Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Text Paster 1.10 was available as a giveaway on August 1, 2020!
Please note, the program comes pre-registered and requires NO additional registration!
Instantly paste plain or formatted text into fields of any program you define. Input standard phrases, greetings, generic replies, current date and time, letter and document templates, e-mail and website addresses, usernames, passwords, selected text fragments etc. Paste text from a popup menu or press a hot key.
Please note: This is a fully functional version of the program. The software includes a 1-year license. After one year you can purchase or uninstall it.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1 /10 (x32/x64)
1.76 MB
1 year license
Key Manager allows you to remap keys and mouse buttons, combinations, sequences and long presses (press and hold). You can show your actions in the form of pop-up menus that can be opened with hotkeys; record, edit, and execute macros, type and paste text, instantly fill in forms on websites, manage the power settings of your monitor and computer etc. 10% discount coupon code: GOTD7456
Key Remapper allows you to block and remap keys, mouse buttons and mouse wheel actions to other keys, mouse buttons and the mouse wheel rotation and combinations of the above actions with modifiers. It also makes it possible to emulate double mouse button clicks or double key presses and allows you to set the necessary interval between presses. 10% discount coupon code: GOTD7456
ATNSOFT Calculator is a calculator for everyday use for Android devices. The program lets you instantly enter numbers and expressions using an ergonomic on-screen keyboard and voice input! Execute two or more operations at once with the ability to switch editing screens with a horizontal swipe along the top. All previously executed calculations can be viewed in the operations history.
Easy setup + useful!
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it is not downloading for me. I've tried starting (DL to a file) 5 times. at least once without my VPN.
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It is of best quality .
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I could really use a program like this, but this one is confusing. I made a hotkey combo for caps/lock+9 and it works fine. But when I went to make a combo of caps/lock+1 it won't work. Also Control, Alt and Shift won't work as the first keys in the combo. I looked all over for some kind of tutorial/help page, including Googling it, but couldn't find anything. So uninstall.
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Why not use PhraseExpress... It does exactly the same as this app, plus lots more - and even better - it's free!
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Installed with no problems,
Under Help and Register the boxes are empty, they should be filled out with the info from the help/about the program info screen or some info at least, that makes it seems like the program might not be registered
Suggestion for improvement: It should have the ability to right-click rename action names/Profiles in the main menu box
An option setting to ask if you are sure before deleting profiles and or an undo feature if possible in case you accidentally deleted something you needed
Thanks ATNSOFT and GAOTD team
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I do a lot of Cut and Paste. This app seems to do ONLY Paste. I have troubles Cutting or Highlighting a paragraph on a web page. Text Paster doesn't help me here, unless I'm mistaken. Do tell me.
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Then you can try Key Manager – our more functional version of the program Text Paster that, in addition to pasting text, has many other useful functions. For example, Key Manager allows you to remap keys and mouse buttons, combinations, sequences, and long presses (press and hold). You can display your actions in the form of pop-up menus that can be opened with hotkeys, record, edit, and execute macros (key sequences), emulate mouse clicks, type and paste text (including formatted text), instantly fill in forms on websites, launch programs, open websites (you can insert currently selected text into their address parameters), change the layout and case of selected text, manage the power settings of your monitor and computer, control the volume or set it at a certain level, move and resize windows, and much more.
More details about Key Manager:
Demo Videos:
GOTD 10% Discount Available Now:
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Can someone please explain why anyone would want, let alone pay for, this program? How much better is this than ctrl-c/ctrl-v?
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JR, it isn't
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Blackhat, according to the description, this will also allow you to make up your own text shortcuts for frequently-used text, as in C1 = your email address, or J8 = your phone number.
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I checked their website but couldn’t find a mobile version, does anyone know if this can be installed on a thumb drive? (Work computer is locked down.) If not, can anyone else recommend an alternative to this program? (Sorry, this comment is not a review of this software.. feel free to thumbs-down this post.)
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Kyle, we don't have a portable version at the moment.
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Spartan. ^C-^V or ^X^V replaces what is on the clipboard with the new one. Spartan keeps the old one as well until you delete it. It automatically records ^C and when you click on the clip it acts like ^V. (For new users of computers, the ^ sign is a traditional convention for ‘control’ though seldom seen nowadays.) Once you start using Spartan you cannot manage without it!
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Yes, Spartan Clips. I want to know how this is better than Spartan.
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Gotta say: Looks like a lotta trouble to paste simple text that could be typed in a flash. Still, inserting current date would be very nice, indeed.
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There is no information on the Web site that the licence is for one year.
What is the difference between home and business licence? What are the limitations of home version?
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Adam, all information is available on the Purchase page:
After you purchase the software it may be used indefinitely. You can install/register the software at any time. Updates to future versions of the software will be free for the lifetime of the product.
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ClipClip if you wish to paste while retaining formatting of text. ClipClip is FREE just like Ditto.
Then you may ask why do software developers make and sell software that does the same?
Because it is very easy for a software developer to write.
Because in the land of the blind, the man with only 1 eye is king.
That is, consumer knowledge is not universal and many are unaware.
Many may just buy it.
If 1 million people buy it at $25 each, that is a healthy income stream.
For what may be half and hour's work by a talented programmer.
Good return on investment.
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From the description, I'm not sure I'd be willing to spend $25 on a text filler program, especially when the features listed are available in the numerous well-programmed open source alternatives. I'm a big fan of the young but well-maintained and configurable Beeftext for my text pasting. Passwords? Never. That's what LastPass and others are for. "Quickly fill out forms by automatic switching between fields through emulation of the Tab key and other keys, such as Enter;" <- is something a well designed form should do automatically. Thank you, GOTD and the developer, but I'll pass today.
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