Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
StatPlus was available as a giveaway on December 6, 2007!
With StatPlus 2007, one gets a robust suite of statistics tools and graphical analysis methods that are easily accessed though a simple and straightforward interface. The range of possible applications of StatPlus 2007 is virtually unlimited - sociology, financial analysis, biostatistics, economics, insurance industry, healthcare and clinical research, probability calculations for lotteries and gambling operations - to name just a few fields where the program is already being extensively used.
While StatPlus 2007 is a "heavy-duty" professional statistical analysis tool, the interface is so simple that even people who have no knowledge of statistics are capable of processing data, provided they know how to use PC and clear instructions are given. This frees up intellectual resources for analyzing the results, rather than agonizing over who and how processed the data, and if any mistakes were made in the process.
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/MCE/2003 Server/Vista
21.1 MB
Have the full power of a professionally developed and precise statistical package always with you. Perform a statistical analysis on-the-fly without carrying a powerful, bulky computer with you all the time. This portable version is able to run from a flash memory stick, and does not require installation to the host PC.
The size of the datasheet is limited to AN in the column and 64 in the rows
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Good program-been around for quite a while--all stats software is expensive--look at SPSS--much more expensive.
This software is not for everyone--good for those that need dedicated stats software.
Installs well with no problems--a very good app to have for those who can use it.
Thanks to GoTD and Stat Plus
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what's a ******* about downloading?
I've posted link at #65 and it STILL works!
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Tried all day, site was down.
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I wanted it, too, and couldn't get it. It made me wonder if the givers had decided 'free' was too cheap.
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The site "giveawayoftheday" just did not open on the day of the free offer thus unable to download the program as a free offer.
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after kicking with your boot, did you try a reboot, jack?
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Like others, I had problems with downloading and error messages. I ran "activate" after, before and during each and every pasuse the program made. Tried downloading and installing throughout the download period. No help.
I hit, kicked, and yeld at the computer. I thought it was going to work when I said something about its Mother. It just gave off a badly smelling gas.
I put all of this into a note that I posted on the forum but that didn't make it work either.
I wanted this program badly.
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Not that we could download it for most of the day... What was with the site yesterday? I tried at various times ALL DAY yesterday and kept getting some sort of database error so I couldn't get in here to even download the setup file, much less to try and get it activated and installed...
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Could not get to the download page at all. Saw 'Wordpress' error at the very top of the page. Was not lucky, can you provide the software again for trying out?
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this appeared to be a very useful program so I tried many times to get to download page yesterday, Thursday. It was during the time you were reopening the two other softwares that had been misssed by others.
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TO ALL WHO SAID IT WOULDNT ACTIVATE: Run Activate.exe ***AFTER*** you install the setup program this time. (Yes, in the past you ran it BEFORE you installed. This time Run Activate AFTER installation.) Then you wont gat that "pirated" message.
Next. TO Any who want to Move files to their new computer:
You can copy all your old pc stuff to the new pc with LAPLINK PC-MOVER! EVEN IF THE PC HAS A DIFFERENT (NEWER) OS
Example, you bought a new pc. You don't want to reformat it or erase the new pc and simply copy all your stuff from the old pc over top of the new one, but you want to "merge" your old stuff onto the new pc, you can use Laplink PC-mover program. It's like the Aloha Bob's pc transfer program. It will copy not just your docs, but also your registry, your program files, settings, email accounts, everything, and preserve your serial number registrations to the new pc.
This can be used for example if you had XP on old pc, and VISTA on new pc you just bought. You'll end up with a new VISTA OS PC with all your XP stuff on it. (Take care that all progs are compatible with your new os. Some may copy over but if they aren't compatible with the new os.)
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That was messed up I tried to download the program with one hour left. When I clicked on the link the page was dead. I wasnt even able to get onto the giveawayoftheday.com website lastnight. I wonder how many other people got screwed out of this program also.
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I would have really liked this title, but tried 2 to 3 dozen times over the course of four hours with various browsers and could not get to the download link.
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BTW, I've got link from Analystsoft - it fixes broken installation.
Try if it's still available.
It's the same version that was published tonight but it differ from 12/6 morning build!
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Update: I was looking at the wrong "stats"... Nevermind!....
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Fatal error
Installation enden prematurely because of an error.
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No 44> says,
Being that I took my Graduate Level Statistics and Research Development class this past semester, this might have been handy. If,
. We couldn’t already do all of the functions in Excel.
2. It would take me some time to compare it to my SPSS program and Excel.
On the surface, it looks, feels and smells Excel. Heck it is even compatable! (well, why not just use excel)
LOL they must have been asleep if they think that ALL the included functions are in Excell.
Dont you just wonder about som folks understanding on things they want to comment on.
Read all things with caution before you make up YOUR mind.
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No 54. and others If you read the read-me file it says... Run the Activation app AFTER you install the program.
If you do this all will be good.
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seems pointless to offer business software that you can only use for personal use, or are people doing alot of biostatistics and clinical research in their personal life or am i just out of the loop ;|
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This needs a lot of resources. I will continue to use my current screen saver. Thanks GOTD for offering a wide selection of software.
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I have no idea how I'm going to use this program, but wow! Thanks, it should be fun learning it.
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Although I managed to download the program, the attempt at activation failed with the error 1022235.
Looks likewhatever server problems they are haviing is preventing activation as well as access to the site.
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1. If you are having difficulty in an elementary stat class, get an elementary stat book by Mendenhall. He has won awards for his clear explanations of statistical principles and procedures.
2. StatPlus has more capability than the basic stat software, but not as much as in some of the expensive packages that have $$ add on modules. StatPlus seems to have a reasonable-to-use interface unlike some other well-known packages. Most statisticians do not trust EXCEL.
3. If you are lucky enough to work at a firm that has SPSS, YES it has a good, easy-to-use, intuitive interface.
4. If you are unluckily to work at a firm that has SAS, accept
my condolences. Having used it, I can say with certainty that SAS is a pain in the A... And as someone else said, the phrase "SAS Help" is an oxymoron.
5. For very advanced stat users, you probably already know about the free "R" stat package and its many add-on modules. If not Google for it.
6. A very nice, free, RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator is Excalibur, at http://www.geocities.com/dbergis/freeware.htm .
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to no: 43 Peter
Please read the readme file.
It says you activate AFTER installing the software.
It mus take those people who can not understand simple instructions a lot of time asking for help all the time.
Please just read the instructions and activate this one AFTER install.
Great software enjoy it.
It id far far from EXCELL to all the experts and their bodgy reviws.
BHPBILLITON Research Staffer
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My system: W2k, SP4, 2GB DRAM, 3GHz CPU. StatPlus activates properly and appears to install fine. The first time the program is run it fails and an error message is given. It says: "StatPlus has failed to start. Internal error. Reinstall again. Maybe you have a pirated copy." I've uninstalled the program once and reinstalled and still get the same error message.
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Two links for those, who are interested in mathematics:
GEOGEBRA a fantastic al_in_one for geometry, analysis, agebra ...
and a fantastic free calculator with hundreds of constants etc. I love it!
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@49, 27 (and relating to #41...)
#41: Sorry, but I must correct you: Acronis (and all other imagers) are GREAT tools, but the DO NOT help in such cases... What WILL help, is, to look for the registry branch with the registration data!
Only this WILL solve such problems. (But Acronis might help you. to recover the registration key even later, when your system has changed)
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First you can't compare this to excel at all. At Stat-Addicts know excel is an inferior product without even having to compare it to anything else. There are so many mis calculations and bugs in excel that Mr Bate will not even admit b/c it would open too much fire. You download something for free, dont know how to use it can call it crap. Hmm, "Operator Error" Maybe.
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“Installation ended prematurely because of an error” - google it. It seems there is some problem with your Windows.
See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/238319
Works fine on both PC - Ultimate at home and Business on laptop
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This year's best tips: To #27 and #41 comments and everyone else on this GAOTD
Thanks for some good links and the POSITIVE comments.
If you want to save ALOT of time whenever you upgrade to a new PC or a new system HDD, then I CANNOT recommend Acronis! But Move Me by Spearit Software is THE way to go: http://www.spearit.com/about_MoveMe.html. After installing Windows on the new setup then use Move Me to move EVERYTHING else that you specify over to it across your LAN cable. It's simple and fast! Just specify all the installed software that you know works for you, and Move Me does the rest!
Tip # 2: For testing out new software like some of the GAOTD, then use Bufferzone Pro. This way, all testing is isolated without the risk of compromising the PC setup. You install the software in an untrusted zone that can be wiped with just one keypush at any time. This is also very good for 100% safe "surfing" on the WWW.
This StatPlus give-away is quite unique in that AFORDABLE alternatives to SPSS and SAS Institute are lacking from the market. Thank you!
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As a user of statistical applications I cannot provide feedback on the qualities of the program - this needs a thorough examination. However, I can say that the program user interface looks cheap comparing to programs such as SAS, SPSS, and other top league programs. Still, before give it a deep and thorough examination It would be unfair to say more.
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For those students (and others) looking for a mature statistical package, check out http://www.statpac.com. The demo (free) is fully functional but limits number of respondents to 35. The student version ($95), again fully functional, limits number of respondents to 100. Great compatibility and one of the original statistical packages created. Includes all 3 modules: basic analysis, web surveys, and advanced analyses. Oh, and their site has tons of useful information for free.
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Great software. Thanx. GAOTD.
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Thank you for a great giveaway! This will actually be useful to many students who want to apply what they have learned about statistics.
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Being that I took my Graduate Level Statistics and Research Development class this past semester, this might have been handy. If,
1. We couldn't already do all of the functions in Excel.
2. It would take me some time to compare it to my SPSS program and Excel.
On the surface, it looks, feels and smells Excel. Heck it is even compatable! (well, why not just use excel)
3. Wow...them's fightin' words from DanK!
To the Bozos up there who think Excel does Statistics…
"This is a Pro Level Statistical Analysis program! Not a spreadsheet. Since when do you go in Excel and find Partial Auto-Correlation Time Series Forecasting and Non-parametric Chi-Square Tests right in the menus in Excel! You dont."
My only answer to this is Data Analysis Pak... (it is free from Microsoft).
Then again, if you are into statistics.
SPSS is the way to go.
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Package will not install on two different computers downloading individually..Suggest the program was pirated even though both activations were acknowledged
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Great software so far. But to evaluate completely a statistics software it is necessary more than few minutes, like some other users said.
Worked fine on my Vista Business.
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. . . I think I’ll be sad when I get my next computer and can’t reinstall it.
Comment by Sam — December 6th, 2007 at 8:06 am
Sam - Check out Acronis True Image, probably been mentioned on here previously, http://www.acronis.com/homecomputing/products/trueimage/
This is well worth $50 as it creates an exact copy of your PC - you don't need to reinstall any software at all.
Acronis is your best-ever Xmas present - Full Stop
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to all those who are getting new computers and fear of loss of the program, do the following:
save on an external hardrive, insert in new computer, and instead of copy and pasting the file, drag the file to the new comps desktop. Worked just fine for me and there seem to be no registry or program errors. :)
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OK, nice program, thanks.
But I'm missing more advanced statistical methods.
Free statistical software can be found here:
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After spending 30 minutes on trying to figure out how to run several Statistical analyses that all together took me 5 minutes with SPSS, I am siding this program until I have several hours to figure out how to run them.
One major issue is that it doesn't natively recognize strings, and I couldn't force it to recognize strings in the analysis (ie: 'male', 'female'), so I couldn't get it to run what I wanted. How do you perform a split plot ANOVA with two groups? Couldn't figure it out. What about a repeated measures by gender? Beats me. These are very easy to do with SPSS, this software's obvious competitor.
In fact, upon running the program two errors come up before it loads. One says 'SPSS engine could not be loaded...' or something similar, and a second is that MSVCR711.DLL could not be found. You may think this means the engine is broken, but I am able to get the software to run an analysis if I leave out the strings.
So, this is not a very good piece of software in the statistical analysis regard. Now, as far as a program goes:
Paste special doesn't work. That's because... it's BETA software. This isn't production level software. Will we get the alpha, or the release? I hope so, but only if it's fixed and works more cleanly.
As it stands, I'd suggest downloading this only if you need SPSS but don't want to spend the large amount of $$$ for it, as this one is unintuitive if you are familiar with other statistical software, so you're likely going to have to spend a good deal of time figuring out how to do with this what you can already do easily with other packages.
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Installation fails on Windows Vista Business.
The error I get happens after launching setup.exe, I select the language "English", the Wise installer launches the immediately errors out with this:
"Installation ended prematurely because of an error"
I tried running the install as administrator and with Windows XP SP2 and Windows 2000 compatibility modes. All resulted in the same error.
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#26 - more newer help -
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I have used statistics all my life. To-day I'm retired, and stats are a hobby. Thanks
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poor, doesn't support unicode :( useless for me
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To the Bozos up there who think Excel does Statistics...
This is a Pro Level Statistical Analysis program! Not a spreadsheet. Since when do you go in Excel and find Partial Auto-Correlation Time Series Forecasting and Non-parametric Chi-Square Tests right in the menus in Excel! You dont.
Just because there's rows and columns doesn't mean it's the same as a spreadsheet! You're like some person who is given a Pentium computer and then turns it on and finds little calculator "CALC.EXE" in the start menu and then says: "BAH! COMPUTER?!? Pfft, who needs to spend 2 thousand dollars on a so-called computer-thingie, I can buy a Texas Instruments hand-held calculator that has more buttons and functions that this giant box called a "computer"!" --You MS-OFFICE posters write that stuff and you have no idea what the program does.
It proves that some people on here post things about the software comments without even looking at the program. So you can never trust a lot of the uninformed commenters on here.
And by the way, this is not to anyone who simply doesn't know stats but would like to learn, or check it out some time. This is to just those couple of people who ATTACK programs acting like they are experts in it, but don't know about it. There's a difference. Not knowing and maybe wanting to learn is fine, its just those ones pretending to act like experts and telling people some program is junk when they didn't even look at it.
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#24 If you want assistance on your error message, it would help if you gave the message!
#18 Certainly isn't an easy quick review--nor is it a program that will expect to have a huge number of users (undoubtedly part of the reason for the $140 price--which is high only for software that will have millions of users.)
Under customizing in the help files, one of the things you can change is how the cells react to values typed in. You can make numeric entries default to things other than text.
I am not qualifies to review this software, as my statistics knowledge is rudimentary, but the interface is well done and clean, customization seems reasonable.
The license is not really awful English (which wouldn't mater anyway, what matters is the quality of the writing in the error messages help and tutorials!
The no disclosure about test results is weird, (even self-destructive--since one of the main reasons to use GAOTD is to get user feedback...) But since my main purpose isn't to review it, it doesn't matter to me.
Regarding software prices in general, the value of a piece of code, as the value of anything else, is determined by whether or not people will pay it. If they don't, you can always drop the price. If they do, raising the price is seldom a good option!
You don't know what you can get until you try. Value to the purchaser is dependent upon a great many variables. When I buy software for a large corporation, I have a much bigger budget, am more sensitive to support and operational issues than price. For my personal purchases (which are HIGHLY price sensitive!) the support and operational issues are much less important to me.
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First, thanks werwölfchen for the hint on the running activate.exe afterwards. I first got a missing .dll file issue, but afterwards it still gave an error. That resolved it.
Like #22 statistics came back with Six Sigma, so another application is always welcome. We are using Qi Macros, which works from inside Excel and has the same price tag. If I would have to buy, I would always choose QI Macros over this app.
I also have Statistica from http://www.statsoft.com/ installed, but never got the hang of it.
Probably a lot of the preference has to do with which app you started out with and end up being familiar with. Additionally some might have different features, but overall QI Macros is a lot more rounded incl. additional graphs (Histograms and Boxplot for once) and Fill in the Blank Templates for Lean and Six Sigma etc.
Still, I'll keep StatPlus on my PC, for free it's definitely a good deal to take advantage of. So thanks for offering it.
Might also say thanks to GOATD for having offered Equation Wizard a while back, this is one useful calculator for all this stuff.
Pura vida, AlexSJ
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How exactly does this program work? Because I am going to take a course in Biostatistics next semester, and I really have no idea what Biostatistics is about and how it works and I am unsure if this is worth downloading to make my class easier.
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