Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
MultiView-Inpaint 1.2 was available as a giveaway on October 7, 2016!
Every notable landmark seems to have one thing in common: tourists, and lots of them. Removing tourists or any unwanted objects from a photo used to be incredibly slow and tedious work. With Inpaint's Multi View feature, all you have to do is take several shots of the same scene, assuming that the objects you want to remove are moving.
Once you've taken enough pictures so that every piece of the scenery is visible, just sit back and let Inpaint do the work.
No need for tripods or any special tools and no need to worry about shaking hands when making the photos. Inpaint will take care of this and align your photos perfectly.
Purchase Personal license (with support and updates) with 50% discount!
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
12.6 MB
PhotoScissors background removal tool can easily extract objects and remove background from photos. All you need is to draw some foreground and background and algorithm takes care of details. Purchase Personal license (with support and updates) with 50% discount!
Remove undesirable objects from still images, such as logos, watermarks, power lines, people, text or any other undesired artifacts. There's no need to manually go through messing around with your old clone tool any more! Purchase Personal license (with support and updates) with 50% discount!
Don't you know how to change standard yellow folder to a colourful and bright? With FolderIco, give some color to Windows folders. With just a one click, colorize your folders, and discover a new intuitive way to classify your files. Purchase Personal license (with support and updates) with 50% discount!
PhotoStitcher will automatically combine overlapping photos to produce perfect panoramic image. You just snap some overlapping images and click Stitch button. PhotoStitcher is a fully automatic image stitcher. Purchase Personal license (with support and updates) with 50% discount!
iResizer scales an image without changing important visual content such as people, buildings, animals, etc. iResizer lets you shrink or enlarge images to improve a composition, fit a layout, or change the orientation. Purchase Personal license (with support and updates) with 50% discount!
I have a lot of programs i bought after getting to use them first from here but this program today should never have a price tag , the program was a waste of time and effort to make and will be a waste of money to buy , its buggy and almost useless , i have respect for the company because i have other programs i use from them thats the reason i waited until the end of the give away to write this . Sorry but this program in its present state do not live up to the expectation that i believe it was conceive with.
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there is no left side buttons to use just a large +and - uninstalled a few times and read the manuel ..no way to use it without the full programme
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look for a text file inside of downloaded folder for program
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Loaded the program but nothing shows up on the left side so I have nothing to work with
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I ran the Activation Software numerous times, but I keep getting an error "failure to connect".
Is the Software activated despite this?
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Changelog: http://www.theinpaint.com/download.html#multi-view-inpaint-changelog
(Unchanged since August 2014. Suppose there has been no need for any improvements.)
Installs. registers just fine.
Load program
Load a picture
+ (sign) to add a second picture
Error: Images must have the same pixel format.
Whatever that means?
Then I crash.
Restart, pick two more images.
Error. Crash. Restart.
Restart, pick two more images.
Error. Crash. Restart.
Finally, I pick two images that it actually doesn't complain about.
(And with that I'm a bit clueless what to do, how to do... suppose I'll have to review their website - but why should I have to, to do even the most basic operation ... ?)
Anyhow, UI is dark, which does not work well for me.
File picker (on XP at least) does not seem to respect the 'Files of type: *.jpg *.bmp *.tiff...', instead it simply shows all files.
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dear Sandra,
after activation there is no need for a serial number.
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When you run the activator it will ask you about something like setting your default to giveaway of the day. You can decline that. The next prompt is for you to give permission to install some other software. This is not needed to activate. If you wait a few seconds it will say the software is activated. You can then exit without installing the other software.
As for the software itself, it really seems to be only useful if you have a real steady hand or a tripod and take multiple pictures. Just two pictures which were somewhat offset seemed to produce no useful results. It appears I don't have any useful sample pics to properly evaluate it.
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Last Inpaint I downloaded was Inpaint 5.5, today you are offering MultiView-Inpaint 1.2. What are the differences between the two Inpaint?
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And while I load two pictures, select an area to remove there is nothing you can do in the second picture, no way to align the two photos, and there is no perform function option.
I went to the help not clear.
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JP, the activator installs absolutely nothing unless you click (and thus give permission) the button that is clearly labeled "install software informer" instead of the button clearlty labeled close. Don't blame GOTD for your lack of reading skills please
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Mavadelo, I followed the instructions several times but at no time did I see the 'Install software informer' button.
I did extract the files but nothing new appeared. This is weird as other software available through GOTD puts up a new box to activate the program. I'm using Windows 8.1.
Having got that off my chest where should the 'Install software informer' button appear?
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Mavedelo, My wrong the button appeared in my downloads folder. Put it down to old age. Thanks.
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Excellent program - been waiting to try this out for some time now. Well done & thank you!
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I'm not into artificial art or superimposed pictures fan, therefore will not install.
Furthermore, where are you going to find similar pictures taken ages apart.
My current camera has 12MPix and my old pictures have less resolution and when superimposed, you get mush-mesh of phony picture.
Good for someone who has lots of time to play around, not for advanced users.
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Jerry, I agree with your view point, I hate too composed pictures out of other pictures. Who ever voted you down do not understand a professional opinion and the value of an original picture.
To put someone else on your picture and pretend it is you with whom ever else is it, is as phony as the people who think otherwise.
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Inpainting, seam carving, & image retargeting are basically methods that software can use to analyze & then alter an image. They've been around a while now [almost 10 years]. For removal of objects or damaged areas in an image, apps like TeoreX Inpaint -- or similar features in an image editing app -- can be faster & more accurate than using the clone tools in an image editor.
Two weaknesses are that complex image backgrounds can confuse the software, and you're essentially asking it to create something out of nothing. MultiView-Inpaint gets around those limitations by using a method similar to color keying or green screening.
When actors appear in scene in a TV program or movie that would be impossible to physically create, e.g. in space, they film the actors in front of a completely green background, & later software makes everything green transparent, so that a computer generated background can show through when the layer with the actors on it is placed on top.
Software can also detect objects in images, doing the same sort of thing without using a green background, e.g. the software used with some Logitech webcams, usually so the moderator/gamer appears without a background overlaid on streaming in-game video on a service like Twitch or YouTube. MultiView-Inpaint does the same sort of thing only in reverse...
You import more than one image into MultiView-Inpaint, and it lets you place select areas of the background on top of objects in a composite image, effectively removing that object or objects, but without any of the guesswork you'd get with something like Inpaint. You could do the same sort of thing yourself in many image editing apps, but MultiView-Inpaint uses some of the code from TeoreX panorama software to match things up, so every shot doesn't have to have the exact same target area using a tripod.
For MultiView-Inpaint to work however you need an image that shows the background behind the object(s) you want to remove. If something is moving in front of the target you want to take a picture of, a second photo where that person for example has moved several feet should work great -- MultiView-Inpaint lets you take the clear background in one place in one shot & paste it on top of the person in the other photo. If the object you want to get rid of never moves, you *might* be able to get another shot from a different angle & use that, or you might have to use regular Inpaint.
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How do we know that this program is registered. There is no registration information in Help, About.
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Craig, After activation there no need for a serial number.
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installed but now showing any tools does not work. several attempts to get it to work. got rid of not worth the effort sorry.
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I don't understand how to use it.
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Read the help file or go to their web page
If that doesn't help then delete the program
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Doesn't work. There is no activation key and no erase button/won't let you highlight the area.
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Carol, there is no activation key, there is an activation file. First run setup of the program, exit installer without launching the program and run Activate.exe. make sure you have unpacked all files first.
As for erasing and such, this program needs you to load 2 similar pictures. Say you made a picture with your friend at niagara falls and made a similar picture with your mother at the same place, you can use the two pictures to get both your mum and friend in the same picture
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There isn't an erase button? It's literally not there. I can wave my wand over the jpg with a cross hair but it selects nothing and I've found no options? I've used inpaint so I'm familiar with it. To the right of my zoom controls I have 2 more buttons but nothing to erase or mark areas.
Too bad, I wonder what's up? NO issue activating but it looks like something's just not there????
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Jim, As for erasing and such, this program needs you to load 2 similar pictures. Say you made a picture with your friend at niagara falls and made a similar picture with your mother at the same place, you can use the two pictures to get both your mum and friend in the same picture
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TK, I had to figure it out myself first as well, I agree the software is not really intiutive. Even after loading two images no new buttons are added and the user is left to guess what to do and how to do it.. It does not remove anything by default, you still have to select the area where to make the changes. But you have to load two images first before anything is showing below the crosshair
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Mavadelo, p.s it didn't work on all my images, some images I swped andthe image changed, some images I could swipe my heart out and nothing changed at all
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well, there are no icons on the left side bar to select or do anything.
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dudi1234, As for erasing and such, this program needs you to load 2 similar pictures. Say you made a picture with your friend at niagara falls and made a similar picture with your mother at the same place, you can use the two pictures to get both your mum and friend in the same picture
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How do I find my Activation Key? I have the program installed and it said it Activated.
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Sandra Truax, there is no activation key, there is an activation file. First run setup of the program, exit installer without launching the program and run Activate.exe. make sure you have unpacked all files first.
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Nice complement for Inpaint, not as useful but good enough... almost.
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I installed and run it. Before I try, does this program use also RAW picture files, like .nef of Nikon cameras? The reason to use RAW is that it contains much more details 14bit of colors, more dynamic range of light.
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"does this program use also RAW picture files"
No... AFAIK the way things work is that RAW files contain pretty much all of the data, *uninterpreted*, from the camera's sensor. That data usually has to changed [interpreted] into a regular image file to be useful, or to be modified &/or manipulated. If you use Lightroom for example, every mod you make to an image is recorded in a script that's played when that image gets converted into something like a jpg to use in something like P/Shop -- none of the changes you make alter the original RAW file.
So in this case you'd take a series of photos, open the RAW images in Lightroom or similar, make whatever settings, apply those same settings to each of the images, export as jpg files, & use those in MultiView-Inpaint.
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Thank you for the explanation and good answer.
I wish using this programs for images taken in RAW format and bypass other programs like Lightroom ext.
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I have Inpaint 6.2 while this edition is 1.2... is the key the word "multiview" is this different from and better than my 6.2?
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Donald Pullum, Yes
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Donald Pullum,
Yes ... there is a different between (Inpaint) 6.2 and "multiview" of (Inpaint) 1.2 of today giveaway .
good luck ...
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duck'n at ya ', dah!! yes, obviously a difference based on the number... but my question is what is the difference and is 1.2 older or less than 6.2. Numbers and letters have an accepted sequence.
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Donald Pullum, I believe multiview is only one part of inpaint, so Inpaint is richfull suite.
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Donald Pullum,
You are from "two" different equation my friend ...
And i have to say that ....probabilities that 1.2 is newer than of 6.2 of MultiView-Inpaint of ??? .
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Donald Pullum, Inpaint used to include a "MultiView" option until Inpaint v5.5 (in 2013). That's when the MultiView feature was excluded from Inpaint and released as separate product - MultiView-Inpaint.
And that is also why the version numbers for each of the two products differ . . . MultiView-Inpaint is a newer product.
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I have the same question.
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nene shea, I installed the new and did not have to uninstall the old 6.2... so will compare later to the new of today... prob the weekend.
So Thanks to all who answered the question. keep both one or none... will decide later using the same photo in both.
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Thank you both for your answers. I did install it and I am trying it out now.
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Thanks TeoreX, tried most of your software now and there all easy to use with pretty good results, in a fraction of the time... iResizer is my fav, cheers!
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Hello GOTH Crew,
After I tried to activate the current program I got the errormessage: "Can't execute RPC" ...
from http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/multivieuw-inpaint/?activate
Can you pls tell me what went wrong ??
Is the program now activated or not, because I can't find that back anywhere in the program .... ?
Thanks for the effort.
Greetings Hanzo
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Maybe you need to re-check your Anti - Virus ... Bro.
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@ummm ',
Virus scanner is off but i still have the same problem ........ :(
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As you are reading this ...
Restart your OS ...
Shut off your anti - virus before you begin "RE" downloading this unique softeware.
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Do not open Inpaint when you run the activate program.
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