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PowerCmd 2.2 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — PowerCmd 2.2

PowerCmd is a modern and sleek Windows Command Prompt Replacement that allows you to run multiple consoles within a single tabbed window.
$39.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 452 59 comments

PowerCmd 2.2 was available as a giveaway on March 21, 2012!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Transfer and management software for Android phones and tablet.

PowerCmd is a modern and sleek Windows Command Prompt Replacement that allows you to run multiple consoles within a single tabbed window. It enhances your command prompt with an easy-to-use Windows GUI-style interface and allows you to run multiple consoles within a single tabbed window.

You can easily organize multiple consoles in vertical, horizontal, and grid forms. Auto-log, auto-completion, keywords highlight, configurable font and colors, customizable toolbar for frequently used commands or tools and minimizing to tray are easy solutions to daily needs.

With PowerCmd, you can save and restore your sessions from last time.

System Requirements:

Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ Server 2008


Mill Square Software



File Size:

3.17 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
Developed by ArcSoft

Comments on PowerCmd 2.2

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Thanks Fubar for your comments I always look to see what you have to say for this type of software

Reply   |   Comment by fred derd  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

I'm not sure what's wrong, but the following don't seem to be compatable with PowerCmd.

Midnight Commander (win32 port)
Ztree v2.4.62
XTGOLD v2.51 (yeah I know it's ancient)
fte v0.49.13
edit.exe (actually this pops out into it's own cmd shell)

anything that interacts in real time in a console, like telnet apps for dialing bbs's like dsz etc. won't work. They hang and no control -C to get out, ya have to close that tab, and check no stray processes are running.

Now in FAIRNESS...
I can go to tools | customize and add ztree, or batch file program an enviornment for each of the above apps into a button that sits on the "quicklaunch" toolbar. Which is a rockin feature, I wish more apps did that.

I also like the Enviornment Variables Window. Going into control panel and then adv | envior and then reading that little window big long paths I've always hated, to see the paths laid bare in a single unwrapped line rocks. SO ya get points for that.

@ $40 I think she needs to be able to deal with more console stuff. It's a wonderful program, a lot of work went into it I'm sure, But I don't see myself using this more than I already use console v2.x and ztree.

I understand an app like this is going to mean different things to different people, some people might never have a problem with what I stated, for others it makes it completely unsuitable.

This product powercmd 2.2 isn't ready for prime time -imo I have to vote it down. Sorry.

Reply   |   Comment by fredward  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)


JPSoft does not emphasize "4DOS" and it is not listed as a download .. their free product is TCC/LE and the real emphasis is on Take Command.

In post #37 I referenced :

4-DOS – Klaus Meinhard

How this compares to what JPSoft used to have, dunno.

One other program looks like it might be right in the mix with the ones above.



Reply   |   Comment by Steven Avery  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

In Powercmd Menu File->Preferences
Selecting the Autosave tab, allow the feature
'make subfolder '
to have the option format of '' for file explorer sorting

Reply   |   Comment by Eric Haakenson  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

The program installed with no trouble to Win 7, 32 bit by following the readme.txt file instructions. I ran the setup and activate by right clicking and then "Run as administrator"

PowerCmd is a real improvement over the Windows cmd except that the Windows cmd will run a few of my old 16 bit programs but PowerCmd runs a few of them up to a point and then just jambs or doesn't answer the helm.

One suggestion I have at this point is when you run "Preferences" a second time have it open to the tab you used last in the present session of the program.

But it is definitely a keeper. TNXs GOTD and Mill Square.

Reply   |   Comment by olrowdy01  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Runs well on Win8x64 preview

Reply   |   Comment by Tex Jay  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I use CMD a lot. Mainly, because on my first job, they used it all the time. Once you know it, it is much faster and quicker to do things on the computer. So I use it everyday. As well as that old programs often assume that you know how to use this part of the operating system.

Having said that, this program to me is useless. I found it clumsy, the screen is too restricted and small, I want full screen and most importantly it slows me down. I am going into CMD to work faster. So after I put it on, giving it a go, I got rid of it in less than 2 minutes.

Note: If you do not know how to use the CMD part of the computer well it may be different for you.

Reply   |   Comment by Bernard  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

@48, the bypass to a failed 'run as administrator' is to run task manager as admin, kill explorer.exe, and run 'explorer.exe' through the task manager->file->run new task

Reply   |   Comment by bm  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

who would really use this except commercial usage (still windows xp users)

Reply   |   Comment by bm  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

A nice command prompt interface with auto completion and cut and paste, will on XP not run old com files and some DOS exe's but will fire up the Windows editor EDIT in a separate window.I struggle to get a web page to run a Perl script and PowerCmd execute scripts in this language OK as far as I have found.A spice making my day today, thank you to GOTD and Mill Square Software

Reply   |   Comment by polle  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I have win7 64 bits and I have not discovered any problem with this application. It is not for everyone, but for those who use a command prompt on occasion, which I do for things such as registering dll and ocx files, it is a convenience.

Reply   |   Comment by Peter Stern  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Registered fine but BitDefender antivirus prevents it from running calling it an active virus. I hope the developers contact BitDefender and resolve this. BitDefender is in the top 5 best antivirus programs so it's a little unnerving too.

Reply   |   Comment by softwarejunkie  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

As a genius (Sir Edmund Blackadder) once said:

I am perfectly happen to wear cotton, but I have no idea how it works.

Reply   |   Comment by Keya23  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

For Edith :)
I am sure that many other users will find many (real) faults with my analogy, but as far as I understand it, it is thus:
The computers that we use today are not in fact "powered" by Windows. Windows is merely the (very impressive way) that we are able to control our machines by a relatively "simple" way, i.e. having icons on our screens and double clicking on them....
The essential "soul" of the computer is, in fact, hidden from us and is contained in the computer's "bios" (deeper levels) and other technical stuff.
Windows is simply the software (although we call it an operating system) that allows us to open windows onto this deeper, more complicated world.
But Bios is also software, a software that does not respond to a mouse or clicking on icons. To communicate with it you have to be able to speak a kind of programming language that is totally incomprehensible to most of us (it certainly is to me).
In Windows (somewhere in your start menu in accessories) there is a command line tool that allows you to type instructions directly into "whatever is deeper".
This software allows people you are likely to want to do that the ability to do that with greater ease.
I don't want to do that.
I want to play with google earth.

Reply   |   Comment by Keya23  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Advanced Windows Command Prompt Management and Enhancement

clean install into directory of your choice, 6 MB

uses curl for upgrade purposes

supports both 32 & 64-bit OS

includes PDF Quick Reference & CHM Help

Activate.exe = GAOTD, verifies date & sets the key into Windows Registry
Setup.exe = PowerCmd 2.2 Setup.exe

MS-DOS (16-bit) programs will NOT run, so no OLD DOS programs, no .COM programs

possible benefits? :
tabs, columnar actions, extensive rollback, bookmarking

the Help "button" actually opens About rather then Help

programs that display progress details (like a progress bar or completion
percentages, a command-line archive program for instance) display oddly

a program like Norton Commander (a DOS app), does something weird? you
wouldn't expect anything to happen, but something does. it opens about
a dozen lines & sets the cursor position midway across the screen. &
that is about it. at that point, i could no longer do anything in the
particular tab.

the exit dialog is actually (default) sized too small to show the context
of the exit messages. (dialog can be resized)

i use command lines, command line apps,
might call me a command line junky, but

for me, i don't really see much benefit?

& then there is the loss of 16-bit apps.
(yes i still use a number of them)
i have a 64-bit OS for those times i want
to not use 16-bit apps ;-).

4DOS/TCC (both now free), are worth a look
if you're in the market for these types of

Reply   |   Comment by therube  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

#26, Edith Mallord, I have a great deal of respect for you. You like learning new things and keeping up with technology, which puts you ahead of 99% of the users here. You don't want this giveaway, Windows 7 has a good Command environment, but you'll never need it.

35 comments have cleared moderation, and I haven't seen a comment from anyone who actually knows anything about the Command interpreter. It's actually a bizarre and largely undocumented macro language. It was greatly improved and extended with XP, but remained very ad-hoc and buggy. Microsoft abandoned it (it exists primarily for legacy command files), newer versions of Windows come with PowerShell. The Command interpreter isn't DOS.

I've talked about it and given examples in the past (even a Command file), the moderators just edit and delete my comments anyway. Most features of the Command interpreter are available in XP+, a few may only be in Vista+. Tab and Backtab cycle through file/folder names, autocompleting partial entries. Many of the "F" keys have special uses. Window size, fonts, colors, etc., can be set with the Command window's System menu, which you can simply click (icon, top-left) in Windows 7, earlier versions may require right-click. Yes, you can also set editing preferences.

In the first place, the Command interpreter is obsolete. Second, it's actually a powerful environment for those who understand it and its numerous undocumented features. Third, the commands have changed with each version of Windows. PowerCmd 2.2 does claim to support Win7x64, but there's no way that I would use anything other than the genuine Command interpreter.

#6, Whiterabbit-uk, if a process requires elevated rights, it generally means that you need to right-click and Run as Administrator somewhere along the way, or set Compatibility to do so. As others have pointed out, running as an Administrator when you don't need to can have undesirable consequences. The genuine Command can simply be right-clicked and Run as Administrator when necessary in newer versions of Windows.

#15-17, vanierstein, you don't need WinRAR, XP+ have built-in Zip support. There are multiple levels of Administrator in newer versions of Windows, stay far away from what you call the "real" Administrator or you'll screw up your system, big-time. If you really need that level of privileges for a specific task, just boot in Safe mode.

Reply   |   Comment by Fubar  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

It only seems like yesterday that I was doing that Deborah, comment number 39. I also spent ages typing in the script to change the color of the screen, the text and other programming for simple graphic. It was fun and the skills I picked up through using DOS have remained with me ever since (still got a DOS handbook in the cupboard (just in case I ever needed it, lol).

it's a pity I can't get this to ork on my win 7 machines. Cest la Vie

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

I generally use Cygwin, but decided to download this for those times I would use the regular command prompt. When it completed the install and I clicked for it to run for the first time an error window came up: Unable to execute file ... Powercmd.exe. Running it after that had NO problems at all though.

I then typed "help" and piped it through "more" and it kept pausing at 62 lines forcing me to scroll up to get the info. that went off the screen. The same happened when I did a directory listing through more. Resizing the display did not help with this. Have not tried out anything else yet. Looks nice otherwise.

Reply   |   Comment by Ben  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Well, my late husband had a Xerox Alto back in 1973, damn thing cost us and arm and a leg! So yes I remember him fiddling with the thing, it had no mouse. Maybe he used this software today with it? I dont know, I just am all "cornfused" with this software today, maybe I'll download it and fiddle with it a while. If my computer blows up, back to sending my grandchildrens and great grandshildres photos the good ol fashion way...US Mail!

Reply   |   Comment by Edith Mallord  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+18)

#34 Stefan: that was the most clearest explanation I have ever heard about the computer and why someone would/would not want this give away. It was also a very kind one.

I'm 50 myself and remember the old Apple computers (cut my computer teeth on one)and your comment brought back that very memory of how the chunky thing started. No mouse, no icons, no nothing but a single command line. I also remember programming it to simply change the screen's color or the text color and it taking a good 30 min to an hour of typing the recipe for it.

Computers have come a long way since then.

Reply   |   Comment by Deborah1962  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+19)

Great little utility! Works perfectly in Windows 7 64bit. Thank you GAOTD and thanks to Mill Square Software for this gem!

Reply   |   Comment by Tony K  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I can testify to what DocSid wrote in #33. I've been a command-line power-user since the days of DOS. Today "DoS" means "Denial of Service attack". Then, later using 4DOS and then 4NT. I still use that every day. Anyway, I claim that one can be much more productive doing most of your work on the command-line and scripts & batch-files. Either directly or as background tasks. A GUI in many cases is "click-and-grunt" way of working. Not always very productive. But this product (PowerCmd) is way too simple for doing productive work. Today, I would recommend 'Take Command' from jpsoft.com instead.

Reply   |   Comment by snurre  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

The program has too many limitations for my use.
Can not run graphical intensive program in command mode if a GUI is already running in the next window, it freezes and ignores the cancel commands.
If you run regular window with more than 4 programs and then run this software, the memory is corrupted and destroys all background running programs.
Even when auto update is disabled, it secretly try to call home.

Just uninstalled.

Reply   |   Comment by Glen1  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)


Note that my comment above is for XP use, some writers have expressed concern about Windows 7, maybe Vista. Please note that, be careful, and lets try to get the programmer's take.


Reply   |   Comment by Steven Avery  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

@#1 - Aein - In the early days of PCs, we did not enjoy the beautiful interfaces we have now. In fact there was no graphic whatsoever, no mouse, and no means of intuitively knowing what to even do with the computer. It was awesome!! All you had, Aein, was a "command prompt" that looked something like c:\>, and at this prompt you could literally type specific commands to cause your computer to do various tasks. Some of us, who have been computing since the 70s - 80s are still very fond of this command prompt, and almost all programs within Windows have some sort of command line interface that we can still use to force the program to behave in specific ways.

If you're not familiar with all of this, chances are you really don't need or want today's offering. In fact, you may find yourself causing problems you really don't want.

Reply   |   Comment by DJGray  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+23)


Swim's comment #21 is spot-on

Kevin's features #14 are great, although his conclusion could be more positive, imho.

And I bought this years ago, at a discount and fire it up on mild techie stuff, FTP sessions to a minicomputer, this and that. Always fine, never a problem, lightly used but a fav and greatly appreciated.

The run-->cmd method is simply archaic and difficult, and this solves the problem.

Never had a driver problem, so I believe the poster with that issue ran into a quirk.

There are more powerful programs, which add scripting-batch commands while supplying the shell, but they cost some $ (especially from JPSoft, TakeCommand .. recommended by some Donationcoder programming techies as worthwhile).

For the sound, basic shell this is great.
Interesting are:

PromptPal - (maybe the closest direct competitor)
http://www.promptpal.com/ - $30.

Console - freeware

Command Line - freeware

Take Command - $100 http://www.jpsoft.com/tcides.htm
Bits recently - http://www.bitsdujour.com/software/take-command/
(programming - scripting enhancements)

Worthy of special note:

4-DOS - Klaus Meinhard

Windows PowerShell


Reply   |   Comment by Steven Avery  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+21)

@Edith (#26)

Please don't take this in a condescending manner: this software probably isn't for you.

Command prompts are commonly used to perform low level system tasks like managing network settings, file/folder permissions, running batch scripts, and managing other computers/computer devices (like network switches and routers). Some of these tasks can be scripted, so tedious work like copying a single file into multiple directories, or creating a folder structure for a year with each date as a subfolder, can be done in minutes, not hours.

If you find yourself in need of a command prompt, Edith, this looks like an extremely handy program to use. I'm a network administrator myself, and even the little things like having multiple prompts open without cluttering my taskbar and the simplified cutting and pasting are immediately useful. However, your description about how you use a computer (photo sharing, presumably e-mailing and web browsing and similar) doesn't generally require the use of a command prompt in your day-to-day usage any more than yesterday's giveaway of the panorama stitching software applies to me.

To give you instructions as to how to use this software would end up being a solution in search of a problem. I could tell you how to flush your DNS cache, but that's not something worth using a custom command shell for. I could give you procedures on writing a batch script as a crude-but-effective backup method, but there are literally dozens of free, simpler to use, more fully featured programs for that task. If you're genuinely interested, hit me back, but I sincerely believe that for you, this is simply one of those giveaways that is going to be the square peg for the round hole in your usage case.


Reply   |   Comment by Voyager529  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+38)

Watch out you can lose a lot of your win vista if you do not watch out with this program, I am glad they dont make it for win 7, messed up my trial machine vista machine , i personally dont like this company or any that does not even tell all what can happen or does not keep up with new software especially windows os.s 7 all thumbs down thank you gotd but will pass.

Reply   |   Comment by brent  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-8)

Back before computers had a mouse, they had no icons and no color screen. Instead they had a 'command prompt' where the user would have to type in commands to tell the computer what to do. For example, to run a program to look at pictures, you would have to type something like "CD PROGRAM" to open the folder, and then type "dir" to view a list of the files in the folder." then you would have to find the file that runs the program and type the name of it (spelling it correctly) to get it to run. Without knowing what the commands are, a computer was pretty useless. These days when you can point a mouse and click on an icon, a typical computer user has no need to use the command prompt. A majority of people that still use the command prompt are computer technicians or programmers. This program is simply an enhanced version of the command prompt that is built in to the computer.

Reply   |   Comment by Stefan  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+43)

To Edith (and others): If you don't know why this program might be useful to you, then it wont be. It's very specialized for people who use the command prompt frequently. Based on your comment, I'm guessing that you don't use the command prompt.

Reply   |   Comment by DocSid  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)

Interesting, it's certainly powerful (I really like the VisualStudio-style dropdowns for directories. Speaking of dropdowns, the detection of file-using commands could be a bit better; you don't type a filename after the DIR command. I would keep it if it had just one more feature: running DOS fullscreen non-ASCII programs. When I run Commander Keen, it presents me with a small black box. Sorry, Windows PowerShell beats it. Bye!

Reply   |   Comment by BWACG  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Windows Powershell is extremely powerful and completely free. And it comes direct from Microsoft, so you know it is compatible with your OS. You can get code examples, tutorials, books and other resources to use Powershell at: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/dd772288

Reply   |   Comment by Balaji  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+16)

This program was given away in version 1.7 back in 2008. Too bad this version 2.2 doesn't work on Win2k anymore since it was compiled in Visual Studio 2010 and the publisher forgot to add some workarounds... It does run on XP SP3 though.

Additionally it needs to be adapted to new Windows versions and multi-user environments as it saves its settings and logs in its install directory which users can't write to.


Reply   |   Comment by Dalai  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

Hi, @ Aein #1, the Newbie - I wouldn't be surprised if You never came in here again! Such hostile reaction to Your (I believe) honest question doesn't deserve to take it's place here, shame!

I'm sorry I cannot personally shed more light on this subject (Today's Giveaway), but hope You can never the less learn something from today's Discussion. Where is ever so generous Expert Mike (mike)?

Reply   |   Comment by fran  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+16)

Installed and activated on 64-bit Windows 7 without any issues. Works very well, lots of nice productivity features, flexible configuration options, good help, etc.

A tiny improvement would be to make the PowerCmd Exiting window a little wider, so that the longer lines of text are fully visible.

I purchased a license (for the same sort of asking price, around $30 or so) and have been using for several years a somewhat similar utility called PromptPal. Between the two of them, now I'll have a very happy time in Command Prompt land (not that I go there very often these days).

HINT, HINT, HINT: I'd probably purchase a license for PowerCmd (so as to get software updates) if offered today to GOTD users at a discount.

Reply   |   Comment by Tony Austin  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Edith here, I am 93 years young and LOVE my computer and sending photos of my 3 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren to my friends. I DONT understand this software!

How do I use it and why would I use it? Please offer some instructions. I am slicker then a whistle when it comes to following instructions.

Reply   |   Comment by Edith Mallord  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+21)

I started by using Norton ndos graduating to 4dos and for past several tears to TCC/Le by jpsoft. I need a powerful command processor for doing things automatically as required which would otherwise would need use of gui & a whole lot of mouse clicks. I wonder how this compares to tcc command prompt capability.

I will give it a shot but after reading the comments above am not likely to keep it.

BTW all those who like / need to work in console mode should google for "jpsoft".

Reply   |   Comment by pmshah  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

What's the usefulness of this program? IT'S 2012 A.C! LOL!!!

Reply   |   Comment by MonteCarlos  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-46)

A smooth and simple installation and registration, on opening a pleasant and usable interface is presented.
Thankfully the command prompt is not something I use so often these days.

If you do the ability to cut and paste into the scrollable command prompt window is a real bonus.

I really handy little tool that I intend to keep.

Reply   |   Comment by OldScotty  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

Once in a great while, GAOTD offers a common program that most use all the time, and the daily visits to this site pay off ... big time.

Once in a greater while, GAOTD offers a program that most (or at least *I*) didn't know existed, and the daily visits to this site have an even bigger pay off ... like today.

Don't listen to the haters on this one because -- judging from the comments -- they really don't know what they're talking about. This is NOT a "Norton clone" nor is it like Total Commander. Instead, this is just a command line shell and you should consider it as such. I suppose it *could* be used as a directory lister (like TC or the old Norton Commander) but such isn't probably a very good use because there are much better GUI alternatives.

This is what Microsoft's command prompt *should* have been; adding a UI that is much friendlier and much more useful. As for the reported "bugs", not sure of that because I haven't noticed them and I don't use Telnet so I don't know about that limitation but, for me, I'm giving this a big thumbs up.

Grab this while you can.

Reply   |   Comment by Swim  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+26)

Thanks GOTD & MILL SQUARE for todays offer. It looks like an interesting app but personally I can get by with win7's cmd prompt and its ability to call batch files from within other batch files a.k.a nesting.All users that aren't comfortable doing that should get this app (or similar program).

Reply   |   Comment by Bobby Baker  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Reminds me of the past when I fooled around with an Apple II fitted with a CP/M card. 64 kilobytes of memory.
Then can do DOS commands at the command prompt.
Great fun.

I think this PowerCmd tool is for power users who know what they are doing; and we ordinary users would rarely need to thread in these deep waters and use command prompt language.

Thanks to Mill Square Software + GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by ric  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Damn it my comments are posted on the main website as user testimonial :) Great! I still want to know if I can have a portable version of this awesome software?

Reply   |   Comment by Mehdi S  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-14)

#8,Tools,Customize, Preference,Appearance.You can also disable Auto Update... (this is usually a big Concern/Gripe w/ GOTD users) !!

Reply   |   Comment by vanierstein  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

OK I Solved it...Using WinRar,use Wizard to extract file to specified folder,right-click,choose open as Administrator,setup,PROBLEM SOLVED !! It might be a sign I've downloaded too many programs,seeing as how I am completely self-taught,yet I still figured out how to do it !!! Disregard my Earlier,Confused,post,and simply follow the steps as I outlined above,and you'll be fine.

Reply   |   Comment by vanierstein  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

OK,now after unzipping the Setup.exe file,and attempting to install,it closed,and said it requires elevated rights-but I AM the admin-so,I even went so far as to re-read "Access the real Administrator account in Windows 7" (also titled " How to access the REAL administrator account in Windows 7 )" by Greg Shultz at Tech Republic,and now I'm even more confused- on the readme notepad,it specified,and I quote-" NB: if you are a Vista OS user you will probably need to run Setup.exe and Activate.exe in the name of administrator on the PC." Question: I'm running Windows 7 , Home Premium,so why should this apply to me, I AM THE Admin...do you see my point,or am I being Obtuse ??????????

Reply   |   Comment by vanierstein  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

How can I run this without administrator privileges? I normally use standard account and like to open cmd with that environment, but PowerCmd request my admin account when it start and then use my admin environment. I do not want that.

So, how to use with normal account?

Reply   |   Comment by Eri  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)

Having gone to developers website,clicking Features,and then clicking More,this Software has a STAGGERING amount of Features...Sure,you could go to Nirsoft.net,But the fact that all this command-prompt is housed in 3.17MB(Zipped)Kind of blows my mind...Insofar as command-line/prompt is concerned,this thing is a Jack-of-all trades/Swiss-Army Knife all rolled into one, for darn sure...I'm just looking forward to playing with it !! Thanks,GOTD,and thanks Mill Square Software !!

Reply   |   Comment by vanierstein  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-11)

Is there an option to replace with this great application, the default Command Prompt in XP?

Thanks to Mill Square Software and to the GOTD team for this gem!

Reply   |   Comment by WTF  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-27)

The built-in cmd.exe has variables, loops, wildcards etc. What does powercmd have in this respect? I looked on the web site, found history and environment variables but nothing else.

Reply   |   Comment by Ton  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+32)
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