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Colasoft MAC Scanner Pro 2.3 was available as a giveaway on June 30, 2018!
Colasoft MAC Scanner provides users with a fast option for scanning IP and MAC addresses within a local network. It will automatically detect all available subnets relating to IP addresses that are set up on multiple NICs. It will also scan IP or MAC addresses of user-defined subnets. It will display MAC address, IP address host name, and manufacturer within an easy-to-read interface, grouping all IP addresses according to their MAC address if that MAC address happens to be associated with multiple IP addresses. The scanned results can be exported into .txt file for future reference.
Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
21.7 MB
nChronos is an application centric, deep-dive network performance analysis system. It combines the nChronos Console with the nChronos Server to deliver the capability of 24x7 continuous packet capturing, unlimited data storage, efficient data mining and in depth traffic analysis solution. nChronos captures 100% of all data captured for real-time analysis as well as historical playback.
Capsa, a portable network performance analysis and diagnostics tool, provides tremendously powerful and comprehensive packet capture and analysis solution with an easy to use interface allowing both veteran and novice users the ability to protect and monitor networks in a critical business environment. Capsa aids in keeping you assessed of threats that may cause significant business outage.
All this for the low low price of $195! Sorry, but I'm not installing any app on my pc that's more expensive than the operating system.
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"Colasoft MAC Scanner will send out ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) queries to the specified subnet and listen to the responses from all the hosts in the subnet, then list the MAC addresses and IP address in pairs." This is a bit different than finding MAC/ip addresses by pinging. (It is possible for some devices to have ping response disabled - my router, for example, does not respond to external pings.)
Colasoft MAC Scanner has free (personal, no registration/key) and PRO (commercial) versions. They look identical, except the free version, on startup, has a pop-up mentioning Colasoft's other products. This pop-up is easily dismissed and is less intrusive than those of other free products. The PRO version has no pop-up, but requires registration and is tied to the computer on which it is installed. Both versions maintain an internal database; apparently one can compare a current scan with differences within their database.
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i got this through give away of the day now and key number is demanded before i can use kindly help at this exigent ffiyinfoluwa@yahoo,com my email
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Fiyinfoluwa Lawrence, did you looked in the Readme.txt?
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Strange: the program showed IP x.x.x.255 and that one is not assigned to any device on the network, also not the router:
And the mac of 255 is the same as another IP and also the manufacturer is from another ip.
The results are different between .TXT and .CSCNTAB, different number of ip:
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can't see all your data but it could be
free education:
or YouTube has lots of videos that are meant to educate as well
Once you understand the basics of networking, addressing and routes it is really not that hard to decrypt all those numbers.
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MAC = Media Access Control code
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ricohflex, Thanks. I thought (and no doubt many did) that it was to do with a Macintosh computer!
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You ask $195 for this?
what makes your product better than:
https://nmap.org/ (NMap)
https://nmap.org/zenmap/ (ZenMap)
of those I gravitate towards Angry IP Scanner:
"Angry IP scanner simply pings each IP address to check if it’s alive, then optionally it is resolving its hostname, determines the MAC address, scans ports, etc. The amount of gathered data about each host can be extended with plugins."
plugins are good not to mention the source code is "open"
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Thank you. I've taken your advice. I now have information that I did not have in the past.
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JH, and don't forget my personal favourite which I think is the best.
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Thanks for pointing out the others, JH. I tried them all, and would gravitate towards Advanced IP Scanner i terms of a more user-friendly interface (such as displaying the manufacturer name of each device discovered. I find Angry IP Scanner's display too sparse in this regard, and you're right that $195 is quite a big ask.
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Tony Austin,
If any of the programs out there has bragging rights it is NMap. This was the program I cut my teeth on so to speak 20 years ago. So it's grand daddy of them all - he may not be the prettiest of the bunch but is by no means a light weight. If you are serious about network discovery and monitoring check out Nmap, ZenMap, Ncat, Ndiff, Nping and the rest of the "Nmap" ecosystem.
This is what I would label as an "Enterprise" level solution.. not meant for home network monitoring.
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Installed and working on Win 10 (64) with no problems ... Program isn't really that much use, it basically shows IP & MAC addresses and lets you store the info as a .txt file and that's just about it. Handy if you need to quickly find a devices IP or MAC but for serious users it isn't much use.
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Sadly it only show the IPv4 address. It might be a little more useful if it showed the IPv6 addresses too.
As for usage, I have a separate LAN attached to my main LAN. It didn't pick up the other LAN, no matter which I was connected to, even though I can access both from one of them.
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Robyn, did you select the good ip-range, local subnet?
And also looked at the subnetmask: .
Maybe can help.
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Robyn, today's download is by no stretch of anyone's (except the developer's) imagination worth the asking price and as you rightly point out doesn't show IPv6. You can find far more network information from the CMD prompt than this shows. Perhaps the developer would care to explain why this even exists and why such a stupid price ... I won't hold my breath for their feedback.
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