Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Paragon System Backup 10 Special Edition (English Version) was available as a giveaway on January 26, 2011!
Simple, automatic and reliable backup solution for complete PC protection!
System Backup is easy to use and highly automated: out-of-the-box automation for scheduled background protection of your complete system and data.
Technical Support:
During the Giveaway period Paragon Software provides technical support at http://twitter.com/paragonsoftware. Please, post your questions if you have any troubles while downloading, registering and using the software. Paragon Software’s support team will reply you as soon as possible.
Intel Pentium or compatible, 233MHz or higher processor; 128 MB of RAM; 100 MB of HD for the program installation; extra free HD space for the snapshot storage (either on external or internal disk drive); Limitations: No WinPE included in this download
87.1 MB
Partitioning is not for amateurs. That is why millions of people have trusted our safe, stable technology and professional software solutions for over 15 years. Our latest 11 version easily organizes your hard drive and redistributes free space to enhance system performance.
Take complete control of your PC’s safety. Based on solid commercial backup and recovery software from Paragon, the new Backup & Recovery 2010 Free Advanced Edition will give you a rich set of features that you can trust.
Don't wait for a disaster to strike - get an instant data and system recovery kit today to ensure your protection! Rescue Kit professionally fixes boot problems as well as retrieves your data when your system fails to boot. It even rescues deleted partitions. All, you need to do to achieve complete control over any situation is burn the software on your CD/DVD!
I downloaded Paragon System Back Up 10 within the allotted time and it showed up in my downloads zipped and with the name of Paragon System Back Up 10; however when I unzipped it, it was Software Informer. I immediately uninstalled it as it appeared to be almost exactly like Secunia which I already have. I did not post right away but got curious as to why this might have happened. I realize it is no longer available free but do you have any idea as to why this happened?
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Do not install!!
It creates a partition you can not access.
Then it made my computer unbootable!!!!
took me 4 hours to find out the damage it made and fix it.
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It is now 2:50PM, and even after attempting to "Get Free Serial" and re-registering for the 3RD time, I received no confirmation e-mail from Paragon. So, I give up. You win. No free software for me. I did send Paragon an e-mail just reiterating this 3 hour waste of time. Thanks GOTD. This is not your fault. I have had many good experiences with your software. Unfortunately, this is not one of them.
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Re: Network Drives or Local Hard-Drive Partition;
If you follow the link in the email with your registration information, it answers many of your questions quickly n easily.
@Bill Leithem, under feedback section, and @several others in Comments section.
I would suggest you try closing the wizard as the link in the email they send you tells you that the program does include the ability to backup to a partition on a local partition or a mapped network drive.
If u can't select it in the wizard, try using the regular non-wizard method.
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I've downloaded and installed just fine. Finished the backup to a removable hard disk. Now I tried to make a Recovery CD and clicked the "Download and burn the Recovery CD image to disc". It keeps getting me to a web page that says:
Registration failed
You've provided an invalid serial number. Please try again.
Contact Paragon's Support Team if you continue to receive this error.
I've tried it a few times. Am I doing something wrong?
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I give up!! When I go to install I get Paragon System Backup 10 InstallShield Wizard with options to Modify/Repair/Remove Paragon System Backup 9.5, THANKS ANYWAY
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To Gaiacita [I am looking for a backup prog to do a clone (so my OS is backed up) and also, after that, to just do incremental backups of just files that have changed. will this prog do that, and then if needed, restore the original clone PLUS all the changes since the clone? Or is it better to just continue doing full clones each time I backup?]
Paragon Backup & Recovery 10 Home can do that:
To Piero [Could this version 10 be installed on the old 9.5 or it needs a fresh installation uninstalling the old one first? Thanks.]
As usually with Paragon products, old version should be uninstalled first.
To data [Here’s some logic I’ve never quite understood, why would anyone trust a backup system which can only be installed on one day?
On the day your data fails, oh gee I’ll just fire up my backup program–oh wait.]
Again, this was discussed many times before. Why you don't keep installation file for the future? Yes, it's available for download only for one day. But you can extract MSI installation file from the download and keep it. Plus you HAVE TO create Recovery CD to be able to restore the system later. And once you restore it, installed version of System Backup is restored to. But most important part is Recovery CD.
So please, don't let other people get confused about what this tool can do.
a) you can keep installation file
b) you will have bootable Recovery CD
#39 [If the link to the 64 bit download is in fact a 64 bit program,why does it want to install in the X86 folder by default?]
It's not native 64-bit application, it works in 64-bit system by emulation 32-bit environment. That's why it installs into Program Files (x86).
#55 [My question, is there a power drainage when backups are made and, will ProLasso cancel the CPU of Paragan, and if not, is there a way to turn off backups for game play? Thank you.]
Yes, computer performance goes down a bit when backup is made, cause CPU is used and data is being read and written. You can switch off System Backup while you're playing, so it doesn't start backup at the same time. Or you can use Paragon Backup & Recovery: there you can set schedule for backups, so they run when you know you won't play.
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I had no difficulty downloading the 64 bit software file for Windows 7. I then clicked on setup then MSI file. Which brought me to registration window. At 11:50PM I clicked on "Get free Serial" button which connected me to Paragon website where I filled in my personal information including my e-mail. Then I waited patiently to get an e-mail back which would include the "product key" and "serial number". While I waited for over 1 hour, I did a little shopping at another site, and after submitting my order, it took that website less than 1 minute to send me a confirmation e-mail regarding my order. I checked my e-mail again, and nothing from Paragon. And nothing in my spam and junk folders. So, at 12:55AM 1/27/2011 I clicked the "Get free Serial" button again and re-connected to the Paragon website, and filled in all of my personal information...AGAIN! I began this fiasco at 11:50PM 1/26/2011, and it is presently 1:27AM 1/27/2011. I need to get this e-mail by 3:00AM in order to use the software. I am tired and I can't wait another 1 1/2 hours to find out that I never received the confirmation from Paragon. This is ridiculous!
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@66 sounds like you already have this program installed. Remove old n new installation should continue afterwards.
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@22 because the OS Backups can only be accessed from the OS. Which means if you have a major system crash you cannot Recover your system without first reinstalling windows from a windows disc. Plus the hasal of reactivating it.
Most systems don't come with a windows disc anymore. Plus it would take twice as long to reinstall your system n then recover the backup on top of if to get your system back to the way you had it.
A complete system recovery is the easiest n quickest way to move your system to a new hard-drive as well as recovering from a catastrophic failure or corruption.
Not to mention, I wouldn't want to risk putting my recovery options in the hands of Microsoft.
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I had same problem as Stewart, #66, unpacked installer gives msi for 9.5 version rather than version 10
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Unfortunately, my thumb down.
Installed on XP 32 OK, but a surprise came soon after.
I have a small 150 Gb (112 used) system HD and two quite large HDs to store files, sources etc. and an large USB external disc with 400 GB of free space. Paragon 10 SB, when asked to find a location for the snapshot responded that there is not enough free space and advised purchasing a 750 GB USB disc. I found that Paragon wanted to make the snapshot of all my HDs, which I did not need. In programme settings I switched off HDs I did not want to include in the snapshot so the only disc to make a snapshot of was that system disc. Paragon when asked to find a location for such setting still claimed that there was not enough space, which means is absurd as 112 Gb cannot require 400 Gb for its snapshot. Paragon apparently ignored my command not to snapshot disc I did not want to have a backup of.
The reason I do not make backups in proprietary formats (i.e. formats that require specific software) is that such backups are hardly mobile. What I need is a backup of system files and that’s all. I may take my backup disc (which carries copies of valuable files in their usual format) and use it immediately anywhere using any kind of browser to retrive the files. With a proprietary format of backup it is not possible.
I’ve been a fan of Paragon software for many years, but this line of software development seems to be for those (quite many) users who (no pun intended!) love software that releases them from any conceptual thinking how to handle their system files and resources to be on a safe side in case of system/disc crash. And, as such, Paragon SB is sure to do its job correctly. Paragon is an excelent software developer, except that with this piece it seems to address it to – say – less demanding users.
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#67 back again. I gave up trying to "download a PE Recovery Cd" and just plain clicked on the Create option (withOUT downloading). It DID create a CD. But - when I went back in to get the exact wording...that option wasn't there any more. Not sure what to think. Will it work a 2nd time? I don't know. Not sure I want to rely on this product. If it's this confusing during an install/backup, what is a recovery going to be like? Sorry, but I have to give this a thumbs down.
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Program installed fine on my Win7 pc. It did a backup. However when I followed the prompt and attempted to create a "Windows PE based Recovery CD" by following their link to "Download and burn the Recovery CD image to disc," I get "Registration Failed You've provided an invalid serial number. Please try again. Contact Paragon's Support Team if you continue to receive this error."
Now - I had previously cut & pasted the #'s they e-mailed to me into the program at install time. I don't know what else to do. If I can't create a bootable CD, the backup is useless to me.
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you install the program, make a recovery disk, then back up your system. you won't need to reinstall ever.
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Installed fine on Win7 64bit, but failed after about 12 hours of backing up the system:
*** Log start at 27/01/2011 11:14:08 AM
Paragon System Backup, version 10, build 10444 (14.07.10 )
Error Code = 0x10013
Error Source = Hard Disk Manager
Error Description = Internal error (error code: 0x10013, Unknown partition type (unsupported file system))
Error Location = ..\..\..\dbh\engine\DBHEngineImpl.CPP (line 1465)
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After getting a new computer and installing Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, I wanted to start using your install system from an old post I had saved....:-).... I was so disappointed to find that neither Universal Extractor nor InstallWatch Pro worked on my Win7!! InstallWatch Pro installed fine and seemed like it was working, but the end report showed no files listed....:-(....! I could not get any response from either developer as to whether these apps were supposed to work on Win7. And all the various forum posts were very old. Couldn't find anything similar (free) that did the job. Now I see that you seem to be on XP---do you have installing experience with Windows 7?? With InstallWatch Pro and Universal Extractor? I so wanted to be able to keep a record of what files were stored where...:-(....All in all I have been very disappointed with Windows 7.....
PS I am also wondering why the 64-bit version defaults to install on x86. (I install in D:APPLICATIONS anyway).
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I have Paragon Drive backup 9.5 professional edition. I get confused when they say special edition - is it special feature added to normal edition?.
Can anyone point out a comparision link or tell whether 'Special' is better than 9.5 professional edition?
GAOTD? Paragon? Users? anyone please.
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You may request the license key by visiting this page
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#60: Mike....you are a prince among men! :) Thanks for the abundance of information! As I’ve already reformatted my Pocket Drive and created a snapshot of my entire PC (total of 29 minutes), I was ecstatic to receive your in-depth explanation of the programs System Backup’s Boot Mgr....and such. And seeing as how I’ve tried unsuccessfully to download Paragon’s WinPE software, and due to your explanation of why, I can finally stop trying.
Thank you sincerely for taking the time to fill us all in on the essentials. Now (lol), if I could just find the best dup file finder free program on the market (for MP3 and WMA files, as well), I’d really be a happy camper! There are dozens of such programs available on the net to chose from, I know, but the knowledge base available here in this extraordinary section of GOTD’s site is so much more reliable than any review I might come across online. Too bad I didn’t have the foresight to download and install the GOTD MP3 dup finder the other day....hindsight is, of course, 20/20. :)
Thanks again! Your information/instructions were greatly appreciated.
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When I go to install I get Paragon System Backup 9.5 InstallShield Wizard with options to Modify/Repair/Remove Paragon System Backup 9.5
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Installed fine on Win7 64bit (yes, in the x86 folder, I did not touch this) AFTER I took the correct download link!: Quote: "If you are x64 OS system user, please follow the link here".
I started the program and it would only accept an internal 2nd drive a a backup location, but NOT my external Verbatim hard disk, where I did all my previous backups with the Paragon 9.5 backup version (an earlier GAOTD). I would like to mention that that Paragon program had saved my PC 2x with successful restores. However this last time I had to buy a new machine with another OS.
I tried also with "settings" but even there it would not detect the Verbatim G: although it is "on", not "off" and shows up in the windows explorer.
So I told myself to make the backup on the F: drive and to manually copy it later to the G: drive.
However, after the choice of the location the program started the first backup without questions and without my permission ("the operation will continue even if you close this window).
Estimated time was 20 minutes so I decided to let it run. (I was a bit surprised that it would run so quickly, because it normally would take something about 4 hours) In the meantime, this figure has been corrected several times (the green line is about half and it says another 1 1/2 hours to go - now that seems realistic).
Now my question to more experienced users is: Is it likely that the program will be able to do a restore from the location it cannot find now?
PS: I made an inquiry to Paragon on twitter as suggested, however no reply yet.
Thanks to all friends here for all the useful comments and thanks to Paragon and GOTD!
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How do I get rid of the old version 9? There doesn't seem to be an uninstall 'exe' for it. Do I just delete the old folder?
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User 57: (Bob)
Paragon Backup and Restore does have some additional functionality and is free from the website. The GAOTD version is very simplistic and gets the job done. The Backup and Restore can always be used installed again, but the one given away here can only be installed once.
Since the code used is proprietary, it would be better to have a version that you can re-install if anything goes wrong.
If you go over to the Paragon website, downnload their Rescue Kit. It is a good app to have also.
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Answer to #20 & #61 found at Paragon's website (and it worked!):
Q: When installing a prduct I get error message"Error 2739: could not access javascript run time for custom action" and installation aborts.
A: To solve this problem please open Windows Command Prompt:
* Windows XP/2003: Start - Run - 'cmd'
* Windows 7/Vista: Start - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt - right click "Run as Administrator")
Then for Windows 32-bit run in Command prompt:
regsvr32 jscript.dll
For Windows 64-bit first go to %systemroot\syswow64% folder (usually it's "C:\Windows\syswow64"):
cd syswow64
regsvr32 jscript.dll
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Great. Downloaded Paragon giveaway withing time limit only to be switched to a Facebook page featuring an earlier January Paragon giveway which is no longer valid.
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Just like #20:
"trying to install the 64 bit version… got the product key and SN from their site (link in the posts above) but while installing I get a ‘Error 2739. Could not access JavaScript run time for custom action’ error."
What's going on? Never had a problem installing Paragon s/w before !?!
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I was a backup fanatic. It saved me a few times in 15 years. I had tape, disks, dvd's, programs, schedules and a daily routine to make sure all was always working for my backup. In addition to off site neighbor storage of backup media. Then I started considering the purchase of blueray. I continuously spent more than $50 a year just for backup related expenses.
Then I found backblaze. Now I spend $4.16 a MONTH. I also spend about 3 minutes a month making sure all is well (lingering paranoia). That's it. Everything from the 1st paragraph above GONE! It is fully automatic and completely passive and in the background. It has never broken or hindered my daily computer work.
I have had it for about 18 months and I had to use it once to recover one large file and it worked. One draw back:the first backup took about 10 days with my 1.5 TB disk storage. It does not backup your OS but it does all else. Life is good.
Do not waste you money. Also do not take my word for it. Research it yourself. The wife and I love it:backblaze
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#22: "The point is why not use the software built into OS and than these."
Not disagreeing or saying anything bad about win7's backup, but an honest answer... I use Paragon's other backup apps, & I can use use them in XP or Vista or 7 on a couple of dual-boot rigs. Backups are fast to setup & restore, the Paragon apps are flexible enough to meet all my needs, & I can use most Paragon apps portably, including when/if I boot into LiveXP or a similar WinPE-type environ. I can't say any of that about 7's built-in backup.
* * *
#27: "Anyone know what this refers to: “Color indicators in the system tray inform you about the level of danger your system is in and prompt you with ways to repair it.” "
It's explained in the program & program help... Briefly if System Backup has done it's job & everything's cool, you see green. If something's wrong & it didn't do it's job, it's red.
"I find too many back ups will not actually “restore” a system for whatever the reasons may be. When an image actually is proven to work, its a shame to lose it for what ever reason. Did/does this program upack the zip file to a temp folder it then deletes? "
If I understand your question correctly... If you want to preserve a backup image you can 1) use the backup wizard to create a regular image backup with the archive written wherever you want, &/or 2) copy a backup image from the Backup Capsule to whatever storage location you want. Otherwise the Backup Capsule is a finite size, so as it runs out of space System Backup will delete old archives to make room for new.
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All of Paragons past giveaways have the ability to be reinstalled, provided you saved the installer file and serial key. That being said, I'm anxious to try out System Backup. I'm currently using Backup & Recovery 10 and it's been quite reliable. I've restored only a handful of backups from it but have been successful every time.
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#37: "I am looking for a backup prog to do a clone ... also ... incremental backups of just files that have changed. will this prog do that, and then if needed, restore the original clone PLUS all the changes since the clone? Or is it better to just continue doing full clones each time I backup?"
If it helps, a clone is all the data on the original drive/partition put on a 2nd drive/partition. You clone a drive/partition when you want another, fully functioning copy, e.g. when you replace your system drive. An image backup OTOH is usually just the data -- not the free space -- compressed to take up less storage space. Restoring an image backup gives you a drive/partition pretty much exactly like the original [deleted but not erased files for example are lost].
Incremental backups -- just backing up changes -- are IMHO very often a waste of time. Pro: they can take up less space -- Con: they're *much* slower to create & restore... rather than just copying all raw data an app has to restore the backup temporarily, then compare individual files to see which ones are new, then when that's done backup just those that have changed.
That said, System Backup will create backup images, either full, incremental, or a combo of both, storing a max number of them that you set.
* * *
#39: "If the link to the 64 bit download is in fact a 64 bit program,why does it want to install in the X86 folder by default?"
My guess is semantics... The 64 bit version is mostly a 32 bit app with 64 bit Windows drivers etc. Since the *rule*: If the app is 32 bit, it belongs in the Program Files (x86) folder, doesn't exactly address drivers, the devs apparently felt it belonged with the other 32 bit stuff.
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#46: "Here’s some logic I’ve never quite understood, why would anyone trust a backup system which can only be installed on one day?"
If it helps... 1) you get the msi installer file & a reg key, both of which are good [in principle] forever. 2) worse case your system drive dies, so you use the recovery boot CD to restore your backup from an external USB drive or DVD/BD discs to a new drive, & once restored System Backup will still be installed.
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#51: "I’ve never trusted a backup program that uses a proprietary format. I do manual backups to an external drive (USB 3.0)..."
Could be very wrong, but I'm not aware of a drive/partition image backup format that's truly open & universal. Things like zip & 7z are great for most individual files, &/or you can always make a one-2-one copy [for many media files like video zipping them provides little if any advantage], but working with the raw data on the disk/partition, creating an image backup or clone generally happens much more efficiently & faster, plus that's the only way to get a disk out of it that's bootable -- e.g. copy every file on your system disk to a 2nd drive/partition, format that system disk, copy everything back, & it won't boot as-is.
* * *
#52: "... My question, is there a power drainage when backups are made and, will ProLasso cancel the CPU of Paragan, and if not, is there a way to turn off backups for game play? Thank you."
Yes, Maybe, & Yes... I've used Task Mgr. to shut System Backup off.
* * *
#54: "... could not find a way to “selective” system backup drive C (the one with O/S) eg. system backup drive C w/o my music or my picture folders"
Open the console, go to settings, click Volumes to back up &/or Files to exclude.
* * *
#55: "... switched to Paragon 9.5 Professional... I don’t know if this version has any new features..."
System Backup is a different sort of app. You perform a backup with something like Paragon Backup & Restore as a separate task (manually or on a repeating schedule) -- System Backup OTOH is always there, running, performing backups in the background. These backups take longer, but don't take as many resources, & they don't take a slice out of the time your PC/laptop is available to use. Both strategies have their pros & cons -- e.g. personally I like System Backup on my wife's PC because then backing it up is one thing I don't have to worry about, but don't like it on mine because it's an extra step to turn off/shut down when I want all resources available for something like a video render.
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When I click on "ParagonSB2010_x32.msi" it starts an install wizard for Paragon system backup 9.5 (which is also on my computer). Is it supposed to do that? I stopped the installation as I did not know what to do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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System Backup is Paragon's *passive* backup solution -- originally you had to remember to back up your disk(s)/partition(s), then the ability to schedule backups made the job easier [you didn't have to remember], & System Backup makes it easier yet, running in the background without any user intervention. That is unless you want to, & there this version of System Backup offers more options to run a backup manually &/or to customize the way it works. Unlike Paragon Backup & Recovery, System Backup runs all the time with Windows. It also sets up it's own, hidden Backup Capsule, which is an area on a drive/partition where all your backups are automatically stored. And System Backup gives you the option of restoring your drive(s)/partition(s) during boot-up, without needing a special USB stick or CD, before Windows starts [or in case it doesn't] -- it can optionally add it's own boot mgr., where pressing the hotkey [by default F1] during boot-up starts the recovery app [the same way you press F8 to get to Windows Safe Mode].
Designed to run in the background, System Backup's, backups can take a while to complete, & your PC/laptop is not going to be as fast or responsive during that time, though for most activities you're probably not going to notice much if any difference [e.g. my wife can tell a backup job's running if she wants to run one of her games, but otherwise her PC's fine doing e-mail, using ie8, & similar]. System Backup 10 does let you create or restore a backup *right now*, using the same backup & restore wizards as their other backup apps, & you can schedule System Backup to run backup jobs at times you're not normally using your PC/laptop, &/or at times when you don't need every ounce of power it can deliver.
In System Backup's Start Menu folder you'll see a sub-folder named Advanced -- this is where you'll find the more traditional Backup/Restore wizards. That's also where you'll find the File Transfer Wizard, which lets you copy/restore individual files, while the Synthetic Backup Wizard lets you work with backup disk/partition images -- you can join/split, encrypt/unencrypt, compress/uncompress, burn to optical disc etc. And the Manage Backup Capsule Wizard is where you can change the amount of space available, clean up or delete the backup capsule, & set up the boot recovery option. Everything else is managed through the System Backup Console -- right click the taskbar icon -> Show console. While most options using the console are self-explanatory, I want to point out that when you click Settings, the window appears to give you very clear-cut options, but clicking one of those options/links actually brings up a sort of mini-menu with more choices -- clicking "every week" for example gives you the choices: "Don't backup Automatically, Back up every day, Back up every month, & Set up precise schedule".
Most Paragon apps can be easily made to run portably [with the exception of mounting backup images], & their installation has little impact on Windows -- as you might expect System Backup breaks that mold [not that it'd make much sense as a portable app anyway :-) ]. The biggest impact comes from creating the Backup Capsule, a hidden partition where backups will be stored. Paragon recomends using a USB drive, & their slower transfer speed isn't as big a problem given the slower backup speed that comes from System Backup running in the background. [A quick note, I've found Paragon apps don't always like or work well with the cheapest external drive housings.] If you don't have another drive, or another partition on your main, system drive that System Backup can use, then it will need to add a partition to your system drive for its Backup Capsule -- it's safest to backup 1st to CD/DVD/BD using another app, be it free software from Paragon http://goo.gl/ua5P , Acronis [free from drive manufacturers like Seagate & Western Digital], or EASEUS etc. Problems from adding a partition are rare nowadays, but they can happen, & while it may take a long time to burn a complete backup image to DVD, it will often take longer to re-install Windows + all your apps.
Another (albeit optional) impact comes from System Backup's Boot Mgr. -- when installed it lets you boot into a recovery mode to restore a backup. Before you add that boot recovery option I strongly suggest backing up just the boot portion of your system drive -- the backup wizard included in many Paragon apps, including today's System Backup is ideal [you'll see it as the 1st disk track, with a separate checkbox from the disk/partition]. And in most cases you'll want to create the bootable rescue disc too. This lets you put the bootable part of the disk back exactly if you have any problems or if you choose to uninstall System Backup -- in my experience System Backup's uninstall normally does a good job of removing its boot mgr/loader, but for a cost of just a few minutes this is great insurance.
Otherwise running Setup.exe opens the WinRAR self-extractor that, after phoning home to the GOTD site extracts the msi file that'll actually install System Backup -- make sure to note the proposed location where it'll put the msi file, &/or change it -- I use the same folder I ran setup.exe from. Installation adds the program folder, with 1,398 files, 25 folders, taking up ~48 MB, along with a folder under All Users\ Application Data & a couple of files with 1 folder to Windows\Installer\. As with most Paragon apps, you also get their Hotcore driver, & 2 Paragon files go to Windows' system folder, prgiso.dll & qtp-mt334.dll. [Note FWIW that I usually move those 2 files into the program's folder (next to the .exe files) because 1) I always put a portable version on an external drive, & 2) once (out of dozens of times) adding a new Paragon app included a newer prgiso.dll that broke an *old* Paragon app.]. Installing System Backup does have more impact on the registry than most other Paragon apps, but since it involves re-starting Windows I can't give a hard, valid number [starting Windows itself creates so many entries that it's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff] -- 850 new entries in XP Pro is my *guess*.
As usual the free &/or GOTD versions of Paragon's software don't include the WinPE bootable disc image -- with their other apps I'd make the case that LiveXP is superior IMHO to WinPE anyway. :-) That said, System Backup I think is more tailored to users who don't want to bother with that sort of stuff. For the most part it eliminates the need for bootable discs/USB sticks in the 1st place, adding the option to boot directly into a recovery environment, & to me that's one if its main advantages. When that won't work, when the drive itself is damaged/worn out, there's the included *nix-based rescue CD you can burn beforehand, & I'm frankly unsure what practical advantages a System Backup user would see with the pay-ware Paragon WinPE disc. I've used LiveXP with Paragon's backup/restore apps [as portable apps] because the data transfer was much faster than their [old] *nix CDs [not sure about today's newer version], & I'd guess that was the case with Paragon's WinPE. I'd also guess the average System Backup user wouldn't be keen on figuring out how to make a Paragon backup/restore app portable, nor would they be enthusiastic about trying to use it to restore an image within a hidden backup capsule. For those folks concerned about drive failure as much or more than restoring an image because Windows *broke*, *maybe* this is a case where the WinPE disc is worth the price?
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I know this has been asked already, but I'm not seeing an answer: Is it better to uninstall previous versions of this program before installing today's version (or should it be installed into a different folder?)
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Won't install, get error 1722
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Can anyone tell me how this offer is superior to Paragon Backup & Recovery 10.1 which was a GAOTD back in March last year I think?
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Used Ghost 2003 for years and years but switched to Acronis True Image for better USB storage. True Image worked great but then some of my archived image files began to show up as corrupted and unusable. Have since switched to Paragon 9.5 Professional and have been happy ever since. Have used my backup images numerous times and so far, all have worked without a problem. True Image was a little easier to understand what was copying where, but Paragon is pretty automatic once you use it a few times. I don't know if this version has any new features to make me want to upgrade so I will wait and see a few more comments.
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@18 and @23
Sure you can backup to INTERNAL 2nd hard drive (eg. from C to D:\), the way they programmed it was not very intuiative, anyway it's a very good and reliable product, just one
complaint though: could not find a way to "selective" system backup drive C (the one with O/S) eg. system backup drive C w/o my music or my picture folders
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I've had problems with previous Paragon products. Prog created a backup with the folders. But the folders were empty. Imagine my surprise when I went to restore and got nothing after my XP crashed. Could be them, could be me. I'd really like to see a software that allows me to verify that the files I want to back up are really there, pull any I need to restore, and allow me to back up my system and programs as well. My backup drive is bigger than my main drive, so I don't even need compression. I may take a run at this, but I'll also keep looking....
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When I try to get the free serial it takes me to the Paragon site where it says tyhe promotion is over - No free serial???
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I play COD2 and I have ProLasso installed from the previous gaveaway so that I can have all the power I need in game play. My question, is there a power drainage when backups are made and, will ProLasso cancel the CPU of Paragan, and if not, is there a way to turn off backups for game play? Thank you.
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Well, I'm happy as a lark that this particular software was offered today....thanks GOTD and Paragon! I've got a bit of an odd and slightly off topic question: in anticipation of using my Pocket drive as my backup for this Special Edition give-away today, and after transferring many many GBs of data from my Media Pocket drive to my LaCie, I know that I have tons of duplicate files now residing on the LaCie. Can anyone recommend a reliable dup finder for both MP3 and regular files? My LaCie 2TB drive has very little space left and needs a thorough and deep cleaning.
Thanks for any recommendations!
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#37 I agree with that situation, should be fix for win 7 and vista also ,by whoever fix the batch.
Thanks for fixing the link of x64 OS system user recently
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@ # 43- WRC- can you come visit me???? LOL Its a running joke that I can royally screw up a computer.
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I have been using Paragon backup and recovery and I am pretty happy with it. Paragon made good products but doesn't do a good job explaining the difference between products seems doing the same job. They should make a chart outlining features. Paragon product is way better then the Windows7 built-in backup function. Please note that I'm referring to Paragon backup and recovery but I expect this product support similar functions.
1. it doesn't backup the hiberfil.sys and pagefile.sys which do not needed to be backup, save you 1 to 2 GB in backup file size.
2. you can create your bootable recovery system on CD or flash thumb drives. The latter is wonderful.
3. it can restore the image to a partition with different size then the original (although I won't try to restore to a smaller one because the restoring process has to do it file by file, which is VERyyyyyy slow). It works for both internal and external drives.
On the other hand, I wouldn't use it to backup data files. I don't like automatic data backups because I want to know where my backup is to manually manage it. I use Microsoft's free SyncToy to backup because it has a function I haven't seen in ANY product in the market. That's to reflect the file name and folder structure change automatically. For example, if you change a file's name in a sub-folder (which you never do, right?? :-), Synctoy will detect your change and reflect it accordingly in your backup folders next time you backup. It works even with sub-folder name change. Without this function, you'll end up with duplicate files in your backup system.
Sorry a bit long, hope this helps.
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Here's some logic I've never quite understood, why would anyone trust a backup system which can only be installed on one day?
On the day your data fails, oh gee I'll just fire up my backup program--oh wait.
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To my avid viewer #3,
I downloaded, installed and registered on Windows XP Home Edition x32 (SP3). No problems. No conflicts. Works well. No glitches. Clean, crisp and mean on my host machine. My computer is approx. 10 yrs old, and going strong. Nothing to worry about; especially if your a maintenance/optimization freak like myself. I keep my system in top-notch condition. By the way, when it comes to backup, maintenance, optimization & security software; I never pay a single cent. Never have. I simply know how to get the best freeware out there. Maybe this is why I do not have problems like so many others.
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Paragon Backup and Recovery Suite offered on 9/30/10 is more comprehensive. You don't need both.
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I've been using several Paragon products successfully and pretty happy
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I must give a big thumbs down. I've been using Paragon Drive Backup 9 Professional to "backup" weekly. Never had a need to restore until a few weeks ago when experiencing a massive infection. None of the archives their software created would restore. So I was wasting my time backing up.
Can't take the chance on another Paragon product.
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