Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
AOMEI Backupper Pro 4.0.2 was available as a giveaway on January 17, 2017!
AOMEI Backupper is an all-in-one, simple and safe Windows backup and clone software. It integrates series of practical utilities to protect your data and system.
Windows 10/ 8.1/ 8/ 7/ Vista/ XP (x32/x64); CPU: Intel Pentium or compatible, 500MHz or faster processor; RAM: 256MB or greater; CD-RW/DVD-RW drive for bootable media creation
87.2 MB
Dear users,
There are some issues with yahoo mail accounts. Please use other mail services when requesting the download link.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
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the first thing the developer did in the morning was to enlarge the activation quote, so we have the offer working fine already!
Please feel free to use the same registration code! Also, we have prolonged the offer for everyone to get their working copy and to have their system safe!
We are really sorry for the inconvenience!
GOTD team
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Helen, I have downloaded this, and want to upgrade to this version. When I run the install it asks me if I want to delete my old version? I do want to delete, but I don't want to delete my backup settings ( I have about 12 different backup plans). Can you advise on what to do ?
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The backup settings won't be deleted along with old version uninstall. It will be retained in new version. To save your backup settings, you can also export them: http://www.backup-utility.com/help/import.html
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I'm getting "invalid license code"
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AOMEI Technology, Thank you so much !
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unfortunately it seems that we have exceeded the activation quote on the developer's server.
Please note that it is a late night in the developers country! We'll contact them and hope they'll enlarge the quote in the morning.
We'll also consider the opportunity to prolong the giveaway.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
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Thanks. Most companies would not do this.
A GREAT product from a GREAT company!
God Bless you all.
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Will you let us know when activation is working again? Don't want to download if I can't activate.
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Helen, Very disappointed that the registration code is not accepted as valid. I hope you will consider extending the offer another day.
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Helen, at 9:45pm New York time, it seems to be working normally. Thanks again to Aomei and GAOTD for this good one.
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Helen, just installed & activated without problems on 2 desktop WinXP and Surface Pro 3 & Surface Pro 4, both Win10pro. Thank you!
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Dear GOTD users,
please note that there might be the problem with using yahoo emails for the program download link request.
We are trying our best to solve it right now. Unfortunately, we need to recommend to use some other email providers.
We really hope that this is a temporary problem and everything will be back to normal soon!
Sorry for the inconvenience!
GOTD support team
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Helen, I finally managed to download the program..Ran setup as instructed , installed ok, got the code from the readme file but when put it in it says invalid code. And time is almost over to register.
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I uninstalled old version of Aomei Backupper Pro v3.5, then tried to install the newer version 4.0.2 but got the Error message, Something Like the offer is not available and Something about Download new Giveaway, Sorry i did not write it down, but anyway it says Ended, i did download it earlier in the day and install when i get home.
Tried to install 2hrs before Timer Ends, than again 45 min and 20 mins before Timer ends the Giveaway, butt same thing keeps happening! Same Message Even though Stated Yahoo mail may have a Problem, mine worked and i got the Download and the Registration Key, But can't get past the Wrapper because of the Giveaway Wrapper thinks the Giveaway has Ended! Not Happy uninstalled older Version for nothing, i did see where they are Extending the Licenses And your adding more time, But that's no good If the Wrapper thinks the Giveaway has ended!!! Sorry writing this with 4 min to go before Timer Runs out.
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Mark Gregory,
If you failed to download, please contact our support before January 20, 2017 to obtain a direct download link and license code.
Best regards,
AOMEI Technology
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Dear All Users,
Happy New Year!
It is a great honor for us to giveaway AOMEI Backupper Pro on GOTD. User's support is the biggest motive power of AOMEI Technology. It is the support of such users as you that make us keep growing. AOMEI Technology thanks you from the bottom of the heart.
As a gesture of our appreciation, GOTD users have the opportunity to get "AOMEI Backupper Pro + Lifetime Free Upgrades" (originally priced at US $49.95, now only US $19.98). Click here to grab this limited-time 60% OFF Discount.
Our vision is to let ten millions of users enjoy AOMEI Software for FREE and use AOMEI Software to optimize system performance and protect data with the easiest way. As long as AOMEI Free products can meet your requirements, you're welcome to use all of them on computers in both home and business environments. Besides, our free products are 100% clean and don’t have any 3rd party program bundled. The main Free products of AOMEI include:
AOMEI Backupper Standard: http://www.backup-utility.com/free-backup-software.html
AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard: http://www.disk-partition.com/free-partition-manager.html
AOMEI OneKey Recovery Free: http://www.backup-utility.com/okr-free.html
Our products still leave much to be improved. Well, you see, nothing in this world is perfect. But we can try our best to make it closer to perfect. If you have any feedbacks and suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
AOMEI Technology
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AOMEI Technology,
I've decided to purchase your "Lifetime Free Upgrades" and clicked on the link.
I saw a button, "Buy Now" and clicked it but...
It opened as
But it said,
"There are currently no items in your cart".(???)
OK. (Don't give up.)
I've clicked on Customer Sales support and ...
(Just guess???)
YES, yes, and yes.
It opened my default browser as "google.com".
In short.
I REALLY (!!!) wanted to purchase your "lifetime Free Upgrades" but...
If your messed up web-site is a Sign of your Superior Support,
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We apologize for any inconvenience caused. I just tested and it works on my computer. Please copy the offer page link: http://www.backup-utility.com/specials/GOTD.html, clear all cookies and try again.
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indie, You are the one who is messed up and obviously incompetent. Your cart was empty because you never added it to your cart. And the link you posted worked fine for me. I had 2 other people try it also and it worked fine for them two. Its probably good that you are not purchasing it because nothing is worse then trying to provide tech support to someone who is technologically inept!
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Bernice Jenkins,
To the competent one from the incompetent one.
Just a question.
How can I add ANYTHING in my basket without pushing the button, BUY???
Anyway, it's a WASTE of time talking to COMPETENT people!
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indie, when you push the buy button it takes you to your cart where you can either accept the quantity of 1 or raise it or remove it. Then you click the add to cart button and magic happens. it goes into your cart
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AOMEI Technology,
I've figured out the PROBLEM.
(Maybe, it will be helpful for others, including the competent ones.)
I've been using Firefox with all those "noscript", etc... apps; therefore,
I've decided to use Chrome,
and it WORKED.
I've just purchased your "lifetime Free Upgrades".
Thank you for such a good Special Deal.
P.S. On the other note, please check why it's impossible to place an order with Firefox.
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Thanks for your feedback. We will check the problem as soon as possible.
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AOMEI Technology, Thanks for yet an update for my fave backup solution - and not least for being here, while the users have issues. Greets from Denmark.
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AOMEI Technology, when AOMI makes a bootable disk it formats to FAT32, if you have installed AOMIE backup on your computer and done a backup to a hard disk you might then want to copy the backup file to the bootable USB but the file is too large. Is there the option to do the backup files in 4GB chunks ?. I know the user can run AOMIE backup from the computer and then request it to backup and put the destination as the USB drive but it makes the backup slow...It is more convenient to backup to a second installed hard drive which is fast, then it would be nice to be able to copy the backup file to the bootable USB drive so one has double protection. (after verified the file of course)
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AOMEI Technology,
I’m trying to figure out what "Lifetime Free Upgrades" means.
My wife and I each have a Windows 7 PC. Your website says the license applies to 2 PC’s, so I’m okay on that point.
What happens if one of us buys a new PC. Is there a way to delete the license from the old PC and transfer it to the new PC?
Mike H
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Bernice Jenkins,
At one point in EVERYONE'S life they were computer illiterate, even you!
So grow up and drop the superiority act. You could have said what you did without the insults. Unless you are over-compensating for an inferiority complex. See, insults are not nice, or productive, just a waste of space.
It is far better to share knowledge than to insult people. Sharing knowledge makes everyone 's life better and richer.
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S, I was simply responding to a person in the same exact way they posted their comment. They were the one who was insulting and slandering this company and possibly tainting the view of anyone new to the site and software when the problem they were having was not at all the fault of the company but of the person and their specific browser settings. So if you want to lecture someone on proper behavior talk to them first about how to act properly instead of trying to throw a fit and influence others to not try their product. Would you be happy if someone tried to ruin your job because they didn't know how to use something properly and then blamed you publically making it seem like you wre at fault? But I digress..............
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When creating a backup you should see 'Backup Options' on the screen where you choose the source and destination (bottom left). In the options you can set all sorts of things, including the size of chunks you want the backup split into.
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indie, the link is opening the website in a GOTD frame (all links on GOTD do this). When you click the link, you'll notice the URL in the address bar is links.giveawayoftheday.com, and the very top of the page says "Giveaway of the Day." Off to the right of that is an X (close) button...click it. Now the page will be reloaded directly from the AOMEI site, backup-utility.com, and the Buy button will work as it should.
The problem you are seeing is a combination of GOTD opening the link in a frame and your browser being set to block third-party cookies. When backup-utility.com is loaded in the frame, your browser sees its cookies as third-party (giveawayoftheday.com, the URL in the address bar, is the first-party).
Your Chrome browser is set to allow third-party cookies, that's why it worked for you. I tested this with both Firefox and Chrome, and it works the same in both browsers...when third-party cookies are blocked and the site is loaded in the GOTD frame, you get the empty cart error. When third-party cookies are allowed, it works in both browsers.
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JB, Thanks for that.. If I could get the recovery USB sticks to work then everything would be great.
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Here is some interesting facts:
1. Bernice Jenkins did NOT know ANYTHING about my issue!
2. Bernice Jenkins could NOT share his/her knowledge because Bernice did NOT know ANYTHING about my issue!
3. And yes, Bernice Jenkins has a HUGE balloon of self...
But that only one thing Bernice has.
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Yes, you are absolutely correct.
My Chrome is set to accept third-party cookies (and I don't like it!); therefore, I was able to purchase that software.
Thank you for your info.
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Just between you and me.
I got enough technical education in the past, and I think I'm above the average computer user -
Sandboxed(!) Firefox with
"self-destruct cookies", "privacy badger", "disconnect", "random agent spoofer, WebRTC disabled, etc...
and of course,
DO NOT ACCEPT third party cookies,
Currently, I'm earning my living and working very hard by doing something completely else than troubleshooting computers.
I have very limited time - early in the morning to check for interesting deal and be DONE with it.
P.S. Once again, Bernice Jenkins had NO IDEA about my simple issue,
which SHOULD be simply noted by GOTD!!!
Anyway, thank you for your nice comment.
Need to run.
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Hello Aomei,
all my licenses are no longer valid! Why this? Backupper Pro says "trial period over".
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Downloaded and installed, registration was accepted, no problems at 12:11AM EST Jan 19 on a basic Win 10 machine. I paused Avast AV and shut my other programs.
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many of us here would greatly appreciate if you could kindly confirm that this version (4.0.2) gets automatically registered when one accepts the transfer of the registration info from an older version (3.5) during the installation of this program.
Thank you for this awesome backup software.
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If you preserved prior information and the old license code is still valid, the new version should get automatically registered.
Best regards,
AOMEI Technology
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AOMEI Technology,
Thank you for answering my post.
Like some other posters , I only assumed that it was the case, but I wasn't quite sure of that, because in "About" there is no indication that this new version is registered and/or to whom it is registered.
Once again thank you for this great piece of software. The previous version of AOMEI Backupper helped me recover my data and system when I experienced some serious problems on my two computers a year ago. Your software saved my day by allowing me to perform a successful and complete recovery on both of them, for which I have been extremely grateful.
I assume this newer version is even better.
Best Regards,
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Thanks for your kindly suggestion. We may consider showing registration status in "About" or other place. We are glad that AOMEI Backupper can help you.
The latest version adds some new features and fixes some bugs: http://www.backup-utility.com/changelog.html
Best regards,
AOMEI Technology
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I decided to buy this last night. The Pro Lifetime license to use on two pc's was just too temping at the excellent sale price, and I was tired of waiting for it to come through. Very pleased with the purchase, look & feel, and the many options. I know people that have been saved with this program. They had systems that wouldn't boot, for a myriad of reasons, and got they're full systems back, up to the date of the last backup. I would recommend this program AND this sale deal to everyone. Thanks Aomei Technology!
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Dear Aomei - Thanks again for this very good program and for your fast responses to everyone else here.
-- Yet another question:
After installation on XP, two new processes run from boot-up: ABNotify.exe and ABService.exe, of which ABService is also a service.
1) What do we lose if we turn these off so they do NOT start automatically on boot-up?
2) Also, what happens if we turn off ABNotify.exe but change the service ABService.exe to "Manual"?
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1) Turn ABNotify.exe off will cause event-triggered backup failure.
2) We suggest you do not turn ABService.exe off or change to "Manual". It may cause some problems during backup.
Best regards,
AOMEI Technology
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Another question to Aomei:
Is real-time sync only in one direction?
Imagine I have two PCs on a LAN. I do real-time sync from PC 1 from Source folder Desktop\Tax 2016 and sync to PC 2 Target folder Desktop\Tax 2016.
A) If I change a file in PC 1 Desktop\Tax 2016, then the change will happen automatically in PC 2 Desktop\Tax 2016, yes? That is one direction.
B) What if I now change a file in PC 2 Desktop\Tax 2016 - will the change also occur in PC 1? That would be syncing in BOTH directions. Does that happen?
C) If the answer to B) is "No", then what happens if PC 2 also has Aomei Backupper Pro with the reverse settings? Will I now have syncing in both directions? Or will my computers explode?
Thanks again.
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A) Yes, currently real-time sync only supports one-way sync.
B) No, two-way sync will be added in a later version.
C) It may cause circulating sync which will increase CPU usage, make system running slow, and even lead to the source files corruption.
Learn more: http://www.backup-utility.com/help/real-time-sync-faq.html
Best regards,
AOMEI Technology
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Answer from User Manual:
"Note: Real-time sync tasks only support one-way sync. For example, sync from A to B. Do not create a real-time sync task from A to B, and then create another task from B to A. Otherwise, it may cause circulating sync which will increase CPU usage, make system running slow, and even lead to the source files corruption."
So my computers would explode.
OK - I won't do it. But, as much as I like Aomei, I am still looking for a free cloud-backup program that does folders the way SugarSync does. DropBox and OneDrive don't because you can't just pick any existing folders to sync across PCs. Cubby did, but it has been discontinued.
I still like Aomei for system backup !!
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In one day of usage i've run into lots of fail errors. This thing is BUGGY as all get out.
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Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you send your errors to our support who will help you solve them.
Best regards,
AOMEI Technology
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Program's "time remaining" estimates are way off. At the start of the process of backing up my 180GB of data from one drive, it said "2 hours remaining". It still says "2 hours remaining" and it's only 36% through the process. And it's already taken 2 hours to back up the 36%.
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Update -- my 'system' backup to DVD took 4-1/4 hours backing up 180GB of data and took a whopping 30 DVD's. I think the program could use some compression program to reduce the image. 4-1/4 hours also seems excessive to other programs I have used in the past, but I'm not that experienced with many backup programs. Obviously, if you are backing up to spare hard disks, the process would be shorter, at least I hope it would, but I wanted an off-line backup. Running Windows 10 64-bit.
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Thanks for your feedback. We will continue to improve AOMEI Backupper. You can choose compression level: http://www.backup-utility.com/features/image-file-compression.html, or split backup image to fit your DVD:http://www.backup-utility.com/features/image-file-split.html
Best regards,
AOMEI Technology
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AOMEI Technology,
Thanks for your links for how to use compression. I overlooked that option. I do want to inform you of a problem with your LINUX "Make Bootable Media" option. I don't know whether it's my system or a problem with your software, but when I booted the Linux version, there was no mouse driver and the keyboard was dead also. I had to reboot the pc. I do use a wireless mouse so maybe that is the problem. The WinPE version worked fine and had mouse support.
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I installed it in safe mode without any problems. It deleted the old version (3.2). At reboot, it requested the activation key. I copied it pasted and it is activated successfully. This is a great product. I found my previous backups and my scheduled task too.
The French translation is not entirely perfect and to list the dates it is based on the English notation: it is a little embarrassing, but not too important.
Thanks Aomei, thank you GOTD.
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Goupil Zefox,
Thanks for your kindly feedback. Since our mother tongue is neither English nor French, you may find some errors like spelling mistakes, grammatical blunders, and misuse of words in the programs. Sorry for that. You can help us translate if you would like: http://www.aomeitech.com/help-us-translate.html
Sincères salutations,
AOMEI Technology
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Apparently a lot of you guys cannot search for a solution to their problems through the comments.
If you are getting the message "invalid registration code" when applying the one supplied in the .txt file, then use the following procedure (published first by #105 I believe, then by myself a little later, then by others too):
Download the software and install.
Disconnect from network/internet
Run program
You will get a Machine Code - write it down (it only appears when you are offline) or copy and paste in a .txt file
close the program
Reconnect to the network/internet
goto http://www.aomeitech.com/code.html
Enter the machine code you wrote down and the activation key given by GOTD
type the verification letters to prove you are a human
Press Get Offline Key
It then displays the offline key
Copy the key and paste into the program to register
And it works!
Good luck guys
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Thanks for your kindly workaround.
Best regards,
AOMEI Technology
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I have now downloaded 5 times, disabled my Kaspersky Internet Security and Malwarebytes Premium prior to installing and all 5 times is says the files are corrupt so download again then install. It failed all 5 times. I used my email address since I don't use facebook or twitter. I am using Pale Moon browser. Please since I uninstalled version 3.5 and now do not have anything. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This is a followup. I deactivated Kaspersky as was recommended and rebooted as suggested. I tried again and it still says I have a corrupt file and download and try again. I have now and nothing works. I have used Aomei Backupper for 4-5 years and it worked perfectly. I downloaded ver. 3.5 just a few days ago from Shareware on Sale and it installed perfectly and it didn't require me to deactivate Kaspersky. This only happens on GOTD giveaways.
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Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Please contact our support to obtain a direct download link.
Best regards,
AOMEI Technology
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AOMEI Technology,
Earlier today, about 4 hours ago. I did send an email to
support@aomeitech.com about this problem, have not heard from them for the direct download link. Thanks so much for your help. I'll let you know if it works.
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Sorry, maybe there are too many emails to reply. You can also send a message to my email: owin@aomeitech.com
Because the license code is valid to January 20, 2017, please send message before it is expired.
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Meh, I'm uninstalling.
Wouldn't back up to my network drive. Wanted a password which it doesn't have.
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AOMEI Backupper Pro is a good app. What I'd suggest for anyone & everyone using an image backup app -- & you should -- is to create a bootable USB stick using the software, then test that USB stick on every device where you plan to use the software. That's because there are loads of variables, from USB sticks that just won't work for booting, to USB sticks that certain devices just don't like, to all sorts of hybrid bios modes that vary depending on the manufacturer & the bios firmware version used, and the software may not be compatible.
One alternative for some folks might be to install Windows 10 on an external hard drive, and install AOMEI Backupper Pro [or similar] on that. NOT speaking for Microsoft &/or their licensing regs, you can likely run it for such limited use without activation, and you can do everything you'd do with a regular Windows install, because it is a regular Windows install. On the downside, because it is a regular Windows install, you can only expect it to run on the hardware where it's been installed, so this alternative is probably best for those with only one PC/laptop. That said, I can't think of a reason why you couldn't add multiple partitions [as small as 32GB each] to an external drive, or a regular drive or SSD you put in an external case afterward, & install several copies of Windows 10, one per partition, each set up for a different device -- when it boots you'd select the copy you want from the boot menu.
One reason you want to be able to boot to a USB stick or drive is if the hard drive where Windows is installed up & dies -- that way you can replace the hard drive, boot to the USB stick or drive, & restore your backup to the new drive. It'd work the same way if you're hit with ransomware. A second reason is that the backup archives are often smaller in size, requiring less storage space, if they're made while the copy of Windows you're backing up is not running. A 3rd reason is that if the device is lower powered [e.g. a cheaper tablet or miniPC or laptop], backing up after booting to a USB stick might be simpler, easier, & faster. Note that that last one can vary a lot depending on the brand of backup software, e.g. on my miniPC Macrium is 3X faster than Paragon 16 when booting to a USB stick.
Another reason to test this out is that if you initiate a backup restore while running the copy of Windows that you want to restore, the device will reboot into basically the same OS & software that's stuck on a USB stick -- if that USB stick won't work, there's a good chance that rebooting to restore the backup won't work either.
My 2nd suggestion is to be very careful about any external USB drives that you want to use to store backup archives --- they're iffy enough that they don't recommend ANY for biz use when it comes to critical data like backups. Apps like Hard Disk Sentinel can give you temperature readings, which is a very good start, since without active cooling [or with insufficient cooling] a hard drive can easily get hot enough to produce errors or even fail. [There's not a lot of specs published, & they vary by brand/model, but the data I've read says stay below 50 C.] The USB electronics in the drive housing can also be flaky, introducing errors or failing during sustained reading &/or writing at max data rates.
Ransomware adds another wrinkle... since the most recommended remedy is to restore a backup, the criminals writing or coding ransomware often target any attached storage that might contain backups. And ransomware doesn't announce itself until it's too late, after it's completed doing its job. That suggests that it's probably a good idea to alternate between more than one external drives for backup storage, & not leave any of them attached any longer than necessary.
Last, FWIW, if the higher cost isn't a problem, & your hardware supports it, using a SSD in a external USB 3 housing that supports UASP can give you dramatically faster transfer speeds, though you might not get those speeds when you boot to a USB stick.
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I`ve downloaded a copy via my e-mail link but it keeps showing "the file is corrupted - obtain a new copy. I did it a couple of times ,nothing changed..
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Hi - Try again today; Yesterday, they overloaded their registration server; Problem is now fixed and they extended the offer to today. GREAT backup software!
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What is the term of the GOTD license without the purchase of the lifetime upgrade offer?
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Hi Chief. :-)
You won't get free updates/upgrades nor free support.
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Best Giveaway Ever!!
Thank you very much AomeiTech & Gotd !!
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When I try to install I got an info: "The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of programm."
What is going one with this? I've downloaded it four times, yesterday and today and got the same information - I'M stuck...
Can someone help me with this issue?
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Hello Antoni Adamiak,
This problem is caused by the antivirus, usually it is Kaspersky. You'll have to disable it and restart the computer.
Please make sure it won't start automatically with the computer. Now please download the program archive once again and try to install it.
This time there should be no problems with the installation.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
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Hi Helen!
Seems, your advice works :) Now I'm happy user of AOMEI Backupper Pro after two years using Standard version.
But it's a little strange for me - what is your software installing on my computer to have this kind of problems with Kaspersky?
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Antoni Adamiak,
it is a false positive reaction to our wrapper and Kaspersky denies the problem exists as they can't reproduce it.
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This review is a bit different because it's not really a review of the product!
I want to thank everyone who took the time to review and comment on AOMEI (and GotD in general)!
I mistakenly dismissed the offer yesterday, but dug deeper today when the same product was featured again. If it was not for the folks who took time to review and comment, I would have missed out on a great program.
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Dear All Users,
We are really sorry for the inconvenience caused by the invalid license code. We have reactivated the license code.
Note: The license code is valid to January 20, 2017, please activate AOMEI Backupper Pro as soon as possible.
If you have any problems, feedbacks and suggestions, please send to support@aomeitech.com. Thanks!
Best regards,
AOMEI Technology
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Thanks AOMEI Technology! :)
January 20 2017... New York time?
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Thank you, GOTD!
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#64 David Murphy - Many thanks for the advice - much appreciated!
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When Clicking Reg. Link Lower Right, It Said 30 Day Trail !????
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For your information, the price for lifetime licens, end up with 25,00 USD.
But high service rate from Aomei, when i mail some questions because of problems yesterday. Very quick reply.
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cgp petersen,
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. It’s due to the VAT (Value Added Tax). VAT is a general consumption tax assessed on the value added to goods and services and is borne ultimately by the final consumer.
Best regards,
AOMEI Technology
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I uninstalled the previous GOTD version, installed this one. I didn't have to put a serial anywhere. Do I have the full version now/already? The About dialog doesn't tell me if it's registered...
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had problem registering, emailed them replied instantly and now working fine so big thank you to support team
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I had version 3.5 installed. When I installed 4.0.2, it asked me to uninstall 3.5 first and if I would like to reserve the license info to "handily activate it next time". I said yes and when I installed 4.0.2, it said Professional version and there was nowhere to enter a key.
How do I tell if 4.0.2 is registered and activated?
On the surface it seems like the old 3.5 license info worked for 4.0.2 so I never needed to use the new activation key (which is not working for many people anyway).
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Johnathan, oh, damn, I just posted the same question. Seems like if you had registered the old 3.5 Pro version it took over the license to the new/current one. But that's just an assumption.
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This is an excellent program. I have been using the free version. But I bought the Lifetime Pro for $19.98 and thank AOMEI for the kind upgrade offer!!!
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I purchased this software (as well as the Partition Assistant Pro) a couple of years ago when AOMEI was offering 80% discount to GOTD users. I use Windows XP Pro SP3 and the one thing that I have found is that in order to create the bootable WinPE disc I first had to install the Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) for Windows 7 (version 3.0). Yes, WAIK version 3.0 will install on Windows XP Pro SP3. After that, it was a piece of cake to create the WinPE boot disc. I am very happy with AOMEI products.
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Using instructions listed in comments (install using machine code) I was able to register the software.
Hope it still works in the morning!
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I found the registration key to work for me.
The registration key is in the read me file, not in the GOTD pop up box.
Just open the read me file and you will see it. Good luck
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I have to note that I already had the software installed but I completely uninstalled the earlier version before installing this one. It never asked for an email address to register after I pasted the registration key from the read me file. So maybe my old registration data was still in the system, which is why it worked for me?
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Removed backupper standard to install the Pro version. Disappointed, a bit that it did not ask where to install, tried to install to startup services without asking. One of those was their scheduler, understandable but I still would like to have the choice of loading services only when I want to use it. No idea what the second startup program was, it was quarantined.
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No problem at all installing. Its a great program, I use it a lot and thanks all for making it available here.
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wasted time after 3 hours no email link thanks
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lambertik, what email link? the key works now.
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Have tried since this AM to get this. Used two email accounts with no luck. Have not received an email yet at 6:30 PM PMT. Am very disappointed with GOTD since the site changed. Don't know how much longer I will be using GOTD.
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Stan Powell, The license code is OK now. Please try again, thank you.
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amltzy, what you mean " Please try again " You mean that we uninstall the program and reinstall them again. Is that correct?
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Please help me, key does not work?
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Reportedly installed successfully but won't activate - screen sez Invalid License Code.
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Steve, try again?
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Steve, See Comment # 89.
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I couldn't get the program to recognize the key to register. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, no good. Too bad, seems like a good program.
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Agreed, fine program and certainly easy enough for end users to make restore systems just like OEM PC's have.
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Invalid license code in the Read Me. I see all the others with the same problem get no response.
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Followed the directions for offline code as per #121, got the code and still get invalid code message. Tried with router connection and without router connection. Why would they make it so difficult to register if we are to evaluate the program?
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CK, try again please?
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amltzy, merci. the original code in the Read Me worked. I look forward to evaluating the program.
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CK, See Comment # 89.
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Registered OK once procedure in comment 121 was followed.
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won't register. Tells me my key is invalid
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Installed and went to activate and received the Invalid License Code
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Ronald Fushi, valid now.
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Ronald Fushi, See Comment # 89.
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Hi, can anyone offer some feedback on the 'Real-time sync files/folders to a network path' function of the PRO version??
I am looking for file sync software and wander if this will do well in that respect.
If it works well (that is what I would like to find out from other users) I would definitely buy a license because I need to use it on a few machines in the near future...and of course since it is a very good backup/image tool it would be a win win in both respects.
Thanks everyone.
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soft user,-------- oh and maybe some Sync software suggestions if someone has good experience with some products out there.
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soft user, http://www.freefilesync.org/faq.php#features
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David Murphy,
Thanks much !!
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