Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Word Counter Business License (Win&Mac) was available as a giveaway on January 13, 2019!
Word Counter is a smart and speedy tool. It will count characters, words, and sentences of any amount of text. You can also integrate it with other tools.
The business license allows using the tool at the company level for commercial purposes.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
111 MB
ByteScout Cloud API for Zapier - this new app is an integration of ByteScout tools and Zapier. It allows you to:
Recently ByteScout launched web apps that work directly in your browser. They perform daily developer tasks smoothly and in no time. Here are some of them: Payment Reminders Generator, To Do List planner, Synonyms Finder, JSON Formatter, Lines Sorting tool and more.
PDF.co is an online tool that allows you to:
PDF Extractor SDK is a fantastic tool that extracts text from PDF, extracts embedded images, metadata, enables text search with regular expressions, repairs damaged images, converts PDF to CSV, Excel, and XML, has OCR functionalities, merges and splits PDF files and much more.
We have a set of PDF and barcode tools for beginner and advanced developers. You can extract images, text, and meta data, convert PDFs, generate and modify documents. Create and read rich barcodes, work with spreadsheets and more.
With this address you can also count words and letters! https://wordcounter.net
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wc is a command on all unix systems... There are ports of wc for windows as well...
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The problem I have is that the site for Word Counter does not tell me the advantage of using the Business version of Word Counter; what are the extra features if any?
Maybe if your a business then your expected to pay for the program.
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TK, Yes. Why not use LibreOffice? It's free, and does a lot more than just count words etc. And it won't expire.
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Just surprised (and curious) - what is the sense of this program? Everybody who works with text and needs this function, has also some word processor, paid or free, where this function is included. And I cannot imagine any added value of a standalone solution doing the same as the built-in function e.g. of the free libre-office - even if I need to count the words in another format, e.g. html or pdf, copy/paste makes the same service in my office program as in this solution...
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Henry, Exactly, and on top of that many sites out there that offer this feature for free anyways. I do like this website, I check daily, and while beggars can't be choosers this site has a problem with what would essentially be free bloatware. Every now and than I do find stuff I really like so I do enjoy the site overall just the free products can be in many cases redundant as devs like to release what should be 1 program with x amount of features as 1 program with 1 feature.
This in the end really does end up as bloatware, and while not directly talking down the software's in general offer very little for what can be found as just a small bonus feature in other software.
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It would be nice if ByteScout Word Counter were an enhancement add in for other programs -- Chrome and Firefox, PDF programs, HTML editors, even Notepad, or make it itself at least as productive as Notepad -- but most word processing programs already have various count, tally, and dictionary-making features.
And it needs "you can't do this elsewhere" features to make me want to add it to my tool kit of programs that already do what this program promises.
It ignores mouse right-clicks that are the non-keyboard way to initiate cut and paste, the "Back to top" control does nothing, and I see absolutely no feature inside this program that fulfill the promises of "Sentence counting of the selected paragraphs" or "Text analysis for writing and editing".
We can compare to Grammarly, WhiteSmoke, Ginger, and others that are way more sophisticated and fully functional.
Many other COMPLETE word processing systems that include these features are free or available very cheap, I see Wordperfect Office and Microsoft Office OEM disks of various versions from various vendors for $5.
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Most word processors already have this function built in as do some text editors. So why would anyone pay £19.99 for is beyond me. I'll pass again today.
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I would agree with the first 2 postings. The app reported a piece of HTML text I pasted in as having 3 sentences. There were, in fact, 14. Even if this were meant to function as a very very basic app with the minimum of functions it falls short:
1 - Should have had the ability to import the text into the app by simply highlighting it.
2 - The text cannot be pasted into the app using a mouse (well in my case anyway). You have to use Ctrl + V
3 - There should have been a radio button to clear unwanted text from the app.
In it's present state this is certainly not worth $19.99!
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According to ByteScout, this software is free for personal use.
You do NOT need a "giveaway" to use this if it is for personal use.
Just download from their website.
However this giveaway is for a business license.
If you are running a business, this might be useful.
However, online utility is available if you do not wish to install more programs in your computer.
1) {Not secure} site
2) {Secure} site
If you are using Notepad++ then TextFX plugin is free and portable and already part of the downloaded software.
MsWord can count words too.
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WordPerfect has had this feature built in ever since their first version for Windows 20-plus years ago. I never used the DOS version, but I'd be surprised if that one didn't have it, too. I don't have to copy the text and paste it into another programme, I just have WP do it. It counts characters, words, sentences, lines, paragraphs, and pages and it also reports on average word length, average number of words per sentence, and the number of words in the longest sentence. If I ever need to know how many times a certain character or word or phrase is used, I can do a find and replace using the exact same thing to replace what it finds. WP then tells me how many it replaced and the document remains unchanged. A couple of clicks within the same programme easily beats copying text, opening another programme, pasting the text into it, and then getting the answer. I don't use MS Word, but I bet it has similar if not identical capabilities built in, too.
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Jeff, The DOS version of WP DOES have this feature, I still use it today as I can do things with it that I cannot do with Windows! However see my reply to #1 regarding sentences.
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Jeff, I'm not certain MS Word is as smart as WP !!!!
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Hi Jeff,
I have Windows 7 64 bit Pro, WordPerfect wasn't included with my machine. This word counter is free, albeit for a limited time (undisclosed). But it will give me a chance to try it for free. If I like it and want to continue using it, it's only £20.
It's a no brainer!
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priska, MS Word does have this feature built in to it, tells you number of pages, words, characters (no spaces), characters (with spaces), paragraphs and lines and can can include text boxes, endnotes and footnotes if required.
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priska, MS Word does have this feature and has had since at least version 2000. LibreOffice is free and also has this feature.
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Mike, LibreOffice is completely free and has this feature built in.
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Jeff, The DOS version of WP had it as well.
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Hi p.,
Thanks for that, however, I use...'Atlantis Word Processor Lite' (also free) and surprisingly it too has a 'Word Counter'. But sadly it doesn't count 'Syllables' in words. I'm only guessing here, but I'm now thinking that neither does this software or the one you are recommending?
I'm a poet and a syllable counter would save me a lot of time. I've seen quite a few free ones on the Net. But all the ones you can download to your PC have been US English and I want UK English.
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priska, I am quite certain that it is not. I still use the DOS version of WP (over 25 years old) which does things I cannot do in Windows. But counting sentences lands up in trouble when you use abbreviations with full-stops (like e.g. and i.e.) where the full-stops act as sentence enders.
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Jeff, WordPerfect Office X9 – Standard Edition
All-in-one office suite € 373
That can also count, the price!
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Mike, I never realized that the syllables in UK English were different from those in US English - sadly WP does not count syllables, you want a specific software for song or poetic writing... Good luck !
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Jeff, Most word processors do the same thing today, take Atlantis for example, just press tools and then document statistics, it will show:
Number of Pages, Words, sentences, char with spaces, char without spaces, paragraphs, lines, footnotes, headers, endnotes, pictures and so on.
If you do a search on any word it will tell you how many same words or similar words used, date created, date modified, number of times modified and so on.
As you can tell there are so many options in any word processor to do the same thing or even more.
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Zen , I have also been using WP since the DOS version, on an Abricot (anyone remembers this little gem ?) but I can't really remember all it already offered, I also tested WORD in these early days, no contest !!
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Hi priska,
You don't know the half of it, it's a whole can of worms, best left unopened. Although, It's quite possible that you are correct in your assumption, that they are the same?. However, different pronunciations and dialects alone, just in this country, throws the whole thing into disarray. So I just don't want to go there.
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Alex Legrand, WordPerfect is a word processing program that has been around since 1980, when personal computers became in their infancy.
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Is it all it does?
You need to paste a text into the provided window and then it shows the number of words, characters and sentences. Nearly the same thing MS Word does. Moreover, it is hard to say how it counts the sentences. I found 9 sentences the programme counted 4.
It would be useful, if it showed how many different words there are, listed all the words used alphabetically and according to their frequency. As it is, it is useless.
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Zdenek , that's a concordance and Word probably can do it. If it's not under Tools, then it's probably a macro. WordPerfect can do it and I'd be surprised if Word can't.
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Zdenek , It cannot reliably count sentences, nothing can. The count goes by the full-stops, but if you write the common abbreviations "e.g," or "i.e." each contains two full-stops and counts as two sentences!
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