Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Extreme Thumbnail Generator was available as a giveaway on December 7, 2007!
Extreme Thumbnail Generator is a powerful, yet easy to use software for creating online photo albums. It will let you make beautiful picture gallery with just a few mouse clicks! Even if you know nothing about the HTML and image processing - the result will be outstanding!
On the other hand, you have the full control over the look and feel of your pages - all gallery templates are plain HTML files, so you can easily customize them using the built-in template editor or your favorite HTML editor.
When the gallery is ready you can immediately upload it to a website using the built-in FTP publisher module.
Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
3.21 MB
Extreme URL Generator will help your to generate and save lists of thousands of similar URLs. It will increment any number of digits or letters to create the list you need. You can even iterate one digit or letter within another, set up the "step" and format for every varying part of the URL. This is the most flexible, yet very easy to use URL generator software.
That's nice... I like to try it.. But, is it really works?... :)
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I tried it and it works great but to use it you have to register it $49.95 what happen to free?
- It was free while the giveaway was running. You're a few days too late.
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got the email reminder a day late so didn't get to try this one...
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For the love of god, when will people stop putting "Extreme" in things! It's cliche, and it makes your product sound cliche.
I won't review the product now, it's already been reviewed a lot, but needed to get that off my extreme chest.
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Trojan.Win32.Agent.dfl. zonealarm tells me this is a virus
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The program was very easy to use and similar to several thumbnail creators. I was hoping to see a little more with this one. We are in an age of the computer world where we expect more then what we were able to get just a couple of years ago. I was very impressed with the tutorial on Extreme's web site. Thank you Extreme and GOTD for chance to try this software. I will probably use it from time to time.
#48 Graylox FYI, there are people that are experts and there are people that think they are experts. There is a big difference! I read these comments everyday, mostly for the humor of them. I see more comments by people that think they are experts then I see by experts. I'd be more worried about the advice from them then the laughing.
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Just what I was needing to stick a gallery on my sons webpage, and worked a treat.
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Vista users: As always,
SAVE the file, open the zip file and extract files.
Run activation as "Administrator"
Run setup as "Administrator"
I hope this is helpful.
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Thanks GAOTD. Nicer photo sharing program (and I have many). Picasa doesn't present as nicely as this one. Nice to add your own templates. Thumbs Up!
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Make that #49, 50. My mind must be boiling by now eh? ;O)
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# 48, 49. I gladly stand corrected. #48, Well, I imagine they are indeed. And rightly so. For a first step you at least got me blushing ;O)
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You are all stars thank you so much! Thank you GAOTD too
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Dl'd and installed/activated smoothly. Did what it said it would, tho did become "unresponsive" a couple of times as I messed around with it. I don't see me needing it, as I'm already a Picasa user. Nice small tool.
Going to uninstall it now . . . if I don't come back, it worked.
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It is easy to remove the "powered by" reference if you just open up the .html file in a text editor and scroll down to the end and delete that line. However, I understand the marketing angle that they have for putting this in there. I haven't investigated the "vertical thumbnail problem" but it does seem to have one. That needs to be fixed. It does do an impressively fast job of creating a photo album though.
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I give this five out of five stars for the hyperbolic name.
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#45, Moizelle - you can easily remove the 'Powered by Extreme Thumbnail Generator' text in the template editor. This text can be removed even in the trial version, without registration.
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@ 45
Hi Moizelle, you can alter the advertising to your own text.
I haven't a clue of html and ftp and ...and...and
But with try and error I got my text.
Go to the template editor, look for the text string and overwrite the black and some blue words and voilá - no advertising.
Now I can see werwölfchen, belgian dude and all the other experts rolling on the floor laughing...never mind ! This is my first step into my new career...
Have a nice day or night .lol.
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#40 & 41, very likely your provider has a web based ftp service you can use. In principle you should easily be able to log in to it using your username and password. From then the service should pretty much explain itself. Best you try your provider's homepage and find the start there. Otherwise maybe go for a program like FileZilla but for that you need your username, password and adress to upload to and somehow I think you do not have that readily available )
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JAlbum does indeed permit mixed landscape/portrait pictures thumbnail galleries. It detects even automatically what direction each and every picture should be and creates the thumbnails without trimming the edges.
Can Extreme Thumbnail Generator do this? If it can't, then should it be able to do it seeing as that it's supposed to be a commercial product?
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Quite nice though not overly impressive either. Limited options but good ones. Not many templates but ok I always stick to the complete black with white text anyways. Only thing that really annoys me is the fact the frontpage has 'Powered by Extreme Thumbnail Generator' added without, as far as I can see anyways, option to remove. Not what I expect working with registered software. No big deal maybe but enough to have me keep looking for alternatives.
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Okay, vladimir raises another point about appearance. Does JAlbum use global or permit individualized/mixed landscape or portrait settings?
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Could someone who has downloaded and experimented with either Extreme Thumbnail Generator or JAlbum please tell me if either offers the optino to add mouseovers for the thumbs created? For example, I'd like for any picture in a series of color thumbnails to either be dimmed or grayscaled or even turned into an animated pile of smoldering newt eyeball and batwing ashes once the picture itself has been accessed. Thanks.
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Installed without a hitch on my XP sp2 OptiPlex 320. Fairly intuitive. Seems to work as advertised, and does exactly what I need. My needs and responses are similar to 24's, just maybe not quite so enthusiastic. Handy little app.
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hi noni # 40....Me too! I just spent a couple hours trying to figure out how to. I have cable service and thus am offered my own homepage and would like to load this gallery up there. any help or anyone know who or what (lol)...seriously, thanks if anyone gives me a noni some advice.
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can anyone help the thicko in the corner? I would love to use this for my website, I dont understand the FTP protocol etc, how do i get this on my site so others can see my pics? Thanks in advance, Noni
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A good program. It really works! Creation of web album is very easy. Actually, I haven't upload the album, but it looks good when launched locally. The only bad thing: all the templates available use "landscape" oriented thumbnails, and all images with "portrait" orientation are cropped from top and bottom, so it can easely produce a portrait without a head. Yes, you can change this in "Default settings - Thumbnails", but for all thumbnails in the album. So you are not allowed to mix "portrait" and "landscape" thumbnails in one album.
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I agree with # 17 and i like to add that it also give you free updates until dec. 5th 2008. this is a good one. thanks GAOTD. I hope someday you offer a video screen capture again like from castmia or something. thanks again.
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I agree with mri that a sample would be nice. As the true old saying goes, "The proof of the pudding is in the tasting." Give us a taste, won't someone? Thanks.
Happy Dae.
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Compare the "features" of this program that they normally sell for 45 USD with the ones of JAlbum.
Considering that Jablum is freeware, has been around longer, has more features, and has a 114 downloadable "skins" and counting (a.k.a. theme's to make your thumbnail gallery look different) as well as being able to modify them yourself compared to the ones Extreme Thumbnail Generator I think for most people the choice is easy.
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Extreme Thumbnail Generator
Now I wouldn`t call it extreme, I call it refreshing.
It`s good to findsomething that fulfills it`s promise and just that, and not even adware.
NO Problems at all anywhere.
Simple to use.
clean templates.
Dated ?
Classic is good.
U don`t like the templates,just change em. What the interface doesn`t do , simple HTML can.
It even comes with Updates until December 5 2008.
What is a Grouser to do without something to gripe about??
Good one GOTD team, Thanks much.
The Grouser
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Doesn't Picasa already do this for free?
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Can somebody post a link to his sample gallery generated with Extreme Thumbnail Generator, please? The first thing what matters for me is the quality of thumbnails generated. Not worth downloading if the quality of resampling is just about average.
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One of the easiest to install since the last time I decided to try the software offered here. Installed quickly with no problems. Nice option after install to immediately view an online video tutorial and help menu. Always like having the choice of where I want the Icons and where to list the program. Don't get this option too often with some installs. Help menu looks very well thought out. The GUI is simplistic and easy to use with little clutter. Does provide tooltips on mouseovers. Well, worth using.
PayneLess Designs
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This program is probaby one of the best that I have seen for creating image pages for the web. Creating pages using the existing templates was easy and I was able to post the pages in just a few minutes.
Even better, I was able to create and modify the templates to look similar to my main website. That functionality is not for a novice web creator, but it gave me the flexibility I needed. I had been looking for a program like this for a friend of mine that wanted to post picture pages to his website without having to learn the details of web design.
No crashes and quick response from support on a question. I think it is well worth the price (of course, even better with the GAOTD price) if you are looking for a full-featured web image publisher.
And of course, this is just my opinion...yours may vary.
Well done and thanks.
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Very nice. Could you post VirtuaGirls for the desktop one of these days plz? That would be great.
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There are no end to the number of these kinds of apps out there - and that's not a bad thing, IMO. As a webmaster I know what a pain in the rear it is to have to manually make thumbnails... I like the quick-and-easy (few "bells and whistles" compared to some apps) and very straight-forward manner in which this runs. It's quick enough, has few things to distract me, allows for customization on what to do and how to make it all look in the end, and it's not over-laden with a bunch of useless (for me, at least) features and flashy effects and cotton-candy cutesy themes to make the app look different. It's just a lean mean gallery & thumbnail making machine. Not a bad one at all today. Thanks GAOTD team!
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It is only a trial version!
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Well worth the pride At least today it is. Yes it is a good product and does most of what it claims and does it well.
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Thanks to GAOTD for continuing to provide a solid variety of software.
In a world that has made everything extreme, or "X"treme (Xtreme energy bars, X-treme Jell-O, Extreme golf, and yes, even Extreme pumpkin carving), it is good to see that thumbnails have finally caught up!
Good on you for filling in one of the last Extreme gaps!
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WOW, this IS OUTSTANDING software. I think this rocks! If you are a web developer and just need a thumbnail generator, this is great. it is a simple easy to use album generator and that is all it claims to be. Right on! 5 stars.
No flash or complicated crap necessary to just show some photos online ot people. Fantastic work.
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Very nice tool, worked perfectly first time with no thought required to quickly make a photo album. Contains a nice selection of templates and styles and in addition to the publish to web option, it creates a zip file to easily email pictures in a thumbnail and album format. So simple my 80 year old mother could use to send a collection of pictures to her friends, who would be quite impressed with her technical ability. Thanks GOTD and Exisoftware.
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Hello all! Today's 15-Minute Review is up! Check it out!
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Correction to 19, it does accept hex but not on all pre-made templates.
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The album took only 11 minutes to scan through more than 27,000 photos. The speed was impressive considering it scanned all sub-folders. I was attempting to match the background colour of the template to the bg on the rest of my site, and was disappointed the template does not accept hex (#d3d1ff) colour requests. Modifying the program to do so would make it that much more valuable, especially for me. As it is, I have a choice. Use it as is and adjust the look of my web site, or go back to JAlbum and Thumbs Plus.
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OK, now this is outstanding software. You should make your own templates if you don't like the ones included. I was able to make a decent web gallery of 30 photos in less than 4 minutes. It created both the thumbnails and the resized 800x600 px photos. Now this is a wonderful quick and easy solution. If you take a lot of photos and people keep asking, what happened to those pictures, well this can fix your problem in just a matter of a few minutes. These people know a lot about what they are doing and for quick and easy, I think this rocks! If you are a web developer and just need a thumbnail generator, this works great. But, it is a simple easy to use album generator and that is all it claims to be. Right on! 5 stars. No flash or complicated crap necessary to just show some photos online ot people. It has a built in ftp engine. Wonderful work, guys.
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The program download, install and activation went well with no hitches. The program design and instruction video allow a quick learning curve. I am an amateur web designer, but was able to produce a small slide show in just a few minutes. There is a good choice of templates, and if you know a little html, the templates may be edited to match your website color scheme. I didn't look further to see what other changes can be made.
I didn't try the upload, but it should be easy. The program allows you to organize the photos, thumbnails etc. in folders or to accept the default organization. There may be better programs out there, but this one should meet the requirements for most people with personal websites or small business websites.
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Thanks, but I already have Picasa and Flickr.
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installs easily and perfectly.
registered without problem.
i tested and used. very functional, fast, no bugs, easy. very useful for me. thank you very much.
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Most commments so far have commented on the product in a way that comprises a necessary judgment on the part of the reader. We should continue focusing on this aspect of the evaluation process.
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For any webmaster this is a definite must have. A wide selection of templates, and easy to use and edit.
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