Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Alcyone CD Ripper was available as a giveaway on March 21, 2007!
Alcyone CD Ripper has all the basic CD ripping features – you just grab a CD and easily convert its content to the one of the popular music formats (MP3, WMA, OGG and WAV are supported by the program). You can also get artist names as well as the tracks and albums titles using the powerful program database.
Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server
2.27 MB
Alcyone Audio Converter is an effective multimedia software tool for audio conversion between the popular music formats like MP3, WMA, OGG and WAV having eye-catching skinned interface. With Alcyone Audio Converter everyone can easily create audio files in different formats by converting files to MP3, WMA, OGG and WAV. Moreover, you can play the audio files before or during conversion using the powerful audio player which is built in the program.
SkinClock replaces the Windows clock providing you with additional features such as a wide choice of skins. One mouse click is enough to view current date and calendar. The program also allows you easily synchronize your computer clock via Internet. It has an alarm center which lets you create and run reminders.
TrayLink is a time-saving alternative to the standard Windows start menu. Sort out all those randomly scattered icons on your desktop and manage programs, documents, various files, folders and web links with the help of a single compact menu!
I strongly recommend WinPatrol whatever anti-virus software you're using. No anti-virus/anti-malware package is perfect. WinPatrol keeps an eye out for the things malware does.
Last Sunday, I thought my anti-virus software had caught an infiltration in time to prevent any damage, but WinPatrol kept warning me that a program was trying to insert itself into my Startups. If not for WinPatrol, everything I'm typing might be being collected somewhere and my computer could be a raging spam machine!
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#48, yeah I'm aware of that.... Bitdefender Pro picked it up after I shut down Pest Patrol... I've been clicking keys since before floppy drives existed ;-) so there's no "Novice factor" here.
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To 4eyes #48: What anti-malware/anti-spyware detector do you recommend? I have spyware from Yahoo but I have to run it manually which I only do about every 2 weeks or so. And when I read the post from Vilulf about Aspy it has made me nervous about downloading from here. I did download yesterdays from the same company but I think I may delete it.
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I cannot believe I am wasting my time on this when I would rather be sleeping, but there is one matter that must be addressed here going back to post 13. I will attempt to be brief.
1. I would not use Pest Patrol, possibly not even if it was the only software of its type available.
2. I performed redundant scans of this program and its files with several different programs and showed no virii or malware.
3. If they WERE to somehow be putting a keylogger into their software, they would hardly use a commercial program with a licensing cost higher than their program's asking price.
4. I have no doubt that your computer does have aSpy installed, Vilulf, but the culprit is closer to home. (Think boss, significant other/spouse, friend/enemy, parent, etc.)
5. Everyone else that took the claim from Vilulf as Gospel truth without any further verification, get a life and a clue. At least do a little digging and verifying before accepting as fact and coming up with huge conspiracy theories. If nothing else, get a spyware/malware detector that is better than Pest Patrol (starting with just about any title other out there) and scan it yourself.
To any that are offended by this, wake up just a little. I stopped to count to a sufficiently high number before posting. I'm not out to offend people, and the offended might want to consider if offense is resulting from just cause or from tender spot being prodded.
To Giveawayoftheday, thank you for another software title. It looks interesting, but I do have software for this task that I am quite satisfied with. I look forward to tomorrow's offering.
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I am so sorry for the speeling & grammir in my preevious commet. I was just laughing too hard to see them at that moment.
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I get such a chuckle listening to all the banter back and forth. One complains of the sucky give-away, the other complains of the others complaining, the other complains the complaining shouldn't be done here but somewhere else, while yet another complains his prog still hasn't shown up in the past 2 months....and yet still another complains that he didn't make it First to complain. What a freakin laugh. I'm SLAMAOR (Seriously Laughing All My Ass Off Royally).
Thanks everyone, I 'just know' instinctively if my entire day was a total piece of crap and I know tomorrow will be the same....hey! I just have to come here and read 10 comments. Thanks all of you. I love ya's all "JUST FOR MAKING MY DAY".
PS: I've been coming here now for better than 3 months, guess what? Havent yet downloaded one that cought my eye. (granted, I missed a few because I was out of town on business and had no connection handy)
And even now, I'm not even complaining...I'm thanking you's remember!
PS: Let is all be thankful the site is not called: GAOTW or GAOTM
(W=week, M=month) Heh, heh.
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I believe that you all should shut up about how you don't want another ripping software and actually rate the program, almost all of the negative comments are from people who have to be picky about the free stuff they get. You are degrading the author's software reputation because those who only look at the positives and negatives are completely thrown off.
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Unfortunately, from the first start the software popped up a bunch of access violations, so I had to uninstall it.
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I strongly support this site, but a program to rip cd's? Both windows and apple come with default media software to rip cd's, (Like iTunes and WMP) And that's not even counting the number of free programs available to do this.
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For the developers: I would not buy this product for several reasons, one, the price,
two, don't use this type of software much and want better help and easier usage when I do,
three, double buttons without explanation is confusing.
Don't think folks that use this sort of software on a regular basis would be interested when so many have better features and can be had at no cost to the user.
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As I wade through the comments to perhaps find some useful input on the day's giveaway, I get caught up in the drama that plays itself out here each day. Today, however, I admit to being completely flummoxed.
Am I to understand there are TWO people who would lay claim to being Biggest_Baddest_Wolf? It took very little searching on my part to uncover these gems from Mr. Wolf, posted in these very comment sections:
"What? No screensaver? Great…. now my entire Tuesday is ruined… [goes into a fit of footstomping and whining](this broadcast has been paid for by the Tuesday Comedy Club party. Remember, vote for morons like me, because everyone else is wrong…. Thank you, I’ll be here all week…. try the veil.)"
"What? No screensaver???BAH!!!!!(Yes, pun intended, and yes, I was actually looking forward to a neat screensaver this time, as well as to the many whining comments… I have no life.)
"I don’t have much use for fancy-pants screensavers that chew up resources...Bite me."
Is this what amounts to wit in the minds of our lupine brethren?
It was impossible to decipher what the alleged Wolf imposter (#33) was trying to say, but that's a moot point. Could it have been worse? Were I in your shoes, Mr. Wolf, I would have gratefully seized the chance to cast off the crown of Biggest_On-line_Buffoon and start afresh, this time trying harder to conceal my lack of breeding and education. But that, as the youngsters would say, is how I roll.
But not you. You seem perfectly content - nay! - proud to play the boorish internet clown. True, there may be a certain giddy sense of freedom one feels when strolling through life unencumbered by the shackles of shame or embarrassment, but does self-respect mean nothing these days? Perhaps you subscribe to the theory that it is better to be a king among jackasses than a knave among men.
I'm flabbergasted that you even exist. The thought of someone trying to pass themself off as you leaves me gasping for breath. (L, as the youngsters would say, OL) However I am not here to judge, but rather to merely observe. Godspeed and good day to you, sir.
I remain,
El Fabuloso
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Thanks GOTD I find this program very useful. Thanks for the good work.
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I installed on a laptop running XP Service Pack 2, but it just plain doesn't work. Interface comes up, but when you press "Grab" you get a message saying "conversion complete" but no actual ripping or file saving has occurred. Have since removed it.
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I have no use for this, however...thanks Giveaway Of The Day for offering it. I check daily for new freebies and will not download anything until I read the comments.
The comments both good and bad are valuable, for instance if something is available elsewhere as freeware I will find out about it here. This helps me and likely others who are looking for programs that they might not be aware of.
And while that may seem not to help the developer of the program offering the free giveaway of the day....., in fact it should as the developer will see that there are freeware alternatives to their program.
And this should inspire the developer to develop a program superior to those freeware alternatives and make their program ultimately desirable and well worth paying for.
Perhaps giveaway of the day should have a poll to see what the top 5 most wanted programs are. Then have a company develop it into one utility and then offer it for free here and then for sale.
While criticism may seem negative, it should inspire others to make a better product. We need the good and the bad comments in help making our decisions. I'd rather have someone say that the program sucks and causes problems then for me to find it out it rendered my computer nearly useless.
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Another cool retail music CD ripper, YES! And this one rips right through anti-piracy and music copyright/CD protections. I'm sure the RIAA will be pleased with this handy piracy tool, because I sure am!
I'm adding Alcyone Ripper to my growing must-have GOTD hacker applications. Now I can finally rip the music from every music CD and audio book I check out at the library. Thanks guys, nice find today.
Because of Alcyone CD Ripper, I won't ever have to buy another retail music CD and never again pay a cent to fill my iPOD with great ripped content. Giveaway Of The Day, you are my heroes! Free music for ev3ryone with Alcyone CD Ripper, the world's finest liberator of corporate retail-music enslavement.
Never be forced to purchase music CD's again, with Alcyone CD Ripper, 1 ripped CD can be shared to 1 thousand music lovers for about a penny per person. Amazing when you break it down. You'll absolutely love Alcyone CD Ripper, perhaps even as much as I do. :)
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It seems to me now that different GotD publishers seem like they're competing against each other. I mean, AVS Audio CD Grabber is almost identical in features, and along with a few other AUDIO software here.
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Just the thing! woohoo, now all I need is an audio converter! Any chance of one of them!
To anyone thinking of taking me serious, Don't .... Think I mean, you could take someone's eye out with that thing.
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There are new people coming here everyday - do you all think that because YOU have got a previous giveaway that does the same, GOTD shouldn't offer similar products for other people.
All I can say is, keep up the good work GOTD!!
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#73-TK, Well I hope you get your wishes but your not making any sense I never lose this page using firefox v2+ and my personally set add-ons it's funny how you demand or even ask for your own system to do these things, your the operator, set it to do them, no one here is going to do it for you, I don't know about you but my system does exactly what I want since I got fed up and searched the net and found everything I needed to personalize it, Have a Good Day Today's giveaway is good, I have 600GB of personals and never have I installed a AUDIO CD COPIER/Archiver/Duplicator/COnverter aka "Ripper" before so iam greatful for one because otherwise I would have never even installed it...
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There are probably a few hundred other categories of freeware to offer and yet GAOTD chose a CD-ripping program? Don't think of this as whining. I just want some variety in programs and I think most people would agree.
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I read the reviews before I downloaded this program but all I got were complaints about freebies. *scratching head*
I was actually on the process of looking for freewares for ripping cds yesterday and I found this site. What a coincidence.
I downloaded both the audio converter and the cdripper. I have no idea why they couldn't just offer both in one package, but the cdripper was more of what I was looking for.
As for the program, it's exactly what I was looking for. Very simple interface. You can pick which drive to input from and select the output folder. You can choose a set bitrate for quality and the ripping is fairly fast. You can also customize the output name with (title, album, year, track number) in any order you choose. Once you set your settings, it's pretty much load the cd, load, click and in a few minutes you're done.
Yes there are already many many many programs like this that are free with much more functionability, but this cdripper succeded with creating a pretty interface along with the ease of use which makes this product very marketable. (After all, windows didnt become a giant and most widely used by being the best). But when it comes to price, I might have to agree with the majority. I doubt many, if any, would pay $20 for this software. Maybe it would be better suited in a bundled software.
Thumbs up. Good job GAOTD and Alcyone.
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FEEDBACK!! That's what they need. Stop calling everyone whiners. Damn...they need the feedback. Positive or negative. Developers probably wouldn't really be interested in letting GAOTD give away their software if they didn't receive any type of feedback. Jesus Christ..."stop complaining you bunch of whiners" Please shut up.
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please give us a free skin clock like this company is offering i want one of those so bad !! thanks !! and thanks for the great job !!
i always like freebies !!
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Windows Media Player, WinAmp and plenty of other free software already does this. Please, no more of these useless programs!
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Free programs are great, but when no-one wants them even for free there has to be a problem somewhere ...
Another wasted five minutes of my life.
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i just got to have a whine about the whiners whining about the whiners.
first,the majority of users here want to see freeware alternatives and secondly, get over it,here we are free to comment "within reason" but your whines are getting worse then the original ones. ok that´s it.
re the software,not for me but thanks anyway.
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#55: try using another name, so people won’t mistake you for me please… I’ve been “Biggest_Baddest_Wolf” for many years, all the way back to when the Atari 800XL got it’s modem.
I’ve actively used this online identity (because that’s what it is, it’s me) throughout those years, and I’ve posted my comments using that name on GOTD’s software giveaway pages for some time now.
Also, your flames are weak, at the best…. you wanna be me, or try to pass for me, then please come up with some original and accurate material.
Simply using my name won’t do the trick, kid.
And I doubt you really know how to use computers since you failed to use the correct tags in your post, which are listed above the posting form.
Unfortunately I have nothing to say about the offered software as I haven’t used it, won’t use it either.
There’s already other apps of the same line that worked for me, and even those have failed to find a permanent spot on my systems because I don’t use them.
So in that aspect I won’t comment.
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I can say this:
1) There is nothing free, I guarantee it, there is "ALWAYS" an underlying factor involved as to why it initially seems free...
2) My PHONE, NET, POWER Run Me Average Of 150$ A Month, So Iam Paying that and Yearly that adds up to 1,800$ Or so per year for all I do on my pc, PLUS that don't even cover my media costs so ain't no way Iam getting NUTTIN Free...
Note: Its nice GiveAwayOfTheDay has the system and contacts they do it's a plus for all involved in all ways, and if it's ever not then don't visit here if you so choose that, anyway I have my homepage set here, I enjoy it that way so thanks again iam very appreciative of the efforts...!
Stan P.~{JaPHA}>~+++ATH
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Well now all I need to do is buy a music cd so I can try this...hehe owned PC since AUG 2003 why would I own a music cd? I get my music online ... Hey so if I have a protected audio cd I want to archive into my collection will this copy the audio tracks or not? STANP41@HOTMAIL.COM Anyway don't get many answers at all here, I honestly don't know why so many comments with about .0001% Answer rate good lord anyway it's nice to get some free software the easy way, less stressful... THANKS~
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There is nothing as sad as a beggar with a stick; nothing as sad as complaining about a gift instead of being thankful for it, or simply not taking it.
Having said that, and since this section is about comments on the software offered here, it is a VERY different thing to mention freeware alternatives. That is NOT whining. Bringing them up is a way to comment on the relative quality of the non-free software, a way to compare them and see if the developers can improve their programs --or perhaps charge less for them.
I am very thankful both for GAOTD and the people who, without complaining, mentions freeware alternatives which are worth trying.
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Wow! I can't believe all the btchn. I love your site GAOTD and thanks for all the work! Some days I try and some days I go by. My choice and I'm happy to look every day. I agree whole-heartedly with #58
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Hmmm, Alcyone seems to be popular =D
Thanks GAOTD.
But there is no way that I would pay $20 for this piece of software, when I can use iTunes or any of the other millions of poeces of ripping software on the internet for free.
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I always see people saying that we shouldn't complain because it's free. As someone on this site once said, "If someone puts a flaming bag of dog poop on your front porch, should you not complain because it's free?"
Since I started checking this site on a daily basis before Christmas, there have been a total of 2 programs that were keepers. I'm sorry, but the software being offered on this site is usually only good for a laugh at the idea that anyone would actually pay full price for it.
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Thank you GAOTD. Although I won't personally use this program I am grateful for the awesome body of software you have given away since your inception. I have downloaded and am still using several of the programs you have provided (including a screensaver!) and fully realise that only 1 or 2 a week may even appeal to me. This does not stop me from recommending your site and coming here (almost) daily. Long may it continue, and thanks again.
PS T some of my fellow commentators:- Shut your whining traps, you bunch of ingrates. When will you realise, these guys are doing you a favour!
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Roll up! Roll up! Alcyone Software, everything must go!
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#8 posted "I have never seen so much ungreatfull, belly aching over FREE stuff in my life."
and i aggree 100% with him, sure there may be free versions of programs like this out there WHO CARES?...care to know why?...yes....good, BECAUSE THIS IS FREE AS WELL, so just stfu with all the "but theres a free program like this out" and all that crap!
insted you should be THANKING GOTD for offering us programs for free like i am.... THANKYOU FOR GIVIN US FREE PROGRAMS GOTD!
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#33: try using another name, so people won't mistake you for me please... I've been "Biggest_Baddest_Wolf" for many years, all the way back to when the C64 got it's modem.
I've actively used this online identity (because that's what it is, it's me) throughout those years, and I've posted my comments using that name on GOTD's software giveaway pages for some time now.
Also, your flames are weak, at the best.... you wanna be me, or try to pass for me, then please come up with some original and accurate material.
Simply using my name won't do the trick, kid.
And I doubt you really know how to use computers since you failed to use the correct tags in your post, which are listed above the posting form.
Unfortunately I have nothing to say about the offered software as I haven't used it, won't use it either.
There's already other apps of the same line that worked for me, and even those have failed to find a permanent spot on my systems because I don't use them.
So in that aspect I won't comment.
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You guy are doing a great job. Don't listen to the belly achers, this just goes to show you that some people don't appreciate anything for free, rather bitch than to say thank you and let it go at that..
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Seems like a good program, but, like others stated, freeware is better. Strange to think that freeware, developed by people with no monetary gain involved (for the most part) care more and seem to do a better job than most of the products here you have to pay for. Its still free though, so people should at least try it for themselves before listening to everyone else. Each person has their own needs, afterall. If any of the programs here meet those needs, then thats good! If not, well, read some comments for freeware.
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I think Nero is the best audio ripping software, so I don't need this program, but people, please remember that GOTD is not forceing you to take any app, there giving them away. If all the complainers keep up all the noncence GOTD may decide to stop giving away app's and just make you pay for them like every other site.
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Hmmm.. it seems someone's playing in the comment section. I didn't place those comments in the comments section above. If the admin will please remove #41 above from 2-Sheds, as I'm sure you can see it's not the same IP or E-mail address usually associated with my comments. Sometimes I try and be funny, but I don't think I'm insulting to anyone at all. I have nothing but praise for Bladed Thoth and his reviews (and if you go back through my posts, you'll see that) and certainly don't have a problem with BriAnn.
It's probably a jealous little troll lurking about. You can probably narrow it down to some miserable soul who in the past has had a problem with Thoth. Cheers to you Thoth. I like your reviews! I'm sure you can compare IP's as long as he's not going through a proxy server.
I have to get back to my students. I've got a rally to speak at later on today and CSpan will be covering it I believe.
I haven't tried the software yet but will be back when I do..
You guys Rock! Woot, Yea baby Yea!
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I love the drama this page can dish out, what next? is someone going to spring the 'my grandma tried this and died!' card? You people make me laugh with your bitching and comments bitching back. Get over it the shits free, theres lots of this kind of product out there and people obviously wanted to tell the products creator that. No reason to bash anybody.
Also I wouldnt download something that has malware or spyware in it which someone else reported earlier. If you want that sort of thing great, go download happy but nothing on your computer will be safe from hackers. Hopefully you dont do online banking on your computer but its your virutal life. Enjoy.
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I too check out BladedThoth's reviews. Thanks Blade!
FYI: EAC(exact audio copy) and Cdex are good freeware alternatives.
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#13 & 26 Vilulf,
Most likely it's a false positive. Pest Patrol has a very high rate of false positive detections of legitimate software. Pest Patrol is often called the 'false positive king' lol! I never rely on Pest Patrol and any detections I get with it. I always double check with other anti-malware scanners before deleting anything it detects. Of course 99% of the time it turns out to be a FP.
My advice, dump Pest Patrol and get a real anti-malware/anti-spyware detector.
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Sorry,but this software is so weak!Its posibiliti is very low.It is better to use many other good software.20$ is super expensive for this software
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To # 41 (2-SHEDS): Do you have nothing better to do than look for reasons to criticize people and then post your rants? And you think BladedGoth needs to get a life? I happen to appreciate his 15-minute reviews, and if I were running a software-producing company, I might consider hiring him to evaluate programs before I put them out there. I come to this Comments Board looking for honest opinions and evaluations of the software offered, both pro and con, as well as for suggestions from others about similar (and better) freeware ... but I find the personal attacks on fellow posters here to be uncalled-for and upsetting. Can't we please play nice with each other, and restrict our criticisms to the software?
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I can't belive it. The freeware ones are more powerful, faster, smaller, and free. Oh well, whatever.
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Does this really come with malware/spyware as previously reported by someone in an earlier comment? If so, might this be the reason it's free? And how do we get rid of the spyware if it is really part of the payload of the setup program? I'd be interested in the answer(s). Thanks!!!
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