Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
png2icon 1.0 was available as a giveaway on March 21, 2009!
Png2Icon is a little software tool lets you convert from PNG to Windows icon formats without losing any quality. Png2Icon uses advanced resampling filters, what allows you to create very good icons from any images.
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server
932 KB
Its just Okay, maybe a 5 out of 10. It will capture images and allow u to create an icon but there is no true edit capability.
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2 Fubar:
Thanks for your reply, but of course I DO HAVE really good security concerned solutions and THERE ARE A LOT of good solutions for definite tasks around; I´m still "looking", for I´m open enough to further improve my skills and still find a wider range for practical solutions or NEW aproaches or great visula/practical HANDLING.
This is because I learned, that not all people are the same: it is extremly rare that my different customers feel and act so much alike, that they are satisfied with the same/standard solution. It depends on their psyche as well as on their experience in computers, what I find (othen bad or bad implemented Backup or even faulty solutions by my predators!!!) and finally in likings (some WANT all be visible an wish to be (virtually...) in control - others would rather see as little as possible an rather phone me often for the smallest piece...
In my eyes I have developed (and there exist!) enough great backup/restore solutions for all flavours but the customer must be satisfied and able to handle it without to much pain!
BTW: I othen pointed here - while commenting on former giveaways - to a range of such good programs or small tools. And, as I mentioned above, I found a lot prgs that were dangerous under special circumstances...
Finally: so why not be a little bit more tolerant about Ashraf and others; Just correct their erros (if you want to).
greetings from germany - with excuses for my bad english and the aknowledgement that your comments are almost ever (but not always) precise and correct.
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#78, (german)werwölfchen, while my eyesight isn't what it once was, I read your comment fine. You're taking this way too personally. Specifically the corrections to your comments are that icon files can contain more than one icon, and Vista and higher do support icon compression for some sizes and formats. While I would never claim that my comments are always error-free, I at least make an effort to ensure that my comments are correct before posting. There are a great many readers who simply assume that what regular posters such as Ashraf and yourself post is correct, therefor you should make an effort to check your information. Also, I had posted the links to brief descriptions of Vista icons previously, so you "regulars" didn't really have much excuse for claiming that you didn't know anything about icons.
As for your comment about security solutions, it's too vague to tell what specific solutions you're looking for.
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Open PNG. Save as BMP. Change file extension from .bmp to .ico. Done. That right there saves you a download and money, should you pay for it after the giveaway.
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First questions You gotta ask yourself... Ia this free prog. for me? Will I use it ? YES or NO...
I`m starting to think that because its free for a day alot of you guys are just downloading it to actually see if it works or sumthing :P Gee save you time/space...
And if you missed out on something u think u coulda used,... GOOGLE what you want ..nearly find a FREE alternative everytime :)
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Do you wear special shutter glasses?
I didn´t say anything like "My Compendium: All about icon format" - I just addressed the (sometimes real funny) quick shots our young friend Ashraf does...
(and I use Irfan to just produces simple icons in ONE predefined dimension, which is often desireable for me!)
Meanwhile I don´t know, whether my english is to bad or if you are not able/willing t get what I mean?!
PS: For I develop individual backup and security solutions for medical doctors and lawyers I´m manly interested in (and sometimes concerned about!!!) effective and SIMPLE(!) security solutions; really many programs floating around MISS a high standard verification either in reliability or/and notifying problems or/and flexibility. This is what I most often adress (conceding, that not all by me found problems are as significat or even noticeable to most average users. IF you sometimes dont´t get the point - ASK ME what I meant.
BTW: ALL professionals I personally know have their special fields of wide spread knowledge - and partly fail in other fields...
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PNG is picture fileformat. (yourpicturename.png)
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@quilmon, #72: thanks for pointing out Pixelformer a great little tool.
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#13, Farrukh, #18, Ashraf (as usual), #26, (german)werwölfchen, and 99% of the comments are completely incorrect. #42, FreeESpirits, was the first to get it right, among only a few others. Yo, Ashraf, didn't you even click on the resulting .ico file? Vista's default viewer will show all five icon sizes contained in the file.
As I've linked previously, here's some information from Axialis and Iconica concerning Vista icons.
While this offering is far better than most people have given it credit for, it's true that you'd be better off with a dedicated icon editor, if you want the correct icon look for your OS, and full support for Vista icon features.
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runs fine WinXP pro sp3, creates an icon file with the 5 sizes; you can
see them in irfanview as page 1/5, click the up/down arrows (not the side arrows for next images in a folder)
suggestions to binerus:
add the other 2 standard sizes 24x24 and 16x16,
have an option to square the crop box,
have an option to make a color transparent (and allow repeated use, so we can remove a number of different colors), and/or a 'paint flood' or brush to mask areas.
Thanks GOTD and binerus!
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Pixelformer is a new generation bitmap editor, specifically optimized for creating and modifying small-sized images, such as icons, avatars, buttons, etc.
Pixelformer does not limit you to icon-specific image sizes
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Thanks to the guy who posted the link to the freeware alternative. For months now, I have only been sporadically successful in installing the giveaways. I always get a "fatal error:key is invalid" message.
If anyone has any idea about how I can get around this, it would be great.
Windows XP (SP3)
MacBook Pro
Norton's Internet Security (but adding the activation to the trusted programs list doesn't help.)
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I've read enough, and will let this one slide. Thanks to all who informed us on the readily available BETTER alternatives. BTW foxylady559, grabbing freebies just because they are free for one day is senseless when there are better alternatives which have always been free anyway. Thanks for the heads-up guys.
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doesnt install even after successful feedback of installation program
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It worked well and registered successfully in my Vista Home premium,
Its good
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This application can use more formats than the name implies, as JPG, BMP, GIF and of course PNG. I have tested it on Windows XP SP3 and installation and registration went fine (as previously said if it's not registered there is an Unlock... button to the right of About button). It exports an icon file that has 5 incons inside with the sizes 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 128x128 and 256x256.
What I found a bit strange is that the site www.ksdev.com mentioned in the about box has very similar page layout with www.binerus.com. On the first site I found a link to a blog signed by Eugene Kryukov. Further looking on Google, I've found that KS in ksdev stands for Kryukov Software. Later I've found out that he is the CEO of Alcyonsoft, and perhaps he is a russian around 30 years old. I've done this research because there is no information about him or his company on the program site. Would you buy from someone you don't know?
On this new light, png2icon 1.0 seems more a proof of concept for VGScene than an application.
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well, it took 4 download tries and 4 installs before it would run without the watermark, but I must say, it is a neat way to make identifiers for my desktop. Can these be sent to other people too?
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@ 54 / Danaishere
Excellent points - I learned something from your post.
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@Ashraf, #18: Quote "You can’t choose what size you want the icon to be."
An ico-file contains several images in one single file. The OS selects the appropriate size to be displayed. #54, danaishere statet that already and he is very right in doing so.
Ashraf, you're right that you have no control over what the image-set (an icon) will consist of (this is a png2icon default), but the size of the icon will be controled by display cases and screen configurations. That is all there is, this is what an icon is.
Because an icon consists of several images icon-size will increase compared to a single bmp-file ofcourse.
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or you could go to converticon.com
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I use AwIcons Free for the same purpose. Plus it has a lot of additional functions, not only converting.
In addition to AwIcons I use Jet Screenshot
Anyway, thank you GAOTD
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This seems useless when theres already free utilities that are so much better available to all for download every day. IcoFX is all anybody needs as it's the class of the free icon editors, supports more formats, is Vista compatible and works great.
This one isn't worth paying any money for & even free for a day seems more trouble then it's worth. Just check out http://icofx.ro/ and read the "About IcoFX" to see for yourselves. Topping that off, as others have mentioned, theres hundreds & hundreds of great free icons already available for download free, at several websites. The works already done for you. Making icons was fun several years ago but I have better things to do with my PC's now days. Every once in a while, free is better! I'm passing today.
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@ # 55, John Fowles:
The point of the PNG format, is an alpha channel (RGBA). That way the images (and icons) doesn't have to be ugly squares, but any shape. (Unless when viewed in IE6...) Though for icons I guess its transparent or not, gif-style - but I'm not sure of this.
@ # 57, Roger:
Should'nt it read “that allows you to create very good icons from any image” ? Sans s.
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Excellent program, GOATD. Thank you.
This program is fast and easy to download, install and register. It does exactly what it says it will do. If you are looking for a PNG converter, this one is a keeper.
I love icons and cursors, and have several programs such as Irfanview and IcoFX.
I don't understand the negative feedback. This software is offered FREE for today. Why not just say thank you GOATD, for your efforts and work to find all kinds of programs. It shows plain stupidity to criticize a program because of its simplicity or price. FREE TODAY means that if you wait...you pay.
Thanks again GOATD.
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Not going to bother with this one, seems like a complete waste of space. IrfanView can convert image files as well as so much more, and as creating an icon is as easy as converting a file to BMP and changing the extension to ICO this program seems pointless.
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How about the developers learn basic grammar?
It should not be "Png2Icon uses advanced resampling filters, what allows you to create very good icons from any images"
It should say "that allows you to create very good icons from any images"
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I like this tool because it is extremely easy to use and you can learn it in seconds. This software is great for anyone who would like to make their own icons for their desktop. Their are however other programs out their that can make more advanced icons but they may be costly or take a while to learn. Thank you very much!
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a PNG file (Portable Network Graphic), is a simple google would have told you is another compressed picture file format. that may or may not produce better images than the ubiquitos jpg/jpeg(Joint Picture Experts Group) format. Personally I eschew pngs, because in my experience it results in unecessarily larger files than jpgs, and to use them you need to edit the file association else a png , like the much larger uncompressed bitmap format (*.bmp), will open I think I am correct in saying in Microsoft Paint,(from where both pngs and bmps may be saved as jpegs).
#18 that freeware programme,Easy Picture2Icon, appears much more like it as it will convert a jpg into an icon, with one caveat. the first download link I found takes you to an unwelcome and stupid toolbar install page, no doubt the parasitic toolbar would be spyware ridden. I persevered and found a proper program donload link. at:-
Opening the program immediately showed a sample jpg plus three icon sizes, including 16 pixels square plus 32 and 48 square, so you could see the effect straight away.It remains to explain why one would want to create icons anyway.
A good example is the main website for my musical hero Gordon Lightfoot, If you visit http://www.corfid.com you wil find that the site owner has incorporated a small GL icon that appears in your address bar before the URL on every page.If you have a website especially a commercial one such a minor touch might well make your site stand out from the motley
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The software loads up fine and seems to have a simple and to the point work place. It has a little confusing title as it will open a lot of different photos files and convert to icons besides just png. I have done gif, bit, tiff and jpeg. They all seem to work.
Now as far as the size of the image, I am no icon expert, but most icons I have seen have a very limited color palette, unlike a photo. Icons are suppose to be simple line art, they are small and are not intended to be enlarged to show detail. You can see this if you open up any of them in a photo editor. More colors in a photo icon and the the bigger the size of the file. A line art icon will have have less colors and will be smaller just by nature.
The other thing I see in icons is that they have multi layers of at least 5 or more. I assume this is to account for different sizing in display settings, but the end result is that increases the size of the file, which is why a program like IrfanView can save a file that is much smaller. It really is only saving a thumbnail of the icon, which seems to be just one layer. It says it will save in an icon formate, but seems to only save one layer, not five in diminishing sizes like this program does. These multi layers can be seen in an photo editing program like photoshop or gimp.
At first I didn't understand the screen with the different sizes 256,128,64, etc... but then I realized those are the five layers it will save in, not choices for me to make. All in all not a bad piece of software, once you look at it in an apples to apples comparison, it is simple and easy to use.
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PNG is a graphics file format. Other graphics file formats are jpg, bmp, gif, etc. To devote a whole program to converting this one obscure format to an icon seems pointless. Jpg to icon would be better, but that too would seem silly. If Ashraf gives it a thumbs down, then I don't even bother.
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Am I the only one here who is unable to see anything but shiny black?
I am having trouble reading the print...is there a configuration menu of any sort? Or is it just not visible? Should I reset my 'display' font?
Still a useful little program.
Thanks GOTD!!
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Small, fast, light, easy to use.
As it should be. . . because it's nowhere near as feature-rich as the class-leading freeware icoFX and so no, it won't allow you to control / fine-tune the resulting output.
Why any developer would bother to create new commercial software that is instantly out-performed by existing free software is a mystery -- it's akin to launching onto the market a new radio set that has a tuning knob like its rivals , but unlike its rivals, no control knob to adjust the volume.
Thanks GOTD but really, what is the point of today's offering??????
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Wow! I have been trying some different icon utilities the past week. What luck to find this one for free on GAOTD. It took a clear gif that other utilities made pixelated - using this utility it's now silky smooth!
I recommend.
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Runs great on Vista 64
running in standard graphics Mode
Nice little program
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I haven't needed a program like this at all. What few times I wanted to make an Icon I just went to the net andd made it and used it. If you make many then this program is not for you. It is too limited for anyone that makes more than a couple a month.
Just not worth the time and space tohave it.
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Thank you GOTD
Installed and registered fine...
made a pic into an icon fine
Stupid question...how to I apply it as an icon on my desktop or can I?
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Here we go again! Installing non Vista compatible apps on Vista. Better someone else then me. I don't do that especially for something so limited. It's called "png2icon 1.0" & I don't keep any png formatted images in the first place. I don't know anybody that does does, not a soul.
Theres better freeware programs available even tho this is free today! There listed above in some other comments. This is surely not worth $10, no less $20. I wouldn't spend $5 on it. I cant for the life of me figure why anyone would when theres hundreds, no thousands of free icons available for download on line. 90% of those are far better then any I could make from the images I have on my computers because there icons to start with. This gets two thumbs down as a waste of time & space.
Open Google & type "free (whatever kind of icons you want) & go. I learned how to Google search years ago. If you haven't, it's past time you do. And that wasn't meant as sarcasm at all.
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Another happy Irfanview/Paint.NET user here - I can't see the point in having a limited single-purpose Icon maker, when free image editors do this job easily (and so much more).
As an aside I was also put off by the sentence "...resampling filters, what allows you to..." but perhaps I'm just getting old and pedantic :-/
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Hey, .png is a GREAT image format. You'd agree if you work with graphics regularly, expeditiously, and profitably. Along with .bmp, .tiff, .ico, (and, yes, .pdf, too) do we need the rest, really? End .jpg, yeah!!
Open this one-trick-pony software, do the job, and get on with the job. Just a tool which depends ONLY on individual user appreciation of the GUI/operation. I love this one's, and it does the job.
10$ seems more realistic, unless some basic image editing (crop, cut, reduce dpi, grayscale, color density, rotation,....) is included in an soon-updated version. Please do, and you'd have a VERY useful pony :-) Tanx for the trial!
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Thumbs up to a specialist tool that does its dedicated task very well.
The resulting high quality icons include all the sizes you see in the preview.
Windows automatically uses the appropriate size for the type of view you choose in explorer.
In XP it's usually 16x16 for list/detail views, 32x32 for icon view, 48x48 for thumbs, tiles, desktop etc. The bigger ones are mainly used in Vista, though some software products allow XP users to enjoy them too.
It's easy to spot low quality icons (which is what many "similar" programs produce) in the larger views - they look terrible when stretched.
In the normal workflow, converting to an icon is assumed to be the final step, after you've finished editing and optimizing images in your graphics editor (which was built for this purpose.)
Files sizes, after proper preparation, are acceptable for this type of icon.
It also converts .JPG images, if you don't need or want a transparent background.
The option to save in Mac format is highly appreciated by cross-platform software developers and icon designers.
Thanks, GAOTD and Binerus!
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@whosaidthat, #30: Though I will not debate the usefullness of todays GAotD (I leave that to the user), you do not have to MANUALLY convert twice, like from "jpg" to "png" to "ico".
You can load a "jpg" and go to "ico" in just one step. Internally the resampling filters are applied to a "png"-file.
While loading the "jpg" from disk it is converted to a "png" in memory.
Doing this first conversion automatically and internally makes it posssible for png2icon to use just one set of resampling filters instead of sets for all possible input-formats.
The name png2icon is misleading, more inputformats are accepted!
@Lu Hulu, #29:
The icon-size being larger then the size of the input-file is not a big deal. When your input-file (like "jpg") is compressed a lot, a big picture can be very small in size. Converting to a (on screen) small "ico"-file without compression can result in such.
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Didn't work. :\ I pressed the activation and tried it 3-4 times, and it didn't activate. Think the serial type of activation worked better.
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As a web designer I'll definitely be able to use this little jewel. Thank you so much :D
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Eh', not bad, but not the best other there. The program works well, but does have some limitations. I like IcoFx better and its free, but todays GAOTD is very easy to use.
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Why pay $19.95 for something you can get for free that does the same thing? Do a google search for AveIcon and you won't be disappointed. I've been using it a lot for years and am extremely satisfied with it.
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Just checked - if your png file shows with a transparent background then so does the icon on your desktop, as it should. Some fancy applications can't manage this.
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This works well, is easy and useful. It will go well with the program Folder marker 3.0 that was given away awhile back.
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The concept of the program seemed pretty great
Until I tried to load it on my Win98.
The setup ran OK
But then to my dismay --
The little blighter failed to activate.
Happy Dae·
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I have been looking for a program like this for ages. I love it brilliant easy to use gets the job done 10/10
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I appreciate that this is free for today (though no updates) but for years I've used IrfanView (free, with updates) to convert png and stacks of other formats into icons.
The "without losing quality" claim makes no sense - there has to be some loss and often some distortion, the question being how appreciable is that loss. IrfanView does a reasonable job.
To charge $19.95 for this is a rip-off.
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