Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
PhotoScissors 4.0 was available as a giveaway on February 8, 2018!
PhotoScissors saves the day when you quickly need to cut out a person or an object to paste it to another picture, or to remove background from a photo. You don't need any specific skills or professional software for a perfect image clip: few mouse strokes produce an accurate clipping path that can be further enhanced with fine brushes.
Purchase Personal license (with support and updates) with 50% discount!
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
18.4 MB
Remove undesirable objects from still images, such as logos, watermarks, power lines, people, text or any other undesired artifacts. There's no need to manually go through messing around with your old clone tool any more! Purchase Personal license (with support and updates) with 50% discount!
iResizer scales an image without changing important visual content such as people, buildings, animals, etc. iResizer lets you shrink or enlarge images to improve a composition, fit a layout, or change the orientation. Purchase Personal license (with support and updates) with 50% discount!
PhotoStitcher will automatically combine overlapping photos to produce perfect panoramic image. You just snap some overlapping images and click Stitch button. PhotoStitcher is a fully automatic image stitcher. Purchase Personal license (with support and updates) with 50% discount!
Don't you know how to change standard yellow folder to a colourful and bright? With FolderIco, give some color to Windows folders. With just a one click, colorize your folders, and discover a new intuitive way to classify your files. Purchase Personal license (with support and updates) with 50% discount!
I downloaded the free Photo Scissors last week or when it was free and I went to use it for the first time today and it was great but when I went to save it I was asked for my licence key and when I went to their site they wanted 29dollars for it. That is a cheek after you said it was a free giveaway Of course I won't pay for it. I wrote to them to complain but don't expect an answer.
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Fredy Ross,
please note that you are supposed to register the program as described in the readme file. There are almost no GOTD programs that come pre-registered.
GOTD team
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I downloaded, and when I try to install, I receive an error that the Giveaway is over. It's 10:33 EST so it should still be valid. Any ideas?
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Tried using it, Not user friendly or easily figured out. Not into spending a lot of time trying figuring out these programs that the programmer is too lazy to help the user use the program. Too bad, this is just the kind of program I would like to use. :-( Tisk, tisk, tisk!
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Too slothful to click the "Help" button? There's a positive bounty of short show-and-tells which make it all very plain and straightforward. That's all it takes, just one click and a few minutes.
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The program loads up fine, activated fine but when I mark around the object of my picture nothing happens on the right-hand side. There is no button to run. How do I get the right hand side to show the resultant picture?
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Just some photo's downloaded from the internet and processed with the GOTD-program.
All within a minute and mostly done in one or two settings.
And put the results in one othe photo:
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Suggest option to add as a filter link to PS. Works fast and easy even on hair. Great freebie.
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I had to download it from the website because I am using a Mac but I can't get an activation key with running the activation.exe file which I can't on Mac. Is there another way to get the activation code?
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In the tutorial here https://www.photoscissors.com/how-to-remove-background-pro-level.html, under Remove Edges, is the step Smooth the Boundary. Fine. I selected a value (2) and ... what next? How to make this function work? Any button "Apply" or similar? No such information is included in the tutorial and this is not intuitive.
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how do I get the activation code?
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Fredyr Ross, there is no code.
After installation, run the program Activate and then start the program.
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If you get into image editing you're going to work at making selections or masks, not just for cutting or moving things but to isolate areas to apply FX, or the opposite, prevent selected areas from being effected by FX & such. And making selections you soon learn can be a bit of a PITA, so much so that there are quite a few apps &/or plug-ins just for selections, while one of the areas where image editing apps compete is with their included masking or selection tools. Adobe recently added AI to making selections / masks in P/Shop CC [subscription only].
With PhotoScissors TeoreX applies their somewhat unique algorithms to making selection / masks, which work basically by analyzing & identifying different objects & areas of the image, vs. the more traditional approach of primarily looking for edges of different colors. Mileage varies a bit with the image you use & what you select in that image, & there are times no doubt where the results you get from PhotoScissors are better as a starting point than a final selection -- if nothing else a more full featured image editor should let you feather, possibly shrink by a pixel or two, possibly smooth, & possibly remove halos from, the selection, which may well be worthwhile.
For those times & others what's sorely missing is the capability to use PhotoScissors as a plug-in -- my guess is that TeoreX could pay for the extra development efforts by offering a higher priced version that included a plug-in. For now however, importing a .png with transparency [alpha channel] from PhotoScissors into your choice of image editor will have to do, using it to create the selection / mask you need [how you do that depends on the image editing app you use]. And yes, it can be worth the extra effort. DO check out the tutorials on the PhotoScissors site for things like masking hair & dealing with object transparency. FWIW, just selecting hair itself is the purpose of several tools / plug-ins, & the subject of numerous on-line tutorials -- if PhotoScissors works for you in this respect just once that could be worth the price of admission.
PhotoScissors itself, like other TeoreX apps is a one file program. As krypteller wrote, it uses a single key in the registry. FWIW I install it in a VM, copying that single program file + the registry key to my regular copy of Windows -- it admitedly only saves a very little bit of bloat from the HDD & registry, but it's habit. That single file can be stored wherever you like, so having multiple versions is easily doable, but there's only the one registry key, which is the same regardless the version. That means the new serial number will overwrite the old -- fortunately in the few cases I've tried the new number works with the old versions too, but this is something you'd have to test yourself, as I haven't tried it with every TeoreX app & version. If you want to make sure you can go back to an older version of a TeoreX app, just to be safe use Windows Regedit to save the old serial number you'll find under [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Teorex].
[You can find a tutorial & explanation of P/Shop's new selection / masking AI at:
photoshopcafe[.]com/1-click-selections-photoshop-tutorial/?mc_cid=b587093e96&mc_eid=0f1ae77bb5 . You'll also find a wealth of info & tutorials there, many that work almost as well or as well in other image editing apps.]
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Finally, someone who understands the registry & file system. Kudos to you. I run Regshot on all my installs. It identities the Teorex key under the HKUSERS key, but I know that it creates one under the HKCU key as well, so there is no changing CLSIDS if you want to install on another machine. I don't bother with the main program installation, just the Activate.exe file. I then export the key to the folder were I unzipped Photo Scissors. Now you can delete the activate.exe and activate.grd files. Then I zip up the setup.exe file and the .reg file and save that to my downloads folder on a different partition.
Teorex Inpaint works the same way. I have version 1.2 to 6.0
Teorex makes some good software. With Photo Scissors, you have to have a steady hand.
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Installed just fine on Win 10, but it's not at all obvious how to work with it. I'm going to need to spend some time with the documentation -- if there is any.
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Check the tutorials at the PhotoScissors site.
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Install was successful, however, after running the GOTD Activation program there is no indication in the PhotoScissors program that it is activated. When I go to the serial key entry it is asking for a key. When I go to "About" there is no indication of serialization.
How can I confirm within the PhotoScissors program that it is truly activated? The GOTD activation program states that it is activated.
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Bob Dolph, menu before the activation:
and after:
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Bob Dolph,
Try to save an image. If you successfully activated the program, it will allow you to save the image. The unregistered program will not allow you to save images.
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Am I missing something? The program successfully activated but it won't allow me to save without a serial key which I did not receive.
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Did all that but it still wants a serial key.
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I haven't downloaded this, as I have Photoshop and it does the job really well, albeit at some expense. But I'm a photographer, so I have no choice.
I just thought I'd share a free online programme that does the job well (not as well as Photoshop, but...). It's called Background Burner. Ignore their Pro version - it's more expensive than a PS subscription!
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Brian Astbury, Thank you for that link -- I think it is something I will use often and I love that I don't have to download anything!
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I have actually purchased this product, and I can tell you it's worth every cent. So if you can get it for free, go for it!
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The installation and activation went without a hitch, but the program was not intuitive to use. If there was a pop up screen that had some basic instructions on how it is different from other similar programs/functions, that would have been useful. I shouldn't have to go through the help just to figure out how to do the most basic function of this application. Once figured out, it works really well. I like the fact that you don't have to outline the thing you want to crop out. It still takes a little work if the two objects you are trying to crop one out of have similar colours. (For example, two people wearing the same colour pants). It's not a tool that I will use everyday, but will be handy when needed, and saves me trying to use a magic lasso with a mouse.
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When clicking on the "Downloa Now" button, navigates to the URL.
Result is OOPS! 404 error. Click on "Go to homepage" link and navigation loops back to "Download Now" which continuously loops back to "OOPS! 404" page.
Can you fix thisplease? Thanks.
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As already stated, the program installs easily and is intuitive to use.
It produces good results in relatively easy cases with clear defining line between fore- and background. But as reasonably expected, considerable manual intervention is still required in difficult cases, in which though the eye sees the dividing line, the tool doesn't. This is not to say that the tool is not useful or that I know of better ones.
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The tutorials on the PhotoScissors site show how to fairly easily get better results when the initial selection is obviously imperfect. That said, I'm sure that there will be times when making a good selection requires more than a little hands-on tweaking, and some times where that tweaking will require tools that PhotoScissors just does not have.
The question is -- & you run into this sort of thing a lot with image editing -- will PhotoScissors or some other tool get you the furthest with the least time & effort? As you use PhotoScissors more, experience will tell you before you start how good of a fit it will likely be with your current project.
As far as other tools go, the only one I've ever seen recommended by pro photographers, other than what's included in whatever image editing app, is the Topaz ReMask plug-in. To give an idea of relative complexity [the amount of hands-on work required], the PhotoScissors tut on how to mask hair [they call it removing the background] takes 3 pages -- the same thing with ReMask takes 13.
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Hi, nice to see what's new in Version 4.0:
Glad Developer keeps tweaking PhotoScissors to make it more and more efficient Tool.
Like others said - it's not perfect yet, but a truly decent kick-starter for separating objects from backgrounds, or removing them.
Quick results in 'less important' (unfortunate description, I know) photos can be achieved with much ease, whereas working on people (or faces only) require greater skill and patience. Here, one cannot overestimate the use of powerful zoom, feathering, smoothing, or cloning where needed. Not necessarily achieved in one photo Program alone.. It's a keeper for me:) Thanks.
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Having problems activating. WIndows 7 pro. Installed ok (AVG off) when trying to activate "failed to connect, please try again later". It cannot connect to Giveway, Have tried several times, always same message. My browser is Firefox. Help
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New version of very good and reliable product from Teorex (and my favorite tool from this company).I have expensive programs from Corel and Adobe,but very often I'm using this tool for removing background when I'm working on some designs(posters for local music bands or sport competitions,exhibitions etc.).Very easy to use,and with $20 price tag,very cheap.I have one question for TK because of his superior knowledge about IT in general(I don't want to offend anyone but I'm reading his posts and that's my opinion).I'm not novice user,but I'm focused on design,photo manipulation and drawing,so TK,can You please answer me-in case when you can install new version of some app(asking generally,not just for PhotoScissors(I have paid version))-is it better to uninstall old version first or just overwrite it with new one? I asked several people the same question (and get various answers),and I would like to read your opinion.Ty.
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stuuf, I saw that You answered bellow while I was writing my question,but what method would you suggest if I want to keep only new version?
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TK, Thank You for detailed answer. (and sorry to all of you who have problems regarding my off topic post-- Mea Culpa for seeking knowledge)
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stuuf, Do not apologise. The info is useful to all of us.
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Thank you Lantos Piroska and TK much appreciated.
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Can anyone please tell me, if when installing version 4 will it overwrite version 3 or do I need to uninstall version 3 first......Thanks!
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Hello Dave!
I did not remove it but overwritten, and version 4 works well without problems.
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Install and register went fine. This is like so many cutout programs in that you paint what you want to save with (green) and what is to be removed with (red.) The difference is that it works just fine. You can adjust for your shaky mouse hand. The best feature, you can see what you will get as you paint foreground and background. Supports drag and drop which isn't always found in these sorts of programs.
I haven't tried ALL the similar programs, but this works better than three other GOTD cut out programs that I have installed.
As another comment reads, high-end raster programs (Adobe/Corel) remove backgrounds much much better. At a cost of $$$ and time. This one works great for quicky projects. For that matter, it's a great head start for those high-end programs.
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During Activate I got 3 messages that Avast extension, RoboForm extension and Close Tab extension have crashed. All three extensions are (were!) in my Slimjet browser.
When I start the browser the RoboForm icon doesn't show now.
When I reinstall the RoboForm extension Slimjet says "This extension may have been corrupted".
What's all that about and why on earth should installing this affect these extensions?
PhotoScissors seems to load OK.
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TK, Hi there. I boot down every night and boot up in the morning without fail. I had plenty of memory and disc space available. I reinstalled the extensions and all appears to be OK now. Thanks for the reply anyway.
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Unfortunately, what Laxative writes is true on XP SP3. I wonder if and how the developer will explain and advise how to fix the error
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Don't hold your breathe waiting for a response from the publisher. TeoreX makes some nice programs, especially Inpaint. But I have never seen them comment on any of their offers.
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On trying to activate setup, after temporary disallowing antivirus, it says
The program does not support the version of Windows you are using.
I am using XP which it says it supports!
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TK, Answer - on setup.exe.
It seems from other comments that the vendor has put in XP in error.
A great pity as for once there is a GOTD that has all excellent comments and no real complaints (except one with windows that was settled).
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Laxative, gaotd often lists erroneously supported os.
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Kudos to Maxim Gapchenko and his team for a Gold Standard giveaway procedure: I timed it from start to finish at under 4 minutes -- an example to many another developer on how to do it. . . properly.
In my case, because I have no interest in 'social media', I used the link in the 'Download Now' panel on this page to provide an email address. GOTD's email with the software download link arrived within 30 seconds. After that, I downloaded the install package, unzipped it to a separate folder, installed the software and closed it, then re-opened the install folder and hit activate.exe. I then installed a shortcut (I may have missed that during the install.) Job done.
As there so often seem to be some GOTD users who get confused over install and activate routines, please note that you should:
UNCHECK the box that appears at the conclusion of the install. Do NOT allow the software to launch. Hit the Activate executable BEFORE PhotoScissors runs. (Simple , I know, but it's all too easy to overlook that pre-checked box.)
As to the software: I already have version 3.0 and have been satisfied with its performance. It is not, nor does it pretend to be, a top-line editor; if you want that, then be prepared to pay a high price. For handling relatively straightforward backgrounds, however, it's as good as anything else on the market and actually superior to several rivals.
I look forward to exploring version 4 later today when I've the time to do so, but wanted to post here a particular note of thanks to GOTD and Teorex for the way this giveaway has been constructed: no email address harvesting; no jumping through hoops to get from one website page to another; and no requests for personal information.
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Very good software. Very easy to use.
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The alpha matting is a definite improvement over previous versions. I’ve tested it with 4 difficult pictures, and overall it performed admirably. The $ 19.99 is a fair price and today for free, it’s a keeper. Well done!
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small size efficient simple easy to use software
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went well on my new system, and work as planed
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This gets a thumbs up from me. Very useful - thanks
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I've been using v3.0 for quite a while and it works very well. The interface could be improved so it doesn't take anywhere near as many clicks to complete the operation, such as by having it remember more settings, so I'm looking forward to trying the new version.
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