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Pixel Studio 4.17 was available as a giveaway on November 11, 2023!
Pixel Studio follows the key strong points from all the of the Pixarra TwistedBrush artist software products but with a focus on pixel art. This art, sometimes called retro, makes no attempt to hide pixels and sizes of images are often very small. Useful as utility for creating icons, sprites, and other small images for games and websites but also for art on its own. There is no surprise that pixel art is popular, it is simply fun!
Windows Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; 500MB disk space; 1024x768 minimum display resolution; 4GB RAM (8GB or more recommended)
35.4 MB
TwistedBrush Pro Studio is a program for digital artists of any level: from novice to professional. Strong focus on natural media painting, photo editing and illustrative styles. TwistedBrush has more than 9000 brushes in over 250 ArtSets!
If you want a stripped down version for painting and drawing with a new slick interface then Paint Studio is for you. TwistedBrush Paint Studio strips away complexity and what remain are the very best natural media brushes available as well as the key features that have always made TwistedBrush great.
Luminance Studio is a Pixarra product in the Studio series with a focus on painting with luminance for both natural media and design style of artwork. It builds on the success of other Studio products by Pixarra, giving you, the artist, a tool dedicated to achieving your vision quicker and better than other options.
Selfie Studio provides you the creative tools to edit your photos to get just the look you want.
Tree Studio is a product born from TwistedBrush Pro Studio but with a focus on 2D tree creation with a simpler, streamlined interface. Tree Studio has pairs of brushes for each tree type. One for the frame and one for the leaves. The frame is algorithmically generated so it will be different each time. This allows you can create an endless variety of each tree type.
Good company. Good product!
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I've owned a lifetime licence to this product since it came out, and am a Pixel artist by trade. This software has and still is virtually useless. I once tried giving them feedback they more or less just told me to go away because Pixel Studio isn't intended to be a tool for professional pixel artist or game makers.
So keep that in mind. This product is thought of as a toy by its developer not a tool. Support Aseprite or some other tool being made by people who care about their tools being useful for the people using them.
Pixarra used to be a good company, the main/only dev would take your feedback to heart. But after his kid got involved in the big overhaul and release of these studio products it's fallen fair behind the times, and stopped caring about truly being useful, and more about just looking good enough to snag some buys and keep its cult following.
Since it's a single core developer it does make sense, he spun off far too many products to maintain and properly give attention to, and it has more or less ruined the entire line of tools. I still enjoy using TwistedBrush Pro, but it's dated, and can't produce very good results compared to modern art programs that have focused on getting their brushes and rendering engines to look and work nicer. Pixarra tools are best when you want an uncanny 90s digital art vibe, of course pixel studio is just best avoided all together, even if you're a hobbyist you should spend time developing skills using a program that can turn into more when you need it to. Aseprite is cheap, or free if you take the time to compile it yourself.
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I have installed the former version 3.03 offered here some time ago. Do I have to uninstall it before the installation of today offer, or it is just to install it on top the 3.03 version?
I have been using Pixel Studio for a while now and I'm very satisfied with it but I'm not an advanced user in the context.
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Pixarra is an amazing company worth supporting. This particular product is great for pixel art. Good for art, fun and for game design. No email is required for registration. The key is in the read me file. It won't put a shortcut on your desktop. The file to run the program is tbpixelstudio.exe - It should be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Pixarra\Pixel Studio
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You will receive version 4.17, with the corresponding license key.
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