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FolderIco 6.2.1 was available as a giveaway on March 7, 2019!
FolderIco allows to customize the icon of every Windows folder in one click! Don't you know how to change standard yellow folder to a colourful and bright one? With FolderIco, give some colors to Windows folders. With just a one click, colorize your folders, and discover a new intuitive way to classify your files. A quick look is now enough to identify the folder you are looking for!
FolderIco is a very light software, that doesn't stay in memory. It uses a native functionality of Windows to be more efficient. Discover its simplicity: with a single right-click on a folder you change it icon!
Please note: You can purchase a Personal license (with support and updates) with 50% discount!
Windows Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10; 1000 MHz processor; 128 MB RAM
13.5 MB
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iResizer scales an image without changing important visual content such as people, buildings, animals, etc. iResizer lets you shrinking or enlarging images to improve a composition, fit a layout, or change the orientation. Purchase a personal license with 50% discount.
Decided to buy two licenses for a great price of £12 . One for my main pc and one for my W10 laptop and may buy another for my other pc. Certainly cannot croak at the price.
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Installed easily on Win7 64, tested changing icon, simple and easy. It does what it say.
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I had version 5.2 from an earlier giveaway. I uninstalled this version and installed this new version. It was a smooth and easy process. No hops to jump through, no links to click. just run the activate.exe and you are set. Other publishers should learn from TeoreX. I can only hope that the presense of TeoreX lately will lead to an offer of Inpaint.
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Ok, I downloaded the program, installed it, it is listed in program files, opened it up and everything seemed fine.
But when I right clicked on a folder to change the color all the icons on my desktop blinked, shivered, or whatever
it is called when they are jostled, but the folder that I clicked on never changed color! Tried it several times with
different folders and colors but nothing changes. Is there an authorization, serial #, or something I am missing
to make this work? It seems that no other person commenting has had this problem yet, so what am I doing
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Jim, You wrote "... the folder that I clicked on never changed color! Tried it several times with
different folders and colors but nothing changes".
I was experiencing the same issues on my win 10 64 bit machine.
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Jim, To keep folder icon changed must be met following conditions:
•Folder must have "Read Only" or "System" attribute, only these attributes allows to show customized folder icon.
•Folder must contain "desktop.ini" file (This file contain path to the customized icon).
•Folder must containt customized folder icon (Only if Distributable flag was enabled)
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I think "Folderico" is an excellent program, but I've been using a program for many years that I think is a cut above. It is titled "FolderMagic" by "Cloudeight". It used to cost, if memory serves, $10.00 and it is excellent at that price, however, It Is Now FREE! I highly recommend it and if you'd like to read about it, download it, and try it, you can get it here: http://foldermagic.com/. Where I think it shines is that you can use your own "icons" with it. I'm sure you'll enjoy it and use it as much as I do. There are also packs that you can download to add to the icons that come with it.
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Are the v6.2 setup .exe files from the TeoreX website and GotD download the exact same? Meaning, if I downloaded the setup .exe from the TeoreX website and used the Activator packed in the GotD download folder, will it still work and activate successfully?
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Very-very-very and really usefull. And even better because folder icons are transfered when you transfer folders between pc's . Thank you.
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Brilliant program for keeping track of folders you may be constantly editing. Just colour code your folders as required!!!
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This program always seems to come along after I have purchased a new computer. Love it! Thanks for the offer.
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Anita, LOL too true - had to buy a new HP gaming rig right before Christmas because my old PC took a dump on me (sadly lost a lot of great GotD software). However, I absolutely LOVE this program! I really wish they some more folder icon packs. I'd happily pay a few bucks for some nicer ones.
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KK, Mine crashed Christmas eve. I got a gaming computer also. It's made Second Life more pleasant!
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Downloaded just fine, installed easily, and additional folders of icons downloaded afterward. I love it! FINALLY, I can find the folders I need at a glance. Thanks for this software! Have always wished for something like this.
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can this be installed on my other pc and laptop for personal use.
As i am thinking of purchasing this software.
Many thanks for a reply.
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Elegant, single purpose/focus utility installs easily (pre-registered after "Activation") with a small footprint and works simply by integrating into the Explorer context (right-click) menu.
Also, many additional icon libraries (~44) available to download from the website.
I've liked all your other products -- they work similarly well (for me, anyway).
Thanks Mr. Gapchenko (TeoreX) and GotD!
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There is a built in feature that can be used to change folder icons for Windows 10, which also allows for the use of custom made icons; even icons made by yourself. I am wondering if this little app will make that an easier process, so I will download it and give it a try. Will let you all know what I learn.
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OK, I downloaded the program and installed it. I have to say that the Activate.exe worked perfectly after the installation was completed.
Now to the performance of the program:
I can use images that I created as the icon for a particular program, but it puts the chosen image in the fold of the folder icon and it won't allow further customization of the folder icon, like changing the color of the folder if you use that feature (Add Overlay). What I am wanting to do is make the image I create the entire icon. This may be possible already in this program, but I will need to explore further to find out.
Some instructions on the use of different features in the program would be helpful, so I will check the site to see if there are any.
The above said, I still think this will be a keeper. I like how easy it is to do what it offers. Of course more experimenting with it will likely reveal hidden gems of usefulness.
Thanks Teorex and GTOTD!
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Just a ZIP with some examples:
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FWIW, the "Test" folder (of empty folders/sub-folders to explore/browse) must first be extracted from within the downloaded "Test.zip" container file to somewhere else (say, the Desktop) before the custom icons appear.
(I especially liked the "Ootje" folder icon -- something about the sound of that name always makes me laugh... sorry about that...)
Thanks for sharing the examples.
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HMarx, "must first be extracted"
You're right. I did not write that.
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A simple, clean little program that does one thing but does it well. Worth the download. Thanks TeoreX & GotD.
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Nice applet. I also have the previous 5.1 version but I overlooked the downloadable libraries in the publisher site. Great!
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Hi, last time FolderIco was offered here on GOTD was in June 1, 2018. That was version 5.1. So what has changed since then, in case that's the version you installed and use? We can find it on TheoreX webpage here:
What's new in FolderIco 6.2
Improved network folder changes
What's new in FolderIco 6.1
Minor improvements
What's new in FolderIco 6.0
Added support of changing multiple folders icons
Added feature to reset folder icons from main dialog
Added feature to change folders & subfolders icons
Added command line support
Improved usability and stability'
I still enjoy FolderIco and it's ease to use and 'decorate' these Folder icons with colours and signs with right-click of a mouse, on desktop and throughout my computer. They do stand out from the rest and make searching and looking into these Folders so much easier! Thanks for offering it again.
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