Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Ultimate eBook Converter 3.0.8 was available as a giveaway on December 22, 2016!
Convert and remove DRM from eBooks, the best DRM Removal and eBook Converter. Can decrypt and convert eBooks purchased from: Amazon Kindle, Kobo, Sony, Google Play, Barnes & Noble Nook, Smashwords, and even public libraries.
Please note: This software includes a 1-year license with free upgrades and technical support. But here you can get special discount price with 60% OFF ( just $20.00 instead of $49.99) for a Lifetime license. Buy now?
Windows 98/ 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
25.3 MB
A simple and reliable solution when you need to transfer Kindle books and Kobo books to Kindle, Kobo and computer. Support to retrieve license code when registering this program Get it now with 60% OFF (only $16.00 instead of $39.99).
I cannot open the program to enter the key. When I run set-up, it just takes me to the page where the key is, but no icon or shortcut appears anywhere, nor does the program show up in my list of installed programs. Now what?
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Calibre does everything this does and is free
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Thank you so much for this, fellas. I hope this stays for more than a year. I tried converting my expired Bloodshot Deluxe Edition 1 comic book/epub (review edition) from Net Galley and it worked perfectly! I converted the adobe pdf to regular pdf and now I can read the book again without restrictions. Merry Xmas!
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There will be a Steam key giveaway on Friday 23rd Dec (tomorrow) , well worth getting if you are into playing computer games. The usual cost of this giveaway is almost £15/$20, I think it's also a global giveaway (though cannot confirm this at this time), so everyone should hopefully be able to get a key.
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Tried 10 different times to insert 10 different codes. I get "Registration code is not compatible with this software."
When I try the free trial button, I get "Trial version has expired." I have never used this software.
Any ideas.
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Sharon, try to download the program from the giveaway page.
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I get a Runtime Error when I try to open the program.
"Runtime Error!
"Program: C:\Program Files\epubor\ultimate\ultimate.exe
"A program has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
Please contact the application's support team for more information."
I was checking here to see if anyone else had run into this...
WinXP Pro 32-bit SP3 on a Dell laptop
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orig_rune, maybe the anti-virus software block it, try to add the program to White-list。
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Sam, No AV on here at all, at the moment. I know about that little problem and have advised others about it in the past.
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I've been using FREE "Calibre E-book Manager" for years.
It's got everything you need, even a 3rd party DRM removal tool
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Jo-Jo, i was using Calibre earlier this year, maybe Calibre is better when it comes to conversion and DRM removal, but as a DRM removal tool it takes too much space.
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Does GOTD every give away DRM removal for music files, I've been waiting for a give away for that software, or can anyone recommend some software. i have a new PC and can't play most of my music, thanks!
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Will this decrypt or remove the DRM and convert an audiobook or is it strictly for ebooks only?
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What is the purpose of this app? If you downloaded an e-book you downloaded it to a device that can read it.
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starvinmarvin, I have a Kobo device AND a Kindle device. I'd like ot move some of my ebooks from one device to another.
I have two readers, precisely, because some of my books were ONLY in kindle AZW format or in Kobo format, and there was no possibility of conversion, a few years ago.
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You can read it today. The point is to be sure you will be able to read it tomorrow.
Amazon books are especially unnerving in that respect, because there is a monopoly on the readers and the format. What happens if my hypothetical Kindle breaks down ? If Amazon changes the way I can read my books in a significant way ?
Those are not theoretical questions. People have actually been locked out of their legally bought media in the past, by companies which just decided to pull the plug out of a given brand or distribution technology.
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I get "registration code is not compatible with this software version".
win10 home. Downloaded with the Big Green Button..
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r a, try to download the program from the giveaway page where you get the code.
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"This software includes a 1-year license with free upgrades and technical support."
Same old question : does it stop working after one year ? Or is it just that you don't get upgrades and support after one year ? Please make this clear from now on, for this offer and others. Obviously that's the first question which comes to mind. People using sites such as this one are discriminating computer users and will detect such ambiguities instantly.
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Clairvaux, chances are this software will appear here again, before its 1 year license will be over.
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Funny, but possible. Although that wouldn't really negate the problem of a piece of software programmed to auto-destruct after one year (if that is the case). Jumping through hoops once a year to re-download software, which might or might not be offered again, is not really a solution.
On another issue, I have now installed Epubor (which, I now realise, I had downloaded a while ago from another promotional site). Like many others, it is not high DPI aware, which means that on my Windows 7 system with the display set at 150 %, the UI text is partially hidden in certain places. The software is still usable (in my setup), but it's messy.
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WOW!! Yeah, having free software for only ONE FULL YEAR (12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days) sure isn't worth spending a whole 10 minutes to download and install, is it? I mean, they spend months and months engineering and making the software, and expect you to spend 10 minutes of your incredibly valuable time to actually install it, to only have it absolutely free for a FULL YEAR? Crazy, isn't it???
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No, it isn't.
If you read again your comment, you will understand how preposterous, childish and offensive it is. At least, I hope you will. I'm not going to explain that to you.
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RealityCheck, once a year, i'm ready to spend 10 or more minutes downloading this software.
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Tried converting 4 Adobe DRM books, all failed
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Maybe you can delete these books and sync it again, I have met the same problem. After resynced the books, they were decrypted.
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The best way to test this program is with a locked Nook book. Barnes & Noble frequently change the DRM key on their books, to block programs like this. Though I bought and installed this program, I now hardly ever use it. A better and more reliable program is eBook Converter Bundle:
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It doesn't work for my Nook books.
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CJ Cotter, Is it also free?
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DonS, No, it's $60: http://www.ebook-converter.com/ebook-converter-bundle.htm
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Chas, It's worth every penny. For one thing, they stay on top of the DRM changes made by B&N. It takes them a little bit of time, but soon shortly, they crack the DRM code. In comparison, Epubor is not so diligent about this.
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I have not been able to download any of the giveaways for a week now. I click on the download link which takes me to a page that asks for my email address. I give my email address and GOTD emails me a link. I click on the link and it takes me to a page with another link to click on to download. I click on that link and I get a 404!!!
I am in Mexico and am wondering if perhaps GOTD is only good in the U.S.A. Is there any way I can ever get these giveaways?
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Jahala, try clearing your internet cache. Click this link for info. Hope this helps.
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Every day, I clear my cache, delete cookies and flush the DNS, so I know those are not the problem. I use Firefox, but have also tried in Chrome and IE with the same results. All I get is a fancy 404 page.
But thank you for trying to help.
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Jahala, you can download the installler on the program's giveaway page.
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Jahala, Maybe try ZenMate (free) proxy to fake being in the US?
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Jim Jones,
Thanks for the tip. I will definitely try ZenMate. I have found that GOTD does not work in Mexico. I have a feeling that it will not work at our next ports of call in Central America, Panama or the Caribbean Islands [other than possibly Puerto Rico and The U.S.V.I.] I live on a sailboat.
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Jahala, GOTD is not US-only, it's used by people from all over the world.
If you're connecting to a shared Wi-Fi in Mexico, it's possible that they are blocking downloads. That's not all that uncommon if they have very limited bandwidth to share. I ran into that situation in Jamaica, but everything worked great once I social-engineered my way onto a different wireless system.
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Jahala, Your Wi-Fi source might be your problem. I have lived in Mexico (various parts of the country) for over 25 years, and have no trouble at all connecting with GOTD sites or downloads. I have a private Wi-Fi connection through Telmex, in my home. If you are using a public Wi-Fi, that might be why you are having problems.
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I download a lot and have no problem. I live on a sailboat and use whatever free wi-fi is offered by marinas. Plus, we have a Wirie system on board that amplifies the signal and also provides a secure internet access. GOTD is the only place I have had a problem downloading and that began fairly recently.
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NB. First code from http://www.epubor.com/promotion/gotd-giveaway.html
didn't work (wrong software version), pressed "redeem Here For Free again and second code worked !!!
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Fastest code redemption ever. When I tried to convert EPUB to PDF, it showed the warning "Downloading the library which supports PDF, FB2...." it took a few minutes, then another message "Library downloaded well, you can click "Convert" button to start your conversion", I clicked that button before the warning. The conversion went fast, not even a minute, all the text and formatting was preserved! Original EPUB file is 6.1 MB, output PDF file is 6.8, i was surprised. Looks like it does what it says well.
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Can't get it. Facebook share doesn't work. lol On purpose? hehehe
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Charles Kinney, there're other ways, you don't have to share on facebook.
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Charles Kinney,
Just click "redeem Here For Free" button to get the license.
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