Turbo Play videos
A full scale video and audio sequencer with over 300 GPU effects and transitions, advanced image editing, full professional audio editing with pianoroll, audio editor, VST.
Audio Specific
Featured audio arranger: audio, pianoroll, score, drum loop and automation editors.
Unlimited tracks, sticky feature, multiple timelines, smart hiding.
Polymorphic tracks and 15 different polymorphic part types.
ASIO, VST 3.x, Remote Control, DMX support, Art-Net support
Video Specific
Unlimited scenes, unlimited timelines, unlimited tracks.
Featured video arranger: image, video, text editors.
Single blend mode and multiple blend mode with more than 30 different blend modes.
Animation editor with move,zoom,rotate,scale animation modes with 3D object support
Featured layer blend modes and geometric/brush masking capabilities.
Multiple-Cut mode with unlimited part grid.
Multiple media bays with grid list, categories and sort.
Panorama creation tool
Motion tracking effects
360° video and photo viewer
Advanced markers
Mass video converter
See all Features here
One of the best editors in the world
Unique support is updated every day
thank you very much
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Does anyone know if this has Menus to jump to specific parts of a video. I can't get anyone from the website to answer their instant chat!?
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Lonnie James, hello. I 've talked to you in the webchat. See the shortcuts in Ctrl+Alt+K.
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Steep learning curve - but really well worth it.
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So, since we have a license until August 1, 2023, does that mean that we can get updates through that date? Should we keep the automatic updates enabled until that date?
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Dax, automatic updates are independent of the license.
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Philosophically, when we want to edit or create something,
- do we pick up the pencil first and then look for paper?
- - In Windows, click on a picture file and open it with an editor program,
- or do we pick up the paper first and then look for a pencil?
- - in Windows, open an editor program first, then load a picture file.
This starts with a 'project', what is that?
No menu, no settings?
No File > Open like, you know, other programs?
I found 'Edit an image' under 'Other Project', but it crashes when browsing my computer.
So, I tried right-clicking an image in Windows File Explorer and using 'open with', but all it does is open TurboPlay and says '... will be imported automatically into your new project'.
What 'new project'?
Dead end.
I started a video project and imported a picture ( ! ), then it appeared with the wrong aspect ratio, and there was no way to edit the picture, you know, click on contrast and change contrast, and stuff like that - nothing.
Every time it exists on demand ( rather than crashing ) it asks to save a project, I say yes, and it exits . . . then when restarting the program and asking to open an existing project, it shows me a Windows File Explorer window with no projects.
Dead end.
I did a Windows Files Explorer search and found them in:
- ...\Documents\Turbo Play\01-07-2022-13-45
for example.
Oh my goodness, there are 6 of them by now, and I have no idea what they are.
NONE of them are IMAGE EDITING as promised by the word 'Image" in
- Giveaway of the day — Turbo Play 2.4
- All in one content creator: Video editor, Audio editor, Image editor etc.
Dead end.
I managed to get a picture into a video ( why ? ), drag some adjustment thingies on the top of the picture, and then wait while the adjustment took effect with no miscible controls, no undo, no way to export, save, publish, print the changed picture.
Right-clicking anywhere in the program produces nothing, no pop-up menu of what we can do with the thing we are pointing gat.
I have 6 'crash reports' in ...\Documents\Turbo Play Crash Reports, they are encoded and the contents make no sense when viewed with Notepad.
Windows 7 x64 2400 MHz 2-core ( Xeon ) 16 GB RAM
Conclusion: I do not consider this an image editor.
- free IrfanView,
- free Google Picasa,
- free Adobe Photoshop ( yeah, there are free versions out there ).
I believe the programmers of TurboPlay put a great deal of effort into their programming, no doubt.
As always, I recommend stopping, pushing yourself away from your programming, and re-study the successes that others have established before you, such as the ubiquitous File Open and Options Properties and other MENUS, plus, of course, being able to right-click anywhere and get a pop-up menu offering what can be done with the thing we are pointing at.
I know the 80/20 rule, and in programming, it's user-interface/program-internals, that is, the user interface is 80% of the programming challenge, otherwise, the program's internals will never be experienced by the end-user.
Such as me.
Inaccurate marketing ( this is NOT an image editor ), obfuscated interface, meaningless error messages ( I got 'AISO' also ), unusable crash reports - and of course crashing at all, all pile up to a 'move on', not ready for prime time here.
Sorry, TurboPlay, but I feel like you need to go back to alpha testing, this is not even ready for beta, let alone release.
Change something, change anything, change everything, and come back and try again.
Thanks for letting us explore this and share.
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From their web page ( which is too wide to display without shrinking the browser zoom to 80%, argh! ), they promise:
Image color grading
Lens Correction with ready to use profiles
Over 300 high quality GPU-accelerated image effects
Raw camera formats (Nikon NEF, Canon RAW etc)
Panorama creation tool
Content-Aware filling
Automatic gray image/video colorization
Selection and drawing masks with auto-grabcut support [ GrabCut is an image segmentation method based on graph cuts. Starting with a user-specified bounding box around the object to be segmented ]
Auto face blur
Face and body liquification tool
Color matching tool
Adobe After Effects plugin support, including 10 preinstalled effects
OpenFX plugin support, including 10 preinstalled effects
QR code generator
OCR in images (Image to Text)
Plus no way to find all those promised features.
So it looks neat in their YouTube demos, but NO FAILE SAVE AS!
And for me, no working FILE OPEN for images.
Does anybody have success editing and SAVING image files with TurboPlay?
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Key not accepted -- "Your key was not found" message after input. The program says to wait up to 24 hours if just purchased and then contact the publisher if key still won't activate, but as it's a GOTD key I am not sure that advice applies. I will try again tomorrow, of course, and see if the key is accepted then.
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This actually looks VERY sophisticated (more so than what is typically given away here). You can look at some screenshots to see what I mean by checking out their website. I'd definitely suggest getting this while you can.
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Bestest Besr for all media edits.
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A much better editor than the last one!
Only issue is the license - it says we get a one year license but the popup said "License Expires 1/8/2023 - that's just over 6 months. Can't say that's a pleasant surprise - I have a hard enough time accepting 1 year licenses to test out this type of software, but 6 months would have caused me to pass and not even bother looking. Of course, it may just be the danged European way of writing dates which would make it 13 months and actually better than a 1 year license! Internationally distributed software should write out the month in words to avoid this possible confusion.
Apart from that, when I tried to do a test project another popup appeared claiming that "AISO Failed to create buffers" - I never heard of AISO before (using Win 10 64 Bit).
This one is likely just getting uninstalled, but may have time to explore further over the holiday weekend.
Thanks for the offer.
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David Jaynes, it means 1 August 2023.
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David Jaynes, I want to investigate more the ASIO failure, do you have a special sound card?
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David Jaynes, Actually writing date the way Europe does is most popular way worldwide. BTW, metric system too.
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David Jaynes, "License Expires 1/8/2023 - that's just over 6 months. Todays date is 1/7/2022 so HOW is that 6 months.
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Richard Crowe, 1/9/2022, 1/10/2022... keep counting ... 1/8/2023. If you use your fingers, you'll count thirteen.
Thats HOW.
You said yourself 1/7/2022 is today's date, so can't you see when 1/8/2023 is??
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Richard Crowe - David Jaynes is obviously in USA if he thinks the date is "wrong."
Daro - dd/mm/yy may be the most popular way of writing dates in Europe and elsewhere, but it is not the only way. David Jaynes does make a specific point that "Internationally distributed software should write out the month in words to avoid this possible confusion."
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David Jaynes, Lots of people are confused about the dates how are written and the word "GIVEAWAY", which in fact, anything that expire in future, can not be called giveaway, it is a trial or extended trial.
I stopped installing trial software long time ago, giveaway should be GIVEAWAY and not a trial software. Lots of people went to different web site in search for a REAL giveaway.
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"... I never heard of AISO before..."
ASIO is a type of audio chip or soundcard driver that is often preferred when using an NLE [Non Linear Video Editor] or DAW [Digital Audio Workstation], performing better than DirectX &/or allowing added features. While ASIO drivers are available for many [most, all?] Realtek audio chipsets [maybe the most common], some devices require a generic driver like ASIO4ALL.
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Richard Crowe, Regional timezone (European) is written DD/MM/YYYY. Just change the order of what you read
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Richard Crowe,
because for all american existe only their mesures which not existe in all the world - exept Liberia
their mesures even are not mentioned in Systeme International of Mesures - which they ratified in 1972...
so not be wonder why even dates they write in envers...
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David Jaynes, The United States is one of the few countries that use “mm-dd-yyyy” as their date format–which is very very unique! The day is written first and the year last in most countries (dd-mm-yyyy) and some nations, such as Iran, Korea, and China, write the year first and the day last (yyyy-mm-dd).
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Richard Crowe, He's American, in their date format he would read that as Jan 8th 2023 which is indeed close to 6 months.
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mike, Turbo Play includes it's own ASIO driver.
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MICHAEL CHOURDAKIS, Yeah, I guessed that in my comment but had no way to be certain. I'm too literal sometimes.
OK, most of the time.
Thanks for the reply.
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MICHAEL CHOURDAKIS, No, I have no sound card at all. It's all on the Motherboard (I think) (I had a friend who's good with hardware build it for me and when I asked about what kind of sound card to buy he said they were not really needed anymore since on board sound thingies work for everything except those very few programs that require one).
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Daro, I know that, but that doesn't prove anything with no context or idea where the program was created.
Sure, I could have looked it up, but I grab these things at 3 in the morning my time as I'm on my way out the door to go to work, so I didn't have time to research the program's origins.
Just writing the month in letters instead of numbers as I suggested is more Universally understood. I wasn't complaining, just reporting my personal experience with installing and testing the program, like I always do. I expect everyone to have their own experiences and reactions to everything so I assumed the feedback would be welcome.
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Richard Crowe, if you read my complete paragraph you'd know that I pointed out tha possibility of it going either way, and being that I had no idea where the program came from you really should have been able to understand what I said.
Read it again.
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Computer dates should be in 2022-07-01 format - yyyy-mm-dd.
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Kurt, Thanks for reading the whole thing and understanding that I was only reporting my experience installing it.
Sadly, yes. I am stuck in The USA :(
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Remember, when you use '/' as a date separator then date starts from the month, else month is on the second position. So 1/8/2023 means January, 8th; 1-8-2023 means 1st day of August.
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Bennet, I did say that I was aware of the possibilities, but I hope nobody truly just expects everyone, everywhere, to immediately understand what is meant by something - anything - that can be interpreted in more than one way.
As for "giveaway" - many companies stopped selling lifetime licenses, even Adobe are subscription only now. So think of it as a "1 year License giveaway" and all will be well.
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mike, Thanks for posting that! I was going to look it up when I got home from work, but you saved me the trouble.
As I stated in another reply, I grab these giveaways at around 3 AM local time and am on my way out the door for work. When I have time, I have no problem researching (I'm a Chemist at my job, so I fully know how to research - I just don't always have the time or inclination for giveaways).
I simply report my experiences installing and testing these things as I assume they want people to do so they can get feedback.
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Fred G Husby, It's only ever confusing when one does not know where the date, as written, came from. I honestly didn't know what Continent this program came from when I saw that and was leaving for work so didn't bother researching.
I'm kind of surprised at how many people replied to that trivial part of my review.
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Richard Woodley, there are many ways to write it and no single way is right or wrong. But spelling the month is the only way to be 100% certain of no confusion when it will be read world wide!
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Tom, you obviously don't read whole paragraphs!
I fully explained that I knew it was possible that it was written in the more popular (world wide) way but to assume that I would just know what it meant when there is clearly more than one way to interpret it is exactly the kind of arrogance you accuse me of!
I never said any way of doing it was better or worse, just that I wasn't sure which was being used, and with no other clues even you should be able to see that there was some ambiguity.
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Stephen Fell, yes, I was aware of the possibility it was written in that format (and am aware of how elitist and backward the whole USA system of things is!) but was uncertain because it was so close to being 6 months if written in my local format, and we get a lot of 6 month trials lately, I thought I'd put the idea of writing the month as a word to avoid this happening to anyone else.
Didn't expect quite the number of replies focusing on this one point, but there sure are a lot of them!
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Stephen Fell,
and he is ugly and ungry murican which not accept the critics...
that is why I dislike this nation, to pretentious..., but in a level of education and culture they are less than zero...
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David Jaynes, Yes, you stirred up quite a hornets nest. You are quite right, the easiest way would be to spell the month then there would be no confusion.
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Tom, You appear to be quite rude!
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New features in the latest giveaway:
* HDR Support
* PDF support
* OCR support
* ShaderToy integration
* Collaborative editing
* Cloud projects
* Remote recording (Windows/Android)
* Web Browser Control
Contact me through facebook for support: https://www.facebook.com/Turbo-Play-100527648570391
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