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Sounding Keyboard and Mouse Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Sounding Keyboard and Mouse

Sounding Keyboard and Mouse lets you hear magic sound when you press keys or click mouse.
$29.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 890 30 comments

Sounding Keyboard and Mouse was available as a giveaway on September 12, 2010!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Control remote desktop or laptop from any device and anywhere!

Sounding Keyboard and Mouse lets you hear magic sound when you press keys or click mouse. The program allows you to hear the sound, midi note or word which you want to hear after your typing or clicking.

With Microsoft Speech API and TTS Engine have been installed on your computer, the program can vocalize the text you are typing at the completion of each character or each word or each sentence.

System Requirements:

Windows 95/ 98/ Me/ NT/ 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista





File Size:

3.23 MB



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Upon running Setup, it shows that the version of this day's giveaway is:

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Reply   |   Comment by yepyep  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

1. Installs start menu into ADMINISTRATOR, rather than ALL USERS.

2. When attempt to run, gives the error: "Can not load necessary value! Please launch KeySound installer again or contact us: support at softboy..."

I think the cause of the error is likely that the developer did not pay attention to Windows security. This program may require ADMINISTRATOR to even run it. I WON'T USE A PROGRAM THAT ENDANGERS SECURITY.

Reply   |   Comment by Scott  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

@17 Thanks for the tip, but, both free and personal versions are total strip downs of paid versions with only 2 voice selections that are, as most T2S typically horrible. Softpedia is mostly the culprit here for completely misrepresenting the download, however, you should verify the specs before offering information. I downloaded (and uninstalled), wasting valuable time on both ends.

Reply   |   Comment by steve  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Can it be used to tune an (musical) instrument?

Reply   |   Comment by captkit  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It installed okay on my Win 7 64-bit machine, but as soon as I started using it to type an email, my spacebar stopped working. I went into the program to edit it to remove anything to do with the spacebar, then the whole thing stopped working. I must have checked or unchecked something important without realizing it. I tried to backtrack, but with no luck. I tried to uninstall it using the program name, but the program's name wasn't on the uninstall list. I finally found it under the name KEYSTROKE, and finally uninstalled it. BUT... when checking for footprints in my registry using my favorite program REGISTRAR REGISTRY MANAGER, it found a lot of left-behind entries. Of course, I removed them, and my registry is back to where it was before installation. Could have been a cute program to use sometimes, but it needs some work!

Reply   |   Comment by moosish  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

My job is to do Data Entry for a Defense and Aerospace contractor and entering part numbers and descriptions correctly is very important.
I think this program is a very useful tool to help me reduce mistakes and catch errors, because this program lets me hear as I type so I can use my ears and eyes to check my work as I enter it, because sometimes my fingers don’t type what I am reading and I transpose numbers or hit the wrong letter key. I don’t know if the people that made this software ever thought it could be used in that way. I use headphones at my workstation and when I enter an order I turn on Sounding Keyboard and Mouse and I listen as I type into the computer and it works great to help me catch mistakes.

Reply   |   Comment by Bill  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Keep getting error massage when using the software:

'this->Speak(Text, Flags, (long*)&StreamNumber)': Unspecified error

@ d:\program files\borland\cbuilder6\Imports\SpeechLib_TLB.h/3322
Press [Y]es to terminate, [N]o to continue and [C]ancel to Debug
Yes No Cancel

Reply   |   Comment by Tomer  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

I have Win7. I couldn't find the Shut Down button so I uninstalled the program. It still kept making sounds. I had to restart my computer.

Reply   |   Comment by Anita Simpson  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

$30 for a novelty app seems a bit excessive.

Reply   |   Comment by Talamasca  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Sounding Keyboard And Mouse lets you assign a .wav [audio] file or MIDI note to the standard keys on your keyboard, & it can activate Text To Speech, reading each character, word, or sentence [you have to install Text to Speech -- TTS -- separately, & the links to the Microsoft downloads are included in the Help file]. As you can see in the screen shots on the developer page [linked at top of GOTD page], the app works with schemes you create new or by editing the default... in the Scheme Editor window you select a key (or 1 of 3 mouse buttons), then select what you want to happen. Four radio buttons let you choose "Silence", "Use .wav file", "Use TTS", or "MIDI MUSIC" -- when you select .wav you can set key down & up as well as repeat. Note there's a "Multi-Select" checkbox in the upper left if you want to change/set [i.e. probably silence] more than one key at a time. Also note that the numbers listed for each key/character can be translated here (try the "Try it here." link at the end of the 1st paragraph): [http://www.expandinghead.net/keycode.html]... [Windows' Character Map won't help, & with things like the Tab key listed as Tables, that site could be handy]

Installation using the 7zip installer isn't bad, though I don't like installers that take over the complete screen, & I can't say it wouldn't alter registry settings if you've got TTS & apps that use it already installed & configured. The program's folder weighs in at ~3.5MB with 104 files, 1 folder -- you've also got added Start Menu shortcuts & a file placed in your My Pictures folder. I only counted 8 new registry keys, monitoring install in the XP Mode VM without TTS installed. Sounding Keyboard And Mouse does take some resources, but I only saw 3 - 5% CPU in the VM, which always shows higher usage with the higher overhead & only using 1 core of a quad CPU. The comment by Joe [#20] indicates it may conflict with Soundblaster audio drivers, but then again they are notoriously trouble prone -- I also seem to remember years ago they included some TTS stuff, so that might be the cause of Joe's problem too? TK [#20] points out problems with Vista's UAC that might be a concern for those running Vista who've kept UAC active. I didn't see any problems in 7 ult 64 running today's GOTD as-is or as admin, & that's with Soundblaster drivers too.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Others have suggested freeware alternatives for the text-to-speech aspect of this program. What intrigues me is the ability to add sounds to keystrokes.

@Matt, #19, asks about a freeware program called "KeyTick"; I'm not familiar with that, but I do use a freeware program called "Noisy Keyboard". By default, it just associates a few ticking noises with keystrokes. Most of the keys use the same one sound, so it's not going to map one thing to the "t" and another to the "e", but it does let you map different sounds to the space bar and the home, escape, backspace/delete and arrow keys.

It's just fun, not useful. http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/System-Miscellaneous/Noisy-Keyboard.shtml. If you decide to try it, be sure to read the readme file.

Reply   |   Comment by tmd  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Kept crashing on 98 Second Edition every time I tried to open any of the menu items (File, Options,Help, Register). Error I took note of one time:

KEYSOUND caused an invalid page fault in
module KERNEL32.DLL at 0187:bff9e0b7.
EAX=0084fe38 CS=0187 EIP=bff9e0b7 EFLGS=00000202
EBX=825a9dc0 SS=018f ESP=0084fc88 EBP=0084fe38
ECX=0000018f DS=018f ESI=00001706 FS=4ec7
EDX=0084fe28 ES=018f EDI=0000018f GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
cc a1 e0 dc fc bf 8b 00 66 64 f7 05 1c 00 00 00
Stack dump:
bfdd0000 825a9e04 82598bf4 825abc58 0000052f dcce9d90 0084fcd0 ffffffff 00000000 01380000 012c0000 0084fce9 012c4000 01298000 0050320a 00004000

Also, afterwards, Windows crashed and could not reboot normally; had to do a hard reboot (pressed reset button). NOT recommended for 98SE, despite specs... I'm uninstalling...

Reply   |   Comment by Joe  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

There used to be a (free) PC Magazine utility called KeyTick, which allowed you to associate a sound with a key press or a mouse click, but it is no longer available for Windows 7.

Does anyone know of any freeware equivalents to today's Giveaway of the Day?


Reply   |   Comment by Matt  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Another nice FREEWARE alternative is this:



Natural Voices included:

· Personal version has a great selection of Natural sounding voices and languages.

Text to speech:

· It can convert any written text such as MS Word, Webpage, PDF files, and Emails into spoken words with Natural sounding voices.

Convert to MP3:

· It can also convert any written text into audio files such as MP3 or WAV for your CD player or iPod.

Floating bar:

· Floating bar offers another option for you to listen to text without disturbing your reading on the screen.

Change reading voices and speed:

· A speaker menu and speed control slider is available.

Easy to use:

· Users without much computer knowledge can easily use it.

One-Click technology:

· You don’t have to copy and past text like other text-to-speech software. Just select any text and press one hot key.

Add-In Toolbar in MS Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Internet Explore and firefox:

· We integrate convenient add-in toolbars into MS Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Internet Explore and Firefox to offer a simple way of reading text directly without having to copy and paste.

Create and modify Pronunciation:

· Personal version can change the pronunciation of words and allows you to easily add new abbreviations.

Convert large text file (up to 4 million letters) to audio file:

· The powerful audio output function allows you to convert a large text file containing up to 4 million letters to an audio file.

Create single large-size audio files (up to 3GB audio files):

· Personal version can convert a text file into a single audio file containing up to 3GB of information


Reply   |   Comment by Giovanni  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+29)

FWIW, Web of Trust describes this vendor's web site -- softboy.net -- as having a "poor reputation"; giving it poor or unsatisfactory ratings in all of its categories from privacy to trustworthiness to child safety to reliability

Web of Trust is a site rating service, Like McAfee's and Norton's. The "poor reputation" isn't always a problem *by itself* and if you look at the comments for the site, they are mostly not credible (people complaining about prices and value much like on this board ;) ).

You can see their review of softboy.net here:

The REAL problem is that the vendor hasn't corrected the bad reputation. Web of Trust (WOT) is kind of a BIG deal and a bad reputation is a big problem that MOST reputable vendors try to correct. Here? (Evidently) not so much and this tells me that the publisher isn't real professional.

Nothing wrong with "isn't real professional"; amateur is fine. I'm just not going to pay money to an amateur OR (even) install software from such because I usually end up regretting it.

There are 3 kinds of software developers: 1) Professionals; 2) Amateurs who do so for fun/diversion/community service etc. 3)Amateurs who buy a book on programming, buy a website url, and set out to make their fortune. Usually, #3 (in my experience)is the group causing most of the problems and (IMHO) that LOOKS LIKE where softboy.net falls.

You may feel differently, but you've been warned.

Reply   |   Comment by liste  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Very nice little APP even though 30 $ seems for this to me a little bit steep!!

Not really helpful, but absolutely amusing, although it does not work in every language.

May be useful for KIDS or people who are blind or visually impaired!!!

A decent FREEWARE alternative (Standalone app, so no DLL's) may be this:


· It supports the basic funtions of the TTS (Speak, Stop, Pause, Resume).
· DSpeech allows to save the voice files output as a Wav or Mp3 file
· It allows to change the speed and the volume of the voice.
· DSpeech allows to select quickly different voices and to merge them, in order to create dialogues.
· It allows to capture and reproduce the content of the ClipBoard.
· It's compatible with all modern vocal engines SAPI 5 compliant.


Reply   |   Comment by Giovanni  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

The idea is nice. Congrats!

However, two things:
1. When I press window minimize/maximize/close buttons in the window title my windows (XP Pro) hangs for 10-20 seconds, which makes application very difficult to use. May be it's a conflict with some third part application?
2. More sound themes needed, perhaps you could allow theme sharing on your web-site?

Reply   |   Comment by Volodymyr Frytskyy  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

what are you telling them J. Discerningword ?
Just installed this with my av and firewall on, my os is winXP sp3.
no errors

when i pushed the 'Active your registration' it said the 'You have activated your registration' and blacked out the 'Enter registration' form.

Pretty easy, and funny, more sounds would be better

Reply   |   Comment by BesT  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Was NOT easy to install on my XP SP3. NSIS error with installer. Had to disable my antivirus and firewall. GOTD I.E. page says software is activated, however I cannot get it to register. I did get a serial code and an active code, but the registration form does not accept the serial code and my email. What's up?

Reply   |   Comment by J. Discerningword  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Very amateurish program.
Once you turn on the TTS engine, there is no way to turn it off.
Even after I "actived" my registration, it still shows the Buy Now button and Register menu.
Overall the program is an annoyance rather than any help or fun value.

Reply   |   Comment by Jay V  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Any extra sounds drain resources marginally. I have no sounds at all (except for incoming mail) on my machines, as I can't abide all the plinks, plonks, chinks and dings that Windows makes as it goes about its business and, as a matter of interest, I have also reduced most of the unnecessary graphics, animations and fancy colours. Speeds things up considerably.

Reply   |   Comment by Dave  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-13)

It's Really fun, very unique... Thanks GAOTD for today Giveaways. finger cross X.

Reply   |   Comment by Boem  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-21)

Fun and useful app. Useful if you one is practising typing, fun if wanting sounds when typing and using the mouse. All keys and mouse functions can be mapped with any sounds... not MP3, but it can use Wav. I've set mine up for test with Star Trek Lcars sounds, each sound is instant, and the sound can be set to last as long as the key is depressed, or single shot. You can map all keys or just certain keys and then save as a theme. Fun for a little while but can start to get annoying for some maybe. Anyhow extremely useful for typing lessons.

Reply   |   Comment by Terry  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

At childrens will like this,also at adult who is borring and not must to be so concentradet on his work.Thank.I like it.Is easy to exit when you want.Proposal: for example when you push on:Enter,to say in words:"you did again" like it say Bran(oliver Hardy) to Stan,and more words from comedy or cartoon,and it can be make to appear a personaje who move on the screen and posibility to change personaje and replics when you boring.It wil be nice to make your movie with your personaje when you push on more buttons.

Reply   |   Comment by Do Do Re  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-41)

I suspect this might be helpful for people who are visually impaired, but MS text to speech (though not sure it does the read as you type), does pretty much the same.

As a general thing I don't think it's the height of coooool, and after being annoyed by it for 10 seconds, I'd probably uninstall it pronto.

Or you could put it on the kids' computer and it can drive you daft as it tries to read badly spelt words.

Reply   |   Comment by Hamtey  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+32)

Installed ok on win7 home prem x64, novelty kind of program, can be annoying after a while, some faults found, backspace on typewriter1 sound scheme reads as number 8, the return button on this scheme is breaking glass (very annoying ) punctuation IE £^&*()" etc is read as numbers, also still continues to read when playing games you have to manually turn it off when playing games, otherwise nice program but needs a serious amount of work to make it better.

Reply   |   Comment by Gary Moore  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+49)

and raising of tone in music with new position of mouse when pressed.

Reply   |   Comment by nogard0  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-40)

and how about a random feature for same item ... boing sound for exit is getting boring. the multiple occurances of it can each play a different theme.

Reply   |   Comment by nogard0  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-33)

Was easy to install and activate the software.

Reply   |   Comment by Jetcloud  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-41)

interesting effect is that can brought up multiple times and each occurrance play the sounds. one thing i would like the see is capabilty to adjust the bad words to correct pronouncing of words.

Reply   |   Comment by nogard0  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-32)
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