Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
SWF Maestro SCR was available as a giveaway on July 8, 2007!
Ever thought your Flash demo would make a great screen saver? Create a colorful screen saver with great visual effects from any SWF project. Make a statement about your company or promote your services with a custom screen saver.
Convert your SWF animation into a screen saver that will look great on any PC!
Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista
1.83 MB
Create enhanced SWF projectors, games or presentations and protect your SWF project by compiling it into a single executable file. Impress your target audience with translucent visual effects and protect your SWF project against decompilation.
I was a lil bit lost when I first used the application but the user manual was pretty helpful. In the end, it was the outcome that matters. Got what I wanted :) Couldn't believe it's free. Thanks alot!
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I will only give a word that describes it,
" JUNK "
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Can't get mine to even start...why? AWwwhhh I want this ....
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I really should work on having more than one thought at a time so I could put them all into one post. Sorry.
#38 - I think #25 is referring to UnPlug instead of unplugit.
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If you couldn't get this one to download, install or run, don't worry. You have not missed much. I say this because I have been playing with InstantStorm, suggested in comment #37. (Thank you, beta tester #1.)
SWF Maestro folks, you need to look at this competitive software and reconsider your own. It might be the equivalent of your SWF Maestro Bundle, which you are selling for $60, but it is FREE. It has a wizard for beginners, a more intuitive user interface, and better Help - right on the Menu, where we expect to find it.
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#38 - The correct name for the Firefox add-on mentioned is 'Unplug' (not Unplugit). Try a Firefox add-on search for 'Unplug' and you will find it. #39 is right with 'Download Embedded' add-on for Firefox but the best of the lot is 'DownloadHelper 2.3.2' (also Firefox add-on), it will download just about anything from anywhere in all formats.
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Thank you #24 - I think you're right.
Flash plays fine in Firefox but not in IE on my computer - that's probably my problem.
I appreciate your observation - thank you. :)
Have a Terrific Day,
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was a bit hard 2 figure out but then again I dident really have any swf file to use w/ it so I dunno why I d/l it but still GAOTD thanks alot! :) I check here just about everyday :P
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Here are 2 Flash(and other embedded web objects) download Addons for Firefox, both of which I have successfully tested for downloading a Flash object:
Download Embedded: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1993
Amazing Media Browser: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1468
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#25 Beau - do you have a link for unplugit? I have searched Firefox's addons and googled for it. No luck.
Thx #3 for InstantStorm suggestion!
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very basic program does not even do as much as the free ones do and they want $39.95 for it i think not! try the free one here and save your money as #3 has pointed out already.
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Is there another name for 'screen saver' as screens dont need saving.
Lets call them 'time wasters'.
You people have too much time on your hands!
At least I have an excuse, Im a retired senior systems analyst.
Remember, you dont ever have to pay for software. So many people are doing doctorates in IT that the software is pouring out of universities world wide. It has to be unique and it has to very good and it has to be free.
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I'm not too impressed with this one even for free, I certainly can't think of anyone who would pay $39.95 for this just to make a screensaver. But I guess everyone likes different things...
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So far this program is working fine on my Vista Home Premium system. For those wanting a swf creation program, try PowerBullet Presenter:
I used it for the intro to my website. Works great & it's free. Not too hard to figure out as long as you're not a total beginner.
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I like this soft!
I make my screen NeoPets flash animation all day
this soft helps me because Neopets.com is my life!
next i want .FLV for convert to screensaver its going to be good for my neopets!
- cobra90nj
sono ficona
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Off Topic:
Good News! I e-mailed Abyssmedia about Audio Converter Plus reverting back to trialware and received an e-mail back within hours
“Please don’t worry - your registration not removed. This is a bug in activation module.
You can download update from http://www.abyssmedia.com/downloads/acp305.exe”
I downloaded and installed the update and it works perfectly!
Thank you Abyssmedia for clearing this up!
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Hello everybody! Today's 15-Minute Review is up! Check it out!
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I'm quite satisfied with this one :] Deffinietly a keeper,I'd say this is better than most of those programs GOTD offered before :D Ohhh and I agree with comment 4. :) Thnx GOTD for another great program ~Tabby
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"Make a statement about your company or promote your services with a custom screen saver."
Sounds like a reasonable use, but that't a commercial application prohibited by the GOTD license.
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original, at least,
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Thanks to the unplugit add on for fire fox I download flash games and screens in SWF format whenever I feel like to kill time. Maybe now I will put them to use.
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Probably the application doesn’t run because in your MS system environment (as in mine XP pro sp.2) Adobe Flash Player is not working!
I have no flash contents in Internet Explorer (yes in Firefox and Opera); others program stucked(ie.FTDesktopnewsalerts),this happened with an automatic Windows update 10 months ago.
(Visit the Adobe flash player forum to notice how many people got the same problem, but don't hope anything I tried all the suggestions!!)
As I had other problems with different Windows updates I’m glad to have stopped the Windows Updates (automatic and not)also if I have to renounce to some programs!
BTW: always more often people is crashing their XP system, do you think they are going to repair it or they will buy “Vista”?
Thanks anyway to GAOTD and SWF Maestro'company, Frankel
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installed it. got frustrated with it. horrible green interface. no help file on the prog, nasty online manual with no screenshots, appears to be a prog in need of some real improvements. it is not intuitive and begger belief in this day and age where we have such slick progs, this is something out of the Amiga era.
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" Creates standalone games, applications, presentations, screen savers from SWF and subsidiary files (XML, FLV, MP3, JPG, etc.) "
This sounds more interesting than "Create a colorful screen saver" on this site.
Thanks for a nice giveaway.
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a pitty would like this programm to work but it doesn't, something wrong with its signature
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RE #11' comment. I found Guide.exe in my program folder where I installed it - looks like it might be the same Help file you will find online, but it kept giving me a browser error. Good thing we have the website for mow. I would prefer a Users Manual in PDF format.
There is a Tutorial folder there as well, but it seems to only have files in it to use with a tutorial I have not yet found. Probably in that Help file that won't open. All-in-all the Help system could be better thought out.
The interface is not intuitive and I'll need a lot of help and study to learn this well. The program asked me for information that I do not even understand, so I just used an input file address and an output file address and left everything else blank.
I managed to convert one of the little SWF files I found in the Tutorials folder, just to see if it worked. All appears to have gone very well. I do not have many SWF files to use.
How about some programs that will create SWF files, GAOTD? Something along the lines of SWISH? I can convert other video formats, thanks to previous give aways, but I was not wanting video, but animations, and I'd like to create them myself.
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Software Review
Ease of Use: 2 / 5
Functionality: 1 / 5
Comprehensiveness of Features: 2 / 5
Value for Money: 1 / 5
Overall: 2 / 10
This software is on a whole very mediocre and is not very good. Used to convert SWF to a screensaver, it does that but that is limited.
Unfortunately, activation was problematic and there were some errors or bugs when an attempt was made to make a screensaver. In my opinion, the functionality for this is limited and may have errors.
It is indicated that this product is used to "Make a statement about your company or promote your services with a custom screen saver."
That would be a potential product for companies to use and may be useful. However, GAOTD asserts that there is "Strictly non-commercial usage". Therefore, how is a software designed to help companies going to work when commercial usage is prohibited.
Seriously, I don't think the average home user would want a software tool used for marketing and advertising commercial companies would they?
In summary, this product is VERY limited in its features and many problems were encountered when this software was used. It is not recommended to download this and you may find yourself uninstalling it a few seconds after installing it!
I think GAOTD should "give away" useful software for a change!
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I hope we will get a swf compiler tomorrow so that I can use what we got here today. Very easy to use.
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Tired of waiting for the official Badgers screensaver? Wait no longer, with SWF Maestro SCR! Amuse yourself and annoy your friends with the most repetitive swf file in existance, running every time your friend leaves his computer for a few minutes!
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oeeh goodie.. finally after all the screensavers GAOTD gives away a program to make them yourself.. thank you GAOTD love your stuff!
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If I'm understanding this program's description correctly,
it doesn't actually "create" SWF presentations, it rather simply converts an SWF project into a windows screensaver?
I don't understand the need for this software.
Why not just run the original SWF if you need to run a demo presentation, and set it to run in a loop?
The system resource overhead would certainly be less intensive than a screensaver... Right?
Perhaps someone can tell me what justifies a $39.95 price tag
for such software?
( yes I know it's free today blah blah blah )
but it's not free tomorrow and it doesn't seem a very viable software in all reality.
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I managed to create a very simple screensaver; there is some limited help in the application via the "?" which is in a non-standard location. There are some demos in the program folder, but I can't get the User's Guide to work at all. Although this program has a fair number of features, without a working User's Guide (and no SWF tools) I can't do much with it.
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Hmmmmm. Looks good, hope it works well. Got some flash content I wanna make use of.
Just d/l'ing it now.
Thanks GAOTD
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On installing the 1.8mb file there are no demands for an email address nor does the install connect elsewhere.
A simple point and click operation, it helps if you know a bit more about flash variables than I do, but loading files and exit routines to the program is a snip and it does exactly what it says on the tin.
The help files are here: http://www.swfmaestro.com/guide/index.html
Of the 39,000 "swf maestro" google entries there is not one review.
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Installed ok - I think.
The problem is, when I open the "software" I get a window with 3 frames of "The page cannot be displayed" - structured like a header, left navbar and body of a webpage using frames with scrollbars.
Broken webpages show you "The page cannot be displayed" - not software. I don't understand.
It sounded good and I was looking forward to using it - any idea what the problem might be?
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Common short coming!
I am not sure why "Help"/"User Manual" is alway an external link for the web?
I am very mobile worker, and not all the time connected, therefore how would someone like me would get "user manual" assistance if it is literally stripped away from the "Help" file?
But that never stopped me from finding my way around ;)
Keep the good work up.
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Sounds fun, think I'll try it. Thanks.
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took me a minute or two to figure out how it works, but it converted the swf files i threw at it without a hitch. I used to use another program which wouldnt convert certain interactive swf files but this one does.
I love it thanks GAOD! now I can turn my 3d animation projects into screensavers.
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I loved the concept more than anything else!
All thumps & toes are all up for that matter.
Well worth the download,
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See there.Everybody moans about the screensaver gieaways so now you have to make your own.Serves you right.Hah hah.
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This is much better than those given screensavers. There were earlier gifts of GiveAwayOfTheDay to change e.g. your avi-movie or photo's into a flash movie. With such programs you can make those movies with the gift of today into a screensaver. The program works good and easy. Although it works with only flash-files, with the other programs you can do a lot of things with it! So in a scale from 0-10 I give the program 8 points.
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no screenshots...sorry
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from the developer's site:
"There are two versions of the SWF Maestro compiler with different purposes: SWF Maestro (EXE) and SWF Maestro (SCR). The EXE version is used to create SWF projectors, programs, presentations, games, training courses and other applications, while the SCR version is used to create screensavers. Select the version you need to solve your tasks."
Personally, I don't use a screensaver at all anyway so I'll have to pass on this one.
If GAOTD could offer the SWF Maestro, hmm that might be different :P
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InstantStorm does the same thing and it's free, if you dont like this, give IS a try.
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cool. I hope the screensaver doesn't take up too much of the computer's resources
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This looks fun!
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