Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
ZC Video to Cell Phone Converter was available as a giveaway on June 2, 2008!
ZC Video to Cell Phone Converter helps you transfer videos and audiotracks to your cell phone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile phone, symbian, palm or pocket PC. It supports most of popular video movie formats, including AVI, DivX (*.divx; *.div), Xvid (*.xvid), MPEG (*.mpeg; *.mpg), WMV (*.wmv), ASF (*.asf), ASX (*.asx), Real Video (*.rm;*.rmvb), VCD Format (*.dat), Quick Time Format (*.mov), FLV (*.flv), MP4 (*.mp4; *.mpeg4), MKV (*.mkv), 3GP (*.3gp;*.3gpp;*.3gp2;*.3g2), Decrypted VOB (*.vob), Nullsoft Video (*.NSV).
The intuitive user interface makes the convertion process ultimately easy - no basic multimedia knowledge needed. With ZC Video to Cell Phone Converter you will be able to enjoy your favorite movies and music on your cell phone - anywhere, anytime. You can also create nice ringtones by extracting movie audio.
256M or more memory; DirectX8.0 or higher; Windows Media Format 9 Series Runtime or later.
12.6 MB
Avoid super C, it used my pc to launch crap to other pcs. Yeah, tracked it back to date and time it was on my pc. Took me a while to clean it up. BEWARE! AVOID! STAY AWAY! At least when GOTD recommends something, you know it is clean, even if it isn't exactly what you are looking for!
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Another converter...what a surprise! Can't they come up with something else? Everytime I go to this site, it's some converter. :/ Come on, GAOTD, get some variety please!
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This has been up for almost 2 days now -- how about
something new?
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this seems useless to me, why would you want to watch a movie on a phone? just because you can?
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@ #50... that's because you registered it at 12:03 AM... 3 minutes after the giveaway ended. it's only good til midnight.
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@53 -- I'm a hater of SUPER as well. Anything that forces you to get their application from a single website, which prevents you from seeing anything until you turn off your ad-blockers and then takes that opportunity to stuff your browser full of tracking cookies is just extremely dubious as far as I'm concerned. If you wanna make money from your software, then charge for it or ask for donations, but that kind of underhanded stunt hardly inspires trust.
Besides, it's really just a bunch of scripts that tie together applications that other people have written. Learn to use the apps yourself, increase your control and you'll get better outcomes.
Also: Gary Glitter's posts here always makes me laugh. Nothing like the antics of an unapologetic kiddy fiddler to start your day.
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Many of the last few programs are quite good, but there is a freeware bundle that has the capability to do what the last 6 standalone software offerings do and more in just one package...
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(to #49)
"While I hate to be ugly, I can’t think of many things more foolish
than watching a movie on a cell phone. Writing a program to do such
is one of those things that is more foolish."
Well, I dunno, Pigpen, it seems like you just haven't thought this
thru very well. There are times when a little entertainment would
really come in handy -- like while waiting for your doctor or
dentist, or at the laundromat, or any place you may need to sit for
several minutes or hours and have nothing to do but stare at the
geek across from you or listen to the idle chatter of strangers
trying to pretend they have something worth talking about while
boring everyone else to tears with their chit-chat... at times like
these, enjoying a favorite movie or video could be really useful.
Or do you prefer carrying your 200-lb. HDTV set into the doctor's
office with you?
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Please STOP recommending SUPER!!
Beware of what Super C do to your system!!!
As people mentioned in this malware Security Forums
http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?s=57 ... entry13209
A lot of things SUPER © did pretty much what a malware would do.
Two things combine to make this “look” like malware .
First it removes next to nothing that it adds to windows and system 32 when you uninstall the program. At the very most their uninstaller removed 10% of this software and leaving all those hidden/read only DLLs behind.
Next a lot of these files are hidden from the user and many also have no version info.
And people mentioned in many different forum include the malware forum, those hidden/READ ONLY DLLs can make your system unstable and could break other programs that use those same DLLs.
I know people have problem with their computer running CYGWIN or program that use DLLs provided by CYGWIN. Their computer become unstable afterward.
Those CYGWIN dlls, they are use by many video and networking related (free) software, Example, people use CYGWIN to setup SSH server, mysql client, perl cpan, etc. Any may also affect other application using ffmpeg.exe.
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its simply great for mobile phones
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wow this site is falling apart, hope they come back on Tues night with another conversion app. Sarcasm
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Nice piece of sotware, I liked it but it does not register even if you copy and paste the registration info just as instructed. It is not a GIVEAWAY, the program is limited to 50% limitation unless you pay for it!!!!!!
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While I hate to be ugly, I can't think of many things more foolish than watching a movie on a cell phone. Writing a program to do such is one of those things that is more foolish.
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#13 YES. Very nice detective work!
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This would be helpful if it would sync the media to the cell phone. There's software out to sync music to my lg voyager, but there's no easy way to sync video without a memory card
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Works like a charm. I've got Ying Ying, Lungsu, and Koku all loaded on my cell right now and at the push of a button, the acrobatics begin. If I put the cell phone by my cell's sink, I can easily watch it from the communal shower when they herd us in. That makes it quite handy if you happen to also be handy. I give this a big furry thumbs up. Thanks, GAOTD!
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#15 For what it's worth, I haven't found any commercial-grade video converter that works on the precept of plugins - where you can add more capabilities by buying or adding plugins. That's my idea: users buy a single converter application with some basic conversion codecs and settings. Then, when they need more, they can buy plugins that can add more format. This way, you install only what you need instead of all types of codecs and settings that in the end just clutter the software and make it harder to use.
I used to convert using just VideoLAN VLC but that's too elegant (hehe) and new users will find it confusing. You can convert with VirtualDub too but that's just as elegant (for the programmers, that is).
For a commercial grade but free converter, try Any Video Converter. There's even a payware pro version for extra needs (phone, iPod, PSP settings). It's still not a plugin-based as I suggested but it supports output to almost any mobile device formats (as long as 3GP and MP4 is there, you can figure out the rest), as well as good ol' PC formats. As the pay version is only $29.95, I think it's a good deal.
If you still want freeware, you can still get some free mobile converter from Videora. I used the PSP Video 9 before and although I don't like the interface (a bit confusing), it does it's job well for free and with good quality (I tried flv and divx to PSP).
Well, those two should cover all your freeware converting needs :). Or you could mess with the opensource mEncoder and convert almost anything to anything... not that easy to use, though. And it's a kind-of plugins based (installable codecs).
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To #6 tssfonsononmes ...
Q1: Have you downloaded from "BestDVDRipper" site that you recommended? Who is supplying these "Freeware"? No Signature page or anything!!!
Do you think they might have "Spyware" on them?
Q2: Anyone else on this Thread has tried downloading what #6 recommends.
I know "SUPER" does not run quite Innocently ... tries to gather data from your computer.
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This one don't convert properly at all!
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I think that colarmac copies phrases from other people's postings (like with hobitlight a couple of days ago), probably because he or she doesn't speak much English. ken kelly's posts aren't too literate but they don't sound like the Chinglish from colarmac and colarmac's other aliases. Hence kelly's comment "No you did not think of it after all", complaining of his earlier words being copied.
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I converted some VOB files that are on my hard drive using the DIVX codec. Some files had the audio track I wanted. Others had the audio track I didn't want (one had the director's commentary...one had French instead of English). It seems to pick an audio track at random. How can I correct this?
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Bloody waste of time!
Enough with this garbage...
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One more time.The the ZC Video Converter (January 20, 2008)is the best one.
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Thnx for the ZC Video Converter.You are the BEST.
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@# 22 colarmac, ken kelly what ever your nic is
Just because you got it for free winning some game doesn't make it a great software. For the over price stuff they have they should give a few out. Besides that game your talking about ended back in February so what good was it to even mention it here.
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@# 34 digger44
"Shutdown computer automatically when job is done." as a key feature??
It's a optional feature that I like. There's a box to check if you want this feature on or off. Wish a lot of other software had this feature to choose. Great for batch files and you need some other place to be. I never like leaving my computer for long periods if I'm not using it or have to be out for long time.
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I still love the previous Aplus converter :) That was awesome!
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"Shutdown computer automatically when job is done. " as a key feature??? I am not even installing a program that converts video anymore, I have "Plato" , "Aplus" etc... and there is 82% thumbs down already with 12 hours to go???? 2 Thumbs down...
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FAIL! - Does not make an acceptable H263/AMR - one glaring error is it has the audio sample rate at 44100Hz (not changable) when it should be at 8000Hz - may be acceptable to some phones, but not to a Sagem my411C.
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Might give this one a try. My Sagem my411C is fussy as hell, and so far, the only one to produce an acceptable H263/AMR-NB is the ABCMedia freeware.
Recommend ABCmedia without hesitation if you need the H263/AMR style of 3GP/3G2, but that one does not appear capable of the MP4/AAC style.
Trying out this one, and http://www.pazera-software.com/products/video-to-3gp-converter/ should be interesting, but this phone is so fussy about format, that even some that did produce H263/AMR don't work with it.
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Well I like it! I put in an flv file and converted it to an MP3 that sounds great just on my computer! I will like using this for my Archos and Ipod probably too
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It says you can rip music from movies, does it actually do that. I've been looking for something to extract songs from various movies/DVD's I own.
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#11: "I wish more applications would be focused on VOB editing and remastering ... make the program to not reencode the video with quality degradation. Programs that can do this cost upwards of 500 us dollars."
Head over to videohelp.com & doom9.org to start with, browsing the forums & reading guides, then look in their tools sections to find their very large selections of free-ware. Remember that it's your responsibility to not break any laws -- those laws may be why there aren't more commercial programs of that sort available.
#24: "Who watches videos on their phone? It’s a phone!"
Probably some of the many thousands of folks who buy video players with the same size, often inferior screens, would use their phone if they could.
#25: "...I lost everythng on my hard drive ... the activation keys for past giveaways didn’t seem to work any more..."
May I humbly suggest monitoring and saving whatever changes program installation makes to your PC including in the registry. InstallWatch Pro is older & takes a long time to make a snapshot of your system, but it's free & it works.
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Yes, ZC Video to Cell Phone Converter is another video conversion program, but it does have a few input/output options &/or settings some of the other converters didn't, so it might be worth it to take a look. Everything the program needs to run is put in the installed program's folder, so you don't have to worry about your other software like with Super & some other programs.
If you intend to use it for your cell, make sure that you can transfer video &/or audio to your cell if you haven't already... US carriers may only let you use media that they provide (& usually charge for), you may have to find and buy a transfer cable & software, &/or you may have to spend time tracking down and getting Blue Tooth software & an adapter working (if your cell has it & lets you). Otherwise there are enough formats & presets that maybe you'll find something that works with whatever video player you have (Zune etc...).
It works all right in Vista 32 Home Prem SP1, though when I fed it a small .VOB file from a DVD, the video preview barely worked - this may have been Vista however, since I've seen the same thing in some other software including players. It did convert the video to DivX in this case without a problem. Since it's the 1st converter that I noticed accepted the Microsoft DVR-MS format (Media Center), I tried an HDTV file I recorded from one of the local broadcast stations -- it couldn't open the file, popping up a message that if needed I could download a codec pack from the program's web site.
I didn't have time this morning to run the full install with InstallWatch Pro - I just used Universal Extractor on the trial download from the developers' web site. Trying to run the program I got an error message that it couldn't find a log file: "ZCLog.txt" in the "Log" sub-folder... the program also didn't exit, as others have commented. I created both the sub-folder & text file and it behaved properly after that. Maybe something similar is happening for those having problems with the program not exiting?
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I think it is ok, that GOATD give away stuff free and regular, as for the people who have problems and have to reinstall there OS. that way they can get it again or something simular......Just my 10p worth.
Keep up the good work GOATD and many thanks to you all.
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This product installs well in XP SP3, Media Edition. It is a good design and easy to use.
By the way, I lost everythng on my hard drive this past weekend. I had most of it backed up, but the activation keys for past giveaways didn't seem to work any more. Funny thing. I, for one am glad that this product is available today to starr replacing some software that I literally can't afford to buy right now.
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Who watches videos on their phone? It's a phone!
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This free software does a great piece of software for those people don't have another or other option for free conversion to their mobile or cell phone. I have a phone that plays video and I look to convert video from my computer onto my mobile phone. I recommend comedies over action films because its hard to see the special afects on a teeny tiny screen but the screen can be teeny tiny for funny films. If you need a suggestion for funny films I would recommend that you see Waiting for Guffman or 9 to 5. Those are cracking me up.
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To #5, #10, #19. Aimersoft held a special game a few months ago, you can win a special game to get free Aimersoft DVD Studio Pack, Giveaway posted the game on forum before, and you can refer to here.
I got Aimersoft DVD Studio Pack totally free at that time, so in my opinion, it’s totally free :)
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was searching 4 a software like this...got it..installed smoothly...but after installation n registering , got the biggest surprise....it said...."Trial version... can only complete 50% conversion"....GOATD is supposed 2 give us the complete software, and no trials, right....whats the problem!!!
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The program installed and registered on my WinXP (SP3) Home Ed. without a problem. After registering it, I closed the program and reopened it to verify it showed that it registered correctly. The program would NOT reopen. I checked for an icon in the Task tray to indicate the program had merely minimized. There wasn't one there, however in checking the Windows Task Manager, it showed the program STILL in the Process Listing. The main program and a ZC Log program. On removing closing it from the Process Listing, the program opened again normally, but on closing again, it removed the program from the screen, but once again remained in the Process Listing (with the ZC Log program).
Why it stays there is beyond me. I can only think of two reasons: Faulty programming or an ulterior motive. Neither is desirable in a registered program, nor is a program taking up resources when it's suppose to be closed. The programmers (and GAOTD Users) should make note of this.
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The All-In-One software (by AIMER) free link allows you to install an 'evaluation' copy of the software. This means that the audio is limited to 3 minutes, and a watermark appears on all output video. As has been said by others, this is not free software. Maybe some day it will be offered on GOTD. When I uninstalled it, it wanted me to complete a survey. Therefore, it is unfair to recommend it over the current offering.
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I've got two freewares - 1 does not really work at all for 3gp's - results stutter and blackout. the other's interface is about as friendly as my mother-in-law and almost as fast as her wit! I hope this one's a bit faster that the working freeware and a better interface. I've just got a cell phone that works with these and have a library of over 8,000 TV episodes I can choose to convert and watch while waiting on PCs to do their thing when working on them.
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In reply to #9
Hello ,
There is you are right a lot of software out is free some of them are really good and others no , personally I prefer the Quick Media Converter http://www.cocoonsoftware.com it does also the conversion for cellphones and many other applications so why pay ?
have a good day.
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Let's gets some variety going GAOTD.
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To #7 Wow. There are just SOOOOO many of this kind of software! I mean, can’t somebody just innovate and make something new? At least, come up with an all-in-one that just support plug-ins, for example. Then, we only need to buy one (at basic price) and buy or add the plug-ins for whatever extra conversion type we need. Why have to install so many different one?
Yes, I think so. There are so many single software there, such as zc phone converter, aplus video converter here on giveaway. They all transfer videos and audiotracks to your cell phone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile phone, symbian, palm or pocket PC. But we do not need to install two other software.
I just need some all-in-one software to do every functions I need. There is a great all-in-one choice, we only need just one software to do every work. It converts DVDs and videos to play on almost any portable device including iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket P.C., etc. Meanwhile, it can also support output almost any audio/video format including Video format(H264, MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV, RM, 3GP, flv, SWF, mpeg-1, mpeg-2, VCD, SVCD, DVD, etc.) and Audio format(AC3, AAC, MP2, MP3, MP4, RA, WMA, etc.).
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I guess some will be saying "At least it's not a screen saver" How long before we're saying "At least it's not another converter"
Mind you, To be totally honest, A Converter has it's uses unlike Screensavers which just waste power!
ZC does'nt do much more than the others given away here, O-K for those that regularly format their drives and lose all their GAOTD programs and really need to have their works of arts on their mobile phones (Remember some mobile phones allow connection to a TV no doubt great for showing the vid on the TV)
Picture quality was'nt too bad on converting a short video onto my phone then viewing on the TV although other converters given on here have given similar results.
I agree with #11 More apps on Vob editting would be nice, DVD is the way to go for quality on video!
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@# 3 colarmac A.K.A Ken Kelly
You said the exact same thing Friday about the XilixSoft DVD Ripper.
and you started to post the same thing as Ken Kelly
You came in here just to push some over priced Amerisoft program when this one is a free full version that GAOTD is giving to try for free. Which if you had to buy would be $30.00 compared to AmeriSoft's $60.00 Even ZC all in one video Converter is $20.00 cheaper. I never had a problem with ZC's softwares. If the market is so flooed with these programs at least you could've found us a free one to offer.
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I've used the regular version of this and it sucked big time. Whenever I tried to convert a file to mp4 it would crash, and whenever I converted flv files with it, they wouldn't work with any other software.
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Obviously this is my opinion, but this is quite a useless app. Who watches cell phone videos and if you know someone who does, why waste the time on such a useless low quality? There are so many othe smaller devices, why would one convert video to a cell phone format? Do not answer these questions, I am already convinced there is no reason and I will not see any response anyway.
I wish more applications would be focused on VOB editing and remastering back to a DVD. I understand frame editing is difficult however that would be a nice solution to have provided by software development. Provide a nice, possibly cutsomizable user interface to remanufacture raw VOB files. If VOB files are containers, make the program to not reencode the video with quality degradation. Programs that can do this cost upwards of 500 us dollars.
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