Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Desktop Icon Toy was available as a giveaway on May 31, 2007!
Desktop Icon Toy is a desktop icon enhancement tool, which allows you to make many funny things for your windows desktop icons. It can animate desktop icons, arrange desktop icons by many complex figures (like Clock, Spiral, Heart and more), hide icon texts, add hover effects for desktop icons, automatically show hide desktop icons, save and restore desktop icon layout and more...
Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003
463 KB
Downloaded and "activated" on two systems on the given day.
It's now expired on both with a nag on the screen and a useless icon in the tray.
I liked it, but am irritated that its carcass now needs to be cleared out of my system.
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Installed and activated this on the day, turned the feature on after it being on for a few days and tells me it is the trial version and being after the day of release can't reactivate it!
Some free software this is! if they give it away they should give it away in such a way that is stays activated!
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as a follow-up to #144, it can only have been this program that removed my quick launch items. No wonder I was getting 2 rows of minimised "open window" bars.
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I had to come back and comment on this,it's good software,does what it claims,is easy to use,doesn't hog resources,and no phone homes.Good Job!
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-[I hope it goes through this time].......
[b]The "hide when off desktop" isn't working properly: first the icons wouldn't hide at all; now they have but won't reappear!!!
***(3)Biggest drawback: there is NO one simple way to hide/unhide the ICONS!!!! ex:{like left clicking the tray icon; -this is not an option!}...--I was completely shocked by this 'lack' of function!! -[that being my main desire not available.]
# 84 = Theleecher ,
Thanks a bunch for the “real freeware alternative" = Iconoid from http://www.sillysot.com/ .
--It looks very interesting, it has this GREAT FEATURE= "Iconoid can determine the optimal text background color whenever the wallpaper changes -- automatically!!"
--Now that's COOL !!! --Perfect to go w/ the "WIRECHANGER" -[wallpaper changer app.]- from the other day!!
In conclusion,
I think 'iDeskSoft' should take a look at 'Iconoid' and maybe implement some features [like the one I just mentioned}; they could greatly improve upon what they have; as it stands, its not worth $20 {yet} ,-[even if it was working for me].
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(1)Could use a better 'HELP' pg. --There are some things unexplained or just too vague.
(2)Experiencing a few bugs-
-with the 'Hiding of the Icons' not working correctly:
[a] the text will disappear but the background-'colored-box'-[that surrounded the text] is not only left behind but now runs as one long box in each row across the desktop !!! >>[even when the "show text background" option is UN-checked !!]
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My daughter loves it, well worth the download. Thanks
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This is my first DL from GAOTD and I found it fascinating. I love "toys"! I have it on my computer at work and at home... Thanks for the offer, FREE is always appreciated!
This installed quickly and efficiently and doesn't seem to have any affect on performance at all. It is easy to manipulate and the "shapes" are wicked fun!
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Just my kind of programme. Useless but great fun.
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I will see if this is an enhancement to "AutoSmall", which I couldn't live without. The icons on the desktop are useful, but way too big, by default.
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+3 Good Coding Skills Results In Small Size
+2 No Problems Installing
+1 Gives Desktop A Crisp Clean Look
+1 Doesn't Effect My Performance
+1 I'm Able Resize My Icons,Hide Text,And Choose From A Variety Of Styles
+1 Gives Me Something To Do While I'm Bored
+1 Creative Ideas
-1 The Price They Are Asking For It(If I Was Gonna Buy It)
-1 This Program Isn't Necessary
-2 Its Harder Find My Icons
Total 6(out of 10)
~Thumbs Up For Me~
~~~Thanks GAOTD~~~
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Cool, but not much use for me - I have vista, and only 4 Icons on my desktop (Computer, Bin, Sam and Network). + i just use the search in the start menu or my logitech g15's 58 hotkeys.
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Excellent program!!!
I played with it for hours. Very good for showoff, especially the animation. Keep up the good work, GOTD :)
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Cute..great for a kids computer..
fun little software program,simple, easy to use
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Lovely Prog! Thx GOTD! :)
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okay, so I exited the program and got my icons back roughly in the correct place, thinking that I could open it again and save, but then they went straight back into a shape. Why isn't the first thing this program tell you to do is save your layout before you start messing around?
BTW, when I first looked at this, was horrified that my text had gone missing, so I uninstalled it, and the text was still missing. So I installed it again, and I was told that the program was still there (as in it hadn't uninstalled). (When uninstalling, it should return the icons to their original appearance).
I don't think I need a program which gives me 26 "unnamed" folders on my desktop, especially when it's not allowing me to return my icons to their original places. I managed to restore them by moving them a few at a time and saving layout, until they were all back. Now when I try any shape they're all out of whack. (This seems to have been fixed by re-re-installing it, but the first thing I did was save my layout). NOW I might be able to enjoy it.
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Thanks for this cool toy! Thanks GAOTD! I don't forget the fact that I get the software from GAOTD for FREE and I have no complaints whatsoever. If I like the software, I let it stay or else I'll just uninstall it. It's that simple!
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I've been playing with this 'toy' since downloading it this morning. Gotta say that I love it. I never did like how icons always defaulted to the upper left of the screen after a program install. I tried the various shapes and icon sizes and have now settled for a clock on the desktop. Too bad that the clock needed a minimum of 20 icons before it was accessible from the menu. I like to keep icons in folders, so I didn't have enough icons on the desktop and had tod drag several onto the desktop to try out the clock. Thanks for the toy iDesksoft and GOTD!
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I am all about specializing my desktop. This program is totally cool! Thanks. I have never seen a program quite like it for the size it is amazing, and works without a hitch.
I have a program that changes my desktop periodically (the backgrounds), and with this it is so easy to make it even more personal, add my talking tony the tiger voice activated software, and this completes my totally interactive desktop!
It might not be for Hackers of peeps with less than 200gig hard drive but it is for everyone else, makes computers fun again not just an means to an end.
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This program does exactly what it said it would, no more, no less and I love it! If i had to give one reason, it would be the ability to lock the desktop icons in place. My computer is at the foot of my bed, alongside all my other electronic crap. Two mos. ago, i bought a wacom. As I am home and online 24/7, you can imagine the mess i've created when falling asleep mid-swipe with an electronic pen in my comatose hands! While this won't save my files, at least my desktop will be safe (i lost my cd-rom drive this way- thank you system restore!).
While I'm here, my first dl from GOTD was the Zoner4 drawing program. Today is my 2nd. Nothing else has caught my fancy even though i check here every day (and read all the comments - they're worth the time just by themselves!). In looking over the archives, it doesn't seem like you offer many graphics programs. I'm not talking about icon utilities, or cute ways to display your photos.....how about some painting/drawing apps, I'm sure there are plenty out there, and others would be interested, so...? Thank you for today's offering. Its fun, functional, and now i have a way to organize my overcrowded desktop into a nice sensible pentagram!
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I love the "Hide when off Desktop" Option! I can see my wall paper uncluttered!
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This program does not work..
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This is a pretty cool little app.! Installed and registered on XP fine. Lots of neat and unique features seen nowhere else and a most worthy dwnld today. Thanks for the freebie, but honestly I can't see myself putting out $20 for it personally. I give it an 8 out of 10 rating. I'll keep it for the novelty but prefer Iconoid as a free alternative for daily use.
Thanks GOTD and iDesksoft for a great offering today.
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Hi all
Finally a solution. After my laptop (Dell) came back from the repair shop its desktop was a lot smaller than the actual screen. After a lot of frustration Googling and trying to change resolution and Icon size and having to press Fn = F7 the wallpaper fills the screen but the icons were itsy bitsy. Now with couple of clicks they are the normal size. Hooray. I will play with the rest later. THANKS.
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Fun software to fool around with since sometimes my desktop has a few icons on it. I give it thumbs up. Also what #102 said.
Why the name I type in the name box is different than the Comment by name?
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# 60 so do i >__>
First, they could think of a better interactive interface, and make it look better, not like that matters, and they could expand their programs to more things (the formations, what happens when the mouse goes over the icon, how the icon comes up on the screen) that could be used. They might have it in the program, but i never found it, which is why they could make the interface more interactive...
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I can't figure out where to get registration code. Can anyone help please?
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cool, I like it! Kinda different! Good job gaotd team!
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I LOVE IT -- IT SURELY AMAZES THE KIDS!! :) At first when I installed it the first thing I thought was that I had a virus-LOL OMG WHERE IS THE TEXT? LOL
I tried installing it first by the normal way- activate and then install- but I panicked and had no luck couldn't get a thing to launch- and so I uninstalled - decided to give it a try again, doing the install first and then activate- and then back again.
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LOL @ 22! Wait a minute, is this Toys "R" Us Giveaway of the day? LOL! Nah, just kiddin! I would pass on that up today but nice software, though!
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I've been meaning to ask a question about this website.
Why do you have an anchor set up on the GAOTD site? (The #more-1278 after the web address)
It scrolls the page past the product description which is essentially pointless. (the scrolling is, not the description)
The anchor is so annoying how it automatically scrolls when I'm in the middle of reading the details of the item of the day.
You don't have it set up this way on the GGAOTD site and I thank you.
I love this site and I visit it everyday. This is the one thing I don't like about it. If it could be fixed, then the site would be perfect.
Thank you.
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Easy to install, doesn't bog down my old dinosaur of a laptop, and a nice change from the normal, boring desktop. Nothing spectacular, but it does what it is supposed to do. Thanks GAOTD & iDeskSoft.
p.s. quit your whining, this stuff is free.
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good idea for a program... too bad i dont have desktop icons at all as i use an alternate shell. thanks anyways =]
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Jimmy Kolo a.k.a. "Jimmy the Geek" who not only is a reseach developer for Vista has certified this app. safe for Windows Vista! Kolo, a trusted authority on compatibilty issues with Vista as well security has a wonderful site at http://staysecure.tripod.com/ Jimmy turned me on to this great site and has assured me that anything GOTD has can be trusted to be free of spy and ad-ware. Thanks Jimmy & GOTD !!!
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Download, installed and activated seamlessly. Nice little program. I appreciate the advice earlier to "save" my desktop the way it was initially before messing around with the fun changes. That way I can restore it to it's more functional form any time I wish. Thanks GOTD. It's nice to have the desktop change once in a while. ; )
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Interesting and kind of useful. I only have two icons, but I've used the animation feature to make them bounce when I click them and I've removed the text to make my desktop even cleaner. It's not the kind of program that I'd pay money for, but as a freebie it's definitely worth a download.
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For those who don't know:
You can put your icons anywhere you want. Just be sure "Auto Arrange" and "Align to Grid" are not checked under the "Arrange Icons By" menu choice that comes up with a right-click on the desktop.
This program makes it easier to switch icon layouts, adding some cute animations etc., and also adds a few other enhancements that are easily available as freeware lots of places. (e.g. http://pitaschio.ara3.net/ ).
Also, for those of you who worry about its memory usage, some of the settings will remain after you exit the program. So, it could still be useful for you too.
Seems to be a good program, fun to play around with, but not worth money! (Mine, at least.)
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After installing the dvd ripper twice, till it worked properly, we are scraping the bottom now. For people only who get bored on christmas day and want to have some fun.
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Perhaps if all you members of the glee club actually USED your computers for something you'd realize that all this overpriced eye-candy (icon toys, wallpaper changers, and screensavers) are just crap...free for a day or not.
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I love this kind of stuff. I was using FX to make my icons really small because I don't like desktop clutter, but this program does that and more...a lot more. I have found myself actuallly wanting to put a couple icons back on my desktop for the effects!
Interesting features: Left click on tray icon to reverse effects One by one to have it animated. Add an icon to your desktop and watch them move around to accomodate. Same with removing an icon. Tons of features and combinations!!
I have been coming to this site for a while now and only have downloaded 2 programs including this one, and so far this one has been the best. A+ for a fun, creative program, A+ for making it free. Thanks!!
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love this program!
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Thank you GAOTD. I had no issues with the install. I tried it, but didn't care for it. I uninstalled it after about a half hour of playing with it.
It does what it says it does. I give it a thumbs up. It just wasn't for me is all.
I think the price on this is totally nuts, if one had to buy this. Seriously, $5.00 bucks U.S.A. tops is about what I feel it's really worth.
No offense to the software maker. I do realize they have to make a profit, but for their asking price if one had to purchase this, no way!! sorry guys.
Just my honest opinion.
I'll be back tomorrow though.
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I have been dreamnig of this software and finally it is here. It is like one of my dearest dreams comming true. Thanks you guys.
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#94 You've just made me laugh so hard I spat my Fanta all over my screen.
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Program will not open,but lucky me my icons are still the same name or visible.
Anybody here knows how to open the program? I have installed and unistalled 3 times.Ohh, forgot to say I am using windows vista.
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It would be nice to have something useful. Thanks anyways GAOTD but i'd rather not clutter up my PC
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I am speechless! I never thought about doing things like this with icons. A clock with the icons? Never cross my mind... Amazed. Also I appreciate the multitude of shapes and the customization level. The sole thing that disturbed me, but not much, was the message from my protection software that said the program injects code into Explorer... Usually viruses use this technique.
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Don't install you lose your names under your icons.I hade to do a system restore to get them back.Its a waste of time..............
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#96 - That would be a great GAOTD, wouldn't it? I'd love to get a software that would enable me to customize my own icons.
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#89 - Thanks for the info! I always install and then activate so I was having trouble activating too. I uninstalled and did as instructed and now have the licensed version. Nice software and very easy to use! Will tell my husband to install it to his laptop as well!
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