
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Installed even tho the center would not allow me to install the updates, will not let me install in addmin mode. When i try to run the program i get The"C;\ProgramData\Zoom Player\MediaAutoGraph\" media decoding profile folder is empty.
This folder should contain profile information for supported media formats.
Please reinstall Zoom Player to fix this problem.
Is there any way to fix this before the give away is over today?
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Perhaps you had some ProgramData permissions issue during installation.
You can (and should try) uninstall and install until the end of the 4th of January.
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I have a question that I hope someone can help me with. Zoom Player is repeating any song I play. What did I tick that I shouldn't have or, what didn't I tick that I should have. Thank you very much for any suggestions ! Appreciate it !
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[ Scott ],
Try [ Ctrl ][ O ] Options, Playback, Replay.
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[ Scott ],
[ Alt ] [ P ] Cycles through the Playlist's Auto-Repeat modes.
Did you hit that by accident?
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Happy New Year to all!
Zoom is a great player but something I was wondering. During the installation when one must choose from the list of various components, what do most of you do? Check all? Check none? Check some? I know not to check the update box but never know what components are needed. Any info would be much appreciated. Thank you!
Aside from that, thank you Inmatrix and the GOTD team.
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Besides the upgrade, you can also choose to not install the torrents and Youtube components.
Other components are generally needed, as they are used to decode various formats.
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If I load an audio book into the free player (since three attempts at downloading from Giveawayoftheday of today's freebie only gives me the readme file) will the player start back up at the place I left off after reloading the player?
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If you read the readme file, you'll see a link to register and download.
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Yes, but you should check your history settings options to make it so.
They are at Advanced options > Playback > History.
"Automatically restore last media position on replay" should be checked, and "Do not restore last media position for Audio files" should be unchecked.
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[ seagrape ],
this is v14,3 of Zoom player, so you have to download the GOTD offering 14.3 times -- try it.
; - )
However, you only have to actually READ the README-TXT file ONCE.
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[ seagrape ],
Yes. Zoom ( and other players ) remember previous play-position at the time of previous exit.
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Hello Inmatrix,
Just enquiring if there is any NEW YEARS Discount or Coupon to bring down the Price of the LiFETiME UPDATES version?
Price is currently US $87.95 / AUD $ 135.93
According to the Information Panel on top right of this offer [System Requirements / Publisher / Homepage / File Size / Price ... ]
The program is available for $29.95,
but it will be free for our visitors
as a time-limited offer.
BUT I can't find $29.95 purchase price anywhere
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J S,
Zoom Player MAX 1-year-free-upgrades license is 29.95$ , the lifetime-free-upgrades license costs more.
Both are on our shop : inmatrix.com/shop
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I've used Max 14 when it was offered here and found it to be a very nice programs. Loads easily.. great visual.
Thanks Giveaway.
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All those useless features numerated and bragged about are just that, useless, this player can not even make a single recording of any of the songs you hear. Get VLC free and enjoy it, it has all those features and can record anything with just a single click of everything you hear or see.
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Nothing at all wrong with using VLC, but it's focus is different than the Zoom Player MAX. Both play media files, but the Zoom Player can provide more of a HTPC [Home Theater PC] experience, and may give you a better video picture &/or frame rate, using software like the built-in LAVFilters.
FWIW I use the VLC Android & Kindle versions quite a bit, where it can play back anything from mpg2 DVDs to Blu-ray, where the image quality is fine for those smaller screens. But I use PowerDVD [the Zoom Player doesn't do Blu-ray DRM] for the HTPC hooked up to the 4k TV, because there frame rate & picture quality are top priorities.
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I'm a big fan of this video program. Although, I have to admit, I use a different program as my main one, I've tried older versions of this one and was very impressed. It was nearly as good as mine; and in fact it might have just been I was already familiar with the one I was using. I would put Zoom and the one I use (GOM) above VLC. To be fair though, I haven't used Zoom in a few versions. Not familiar with this new one.
It can play most anything. Certainly anything that VLC can play. Multiple fast forward speeds, multiple skip times. It LOOKS much better than VLC, the player is clean and sleek. It's nearly infinitely configurable- you can program any hotkey or mouse button for ff/rw, and skip forward/skip back. Playlist is easy to use and intuitive.
Great program, highly recommend. And actually, GOM started doing more ads lately, maybe I'll pick this up and give it another go.
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Installed without problems, tried to play an MP3 file first and suddenly the screen showed one of the pictures from the same directory that happened to be some construction material from my last reno ! how do I control what graphics the player displays while playing mp3 ???
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Hi Edward,
Please see Advanced options > Interface > On Screen Display > Audio Images & Tags : Image Paths & Script > "Default audio background image file (when the image search mask finds no images) : "
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Forgot to add this. Don't try to update Zoom Player when you first run the setup. If you do they'll want you to pay for it. Uncheck the Zoom Player update box in the setup. Everything else is okay to install. Good luck.
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Zoom Player is one of the nicest players around (IMO), and I´ve had it installed in my system for years now.
The problem is, that other than simplicity, I find no advantage whatsoever over the always free Potplayer, which can do everything you want and then some.
I´m installing this to see what improvements they´re offering us, but it´s hard to pay for any software when Potplayer is always out there.
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Likely WinAmp will do the trick, with great visualizations too.
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I've been using Zoom Player for years now. I love this player! Missed last years giveaway.Had to stick with a older version till now. It's like the Swiss Army Knife of players. I will tell anyone trying this player for the first time, there is a learning curve that comes with it. It's worth your time to learn about it. Zoom has a big following in it's forum and videos to help teach you about it. So, kick the tires and take it on a test drive. What have you got to lose? It's free! Thanks to GOTD and Inmatrix
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Can this v.14.3 be installed over the previous GAOTD v.14.0 ?
Will registration be automatically extended by doing so ?
Thank you for the giveaway and all help.
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Eldad, yes, you can install over your old installation, the program is preactivated. You just can't update from let's say 14.3 (giveaway version) to 14.4 (latest).
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Eldad, Yes it can. I just installed it over version 12.02
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Chasm, Thank you Chasm, did and seems fine.
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Jim C, Thank you Jim, did and seems fine.
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I have never used Zoom Player MAX before today. What a difference between Zoom Player and Windows Media Player.
I use a 24 band Graphic EQ I bought from Radio Shak on both of my computers that have Windows 7 Home Pro. My sound system is by Logitech and makes the walls rattle with incredible sound. Adding Zoom Player made my sound louder, clearer and more distinct. Thanks to all for the comments for installation. And thank you GOTD and especially Zoom Player for a fantastic player.
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Great player, I have been using it since the last give away, I am just not sure if it is worth upgrading it or not. I have version 14 build 1400
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JB, there is a huge changelog on the website and when a new version comes out, it's almost always more than just some languages being updated, like bug fixes and small additions, there already is v14.4, so it's probably always nice to have the latest version, in this case.
v14.4 changes
previous changes
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Hello! At start of the program ask to enter a registration key or to use the free version within 30 days!
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Людмила Селедцова,
I am guessing, but did you tick off, be it by mistake, the Upgrade to 14.4 version option when installing codecs pack? If so, I would uninstall ZoomPlayer and try again. In my case everything went very well.
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I forgot to add that after successful re-installation of Zoom Player, version 14.3, you are advised to uncheck the update box in the settings.
For some helpful tips how to do that, please follow the pertinent comments posted here by other posters.
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Zoom Player MAX 14.3 is available from the web site as Give Away. Downloaded and installed it. Could not locate any mention of registration. Program runs fine.
Looks like it is already registered for 1 year. Version 14.4 is also available there, but if you try to download it, but looks like it is the paid version.
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Basheer, license is lifetime for version 14.3, not only for a year, you can use it as long as you want. You just can't update to a newer version.
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Yeah, the readme.txt file just has a link for youto get to Zoom and get the giveaway yourself after subscribing to Zoom announcements.
I'm not sure what feedback the vendor wants on a discontinued version, this is v14.3 and they have already moved on to v14.4 ( be careful to NOT let the Zoom update control center update v14.3 giveaway to v14.4 not-giveaway ! ), so ... ?
That said, generally, all I want from a media player is
-- accuracy, can it play anything I throw at it? Zooms seems able to play what I have, MKV, MP4, AVI mostly.
-- auto download subtitles, Zoom does NOT auto download subtitles, but allows manual initiation of Zoom's search and download, and Zoom auto-saves subtitles it downloaded if available.
-- speed, can I fine-tune how fastly or slowly it plays ( Zoom calls this "play rate" ! ), Zoom promises adjustable [ Ctrl ][ Alt ][ + -- ] "play rate"
What I'd LIKE ( that Zoom seems not to have ):
-- volume leveling and compression to bring loud and soft narrower, I can't find this in Zoom
-- tweakable tunable auto "clarity" enhancement of brightness, contrast, color, sharpness, I can't find this in Zoom
-- auto stability and film-flicker smoothing and elimination for jittery film conversions and old film conversions, I can't find this in Zoom
Well, that's genderal feedback, at least.
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Peter Blaise, Interesting... but get a real media player... PotPlayer, SMPlayer or VLC. You'll never look back.
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[ devnull ],
Do you see the features I asked for in your suggested software?
Me neither.
... has some comparisons, but NONE of the features I seek.
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Peter Blaise,
I hate to rain on your parade, Peter Blaise, but if this program had all these features, it would have to cost AT LEAST 200 hundred dollars.
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So, yer point, [ consuella ], is that we should not suggest to programmers what programs we would value?
Hey, I'm just tired of programmers coming here with polished tools, more shiny that last years same-same polished and shiny tools.
They can't even get programs to inspect themselves and self-repair, let alone learn anything new that they were not shipped knowing.
Someday, someone is going to take the next step and actually empower a computer to do what computers are supposed to do:
-- learn what we do once, so the computer can do it from the second time on.
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Try this guys:
1. Visit the link provided in the readme file
2. Input your email address on that page
3. This will generate a download link
4. Download the thing
5. Install it
6. When the Install Centre opens (default), untick the upgrade option then close the program
7. Open the main program (Start - All programs - zoom player max)
8. Right click the top bar on the main window, then select options
8. Select advanced mode, then System and untick check for updates
9. Apply - Okay then exit and restart the thing
10. You should be done - if you reopen the app and check registration status you'll see that you have a full working version. Yay .. 3 hours later
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1. First, you download the README via the GAOTD link on this page.
2. Follow the directions in the README.
3. Next, by simply giving them your/an email address at the page you've gone to, they let you download the link to the program directly.
4. Open the setup you downloaded. Agree to the terms, then it installs the regular/free program.
5. Then you have to agree again, and it installs the Deluxe version that they are providing for us today.
I had no trouble at all downloading and installing this great program!
Thanks very much, GAOTD and Inmatrix!
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The readme file contains a link to download the program
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Did anyone try reading the "readme file"?
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PapaSlim, count me in as a serious DUH DOPE.
At first, I thought..."what the hell? Does this guys think I'm an idiot??!!"
I'll answer my own question...."YES!"
Thanks for your patient guidance. Download link found
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Liright, sorry if it did sound bad but was trying to help. My sense of humor is sometime misunderstood. :-)
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