Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Web Boomerang was available as a giveaway on August 17, 2012!
Web Boomerang is a fast web copier that can capture thousands of photos, music, clips, sports stats, recipes, information, or even entire sites, and save them on your computer. When you are ready, you can work right off your computer from your own web library collection - you don't even have to be online to use captured contents.
You'll never have to worry about contents not there any more or have to pay fees for archived articles that were free.
Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003 Server/ Vista/ 7
7.76 MB
WinSettings Pro speeds up your PC startup, and helps you to cover your tracks. To better protect your privacy, its Secure Delete will shred files and folders so they cannot be recovered with any Undelete utility. Merging RegistryBooster, DriverScanner and SpeedUpMyPC under a single interface, PowerSuite boosts and protects your PC, giving you more speed and stability.
Secure, store, and share your digital assets with encrypted virtual drive. This program is the perfect solution for encrypting and protecting sensitive information from theft and other attacks. This program makes part or entire hard disk, or removable drive, into secure vaults.
FileStream Sync TOGO: Sync, Transfer, and Quick Backup Files for Home, Office, and Travel!This new portable application lets you synchronize, transfer, and back up files for home, office, travel. In addition to installing the program on your computer, you can also install Sync TOGO directly on portable storage, where your files are stored.
Re. : "Has a Windows 95 GUI..."
1) Yes the GUI is not to the liking of some.
2) From experience, if it has W95 type GUI :-
a) you get a lower number of bugs/hassles (also often only small ones),
b) program size, speed and use of resorces should be good,
c) most likely to work on nearly all computers (not sure about W8 though).
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Hi I installed this and got the password email alright. I also registered online at the site with my name and email. Never received any registeration except password. Spam and inbox did not have an email. I restarted the program after I filled out the registration online and still get demo mode asking me to purchase.
Thank you.
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I find it confusing and offensive to look at all of the extra garbage that gets installed, to the point where it is unclear what is a needed component, and what is absolute add-on junk. It is maddening. There is my comment on this software. Please un-bundle it from all of the bloated garbage.
I will pass. Thank you.
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The software has no uninstaller! Had to delete everything then run ccleaner on the registry. This is an unaceptable ommission.
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(i've only browsed some of the comments
i cannot run the GAOTD version because it won't run in Sandboxie on XP
so i downloaded the trial from filestream)
registration key received immediately via email
installs into directory of your choice, 3 MB
note that this is an old program, circa 2007
so other then adapting the program for GAOTD, i'd expect no changes in it
includes CHM Help file
window is resizeable
consists of two parts, the "Copy Wizard", the guts of the program, & a shell for it, giving you more convenient access to what it has captured
not enthralled with the program's UI, but its OK
it works
depending on how you define "works", it may or may not be sufficient for you.
if you wanted a mirror copy of a site, you may not get that. you may get the basics, but you're going to miss external .css files & the like.
i'm sure you can find sites where it will fail, possibly abort on
if you're looking for something like this, it is worth a cursory look, though i would put more emphasis on the other products mentioned. helps when something is actively maintained, you're likely to get better results, i would think. even various download managers have "site explorer" modules that can pretty much mimic what this can do.
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#35 GreeneyedNewbie:
1. get gmail, your stuff is never deleted.
2. or get an email program which stores your email on your own computer - Thunderbird does this.
3. Combined solution (which I use): use gmail and back it up to your own computer occasionally using Thunderbird. There are instructions on the gmail site as to how to backup using POP3 (POP=Post Office Protocol). Once you have a gmail account you can find these instructions at https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?shva=1#settings/fwdandpop. Thunderbird stores the files at User/Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\f6p8ppw1.default\Mail\pop.gmail.com in XP, for instance. Remember to include the top user directory in all your backups, and you'll never lose your mail.
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Installed OK. However, would not download a website. the error message says, "error downloading home page". Nu further explanation or information is provided. Thumbs down for this one
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Tried to download ign.com as a test. It was fast, grabbed plenty of images.
Like the others said, it would be nice to be able to specify the size. No need for incredibly small files.
But the viewing of the files is horrible. I have to sort through the subdirectories to find the files.
So far, neodownloader is the better product.
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This program seems reasonable except for the price.
Personally I use the freeware which are not limited or even open sources website copier. Httrack Website Copier and Website Downloader for Windows. Though the secod one is even better than Httrack
Make sure to download the custom and to uncheck anything else than the program itself as they always try to bundle it with some unneccessary files and toolbars.
They are the best on the market and except for flash stuff they copy everything including zip, rar, wav, etc. I needed them for my language studies after I saw how many websites died I did not take any chances. And you can browse offline )(good for me when my Internet credit is gone or the website is dead). You can set up which format you need downloading in the websites and it does the rest. Make sure to read the help before trying it. You have to specify what you want before downloading. It will take a while if the website is big, make sure not to download the cookies and the ads.
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I have tried to register. YES, I did follow the long winded instrustions but after over 8 hours still no reg key and yes, I have checked to see if my email thought of it as spam.
I thought that this program looked interesting but I can't be bothered if you can't even get the program to register.
Sorry, but no thanks.
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System: Vista Home Premium/32, dual-core processor @ 2 Ghz, 2 GB RAM
The install and registration went off without a hitch. One thing I particularly liked about this program is that it shows you what it is downloading as it goes. The archive it created is properly structured and works great. One thing I noticed on a site is that it changed the index.html to index.htm, but that was probably to avoid destroying the original.
Why have this? Several asked why anybody would even need an offline browser any more. My reason is that I'm a school teacher, and may of us who teach still don't have Internet in every classroom and some not even at all. We'd like to be able to show our students things that without Internet, we can't do. Offline browsers solve that problem, and if you zip up a site's file your student (without Internet) can take it home with them to study.
I'm adding this one to my collection of such programs. As some pointed out, no one is perfect for all cases, but this is a keeper for me.
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Four reasons come to mind to justify tools of this sort:
Offline site browsing
Capture of site elements for "fair use," i.e., to examine those elements oneself or to cite them in new works, such as scholarly publications
Capture of site elements to allow embedding or transforming them in another work. Sounds cryptic, right? To clarify, my interest in such tools is to grab static site elements and then apply them to a content management system, thus retaining an original site's look & feel while transforming it into a dynamic, more easily extensible site. (See www.modx.com for a CMS / CMF that is great for such work.) The static site's originator is also the client, who pays the bills and winds up with control of the dynamic site. So plagiarism is not an issue.
Straight-up copyright violation and/or e-mail address mining. I fear that these are the major uses for site-capture applications.
I love GOTD, not so much for the particular items given away, but because the comments teach me so much! Those comments appear because the giveaways stimulate people to talk about the tools that matter to them, sometimes fiercely!
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To the People at Filestream:
Does this program harvest URL addresses from a browser page (bling, Google, etc)?
I don't need the email addresses but I would like to collect URLs.
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Has a Windows 95 GUI, so count me out!
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@45 Buntydee , yep you're right it does take a genius to use Google.
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#34:Is Giovanni some sort of Genius? I seriously think so...
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#21 JSL
You seem to makea valid point, but there are two differnces. When someone copies a website, they don't take the original, mearly make a copy of it, so it would be more like taking a photograph of your "lawn furniture", rather than taking it.
I agree that when you have put a lot of time in to crafting a wonderful website, it is very disheartening to see it partially or fully copied somewhere else. Especially if they are passing it off as their own work. However normal laws already apply there to selling your work, or pretending it is theirs. The question remains though, WHY did you put something on the Internet if you do not want people looking at it. It should be behind a password or something similar if you want only a select few to see it. When you make a website available for everyone to see, you MUST be aware that international copyright laws vary widely throughout the world and enforcing them both difficuly and prohibitively expensive for most. So WHY did you put something on the Internet then, if you know what is likely to happen to it and the difficulties in obtaining redress?
I do agree that it does NOT make it right for anyone to steal your work. I have seen mine copied all over the place, sometimes attributed to me, sometimes passed off as someone else's work. So everytime I post or upload some of my work, I am aware of what is likely to happen (even on this comment). This is hardly a new phenomenon, look at how many amature artists paint copies of the great masters to learn, but then sell their work (legally) as a copy.
Some countries have "fair use" policies and/or laws allowing parodying and uses for comedic purposes. These all allow copying in part or whole, reproducing, etc. in limited ways.
Please note that I am neither arguing for or against copying. I am just pointing out that it is likely to happen somewhere in the world and if you really are that sensitive to having things copied, you need to be behind some sort of security for your OWN sake. Leave your house unlocked and the doors open, or your money on the floor in the middle of a street and it is likely to be stolen, as not everyone is honest. It is no use saying that it is not right that someone should have taken it, as even though you are quite right, people are likely to think that you should have taken more care in keeping it secure. So if you really are that sensitive about having your stuff copied, why put it in a public place and just trust the rest of the world to leave it alone?
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I am having problem with the registration, after I send a blank email to that address, I am using MS Office Outlook to do it, it doesn’t send the email with the password. Something is wrong here!!!
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Software that only works with IE? No thank you. Why would someone waste their time developing this? Also think it is way to expensive.
FF users, I use ScrapbookPlus. Excellent for grabbing pages.
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Firefox users can simply install the Mozilla Archive Format add-on, right-click on the tab and have it saved in .MAFF format; readable off-line in Firefox or IE as .html. Works great.
In my experience, capturing an entire website with a website ripper is fraught with problems & it's better to capture page-by-page. As far as a stand-alone program, less is more and if you can do what needs to be done with what you've got already; so much the better.
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When I registered on Google Chrome and Firefox, I received no reply to my empty email. I tried it on IE and received a reply in 3 min. First time I ever had trouble registering.
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Truly awful piece of software! Cheap and tacky looking. Overly complicated. I use and will continue to use Firefox Fastdial. It's quick and easy to download a website...very fast! Will remove software at the speed of lightning!
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Registration code came immediately after sending blank email message as directed. Thank you. :)
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no way is this worth $50.00 U.S. unless it can download from password- protected sites as Judy #30 suggests, which I seriously doubt, as even Google's web-crawling spider indexer has to have a backdoor built into the site in order to read anything that's not contained on public pages.
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Since of you some sorta knowledgeable about this sort of software, so I hope you'll be able to offer a solution to a related problem. More and more "free" (ad-spam sponsored) email providers have been shortening their period of inactivity after which they purge all email account contents (drafts, sent, inbox, etc) even though the account itself remains available for use. Oddly enough, none have the courtesy to send said contents to an alternate mailbox, they simply destroy everything.
Does anyone know if this software or one of the above-mentioned alternatives or perhaps a different form of "sponge" application altogether can download everything from an email account thus saving me from having to manually forward everything one piece at a time? Thanks in advance. xxx
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Today's giveaway is a pretty decent offline browser which does what it claims pretty well. Very handy app if you are travelling or have problems to connect to the internet on a daily basis.
Tools like this are very useful indeed because can reduce the cost of web time and the necessity to repeat browsing sessions all the time in order to find out missed info.
However I can't see any reason to buy (50 bucks?? Come on....LOL!!) or even to download it, taking into account that there are many FREEWARE ALTERNATIVES out there doing the same thing or even more for FREE!!
Developers of shareware apps like this GAOTD should provide much more features which cannot be found elsewhere, otherwise it doesn't make sense charging money as long as people are aware of free alternatives of course (but don't worry, Giovanni is here just for this kind of "public service"...LOL!)
* (Portable) WinHTTrack Website Copier (==> My Personal First Choice)
Great FREE multiplatform OFFLINE BROWSER APP designed to:
° download an entire website to a folder of your choice
° build all directories
° get html, images and other files directly from the website server to your PC.
° update an already downloaded site
* FreshWebSuction (==> GREAT TOOL especially for noobs)
Amazing free program much easier to use compared to WinHTTrack: what you have to do is just enter the web address and then this magic tool download entire web pages while you go.
It is capable of downloading up to 50 files simultaneously and speed up your browsing by saving pages to your hard drive regardless of your web connection speed. So it's especially suitable for users dealing with slow web connection on a daily basis: it even lets you set which FILE TYPES (HTML, Images, Audio, Videos, Documents, Archived, User-defined etc...) and FILE EXTENSION (HTM,HTML,SHTM,SHTML,HTMS,HTMLX,ASP,PL,STM,STML,IDC,HTX,XSP,XML,CFM,CGI,HTMP,PHP,PHP3,NSF,JSP,ASPX) you want to save to see them offline later on.
* PageNest Free Offline Browser (==> Great for dialup users)
Another great feature rich offline website downloader, which lets you download complete websites or just selected pages: it's capable of downloading up to 40 files together from any websites.
The FREE EDITION lets you specify the FILE TYPES to download (text, graphics, multimedia files etc...), as well as the file size and the minimum and maximum value of it.
Best feature is undoubtely that allowing users to control the number of threads so that they can see downloading sites, parsing, errors and logs.
* WebAssistant Proxy Offline Browser
Terrific FREE offline browser which uses a different approach compared to the other apps listed above: in fact, with this tool you don't need to download any website to browse it offline later, since whenever you visit a website it stores a local copy of that web page in the cache of your browser.
And once you are again online this magic app updates your cached web pages and adds new pages automatically: cool, isn't it?
* WebReaper 10.0
Pretty old but lovely web crawler and spider tool, able to scan an entire website in a few second time in ordeer to download pages, pictures and objects that it finds.
Key Features:
· Multithreaded downloading
· Explorer-style interface
· ShockWave Flash support - downloads/fixes up SWF movies for local browsing
· User-customisable filters - limit by depth, time per object, total time and 'distance' from starting server, and many others
· Simple-to-use filter wizard - helps you build complex filters quickly and easily
· Full Drag & Drop support - drag links to/from Internet Explorer/Netscape
· Save downloaded files using relative paths to recreate websites stored locally with links adjusted to make them fully browsable
· Resume' mode reads files saved locally to avoid reloading unchanged pages
· Proxy & website authentication, allowing websites with passwords or behind firewalls to be reaped
· URL Profiles' allow depth and filter configurations to be saved with associated URLs for easy re-reaping in future
* Inquisitor
* (Portable) Kiwix 0.9 (==> Great for WIKIPEDIA junkies)
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Rediculous price that also makes no sense at all, you know what you can get for 50 bucks ?
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Material posted on websites allow for a certain amount of fair use. Just downloading something from a website isn't likely to cause a problem because that's how browsers work; they download files from one computer to another. You're only likely to get into trouble if you try to sell the material or claim it as your own.
And to use the house analogy, it's more like the material is being put on the front boulevard, or at least beside the sidewalk. But even then people are only copying it, not taking it away completely.
Firefox users are more likely to use a plug-in for this, or at least some of the features. In fact it's the plug-ins that make Firefox more useful for some people than IE.
I don't see anything about downloading video in the list, but there's plenty of programs for that. But it does look like this could be used to copy music from a site. However, the line that concerns me is that it can be used to "extract e-mail addresses" suggesting that it could be used as an e-mail harvester.
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What about password-protected sites?
Can you copy content and view without the password?
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There is no enumerated right to "put stuff on line". "Free speech" exists in one country--it is regulated everywhere else and highly infringed up in that one country.
As for possession in temp files of browser catches, others' intellectual property there maybe "protected" from infringement while innocently residing but once accessed directly or for other uses that may be/most likely will be infringement.
There is an argument that when "accessing" a site without the click (Google tracking, placement stats, use stats, etc. which are "owned"), one is violating TOC or other user agreements, written and implied, for web sites.
Once the US fed.gov takes over the net (yes, they are trying; every thirty days or so a major law is written intent on giving them various levels control. See banking regs or drug regs for vital examples of US overreach), users of this sort of software may be guests of the nation that has more prisons than most of the rest of the world together.
The question is, why would anyone want to clutter her computer with junk from web sites?
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If this does not work with firefox then I do not want it. so what is the deal? Does it work with firefox or not? I need to know.
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Is there a way to use this to download, stream, copy etc. the inbox from a yahoo mail accound. I would love to be able to burn my inbox or archive to disk.
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Given that websites are always " there ", where is the necessity for this product?
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#21 No one in the thread said or implied that stealing is okay. Instead of lawn furniture, how about, "If you don't want your money stolen then don't leave it on the dash of your parked car with the windows open." That's not advocating stealing, but it is advocating use of good judgement.
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Can anyone tell me if I can use this tool to copy all the thumbnail photos that are shown in their original large sizes in the background? Originally The site requires membership to view and copy the photos in large sizes. Thanks.
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No problems with registration/installation. Tried to copy two websites using PaleMoon 12.3x64. One was OK, but funnily enough the other (which was a simple two-page thing of my own), "worked", sort of.
My point is that it does seem to work with browsers other than IE.
And for "hotmatrixx" (#3).
Two of your three alternatives are NOT free. That makes a difference, don't you think?
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Another free option: ThumbBot
It works for me, but do read their review.
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just because you can steal something, doesn't mean you should! telling people "If you don’t want a pic copied then used DON’T PUT IT ON A WEBSITE!" is like telling people "if you don't want your lawn furniture stolen, DON'T PUT IT OUTSIDE ON YOUR PORCH!"
you have a right to put your stuff online..
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I registered, sent a blank email and password received in about 10 seconds.
It seems to work for me.
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I agree with #11. Gone are the days when someone wanted offline mode
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No problem with registration, however, I find the program rather useless. First of all, one would expect such a program to be at least partially intuitive, ie. To gather information from the current web-site, when called upon. Not only does it not do this, but even after entering the basic site information manually, it was unable to gather the information it claims to be able to harvest. If it doesn't work, it must need work. Uninstalling. Perhaps I'll look at some of the freeware alternative suggestions. Surely one of them must work.
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Works great on one website that I would want to pull zip and rar files from, but on another it errors out constantly if I try to go past the first page.
Might be useful for some websites. Needs to be able to access all websites and their links to be worth 50 USD. Right now, doesn't cut it for me.
Was trying to download the ZIPs and RARs I have uploaded to here:
But couldn't even get an html page nor an image to be downloaded from the page.
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When needed I used HTTrack for years
But... no need any more, why the hell to D/L websites?
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Checked spam folder and nothing, same as my inbox ;-) I sent 10 emails to them so far :-P
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@4. David Merrington -- You have a partial point. Unauthorised republication or dissemination of copyright material makes you liable to prosecution.
However, the architecture of websites and browsers alike often generates local copies on the end-users' computers of the files they view or browse on other people's websites. This is intrinsic to what browsing is about, and so anyone who makes their material publicly viewable or accessible without implementing some kind of gatekeeping technology on their site forfeits any expectation that it will not be stored locally on any third-party equipment.
In most legal jurisdictions, I can't see how a valid distinction can be drawn between that kind of file copying and the intentional downloading of such files for personal use -- in other words, when those files are not sold or otherwise redistributed in ways that conflict with 'fair use' exemptions -- since copyright law protects this kind of private use.
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belay my last.
checked spam folder and that's where it was.
I suppose that should be expected schlepping
around emails with empty bodies.
Software registration architects take note....
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ditto #1.
4:30AM GMT-5
no answer to blank email to ppwb@filestream
first time I have EVER had registration problems at GAOTD in 2 years.
help us obi-wan-kenobi.
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I had hoped the new beefed up wrapper would prevent nightmare registration processes like this. I guess the ethics of the developers is beyond GOTD's control but I don't like satisfying developers with email address, even though the email address I used was created just for software giveaway registration. I'll be expecting spam and that email address to be sold to spammers as well.
The program works as well as the others I have used that are free. It's a good way to fill up your hard drive in seconds.
It adds a BHO to your system which I have a huge problem with:
Here are some freeware alternatives that do not add BHOs or demand your email address:
HTTrack - http://www.httrack.com/ (My favorite)
PageNest - http://www.pagenest.com/
Local Website Archive - http://www.aignes.com/lwa.htm
2 others are GetLeft and QuadSucker/Web
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#1. GAOTD have previously given away Meta Product Inquiry Standard that deal with all browsers. Have downloaded hundreds of websites with this program and it is fast!
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How long are you supposed to wait for the password via email? 10 mins so far hitting send/receive.... Do I keep checking every 5 mins till Christmas?
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Dear Mike,
if you sent an empty letter to ppwb@filestream.com after submitting the data, please try to check you SPAM folder for serial number.
Thank you,
GOTD team
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