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Cinta Notes Pro 3.13 was available as a giveaway on May 18, 2020!
CintaNotes is an application for taking and managing notes and creating personal knowledge bases. It is ergonomic, unobtrusive, and feels like part of the system. Just select some text, press the hot key, and it is already in CintaNotes. It has a lightning fast as-you-type search and can synchronize notes with Simplenote for mobile access. The powerful hierarchic tagging system will help in organizing notes. Notebooks can be password-protected, and you even can create rules for automatic note categorization. This is a must-have tool for overcoming information overload!
Please note: the program archive also includes the portable program version!
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; 10 MB disk space
10.2 MB
License worked with the portable version linked after promo registration.
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Sorry, but to me it is like disorganized chaos.
There should (always) be a tree on the left.
As far as I can tell the only way to get anything near that (having a Tree on the left) is to Tag things, and then view a list of tags on the left.
Most note taking programs provide a tree on the left to help categorize your notes AS YOU CREATE THEM.
Only having a Tag ability is not enough.
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Rob Crombie, CintaNotes has unique feature of hierarchical tags, this means that you have a tree of tags
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Still getting this: "Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /var/www/public_html/pro/internal/mailerlite/base/ML_Rest_Base.php on line 41"
Would You Fix This Please?!
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JonE, Finally got it to work, when I left, "I want to receive CintaNotes news and usage tips" Unchecked!!
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JonE, this is fixed now! The page still works!
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Syntax highlighting was set as "planed" 5 years ago :(
it's nice to have this Feature.
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after sending my registation information on the page provided in the txt-file, i get the following:
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /var/www/public_html/pro/internal/mailerlite/base/ML_Rest_Base.php on line 41"
any idea?
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GAOTD_Newbie, I came to say the same thing. So, I'm guessing/assuming everybody is getting this. Can You Fix This GOTD??? Please!!!
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I get exactly the same, tried twice now.
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Same Fatal Error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /var/www/public_html/pro/internal/mailerlite/base/ML_Rest_Base.php on line 41
How about some help.
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GAOTD_Newbie, Exact same thing here. Third attempt but still a no go.
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GAOTD_Newbie, I finally, seemingly, successfully sent my info without the "Fatal error" as long as I don't check the input box for getting their newsletter, however, after waiting all day and just trying again, still no email with registration information. After many years this is the first time this has ever happened to me.
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Cloughie, It got here after a couple of hours.
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GAOTD_Newbie, Thanks for your reporting, the error is already fixed.
It however didn't influence key delivery - only subscription to newsletter was not possible!
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JonE, sorry about that, if you still have not received the key, please write to support@cintanotes.com, thanks!
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The features page says: Notes Synchronization -- To access your notes on multiple devices, synchronize them with the free Simplenote service. This way you will also make your notes available on Mac, Linux, Android and iOS devices.
Can anyone with experience using this program tell us how easy/complex this process is? And I don't see that there is a Cinta Notes in the Play Store, so how do you retrieve your date via Android? I'm currently using Paper for notes for a particular project, and would like a dedicated program, but it must be accessibly instantly from multiple devices.
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whisperly, I don't use Cinta Notes but know it has been rated well here in the past. I looked in Google Play and found a Simplenote app with 500K+ downloads. I would guess that CN knows how to talk to the SN cloud through its API.
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It is a matter of checking the box to synchronize with Simplenote. It takes no time at all to synchronize.
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Been using Cinta Notes since the last Giveaway; It's more than worth the install!!!
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JonE, thanks a lot!
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Did not think I really needed it, but decided to have a go anyway.
Pleased I did.
Its a Keeper - many thanks
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I can type a title of a note in Unicode format but not the text of the note! It looks strange to me.
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Vasi, please check if you have Unicode-enabled font selected in Options/Notes List!
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How does Cinta Notes compare to Evernote?
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With evernote you are locked in. This keeps your notes in standard text files. I prefer it for that reason.
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I've used this app before - it's well established, works well, and comes in quite handy. I constantly need to take notes, and being able to have this just pop up whenever I need to take down something is very useful. By the way, one excellent feature is that this keeps the notes in standard text format. So you are not locked into anything. Definitely a keeper!
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Excellent! All your notes in one place! Works fine! Thank you!
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I have used it for years and find it very useful.
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