Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
XYplorer Pro 15.90 was available as a giveaway on November 6, 2015!
XYplorer is a tabbed file manager for Windows. It features a powerful file search, a versatile preview, a highly customizable interface, optional dual pane and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks.
It is fast, light, innovative and portable.
Windows 90/ ME/ NT/ 2000/ Server 2003/ Server 2008/ Server 2012/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64)
8.13 MB
Can't unzip within this file explorer?!?
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I installed this, checked it out and promptly uninstalled it.....I know it may be useful to some people, but it does not have any of the features I need. I do a LOT of work with graphics and photos....I need a file explorer that has the option to change the color (skin) of the UI background to a dark color....plus, there are some other problems....I do a lot of switching back and forth between folders and drives, this thing does not respond to the mouse "back" button, so I always have to constantly go up to the "back" arrow on the explorer window, windows explorer DOES respond to the mouse back button....this may sound like a very minor thing, but when you deal with the huge number of files I do everyday, moving, copying, deleting etc., it is a major thing.....Another thing I don't like is that it does not support Windows Active View on folders....with this thing, all folders just look like generic empty folders like on old versions of windows....with active view, you can always see if a folder is empty or if it has something in it....I know it's a minor detail but it's definitely nice to have.
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As a PAiD licensed owner of multiple XYplorer licenses, as well as a few other File Managers such as Directory Opus, xplorer², etc.
I'd like to see these improvements to XYplorer:
1. a better File Viewer,
2. a customizable right-click context menu (move existing items up or down, FOR EXAMPLE: all the "New ..." bunched together, and, possibly add New Rich Text, New Open Document, etc)
3. I would like to create a ToolBar Button that allows me to TEST or Test & Extract with a single click: Zip or RAR or other achived files, but I haven't got a clue when it comes to the coding stuff. Where do I go to find out how to do this coding?
FiNALLY I only ever use a Single Pane BUT I would really like to see an option for MULTi-ROWs of Tabs
I suppose as there is only 5 minutes to go before the Offer Expires the likely hood of getting any replies is unlikely, so MANY THANKS for a good Windows File Manager
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If you Iconize the Tabs you will have plenty of room
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It seems to have been installed. I simply can not find it by any name. I can not find it in Revo Uninstaller from where I could have searched the location of installation.
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You guys are lucky this is being offered for free. I have the paid version and it is very good. Steep learning curve though.
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How do you prevent the Columns auto sizing ? (it is infuriating)
I wish to set the layout in a Tab, and then all Tabs will have the same layout from that day on.
Thanks for the Giveaway,
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I would like to know how I can reinstall this if I have to reload Windows 7 on my computer I share with my 8 year old daughter. After she accidentally deletes it or downloads something that crashes it for good. There is no license number.
Thank You
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I prefer Freecommander to this this because of the ease, customization, and dual-tree windows. It's worth learning and I use it more than Windows Explorer. www.freecommander.com
I use Q-Dir however when I am copying to multiple drives. It's easier for that task.
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Just thanks to GAOTD and Donald Lessau.
If only there were more good 'uns like this.
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I'm also getting NCIS "Installer integrity check has failed" error.
Tried running it in CMD with /NCRC and still won't work.
windows 10.0.10240 Build 10240
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The website tells me this is portable. How can this giveaway be installed as portable?
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I use XY explorer frequently..
been a while since anything was offered that I actually took an interest in down loading..... I have used XY explorer and still do, it's not a bad replacement for windows explorer
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I have been using XYplorer since 2012 when I first saw it here on GAOTD. I must have missed the 2014 offering so I was still using version 11.9 --- until today. A lifetime license for XYplorer has been on my Christmas list for 2015, so I was glad to get the updated version to see ahead of time what I will be getting with the new version. As before, I love it. It has what Windows Explorer should have in it.
Thank you, to GAOTD and to Donald Lessau for creating a great product!
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Excellent software, very responsive developer, tons of customization available. If you're still using Windows Explorer, you really should give this a try - nothing whatsoever to lose, and it has a very small installed footprint.
I upgraded from the last giveaway of this.
Thank you.
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I've used XYplorer but have got to say that Directory Opus is the kingpin of file managers. Unfortunately, Directory Opus is not free. So if you want a freebie file manager that is pretty darned good -- and a lot better than Microsoft's File Explorer -- grab this giveaway today. You might also want to try the free 30-day fully functional trial of Directory Opus -- the only danger is that you probably won't want to go back to XYplorer or any other file manager.
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Seems a very nice proggie, thanks!
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The setup.exe file has been crashing for the last 3 giveaways I tried to install. Here are the details..........Any help would be appreciated
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: setup.exe_unknown
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 52ba66af
Fault Module Name: StackHash_bf2f
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Code: c000041d
Exception Offset: 778e11f1
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: bf2f
Additional Information 2: bf2fad4f846e226167d9682fa24bb27c
Additional Information 3: eda9
Additional Information 4: eda91533b922338153a41c7d8cb2825c
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I've also had lots of crashes with previous giveaways ever since the new format.
I've tried downloading giveaways via an email link, Facebook share.
I've also tried different unzipping programs, but still get the crashes when running the setup.exe
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: setup.exe_unknown
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 52ba66af
Fault Module Name: StackHash_bf2f
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Code: c000041d
Exception Offset: 76f211f1
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: bf2f
Additional Information 2: bf2fad4f846e226167d9682fa24bb27c
Additional Information 3: eda9
Additional Information 4: eda91533b922338153a41c7d8cb2825c
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How can I change file attributes (Archive, hidden, system, read only) by XY Plorer? Thanks.
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Info Panel (F12) / Properties tab: simply click into the checkboxes. Then click the green "OK" icon to actually set the attributes to all selected files.
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I've been using XYplorer for about 4 years. There's not a lot I can say that hasn't already been said by devoted users and new fans, except I am happy with XYplorer and I never plan on replacing it.
When I began using this program, I started a forum topic here detailing my experience. It is quite extensive. So, if you really want to know what I (and others) think (and my discovery experience), read my posts.
As the program is free right now, do yourself a favor and get it. If you don't like it, no harm, no foul!
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Hey - I verified the link and it worked fine, before I posted!
Try this one: http://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7132
If that doesn't work, go here: http://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/index.php and search "From the Beginning (a running review)" without the quotes.
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I would like to have a dark theme
Thank you.
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It’s Portable"
XYplorer is a portable file manager. It doesn’t require any installation, stores all configuration data in the application data folder, and running it doesn’t change your system or registry. Take it with you and start it from a USB stick. File management to go."
Had a problem with a different window explorer and rendered windows explorer problematic. Since then stay away until now. Will give it a try after the info on it's web site and all the glowing reviews. Thanks Giveaway of the day and XYplorer Pro 15.90
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No doubt, one I shall keep.
Have been using the free version on my Windows machines for quite some time , so of course this full version suits me just fine.
Well done Giveawayoftheday :-) Thanks so much !
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I love XYplorer, but I don't see a compelling need to upgrade from version 14.40 to today's offering. Can anyone give me a simple, strong reason?
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Will this mess with the "Windows key + E" shortcut to open Windows Explorer? I use that shortcut extensively. I have Q-Dir on my computer, which does not replace Windows Explorer, but supplements it, and I have tried various replacements like this one, but they have caused all future attempts to use that shortcut to crash Windows Explorer, and I have had to restore a backup to repair that damage.
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Sparky - I see no interference. I had XYplorer 14.* and now today 15.*, and WIN + E still opens normal Explorer.
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This program help me for delete 1 files with too many silvols in name when windows cant.
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Question: is there any way that the position of the items in the right-click context menu can be moved around (the order of items rearranged)?
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Yead I concur with your thoughts on the contact menu's.
"Select" and "Select All" I would really like to see at the top of the right-click context menu
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Free Q-Dir is also pretty good 2 , 3 or 4 panel file handler. ver 6.19 last I got. Light, fast, customization. US/German/etc.
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The Right Click BACKUP Utility tool is used many times a day by me.
I would like to see a context menu option to create a new RTF file or ODT file instead of just a TXT file
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I downloaded this program to see if it would solve a problem that I was having with my right clicking process. Right clicking a file in a folder causes the folder to close/crash. I get the same result with XYplorer. Any insight to possible cause and solutions will be appreciated. TIA
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This should help: http://www.xyplorer.com/faq-topic.php?id=ctxcrash
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It is nice that one can see other devices like cellphones and tablets, but that is not enough. It would be great if one could not only view but to be able to work with these other devices, ie make folders, copy to the PC, and other functions along this line.
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But there is a better option and FREE. QTTabBar (http://qttabbar.wikidot.com/)
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Free Q-Dir offers 4 windows to explore open at once
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Thank you for your generous offer. It is fast and light. I think you have to rebuild your icons familiar like File Explorer and don't be crowd. I like your Dual Pane just horizontal merge with Viewer Pane just vertical like DOpus.
Salute for you and learn from others. Thank you very much.
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Thank you for your generous offer. It is fast and light. I think you have to rebuild your icons familiar like File Explorer and don't be crowd. I like your Dual Pane just horizontal merge with Viewer Pane just vertical like DOpus.
Salute for you and learn from others. Thank you very much.
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I am using Q-Dir for a long time and it is very good. Any comparisons exist?
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The only advantage of XYplorer over Windows Explorer is that you have all Windows options at hand, other than that I see nothing new, just cosmetics. As a matter of fact, the very first option I tried to find was tile vertically side-by-side view and couldn't find it.
There are many free Explorer replacements as CubicExplorer, Explorer++, Xplorer2, NexusFile, Q-Dir that are all free and much more useful.
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I really miss the famous GT Search....
It was just the most accurate and ever fantastic ever tool.
It ended after XP.
Too bad.
Thank you GAOTD.
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Use Everything. It indexes everything and results are instant.
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I've been using XYplorer since the last giveaway (14.4) and I like it above all the other explorer replacements, namely for it's stability, customisable UI, and responsiveness. It's pretty much always running on my secondary monitor, which is rotated 90 degrees.
Everyone should install this and spend some time configuring all the options to make it their own.
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I've been using this for a few years now, and would not want to be without it. I have several hard drives and it very easily searches them all to find whatever I am looking for. Windows search was just too frustrating, so I found this one and never look back. Grab this one while you can. It's a keeper.
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@Donald Lessau. Thank you for your response. Perhaps I didn't explain very well. From the screen print on the GOTD page it looks as if when an individual image is highlighted it is previewed at a higher resolution in a window on the left. I have been unable to reproduce this. All I see are the thumbnails of the images in that folder. If I highlight an image, move the mouse over it and hold down left click I get a larger floating image superimposed on top of the others. However if I press F11 while the image is highlighted the screen is black except for the sole fixed image displayed in the centre of the screen. How can I get that image to appear in the left hand window? I would appreciate it very much if you could explain which setting are requied to achieve that.
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F11: What you describe sounds like the full screen preview. When the full screen preview is on, press F12 to toggle back to the normal floating preview. You can then move/size the window to the desired position and size.
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I've tried most of the popular file managers over the years and XYplorer is hands down the best one! I purchased the lifetime license to access all the updates. One feature that I like the most is the scripts capability which allows me to add custom functionality that now I can no longer want to live without.
Despite all of the great features and benefits, I really wish the author would add a simple option to remember the locked folder settings. Every time the program is restarted, it forgets all of the locked folders.
In summary, this program is highly recommended for users who are looking for powerful scripting capability which puts XYplorer on a whole level above the other file managers.
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If you think there is a bug please report it in the XYplorer user forum. Fixes usually come within a day.
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Sorry - I meant locked tabs!
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Was using old version 14.40 given by GOTD on 9 Sep 2014.
Uninstalled that and installed this new Pro Version 19.50.
But it is not the best.
Total Commander is the best file manager.
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Installed easily w/o drama on Win 7 64U.
This is a great file manager. It addresses the vast shortcomings of the later versions of Explorer - a baffling crippling from the old File Manager. I suspect the bozo who thinks the ribbon in Office is a good idea was put in charge of the current MSFT file manager version.
This has moved in a few minutes' use from a trial to my default file manager. It's that good.
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Another thing that it does and many file exporting softwares do not do (or do partly) is the ability to save file list/searches etc in plain text/csv etc. Many file list exporting softwares are either crippled (shareware) or old. The ability to save as CSV allows you to load it in excel and do whatever you want with it. Total bliss!
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@Alex - Like Jorge I found that I could not install unless AVG was deactivated then installation went flawlessly. Why, Oh why, can't AVG pop up a message instead of keeping shtum. The one time when a pop up really would be appreciated!!
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I am unable to show a "reduced" preview in a right hand panel as per the GOTD page. A left click on an image does produce a larger version of it but it is a free floating image and not anchored in a right hand side panel.
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That's the Floating Preview (F11).
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I use Free Commander. Had it for years. It's clean interface, ability to view all files in a set of folders, built-in zip capability and free price add up to a winner for me.
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How different from version 14.40.0200, which was offered here on GAOTD a little while ago? (And I do like it.)
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v.15 looks more flat.
Went back to v.14 for that reason.
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What's new: http://www.xyplorer.com/whatsnew.php
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For instance, now in the search function you can choose whatever range of dates in the date filter
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Same issue as Bob Smith, I can only assume that the setup file is not compatible with Win 7 (64). I do get a Windows error message saying that the setup.exe file has stopped working, but I'm still told that the program has been activated.
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I installed without problem in W7 64. First deactivated AVG Antivirus and when installed activated it again. Everything OK.
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An an IT Manager, I spend half my life in Windows Explorer, in some form or other - running VB code, creating config files, renaming files, moving files, etc. A tabbed interface is essential - while you can drag and drop between two Windows Explorer windows, its too easy to lose one, or move to a different folder when you don't want it to, etc.
I've used XYplorer in the past, but it struggled on network drives - it would want to crawl the directory tree too much, resulting in a lot of lag and delays. xplorer2 is a similar dual-paned tabbed interface affair, also in constant development. There aren't many bells and whistles that are essential - a list of 'favourite' folders for quick access, a queue for moving/copying and some way of 'saving' the plethora of directories you've got open (nothing worse than being in the middle of a job and having to reboot!)
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Firstly, great piece of software. Dual page manager and the renaming is awesome....It can do some nice tricks renaming programs can't do...
The inbuilt copier is awesome and allows for queuing. Use it all the time! There are tons of other features such as tabbed interface, breadcrumbs etc...
Only thing missing IMO is full zip folder support. Another gripe I have with it is it's inability to lose all collapsed folderss upon closing the software. If you have opened a bunch of folders in left pane, no easy method to collapase it with a single click...Must be done individually.
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Conc. inability to lose all collapsed folders: There are several ways to handle this.
1) You have a command Reset Tree that will totally collapse the tree to its initial state.
2) The key Numpad Divide will fully collapse the current node and all its child nodes.
3) In configuration you can opt to not remember the tree state between sessions.
4) Using a script you can even load a particulat tree state on startup.
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I agree great software - I use it exclusively and have no need for windows explorer at all.
Re collapsing the left pane use CTRL /
(you have to use the / key on the numpad)
Pretty much I've found if there is something you want to do in Xyplorer then there is a way to do it
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