Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
AV Voice Changer Software 7.0.68 was available as a giveaway on January 10, 2020!
Welcome to the powerful AV Voice Changer Software, which specializes in changing your voice to any voice, in real-time. Yes, you can talk like a robot, change a voice from male to female or vice versa, and even imitate iconic voices such as Darth Vader, Morgan Freeman, and many others. Not just that, the fun can also spread out to your friends and family when video calling on Skype, Discord, TeamSpeak, or any other voice chat program. Have fun and enjoy.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
22 MB
By the way, did you know that AV Voice Changer Software also has an upgrade, with even better quality: the Diamond version. AV Voice Changer Software Diamond v. 9.5 is the ultimate product of the series from the developer Audio4fun. Besides changing voice in real time, you can even edit, convert and manipulate audio files to your will with easy tools. AAnd the best part is, AV Voice Changer Software Diamond is 60% OFF – only for today! Hurry up and take this opportunity to own the best-selling software of Audio4fun.
i downloaded this when it became available for the giveaway of the day thingamagig and i installed it and when it came to getting a free liscence like it said i would i didnt. really disappointed because this would have been a program i would have used alot.
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Wow. Thank you very much
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It was a little finicky, and I Tunes needed to be restarted! Found my reg code without difficulty and it was registered without any hassles, I have yet to try it out!
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The link given in the "Readme.txt" file
"Go to the page below and fill in the form to receive activation key"
work ONLY in Internet Explorer (not in Edge neither in Google Chrome).
Then, when the registration code is generated successfully, I try to "...copy and paste exactly the information below into the Register your Serial Number box. "
A new window opens, "VCS Update Manager" telling me first that it is "Sending request to 'full/registersnvcs7.php'" then, 20 seconds later, it says
"Error: 'Cannot open resource 'full/registersnvcs7.php' at server 'www.audio4..." (message cropped by the window width)."
restarting the app or the whole PC doesn't help. Maybe you could? ;)
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UPD: same error even if I run Voice Changer 7.0 as administrator.
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Eugene, same exact thing.
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Eugene, same problem except I was able to generate the serial number on Chrome.
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Eugene, Thanks. It just worked for me.
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David Martel, you're welcome ;) Perseverance is our motto! :D
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Eugene, just for the record, the link works fine also in Firefox. From there, my registration process at least went fine without a hitch in just a few seconds in win 7x64. However, perhaps some other software brand would be more advisable, if one really wants something like this, as some have suggested.
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TK, thanks for that info. I also noticed that my sound devices were reprogrammed to have the defaults pointing on VC virtual speakers and mic, so I had to manually disable those. Uninstall in progress :)
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In a nutshell: This software has 3 versions: BASIC, GOLD and DIAMOND with corresponding levels of features from mostly fun to more intensive ("professional") user needs. The one given today is the BASIC version (7.0.68). GOLD is US$39.95 and DIAMOND (usually US$99.95) is being offered only today with a 60% discount (see top of page here).
The main differences are the interface from BASIC (skin changer not working) to the others (screenshots at their website) and that BASIC does not include batch morph files, has no voice-over editor, no 'parody' maker, voice analyzer or hotkeys, plus the other versions will have improved sound quality, etc. If interested in sound stuff, take a look at the freeware they give here: https://mp3-player.audio4fun.com/free-audio-software.htm#freeware. I haven't tried it yet, no time now, just installed and registered with no problems on win 7x64.
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I downloaded the software and followed the instruction, but l never received any email for product key in my mail box. I tried several times no way.
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Installed and registered easily enough, but after half an hour of fiddling with it and it's difficult-to-use UI, I was unable to figure out how to translate an MP3 file to a new file with a different voice, which is the only use I have for a program like this. It seems likely it's possible to do this, but not obvious how.
Uninstalled, which also involved having to manually install the audio device driver it installs - which the uninstall program should have eliminated on its own.
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Problem registering. Copied name/email and licence number and clicked register. pop up VCS manager came up with comment reading Error: Cannot find internet connection. My internet connection is fine.
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MK, You must run program as administrator.
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Artur, Thank you for the suggestion. Tried that and still got the same Error.
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Installation stopped at 21% with the error message "Windows cannot open this program because it has been prevented by a software restriction policy. For more information, open Event Viewer or contact your system administrator".
I was able to overcome this problem by disabling Cryptoprevent.
However, at the end of the installation, I then had the second error message "Could not execute the external program
C:\PROGRA~1\AVVCS7~1.0\driver\drvinst.exe", which installs a virtual audio driver.
The program did nevertheless open, and I was able to register it. I haven't had time to check its functionality: it seems to be using up to 30%CPU even on idle on this old machine.
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How could one not notice the absurdity of a an opposite gender voice coming from an opposite gender person while using Skype or other chat programs?
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Caren, er... because of transitioning m-to-f and f-to-m people, perhaps?
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Please i can't find the serial number to register
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Emailing of download link not working...
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J. R.,
Your email was added by you to the block list. Please note that our download letter includes two links - one to download the program and another to unsubscribe from our emails in case you received it accidentally.
Looks like you clicked the wrong one some time before.
Now your email is restored and you should have no problems with getting the download.
GOTD team
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many thanks for this my grand kids love it when i Skype them in funny voices and it makes me look cool and that is not easy for a 63 year old man lol
i found this very easy to use but lost my main program when i moved to a laptop nice to have a ¬old friend¬ back very easy to set up and regester all working great again and called Australasia this morning and had a chat
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>"Does that include Android Hangout calls?"
Oops, not Android Hangout, but Google Hangout (on the PC)
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>"... when ..., or any other voice chat program."
Does that include Android Hangout calls?
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