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SupportDock Home Net Manager Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — SupportDock Home Net Manager

Support Dock - a complete Desktop Maintenance pack to manage your PC and data.
User rating: 150 54 comments

SupportDock Home Net Manager was available as a giveaway on September 30, 2010!

Today Giveaway of the Day
$14.95 / month
free today
Burn all sorts of videos to fantastic DVD & Blu-ray discs.

Home Network Manager – Share, communicate, secure & manage. Setting up a home network allows the computers in your home to communicate with one another. With a home network, you can share files and folders, use network printers to print documents from any computer in the network and even share hand-held devices like phones, digital cameras, etc.

Home networking gives you the option to get things done much faster by utilizing connections available between computers in your network and creates the possibility of using new applications like multi-player online games, etc.
Home Network Manager from Support Dock 4.0 reviews, checks, secures and manages your home network. Managing the status of each component like PC, digital camera, printer, etc in the home network, it provides simple-to-use graphical displays for each component. Whenever it detects something fishy, it notifies the user and provides a debugging tool to determine the source of the problem.

Home Network Manager takes care of your home network with the following features:

  • Printer sharing, file sharing and more
  • Securing your network
  • Discovering and managing files in your network
  • Getting solutions for network problems

Technical Support:
During the Giveaway period iYogi provides technical support for Support Dock installation or related technical Support issues. Call +8775174580 to get instant access to tech experts.

System Requirements:

Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7; 512 MB RAM





File Size:

2.73 MB



Comments on SupportDock Home Net Manager

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Totally useless software. The program takes so long to load on start-up and the only thing it does well is annoy you. Can someone tell me one useful function with this software? I need 5 thumbs to point them all down. Beware, the uninstaller does not function properly and you will be left with a slew of leftover files which have to manually be removed.

Reply   |   Comment by Dave Wiloch  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded and installed.
Now I don't know how to get the access code?
If I go to preferences => activate tag I still don't have the access code how can I get it?
Please help me before time runs out?
I don't want to miss this software, somebody needs to prompt quickly.

Reply   |   Comment by Michael  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

@24 - Gordon, how in the world did they get your CC number? I have never seen that as part of any GOTD product, as GOTD products are free.

As a general rule I NEVER give out my CC number unless it's a company or service I'm totally familiar with.

Good luck with that un-authorized charge. Your CC company should be able to do a charge-back if you didn't authorize it.

Reply   |   Comment by Powder_Skier  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have all modules installed now:

Firstly this is an excellent set of programs and well worth the download - and to make it clear - this offers a lot more than remote technical support - for example it includes a complete utility suite along the lines of WinUtilities and Glary Utilitites but offering more features and generally working a lot better.

A few points though:
You actually have to manually select what parts of the software you want installed.

Many posters here have express concern about the remote support - however this will only be installed if you choose to install PushToTalk and LiveHelp.

Between the PC Care and Smart PC Support, all the features of Advanced System Optimizer are included. For those who haven't used it, Advanced System Optimizer is a utility suite - and in my opinion is one hf the best you can buy - so getting for free is I believe something not to pass up.

The features of Advanced System Optimizer are listed here:

The Home Network Manager seems to be a very comprehensive tool for setting up a network - but as of yet I have not looked at it too closely.

To sum up this is much better than Glary and WinUtilities which have been give away here in the past.

Reply   |   Comment by Roger  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-9)

Wow, from the universally panning of this product, it seems to be a real dog. Thanks to all who provided feedback & allowed me to avoid contaminating my system with this stinkerware.

Reply   |   Comment by drkenb  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Very simple really. Windows XP, Vista and 7 are all built up from Windows NT which has built in very straightforward home networking capability, with exactly this in mind!

Instead of struggling with this GOTD, Google eg XP home networking tutorial and you can find simple step by step instructions to network your PCs at home, and it REALLy isn't difficult! Sharing files couldn't be easier!

Reply   |   Comment by C  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Only 9.99 retail price? I guess they make it up in support charges! I sure am glad I delayed installing this piece of (expletive) marketing vehicle until reading all GAOTD comments. Wow, what an eye-opener! And to think, I felt at first that it might be a good program to have.

Reply   |   Comment by windowsexplorer  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I suggest downloading and using the free version of Advanced SystemCare (http://download.cnet.com/Advanced-SystemCare-Free/3000-2086_4-10407614.html), of course after checking the user reviews.

Frank D

Reply   |   Comment by Frank D  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

"Once networked you can share internet connection, photo¹s, MP3¹s and

You don't need software to do that - It's very easy to setup in WindowsXP and Vista. Windows7 has the homegroup option which makes it even easier again. Windows7 automatically detects your network devices as well - and it's already built in - no need for 3rd party support.

Reply   |   Comment by fasstdak  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I'm sure this is a great piece of software, and I thank GOTD for hooking us up with it.

However, I don't really see anything here which Windows Vista/7 doesn't already have. Except maybe for online storage.

It just seems like this software is going to install a lot of stuff I don't need seeing most of us already have an Anti-Virus/spyware program and let's face it, Windows has never been easier to network thanks to Win 7.

I think the best thing to do in this case for most of us is NOT to download it. Instead, go download Avast Anti-virus Free, Ad-Aware Personal and get Dropbox for your online storage. This way you won't be messing too much with your PC. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Duncan  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

From what I read in the License Agreement I expect their will be hidden charges so I canceled the install.

Reply   |   Comment by Adam Murphy  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

At first after reading the messages here I was all set to pass by this software but then on a whim I decided to give it a go. I did not select the interactive 'support' elements but installed the rest and in fact it seems a very useful suite of applications to monitor and repair your system. Some bits seems a bit simplistic but nevertheless worth a go.

Reply   |   Comment by marcos  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This offering came along at a most propitious time as I've, suddenly and without warning, been unable to access my other computer even though I've been networked for years, and both have been running WIOndows7 since its release.

I get a 80070035 error that windows will not diagnose. LSA restrictanonymous is set to 0 on both computers, and all the necessary services seem to be running. It's driven me nuts. I roll back the computer to an earlier date from and external backup, and I can reconnect - for a while. Then I get the warning again and nothing short of restoring the backup will remedy the situation.

To add insult to injury, the other computer continues to access the problem computer without any problem.

So this program today was a godsend except for one problem... it failed utterly! Running the diagnosis program did absolutely nothing other than give me an "OK" when it finished, so my conclusion, based on my limited experience and knowledge, is that it has no value whatsoever er.

Reply   |   Comment by tedwest  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Think outside the box, people! I found a great NEW use for this software. I installed it on my lonely mother-in-law's computer and now she has someone to chat with at all hours of the night.

Reply   |   Comment by Ned  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Doesn't work
Every time I try to install the extra components, I get "Component installation could not be started since some files got corrupt. Please try installing the components again. Aborting Installation"

I tried many times, without success

When I exit the program, I got an appcrash.

Windows 7 x64

Reply   |   Comment by coolfdu1  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I am a PC consultant and technician in the New England for many years now. I have had to work on computers that had been using iYogi Tech Support System. Most of the time my clients say that they could not understand the phone support (for both language and technical speak). One client was told that their HDD was infected with a virus and had to be wiped clean (NOT). Yes it did have a virus, but I removed it very easierly with a retail Anit-Virus program with no problems. This was the third client that came to me using iYogi, all having problems that were easierly fixed. Good for me as I get the job, but bad for tech support in general if people use iYogi as a point of reference.

Reply   |   Comment by Mark Latimer  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

(Windows XP Home Edition, service pack 3)

When installing it gives you a list of available componets to install but doesn't tell you what the componets do so I installed the Green PC and PC Care componets.

GREEN PC: All this does is allow you to set "Turn off display after xx mins" and "Turn off hard disk after xx mins" Windows already lets you set these times so why take up the 1.29MB of hard disk space.

PC CARE: When you run PC care it scans your system (about 4 mins) then your given the warning "To be used ONLY under guidance of iYogi technician." It then scans your drives and registry for another 3 mins. Once it is done the fun starts...

JUNK FILES & FOLDERS: It found 89 problems. Looking at the files it wanted to delete several check sum files which the programs were required to have in order to work. It also wanted to delete several config files for my games, which again are required. Didn't look up all the problem files it found but at least 10% were REQUIRED! The default is all selected so you have to go unselect the files to keep...time consuming. Didn't trust it so didn't optimize.

SECURITY RELATED: Found 3564 problems which were my cookies and browser history files. I use CCLEANER to take care of these since it is FREE and lets me keep the cookies I want to keep.

SYSTEM DRIVERS: Found 5 drivers that needed to be updated. Tried to update my NVIDIA driver but kept giving me the error "Couldn't install .dll files" and asked for me to "insert the NVIDIA XP Setup Disk." Gee, if I had that, I wouldn't need you! Sound card file updated ok.

CCleaner does some of these actions as good/or better and is FREE. The driver updater didn't work for some drivers and Defraggler works better then the defrag in iYoga. iYoga takes up 51MB of space...to much for a driver updater that only works sometimes.

Didn't try the Network module since my network is fine and is taken care of by other apps.

Deleted iYoga......

Reply   |   Comment by Jim Cook  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Home Network Manager is part of iYogi¹s Support Dock, a suite of tools that
help you optimize, manage and network your PC.
With Home Network Manager you can discover and manage your computers and
devices on your network; as well as share files and printers.
This tool helps you Automatically detect and networ your PCs, routers,
printers and peripherals, through a visual representation of devices and a
simple drag drop function.
Once networked you can share internet connection, photo¹s, MP3¹s and
Our apologies if the website was confusing. Support Dock is bought to you by
iYogi www.iyogi.com , a remote tech support provider. The video¹s are real
customers that use Support Dock, as part of their annual subscription

Reply   |   Comment by iYogi  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

It is easy to stop SupportDock running every time you start Windows.

If you go to Preferences from the toolbar placed at the top of your screen there is a checkbox "Start at Startup" - if you uncheck this, the SupportDock will no longer start at every boot.

Reply   |   Comment by Roger  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

iYogi have a terrible reputation (whether that is warranted or not I don't know, I have no personal experience of them). Instead of some call-centre in the Gobi desert, I use this firm in the UK to support my PC's remotely. They are real PC engineers, based in a real location in Essex, England, they actually know what they are talking about and they have fixed my problems every time:

AAH Computers

Reply   |   Comment by Frank  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-27)


Reading about today's giveaway leaves me almost speechless! But I have enough left to say -

Thanks to all of the posters for taking time to warn us about this software.

     Live in peace and act in peace, wherever you are. An eye for an eye ends up making everyone blind..........................

Reply   |   Comment by hipockets  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+19)

Unlike many of the posters here I have installed SupportDock.

Here my observations:

When SupportDock first runs you are asked to select what components you want to install. These include several support options. I opted to only install the "PC Care" module as I have no use at all for the remote support.

Opinions on the PC Care module.

This is actually work very well and is worth installing - it is slightly limited version of SysTweak's Advanced System Optimizer 3.

It includes the following features amongst others:
Registry Cleaner and also registry defrag.
System (junk) Cleaner
Driver Updater

Registry Cleaner:
Unlike most similar software the registry cleaner gives very few false positives - valid registry keys being detected as errors - something that is a problem with for example Glary Utilities.

Driver Updater:
This is one of the best driver update programs around as you just takes one click to download all found driver updates, and a second click to install them all. Unlike the majority of driver update software, all driver updates are installed automatically, and the old driver is backup before installing the updated one.

AntiSpyware - the System Protector antispyware program in the past has not worked well for me so I don't recommend using it.

All in all a useful program and worth the download just for the driver updater.

Reply   |   Comment by Roger  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-14)

I downloaded the and have been amazed by this tool. I have 3 desktops at my place and it has never been easier to manager files amongst them. I bid good bye to the pen drives I used for transferring data, coz I now have this Network Manager. Also, transferring pics from my Canon digicam works like magic – drag & drop to the system of your choice (even your cellphone).

Just love the graphical representation and the security feature which alerts me if there’s anything fishy. I’ve already recommended this to my friends and am sure they love it as well. :)

I sort of disagree to some of the comments above, I thought it would be good to let the GAOTD lovers my piece of advice.

#20: “… If you need tech support that bad take it to a local shop, where at least you have some recourse if something goes wrong.”

I own a Dell computer + HP printer, HP Laptop, have always got tech support from these call centers in India or Philippines, their accent is bad; I always ask them to repeat their sentences; however the support by far has been good. I have accomodated to the foreign accent.

The local shops here in Washington are very very expensive.

Reply   |   Comment by Jerry Gordon  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-27)

After downloading this software, it shows me devices attached to my network. I wonder if there is a software that could explain where and how my Ipod is connected within my network.

Using this software I was able to connect my XP machine with a windows 7 machine which otherwise has been quite tedious task till now. I dont know if I will use the software quite often, but is one of the software that I'd keep on my computer.

Thanks GAOTD

Reply   |   Comment by Kaitlyn  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-18)

Amongst all pieces of software that came bundled with support dock I found home network manager to be interesting. This showed the 3 PC’s on the network along with their folder shares and other information. It has features like easy file sharing that does file sharing pretty quickly. I also found out that it helps me block access to the network resources of some or all of the nodes on the network. It also has features like wireless manager which am yet to explore. Over all this seems to be a better part of the GOTD !

Reply   |   Comment by Niel  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-18)

iYogi is an independent contractor and a provider of remote tech support services.
Headquartered in India, iYogi is privately held and funded by Draper Fisher Jurvetson, SAP Ventures, Canaan Partners, and SVB India Capital Partners.

Reply   |   Comment by Wisewords  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

i use win 7 64 and 32 on 2 desktops and vista and xp on 2 laptops and ubuntu on one laptop and win 7 connects to all of them when they are online and also through windows sync i dont use any special program except share all of them every harddrive

Reply   |   Comment by Brent Coughenour, Sr.  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

1. I got Blue screen death after completing the installation.I restarted seven times and still the same problem.
Blue screen error is Driver IRQL not less or equal
2. The problem happenned even when i tried to uninstall this tool
3. I had to restore using the
Start Menu->Programs->Accessories->System Tools->System restore and to restore to previous point

Reply   |   Comment by Chan  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

I manage my own systems and network pretty well I think. : )

Don't need it to be done remotely from some other country, by who knows who. Seems to me this would be a significant security risk at best. And the advantages are pretty difficult to decipher. Remote access allows them Carte Blanch to do whatever they like. We use firewalls to protect from things like that.

If you trust just anyone with your data, and you don't know much about computers or networks, if you have a failure of some kind, this might be the tool for you. But even then, it doesn't sound like it.

Thanks but no thanks. No download here.


Reply   |   Comment by JC  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

#20: "... If you need tech support that bad take it to a local shop, where at least you have some recourse if something goes wrong."

Purely FWIW, IMHO 99% of all tech support stinks -- it's popular to think of off shore call centers being staffed by idiots & morons, but the quality, attitudes, & performance of personnel in the US who will work for bottom dollar is usually far worse... if they don't make a decent wage, you can hardly expect more. As far as local shops go, it's like searching for a plumber or mechanic or doctor etc. that's both good & honest. Not too long ago some magazine if I remember correctly toured PC repair shops in England (& maybe the EU?), & found all of them to be dishonest, selling all sorts of repairs for a disconnected cable or something like that. I've had terrible luck with Best Buy the few times something's broken under warranty. Being down the street, the only extra recourse I had was I could have punched the guy, & probably gone to jail. Fact is, if you can't fix it yourself, you've got no way of knowing if you're being lied to &/or scammed.

My favorite experience happened some years ago with a $300 HP printer, when their US based support assured us that yes, it was indeed normal for the printer to spit out pieces of it's innards -- it was actually pieces of the rollers that move the paper through the printer, it was a known problem, & for all sorts of obvious reasons, like fear of a class action law suit, they lied. Then there was the OfficeMax extended warranty on a printer that took something like a year & 3 months of phone calls, emails, faxes, & letters to get the $ because they said it was not repairable, & AFAIK it was all US based. Or the Adobe (US-based) support telling me I didn't qualify for an upgrade, 3.5 months after their Indian call center authorized & shipped it.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+33)

Don't let any vendor tap into your computer remotely unless you are thoroughly familiar with who they are, and trust them!
This software is too vague in what it does, but and in my opinion, promises more than it can deliver.
Passing on this one for sure.

Reply   |   Comment by QA  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+24)

Gordon Henderson says:
January 15, 2010 at 9:48 am

All of a sudden I got billed by yogi tech support for $139.99. I have never heard of therm before. This is a fraudulent attack on my bank account This is theft from someone I have never heard from before. They belong in jail, and I am going to do my best to see that this is done.

Reply   |   Comment by Jorduie  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+27)

Well comment 20 sums my feeling up.

If you go to the press release at the bottom you will see thay have been awarded the "iYogi was recently awarded the Red Herring Global 100 Award".
Now if you look up the term "Red Herring" here.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring_(idiom)

"Red herring is an idiomatic expression referring to a rhetorical tactic of diverting attention away from an item of significance"

Then I understand the vagueness. it will be a cold day in hell before I let these people near my computer.

Reply   |   Comment by mindnova  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+26)

you might want to pull this one off right now.
Ametuer support,unskilled techs,FTC looking into them.
Not good at all.

Reply   |   Comment by Daniel Sears  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+25)

Please Note: Repairs and Support Quality will vary depending on your individual computer equipment and phone line conditions. You should not expect to achieve results similar to those described in the testimonials. Annual Unlimited Tech Support for just $169.99 This was on their customer reviews page. Give you the software for free then BAMMMMMMMMMMM.

Reply   |   Comment by rjforce  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

Sorry GAOTD, but normally I'm all for new free stuff, but I warn everyone here to READ THE EULA! You give UNNAMED third parties COMPLETE CONTROL to install ANYTHING and do anything they want! And their "live support" as someone who has actually had to work on PCs they've "fixed" I can tell you is classic "guy in India tells you to reboot" quality.

Considering this program's "tools" are nothing more than the same basic reg tweaks and shortcuts to control panel items, are you REALLY gonna trust them to have complete control over your PC? No thanks GAOTD. If you need tech support that bad take it to a local shop, where at least you have some recourse if something goes wrong.

Reply   |   Comment by KBennett  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+57)

I too had questions as #1 Hariks said and wanted so much to see the aging New Yorkers OliviaB mentioned (I have friends there and wondered if they were in it) BUT

I clicked on the supportdock home page linked above and got this message:
Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
* Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.~~
I'm using Firefox on win7 - Anyone else have this problem or is it a temporary/my machine thing?

Reply   |   Comment by prying1  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+16)

Thanks oliviab @2. The video should be posted on YouTube, it's hilarious and terrible marketing. I feel a lot more Karma having watched all those happy New York pensioners! If I had any doubts about installing this software then their video made my mind up - NO THANKS. What I don't understand is that, while the software may be free (until I change computers, or my system crashes etc.) how can telephone support form India be free? It just doesn't make sense. And, frankly if the telephone support fom India is anything like the support I got when my UK bank tried the experiment of having a call centre in India then NO THANKS, free or not!

Reply   |   Comment by jamie24  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+27)

It's mainly a collection of tools to help you fix problems of your PC. But almost each time, they say that it is dangerous to use the tool without calling first a iYogi technician... and if I understand correctly, that service is not free.

I have tried anyway some of their tools. I haven't been able to check their antivirus/antispyware, because it tries to download the new definitions from the internet, but after 10 minutes or so, I had to close the window because the download was still at 0%. Maybe it's because a lot of GOTD users are accessing their servers at the same time, but it's not great, especially for an antivirus.

In the other hand, the drivers updater seems to work very well. It has found 18 outdated drivers on my Win7 x64 system, and it is easy and relatively fast to download them. However, I haven't installed them, mainly because I'm not sure they are really necessary and I think they are the 32bit versions of the drivers.

The Game Optimizer is a good idea. You have to configure the games you want to launch via the tool (give a name and a path to the exe file to launch), and then you can launch the game in a virtual desktop. The advantage of the virtual desktop is that it is not known by the other applications, and there is no risk that an application opens a window over your full screen when you are playing. They explain also that the game runs faster, but since the other applications continue to run (in your normal desktop), I don't think it is really possible to give more power to the game.

The other tools are classic tools to defrag your discs or the registry, optimize the internet connection, clean junk files, other ways to access some of the classic Windows options, etc... Nothing really interesting IMO.

The other interesting part of the program is the possibility to call their hot line to get help. But that's a paid service, not free for the GOTD users, so, of course, I haven't tried it.

I don't think I will keep the application, as it is heavy and when it runs it consume some valuable memory (but you can turn off the option to launch the dock window at startup). I would have preferred a collection of single applications, that you can launch when you really need them. (For example, a standalone game optimizer exe would be something to keep). IMO, the iYogi concept is good for small enterprises, but not for the casual user. Since the GOTD offer cannot be used in a commercial environment, I wonder if it is really useful to offer it today. Thanks anyway to GOTD and iYogi.

Reply   |   Comment by r0lZ  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+50)

before install read the review:

Reply   |   Comment by MasterMind  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+39)

I'll pass on this one. I don't want unknown people snooping on my computer.

Reply   |   Comment by Marcus  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+40)

Hi, I don't comment often here, but now as I have gone to all that trouble and put so much time and effort into a search for some info about this GOTD, I want to share my findings:
1. Only USA, Canada, GB & Australia are supported regions.
2. That means: All the others (like me) don't have to rack their head over questions like:
What is the exact price? 9.99? 29.99?? 169.99??? What about the "flat-rates"?
How will they repair the hardware when they don't come to your home?
Which hard- & software is actually supported - ~ 100 according to
Why is the webpage changing while I'm surfing? I can't find again the little info I found with my first reading.

Nevertheless, thanks to GOTD and iYogi that I could broaden my horizon.

Free alternatives for good advice how to install programmes and keep the puter healthy and which freeware is best for which task:

graylox ;)

Reply   |   Comment by graylox  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+57)

Their website better explains what this product does.
My advice? Read the EULA and make sure you agree to it’s terms before install:
Check out flux by stereopsis. It's free, green and good for your eyes and sleep hygiene.

Reply   |   Comment by Damon  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+32)

I don't know - may be good for a beginner, but I wouldn't use it. I don't need anything else to muck up my system.

from the website:

Some of the key features of Support Dock include:

 Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware – A total protection suite for the computer from virus and spyware attacks.
 PC Optimization – Improves performance by removing junk files and by cleaning PC registry.
 PC Recovery – Backup the PC environment to recover from virus infections, unstable software installations or hard drive failures.
 Home Networking Manager – Allows users to connect and manage security and share files across multiple computers and devices.
 Data Backup – Automated, secure online data backup for documents, images, emails and files.

You decide...

Reply   |   Comment by Cookie  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

@ rizla01 (6)
Thank you for helping me figure out what this program is actually supposed to do.

The problem is, I allready HAVE programs that do all of this. Provided by companies that are able to TELL ME what their program is.

For a change, I will play it very safe, and stay away from this one. Those who have read my previous comments should know I usually love playing with these little tweakers and helpers. But I do not feel comfortable playing with software where the company, and a SUPPORT company at that, that provides the software, is not able to explain what the software does in a comprehensive manner.

Reply   |   Comment by Spredo  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+51)

A client of mine subscribed to this service. The support phone calls are handled from India. The program allows them to connect to your pc if you have a problem allowing the people in India fix or attempt to fix your computer. The last service call I went on to fix my clients pc they had told him "he needed a new operating system" and hung up on him. The service is the typical 3 ring binder support.

Reply   |   Comment by Richard  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+117)

Worked great for me. I installed it, and 15 minutes later I was pracicing iyogi like a pro. I really enjoyed the stretching exercises, and my computer is more limber than it's ever been. Thanks, GAOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Joe  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-43)

So what I understand is that you get their program free, but then they want you to pay them for their help. What did the program do? :)

Reply   |   Comment by MrBub  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+42)

If it is of any help to anyone the press release for ths product can be found here.


Might help you decide if it's for you.

Reply   |   Comment by rizla01  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+40)

All this seems to be is a maintenance and general PC utility. It puts a dock on your desktop with clickable icons(that enlarge when you mouse over them) for the various categories, such as "Green PC" and general system maintenance. As far as I could tell all the Green PC component did was give you yet another way of managing your power plans.

In the "system" category there was an option to optimize your games. I clicked on it, but it warned me that I shouldn't attempt to optimize my games without the direct supervision of an iYogi technician or some such nonsense. Also, in the "dock" with the rest of the icons, is an icon you can click for "push to talk"...all this did(for me) was open my browser window to a page with their phone number. Anyway, I already uninstalled. I can't imagine what use anyone would have for this unless you just want quick access to your power plans with really snazzy buttons.

Reply   |   Comment by Wayne  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+103)
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