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SuperEasy Live Defrag 1.0.5 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — SuperEasy Live Defrag 1.0.5

SuperEasy Live Defrag cleans your hard disk fully automatically and restores performance immediately.
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 234 31 comments

SuperEasy Live Defrag 1.0.5 was available as a giveaway on February 24, 2014!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Professional screen recording software.

Having a cleaned-up hard disk drive means, for example, that applications run faster and the copying of files as well as the opening of photos is accelerated. SuperEasy Live Defrag cleans up fragmented hard disks automatically and intelligently pauses as soon as other applications need system resources.

SuperEasy Live Defrag is easy to use without complex settings. It starts its job automatically, if desired, and relieves you of all the work. You can customize the defragmentation by using a timer or setting a defragmentation task.

Main functions:

  • Fully automatic background monitoring;
  • SSD hard disk protection;
  • Weekly statistics;
  • Timer;
  • RAID hard disk support;
  • Removal of disk space gaps;
  • Support for external USB hard disks;
  • Accelerated copying and opening of photos.

System Requirements:

Windows XP, Vista, 7; around 55 MB of hard disk space for installing the program


SuperEasy GmbH & Co. KG



File Size:

24.9 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
Developed by ArcSoft

Comments on SuperEasy Live Defrag 1.0.5

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#11 Giovanni: Some of your (quickly) assembled information was seriously helpful, and although my computing interests lay more towards the technical side - I learnt a one or two things I'd never seen in print before. THANK YOU VERY MUCH

A friend just telephoned me and said have you seen Giovanni's post? The friend reckoned it would have been handy to see some of your info in Donn Edwards' "Great Defrag Shootout" webpages

Reply   |   Comment by Peter C  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

v. 1.05 is from 2012, apparently has not been updated at all recently.

Reply   |   Comment by vb whitehead  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i don't receive the licence key in my email. cannot activate the full version.

Reply   |   Comment by handsome boy  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

And there are always the freeware suggestions given by other commenters here.

Reply   |   Comment by Ernie Bell  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Mike’s comment about SuperEasy selling rebranded software from other companies is correct. In addition to Ashampoo and Engelmann, SuperEasy sells rebranded backup programs from Ocster, including the Ocster 1-Click Backup which was the GOTD on January 31st.

SuperEasy's offerings usually have an slightly different interface from the original developer’s program, but are recognizable if you have used the original. And sometimes they may have a few features missing or represent an earlier version of the developer’s current product. But they are not cripple ware.

As a free GOTD they are worth a try if you need what the product offers, but at full price you can usually get the actual developer’s product, and in the case of Ashampoo and Engelmann at a significant discount offer (just about every day unless you UNSUBCRIBE to their email blast.)

Hope this helps clarify why SuperEasy products may 'look’ and ‘feel’ familiar.

Reply   |   Comment by Ernie Bell  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Supereasy = Ashampoo

Whois for supereasy.net: Admin Organization: Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG

Reply   |   Comment by Poisson Rouge  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I used to defrag quite obsessively, but got to thinking that maybe the perforance gains were more in my head than for real and that I was probably just wearing out my drives unnecessarily -- what does it matter if files in the System Restore hidden folder are fragmented?

Instead, I've adopted the stategy of a once-a-month thorough defrag, immediately following the beloved Adobe/Microsoft patch Tuesdays. Works for me...

Reply   |   Comment by Jim C.  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

"at least four defragging utilities purport to increase SSD performance through optimization: Auslogic’s Disk Defrag Pro, Condusiv’s Diskeeper, Raxco’s PerfectDisk, and SlimCleaner Intelligent Defrag"...

The first flag from the "features" of this software was the SSD portion. It stopped right there. Though I pulled the above info off a website that I found over a year ago, I've never defragged my SSD's for the very reason that PC 101, SSD's are not the same has a hard drive w/disc's. Hybrid drives can be defragged but the drive memory gets ignored during defrag sessions.

So, treat your SSD the same as defragging your registry. Just leave it alone.

Reply   |   Comment by tc1uscg  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Just purchase an SSD drive and install your O/S on that and make your regular hard drive (7200rpm) the SLAVE.
Be sure to change your read/write to cache option to the SLAVE DRIVE, so as not to wear down the SSD.

SSDs do not require defrag and they are fast because there are no moving parts inside.

SSDs as your main drive, will speed up your PC by 60%, so if it takes 45 seconds on a reboot, it will only take about 5 seconds with an SSD.



Reply   |   Comment by Software Babe  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Windows XP has a reasonably effective defragmentation utility. For people who frequently install and uninstall new software & games a utility like Auslogics free defragger and Sysinternals' Page Defrag offer some advantages. Beyond that, Vista/7/8 have better defrag utilities which handle most users' needs very well. So, while there's nothing wrong with today's giveaway it's simply not very useful for most people.

Reply   |   Comment by southleft  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Like Giovanni said: RAMDISK!!!!!!!! Been using them for decades and have very little HD fragmentation. No need for this proggy.

Reply   |   Comment by Jimbo  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

#19 Also I had on Win NT.

Reply   |   Comment by Jeff  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I prefer Diskeeper I have used for long time. Used on Win XP, Vista, and now Win 8.

Reply   |   Comment by Jeff  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

We have Windows Servers that do a lot of auditting, this means lots of log files. Under normal operations we don't see any performance problems except for one, BACKUPS. Normally you don't have to look at log and audit file, except when things go wrong, but you still have to back them up. Before we started defragging, we had one server with one log file with 130,000 fragments, think of the time just in moving the read head for such a file! We saw backup times doubling.

Reply   |   Comment by cgunhouse  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

#1: "A German company without names, address, part of Ashampoo???"

The Ashampoo web site says they're a partner, & there are similarities in the way the SuperEasy apps handle registration. One of the last SuperEasy giveaways [don't recall where] was actually Engelmann -- engelmann.com.

* * *

#2: "So, unless you still have Windows 95 (or 98) and using a really old computer, you have no need for degragging software. "
#3: "You don’t really need to defrag your hard drives in computers nowdays."
Here's what Microsoft says re: win8.1:
"One of the best ways you can improve your PC's performance is by optimizing the drive. Windows includes features to help optimize the different types of drives that PCs use today. No matter which type of drive your PC uses, Windows automatically chooses the optimization that's right for your drive.

Be default, Optimize Drives, previously called Disk Defragmenter, runs automatically on a weekly schedule. But you can also optimize drives on your PC manually."

I'd think the easiest way to tell if defrag was necessary or not would be to wait until a drive was fragmented, run a standard, file packing defrag -- not one of the schemes that tries to arrange certain files optimally -- and see the results for yourself. If it helps or doesn't, now you know.

* * *

#8: "It may be useful for someone new to computers who does not have a defrag program, then again they could use the defrag tool that comes with the operating system."

Most all defrag apps use Windows own defrag API, so there's some logic to that. :)

* * *

#13: "There is also a risk to defragging. If the computer should loose power during the defragging process it can mess up the files on the HD and may even require reinstalling everything."

1st, I'm a very strong believer in using a UPS [Uninterruptible Power Supply]. Unless the electrical current is very good where you live/work, it's not all that steady, plus you often have excessive spikes & dips when/if an interruption in the power causes the lights to flicker, e.g. during a storm. A good UPS runs your PC off regulated &/or conditioned power that doesn't have those spike & dips, on top of giving you time to survive a very brief outage or shut down. It is an extra expense, but if it saves a PC, or extends its lifespan I consider it well worth it.

2nd, I'll refer to a page on the Defragler site [Defragler is a well known app from the folks that bring you CCleaner] talking about the Windows API most all of these apps use.
"Why Defraggler is safe to use

Windows has an internal API (Application Programming Interface) that third-party applications such as Defraggler can use to move and delete files. This API works the same way Windows does when it moves or deletes files, and is very safe. Even if the PC crashes or you experience a power failure during defragmentation, Windows can usually complete the file operations or cancel them without file corruption.

Defraggler uses the Windows API, and is a safe and effective choice for your defragging needs."

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+23)

SuperEasy apps tend to be like Ashampoo software in that they're generally reliable, do what they say, are easy enough for a novice to use, and don't have an abnormally high impact on Windows when you install them. They also fill in a gap or two left open by the Ashampoo product line -- wouldn't make sense for Ashampoo to partner with them if they directly competed.

How good is SuperEasy Live Defrag? This sort of software normally uses Windows to do the actual defragmentation, so for that part the results should be the same whether you use brand X or brand Y. The differences come from the GUI, from features like scheduling, and from how they might try to optimize how the data on your drive/partition is organized. SuperEasy Live Defrag works in the background when you're not doing anything else. It also claims to be able to prevent files from becoming fragmented in the first place. TO me the best way to get a feel for how you use it, and what it will do for you is to check the brief, 14 page PDF manual here: https://www.supereasy.net/en/usd/manuals

Originally, defragmenting a mechanical drive meant finding all the pieces of each file & organizing them so they were next to each other, but that's evolved over the years -- AFAIK Symantic started a trend back when we were all running win95, to move certain files to the faster portion of the hard drive platter. Because the platters are discs like a CD/DVD, or perhaps a better comparison would be a vinyl record, as you move from the center of the disc outwards, the amount of data read or written with each single rotation increases with the circumference. The tricky part is knowing what data needs to be read faster so you personally will benefit. That's one area where defrag apps can vary a lot -- the app I use, MyDefrag, lets you use predefined scripts, or you can create your own. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MyDefrag

To try & explain why there is such a thing as defragging a drive... Lots of people have EaseUS Partition Master from prior giveaways -- if you were to run it, select one of your drives/partitions, right-click select Properties, & click the NTFS tab, you see the breakdown of sectors & clusters. Data is stored in these small pieces on your drive, and when a file is made up of many small pieces, if they're all next to each other, a mechanical hard drive can read the file faster than if it has to gather pieces of that file from all over the drive. That's because a mechanical hard drive has to physically move the read head(s) over the portion of the drive platter(s) where those pieces of the file are located.

Note that there are some special concerns if you're running win8/8.1 & have one or more SSDs. SSDs have no moving parts, but they do have a limited lifetime -- they will wear out. They also need to have the TRIM command run http://www.techspot.com/news/52835-understanding-ssds-the-need-for-trim-overprovisioning-and-more.html

Win8/8.1 handle TRIM when they optimize [defrag] your mechanical drives [if you have one or more]. That means that if you turn off the automatic drive optimization in Windows you need to make some other provisions to make sure TRIM does happen for your SSDs. There *may* be a problem with that automatic optimization however... Some people say yes, some [e.g. Microsoft] say no. In a nutshell the optimization tasks in win8/8.1 may cause Windows to run a defrag on your SSDs, shortening their lifespan.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+25)

When I first started messing around with computers they ran on DOS. Not sure when Microsoft started including their defrag utility in Windows, but they've had it a long time and still include one in Windows 8 today, only now it's called "Optimize Drives" instead of "Disk Defragmenter". For those who don't think it makes a difference, it does. I can vouch from my own experience, but I think the reason some don't notice any difference is because they don't "work" their hard drives a lot by installing and uninstalling programs frequently (which I do) and using programs or utilities which tax the hard drive through lots of reading and writing.

My wife's computer rarely (if ever) needs defragging because she doesn't do a whole lot on it besides email, web surfing or playing simple games. Mine on the other hand needs occasional defragging because it gets worked a lot. I think the main thing with defrag programs is to use them when needed but use them sparingly.

Reply   |   Comment by Neil  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+25)

Free alternatives :
Auslogics Disk Defrag Free
Smart Defrag 3

Reply   |   Comment by Krmit killi  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

#5 Par Anoid said "Just what does “SSD-hard disk protection” mean and why would anyone want defrag software messing around with a SSD?"

I took "protection" to mean that the program would refuse to run on SSDs, even if the user was careless enough to try. Perhaps someone from SuperEasy could confirm this, as I couldn't find anything on the website?

Reply   |   Comment by Ghenghis McCann  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

I remember when defragging made a noticeable difference in speed. Now it's more effective to try keep as much of the HD free as possible. If you're constantly putting files on your computer and deleting them, then you might notice some advantage to defragging, but most won't notice any difference at all.

There is also a risk to defragging. If the computer should loose power during the defragging process it can mess up the files on the HD and may even require reinstalling everything.

Reply   |   Comment by M.I. Summerset  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

It isn't possible to generalise how file defragmentation will affect the life of the drive because it will depend on what is stored on the drive and its usage.
For example if the drive has a number of large car manual files on the drive and they are heavily fragmented and used often it probably is worth defragmenting the drive.
On the other hand if the drive is full of very small text files it isn't worth doing.
It would appear that access times have reduced by dramatically since 1980, this and a lot more useful information of this type can be found at the following link:-

Reply   |   Comment by XP-Man  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+23)

Nothing special, just an ordinary defragmenter as many others out there, even though it deserves for sure much more than the current ridiculously low GAOTD rating...

As XPMAN rightly noticed above, if you had insalled Auslogics Disk Defrag you don't need ever bother about today's offer....

If not, well you can download this GAOTD and use it for a while...


...well, first of all, a smart way to decrease the fragmentation of the file system on your HDs, extending their lifespan dramatically, is actually to use the System Memory (RAM) as a sort of virtual disk.
This way any temporary files, created by third-party apps, will never be written to the physical HD of your machine, thus reducing the read & write cycles as well as the noise and heat from your HDs.

The excellent free tools "DAYU Disk Master Free" and/or "SoftPerfect RAM Disk" can do all of that for free without any hassle:


As for good FREE defragmenters programs...you can take your pick:


If you are instead eager to only defragment specific files and/or folders (for instance the most used ones) rather than the whole disk, well the portable freeware “WinContig” can do it for you, without charging you a dime for that:


Unfortunately most of the FREE and even PAID defraggers out there are not able to neither showing nor defragmenting your paging files and/or Registry hives, which can both be one of the main causes of your system slowdown due to file fragmentation.

This is where the freeware "PageDefrag", by the legendary Mark Russinovich, comes in (works like a charm on Windows7 as well: must be run as Administrator though!!):


Finally, you should also know that the modern disks (especially SSD) need, for best performance, the right ALIGNMENT of read/write operations in relation to the physical sector.

What if I told you that there's a FREE & PORTABLE GEM which checks the volume alignment status of your disks, telling you when an alignment is required plus a bunch of other nice recommendations to optimize the disks in question?


But to solve this tricky issue, you may also apply this very smart TIP prompted by Aomei team:


Then to correct any possible wrong alignment you need specific software, which are usually offered, FREE of charge, by the disk manufacturers for each of their devices:


Or more simply just use the award-winning freeware "AOMEI Partition Assistant Home Edition" for that, kissing your wallet and headaches goodbye for good:


==> FREE <== Enjoy! ^_^

Reply   |   Comment by Giovanni  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+152)

That is one - amongst many others - why I prefer Miss Linux instead of Miss Windows, when it comes to saving files. Miss Windows will place - out of 100 pages - 10 pages here in drawer 100, 25 pages there in drawer 140, another 10 pages there further in drawer 200 and the rest somewhere else in drawer 400.

Each month, to perform a barbaric operation (defragmentation), Miss Windows will open all drawers and throw the 100 pages on the floor ; then she will place them again in order from #1 to #100, then - again - 10 pages here in drawer 100, 25 pages there in drawer 140, another 10 pages there further in drawer 200 and the rest somewhere else in drawer 400.

And so on.

Miss Linux will simply take the file of 100 pages, search for a drawer large enough to hold the 100 pages and place the file in 1 drawer.

That's why I fell in love with Miss Linux.

End of the story.

Reply   |   Comment by unpeudepolitessesvp  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-41)

The problem with hard drive defrag programs is that their are a lot of them. The current defrag program I'm using does all the things this program does.

It may be useful for someone new to computers who does not have a defrag program, then again they could use the defrag tool that comes with the operating system.

If this program had some unique feature that others defrag programs don't have then it would be of more interest.

Reply   |   Comment by Brian  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Waiting since LONGER than !45!min. NO registration mail at all.
NOT interested in reasons. Interested in getting serial.
BUT not to mail given here on open lines.

Reply   |   Comment by G.  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-22)

Couple of points here regarding other comments.

Access times of normal (not SSD) Hard drives have NOT improved much since the 1980s.
Rotation speeds have NOT improved much either.
If you don't believe me, just google it.

What HAS improved a lot is the density of data in each rotation, and therefore improved data access.

Caching has also improved. Behaviour of hard disk access because of more operating system memory and in some cases certain optimizations have also made defragmentation less irrelevant.

Defragmentation of regular hard drives IS beneficial for NTFS and FAT32, but a lot less regularly than most think, typically once or twice a year at most.

On the other hand, The built in defragment tools or some free, should suffice.

Reply   |   Comment by Ragnar  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+60)

Just what does "SSD-hard disk protection" mean and why would anyone want defrag software messing around with a SSD?

Reply   |   Comment by Par Anoid  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

Windows NT systems when first introduced were seen to cause much more fragmentation than versions such as Win95 and Win98.
You can help to reduce this fragmentation by making your virtual memory a set size and running PageDefrag on each boot. Link:-

This will result in the virtual memory on your hard drive becoming a single file.
If it is just left to its own devices where the page file size is variable it will do the same as any other file when written to your hard drive and just put bits of it all over the drive, hence fragmentation.

I can never remember exactly how to change the page file size so I just put "virtual memory" in Windows Help and Support which in XP supplies all the information required.

From #1 Karl’s comments regarding the program this is probably a much better option than today's download.
I was fortunate enough to download Auslogics Disk Defrag Pro when it was offered here and it's by far the best program of its type I have found.

Reply   |   Comment by XP-Man  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+56)

You don't really need to defrag your hard drives in computers nowdays. In-fact you should try not to ever defrag your hard drives. I have been fixing computers for over 10 years and in my experience (I have tested several drives) the hard drives that were defraged lasted between 40 to 90% less then the drives that were not defraged. If you have to defraged then it's better to just reinstall the system or if you really want to defrag then defrag it as little as possible. Also don't forget to turn off auto defrag in Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Reply   |   Comment by Havoc  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-9)

I'm always amazed at how some users still highly regard defrag programs.
Back in the early days of hard disks, the 'algorithm' to save files was 'find a space, dump the file. If not enough space here, do what you can then find another space' and repeat. This meant if you deleted a lot of files, then wrote a large file, it would be written where the old small files were first, creating 'fragmentation'. When it came to read this file again, the disk had had to bounce around the disc, finding all these separate fragments.

Since then, disk technology has improved - the seek time (the time taken for the head to find a particular sector) has decreased dramatically. What was a couple of hundred milliseconds is now 3 or 4 milliseconds. This obviously means finding files is a lot quicker. Equally, the spin rate of disks has increased, meaning files can be read quicker. Finally, the disk format has also changed. NTFS (New Technology File System) has overtaken FAT (and FAT32) to be the standard of modern Windows operating systems. When saving a file, instead of just 'find a space', it now looks for a space big enough for the whole file. If it can't find one, it finds the largest it can, and repeats (saving fragmentation). Although it doesn't eliminate it, it reduces it dramatically.

With SSDs (solid state disks) now becoming more and more popular, fragmentation is eliminated, due to the near-instant seek times and greatly increased read times.

So, unless you still have Windows 95 (or 98) and using a really old computer, you have no need for degragging software. The time spent actually defragging (which can place a big stress on the hard drive) far outweighs the millisecinds gained reading a large file. You certainly shouldn't use defrag software on SSDs, which have a finite write life (you can only write to the cells so many times).

Reply   |   Comment by Chris Locke  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+83)

Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit system. Registration via checked eMail. They want to know your personal data, but you can deny.

A German company without names, address, part of Ashampoo??? A bla-bla "we focus on..."

Hmmmm, if a program is called supereasy, I expect, that is is super easy. Am I right?...

During installation I check the system requirements:

Operating System:
Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7.

Uh! Win 8.x missing? Or simply forgot to update the page?

Ok, it starts on Win 8.1 without problems. The supereasy xxx hasn't a supereasy interface. It is a non standard cluttered interface with program errors. You can click on "File", "Settings" and "Analyse" - the hand symbol, but nothing happens. You have to click on the selection below "File", then it shows, that you have moved 5 files and 457 clusters. Who is really interested?

The so called "user settings" displays only "channel", and this means advertising!

I searched for some more usefull settings like simple defrag, or free space optimization or prefetch layout optimization or boot time defrag of system files. I didn't found antyhing. This is not supereasy, this is simple to less.

I looked the drive statistics of a defragmented drive and found the funny info :

Most fragmented files

~\~\~\~\ 841 (fragments)
~\~\~\~\ 743
~\~\~\~\ 245
~\~\~\~\ 189

A useless statistic with an included file name decoding error!

There must be a typing error. This isn't version 1.0.5, but version 0.1.5. For me superuseless!

Uninstalled via reboot. I keep my auslogics disk defrag, which replaced my former Raxco perfect disk.

Reply   |   Comment by Karl  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+162)
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