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Photopus Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Photopus

Photopus is an easy to use batch image processing software to simplify the process to convert, resize, transform, touch-up, rename, and apply effects to your digital images.
$29.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 231 19 comments

Photopus was available as a giveaway on June 20, 2011!

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Photopus is an easy to use batch image processing software to simplify the process to convert, resize, transform, touch-up, rename, and apply effects to your digital images. Instead of spending hours to edit your digital images individually, Photopus lets you perform batch image processing in a single operation.

With Photopus, you can batch resize images automatically with ready preset for most common output sizes; Rotate images; Flip; Rename images; Crop images; Convert image to other image formats (including multi-page PDF, TIFF); Adjust DPI; Apply special effects like black and white, sepia, blur, emboss, red eye correction, twirl, grayscale, add border and more; Touch-up images by adjusting brightness, contrast, sharpen, smooth, color balance and etc.

Photopus comes with clean and well designed interface. It only involved 3 steps to process your images: Add Photos, Add Filters, Output. Through every step of the process you can preview the changes made before saving the images. Settings can be saved and load for next image processing project.

Photopus supports over 60 images formats including BMP, JPG, GIF, TIFF, TGA, PNG, ICO, PDF, PDF/A, PSD, WMF, EMF, JBIG, JBIG2, WBMP, PICT, PCT, JNG, JPEG 2000, PIC, ICB, VDA, VST, PDD, WAP, WBM, EXR, PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM, XPM, CUR, CUT, DDS, DIB, FAX, HDR, IFF, BIE, JBG, JB2, JIF, KOA, LBM, MNG, PCD, PCX, PFM, PGM, RAS, SGI, RLE, XBM, EXIF, JTIF and etc. Multi-page image format is fully supported.

System Requirements:

Windows 7/ Vista/ XP/ 2000/ 2003/ 2008


Softdiv Software Sdn Bhd



File Size:

8.98 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Corel Corporation
Developed by The GIMP Team
Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated
Import 3D objects and decide where to place them in the 3D model.

Comments on Photopus

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They should have named it PhotOpus or Phot-Opus to avoid the misunderstanding about the name of the application. I think this is what they really intended judging from the program icon.
It worked quickly and easily for batch resize and rotate operations.

Reply   |   Comment by Dennis  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

There are many free programs available to do the job. You don't even need to install any of them. for example, PhotoScape, Xnview, FSviwer........
I pass on this one.

Reply   |   Comment by umax asby  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

NR 6. Neopaint isn't free.

Reply   |   Comment by tc1uscg  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Christopher Chance - "Are there really that many bad pieces of software going through here?"

The short answer is no. There is simply a lot of very average software that simply doesn't compete with the long established, well supported freeware alternatives. The site gives away a program every day, that's 365 programs a year, and the site has been going for several years now. So it simply isn't possible to give away great software every day. But the site IS worth visiting/supporting as every now and then a gem is given away that IS worth downloading and recommending to your friends, eg Process Lasso Pro, Paragon HD Manager, Inpaint.

Reply   |   Comment by JDP  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

What can Photopus do that IrfanView can do for free???
IfanView can even make Slide Shows, write them to HTML to be uploaded to a website and even burn them to CD or DVD, if you also have Nero installed. IrfanView is also for batch processing and is extendable with other tools, like OCR.

Reply   |   Comment by Peter  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I have no use for this application, so I'm not gonna test it. But I'm surprised at the so-called "Ideas". I see 115 vote's for "the name is kinda disgusting". I for one, am actually happy to see an application which isn't named exactly as it does(just take a look into the history of applications offered, you'll catch my drift). Also, I felt like there was actually some thoughts spend to the name. It's obviously based on octopus, an animal that comes with a lot of hands(read help or handydandies). Combine that with photo and tadaa, you have a brilliant name.

Reply   |   Comment by Terry  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

The old standby Irfanview still works well and does just about everything this software is supposed to do. Irfanview is also free.

Reply   |   Comment by George Laauer  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)

WHy is it that the last dozen or so application that have been posted have been mostly panned by the majority of thoe cheocking them out? Are there really that many bad pieces of software going through hre?

I post this tuff to my facebook page for my friends to see and maybe use, but if the majority of what I see is negatively reviewed I am going to stop posting them becuase I don't want my friends and family downloading crap software that will mess up thier computers or not do what it is supposed to.

Another issue, why is the software that appears here so cruddy to begin with? Most of the regular reviewers have no problems stating that thre is better freeware out there than what is promoted here? I think I am going to give it one more week than remove it because I have lost coputers to bad software and I don't want history to repeat itself.

Thanks for trying Giveaway of the day, but if you can't give away this software what good is it? You post retail prices of this software and it all gets shot down, makes the individual companies look bad for trying to charge for something you can't giveaway, makes them look like crooks pushing shoddy software and asking for money for it.

Well enough ranting for me. Thanks reviewers for your honest answers. Giveaway of the day, you need better quality software to push. Good luck.

Reply   |   Comment by CHristopher Chance  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

I'm sorry, but I just have to ask: Where on Earth did the author(s) get the name "Photo pus"? From a marketing viewpoint, the subliminal suggestion of pus is not what I would want for my product.

Reply   |   Comment by DrKenB  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

The name is too close to a well known popular software called PhotoPlus (with a letter "L") from Serif.com that I think they are trying to confuse folks. The package here is far less capable, so I hope everyone understands the difference.

Reply   |   Comment by Leo  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+24)

#4: "... Need an awesome graphic editor use GIMP, you can’t go wrong. It’s very complex but there is a lot of online help and tutorials."

I agree it is good, FWIW, but The GIMP isn't a quick & easy batch image processor, so there's a bit of apples/oranges there. One thing that makes it easier for me to use is the plug-ins that make it work & look more like PhotoShop. I download those plug-ins along with the app from portableapps.com, not because I need to use The GIMP portably, but because I've had problems running the regular Windows install of this *nix-based software.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

Photopus does what it says at the top of the page, but for what it does, installing this VB [Visual Basic] app has too much impact for me to consider using it -- if that sort of thing doesn't bother you, it seems a nice, professionally written/designed app for both home & work. To use it you import image files &/or folders, add processes to the job list [e.g. despeckle, resize, add border etc.], set your output format, file naming, destination, even date, & click process. With Remote Desktop used in the XP Mode VM, Photopus was slow [at times unresponsive] working with images on a shared drive, so it *might* not be ideal for images stored remotely [e.g. on a NAS], but you'd have to test your setup because that could also be from using Windows VPC [i.e. the XP Mode VM]. And while the Photopus program window is re-sizable, the image preview is not -- as that preview's a bit small for my tastes, that's something I'd suggest the developers add to the wishlist for a future version. The available adjustments & FX aren't bad & are for the most part suited for batch processing -- you won't find brushes or many of the tools you're used to seeing & using on individual images, because those are things you'd use on individual images rather than on a folder full of .jpg &/or .png files. That said, not having any auto adjustments is a somewhat glaring omission considering how common that sort of thing is nowadays, not to mention automatic adjustments are ideally suited to batch processing photos.

The setup file for Photopus includes 13, mostly older version files that can be installed in Windows system folder -- if they're added or not depends on whether you've got them already. One of those files, GdiPlus.dll, could **potentially** cause problems with other apps -- Microsoft likes GdiPlus.dll installed to Windows\WinSxS where several versions can co-exist, so you don't have problems when an app needs a certain version... added to the system folder that GdiPlus.dll file is available for every app to use. It *shouldn't* cause problems, & Photopus itself used one of the files in WinSxS, but with Windows software things don't always work according to plan, & it would have been better to add that file to the program's folder if Softdiv Software didn't want to bother with a WinSxS setup. One of the few newer VB files, msvbvm60.dll, is installed to both Windows system & the program's folder [Photopus used the copy in the program's folder], & VBOLock.ocx is installed in the system folder as well, mentioned only because it's for DRM, and adding DRM sometimes has side effects. The reason I decided not to keep it, Photopus uses software code [files] from CODEJOCK [codejock.com] & GdPicture [gdpicture.com], which together help account for the recorded 6,883 new registry entries in the XP Mode VM with VB 6 already installed -- if VB 6 hadn't already been installed that figure would have been higher. Add that VB apps don't always perform their best in win7. The program's folder itself holds 25 files at ~20 MB, with another folder added to All Users Application Data.

As I started out, Photopus does do what the dev's say it does up top of the page, but it's a crowded field [using "batch photo" Google came up with near 50 mill results], & with so many alternatives I don't know that Anyone can accurately say what's the best/worst of the lot. I'm lazy & tend to use what I've got already rather than try to sort through them all hoping to find something better, adding image apps when or as I come across what I think are fairly knowledgeable recommendations -- one I've seen mentioned quite a bit that way is XnView [xnview.com], though I personally think its GUI could be a bit confusing to some folks. It's also one of the apps I get from portableapps.com, since as I said I'm lazy, & it's easier to visit their site & download a bunch of new versions than it is to monitor those same apps individually. Back to Photopus, if it weren't for the installation & potential network storage issues I would have installed & kept it, because it is easy to use [very non-intimidating], & I'm not the only one here using a PC/laptop. If you want/need an app for batch processing photos, if Easy is what you're primarily after, & if those issues don't matter to you, Photopus should fit the bill.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+46)

@ 4 Mex, your link goes to what was apparently the author's forum, but it only links to the older 1.0.7 version. The original site www.imagine-picture-viewer (was it .com?) is nowhere to be found.
In search of the latest version I noted that the program seems to be housed under sourceforge.net now (http://sourceforge.net/projects/open-imagine/), but then no way for me to log in with my account credentials and still waiting for the mail about the new account I created. Download is possible though.
Other sources: http://imagine-picture-viewer.en.softonic.com/

Reply   |   Comment by Francis Vandenplas  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

When batch processing photos, note that:
— A resolution of 96 dpi will work better when applying effects.
— Effects filters will not expand to transparent areas of a photo.
Some versatile image processing freeware you could try...
— Chasys Draw IES:
— Digital Dream Studio v2:
— Kestrel GX:
— NeoPaint:
— Pixia:
— SmoothDraw:
— QFX/LE (shareware or free option)

Reply   |   Comment by hocus opus  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+33)

Looks like a good program but Imagine does almost the same job for free (even for commercial usage).

Reply   |   Comment by mex  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+23)

I would never pay .29 cents for this program never mind getting it for free. Need an awesome graphic editor use GIMP, you can't go wrong. It's very complex but there is a lot of online help and tutorials.

Reply   |   Comment by Todday  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

Sounds super useful!
Nice choice GotD Team!

Reply   |   Comment by Hidders  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-175)

Beginners program to mess up your pictures!

Several of the appliable filters have no effect at all.
Conversion of pictures takes depending on picture size almost for ever.
Crop feature works with numerical input instead with on-screen rubber-band.

I'm still searching for the 60+ picture formats - last count was around 14 - where are the remaining 40+ formats?

This version doesn' support RAW format - you need pro version for that.

Sorry folks - but for $29,95 not enough features compared to available freeware (xnview, etc). I recommend Fast Stone Imageviewer.
Its free and has more features.

Reply   |   Comment by garfield  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+145)

Looks a lot like XNVIEW
The effects and batch processing capabilities are very similar to the free XNVIEW software by Pierre.e Gougelet. I was hoping there would be "paint" like tools, such as a healing brush or the ability to add simple geometric shapes. It does have a nice, friendly interface, but I think I'll stick with the software I've been using for a few years now.

Reply   |   Comment by ProE Pro  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+81)
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