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Photo Stamp Remover 6.1 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Photo Stamp Remover 6.1

Photo Stamp Remover is a photo correction utility that can remove watermarks, date stamps and other unwanted objects that appear on photographs.
$49.99 EXPIRED
User rating: 284 25 comments

Photo Stamp Remover 6.1 was available as a giveaway on July 30, 2014!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Wipes all private information, system settings, deleted files and more.

Photo Stamp Remover is a photo correction utility that can remove watermarks, date stamps and other unwanted objects that appear on photographs. Offering a fully automatic process, the program uses an intelligent restoration technology to fill the selected area with the texture generated from the pixels around the selection, so that the defect blends into the rest of the image naturally.

What takes hours to correct using the clone tool, can be accomplished in a minute using Photo Stamp Remover.

  • Remove unwanted artifacts from new photos;
  • Rejuvenate old photos;
  • Remove defects with a mouse click;
  • Remove artifacts by color;
  • Retouch more than one photo.

To purchase a personal license with 70% discount please follow this direct link
If you’d like to purchase a business or a service license, please notify us via email: sales@softorbits.com

System Requirements:

Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, NT/2000; /2003/SBS2003





File Size:

12.5 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Corel Corporation
Import 3D objects and decide where to place them in the 3D model.
Developed by CyberLink Corp.
Developed by PhotoInstrument

Comments on Photo Stamp Remover 6.1

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Hi Everyone,
Downloaded and installed Photo Stamp Remover 6.1 on a Windows 7 64bit AMD 6 core CPU with No problems and registration was fast and easy, I received the E-mail with the registration code almost immediately The program works Good! Its not perfect! But, Does what it says it does and depending on your resins for removing objects? Or, Water Marks from Photos? It will depend on the quality of the photo and how well it works for You! As fare as the ethics behind removing a water mark from someone Else's Photo? I believe what Revue #10 "William" Has to say about it 100%. I have been a professional photographer for 25 years and photos I do not wish to give away? I simply do NOT post on the internet! Any That I do Post? I figure, If someone wants to copy them and use them? So Be it! It would be nice if they gave credit to the photographer and that situation! But, If they intend to "Steal the photo" and call it there own? There is not much I, Or, Anyone else can do about it! A lawsuit and fees would negate what ever the photo is worth anyway! When I take photos of People and Especially Children under 18 years of age! As I have done at kids sporting events for years! I always have the people and/or Parents of the Children sign a release form to start with! I usually only sell said photos to the parents anyway! But, Sometimes the news media may use photos of the event and star players for the internet and news print in magazines, Or, News Papers! In that event the parents also sign a release form and the media that uses said photos give credit to the photographer and names are limited especially with children. Also, What parent would not want to see there kid in a news paper as MVP of last nights game! At least no one has ever said "No" To me when approached for a release for the local press! (o; If someone wants to steal a photo out of a magazine? Or, Internet WEB Site? I'll let the owners of the magazine? Or, WEB Site bring a lawsuit! As they paid for whatever rights there may/or May not be for the photo! So, Its there problem.

Now, As for SoftOrbits and Photo Stamp Remover 6.1. This is the same version as Photo Stamp Remover 6.1 offered on GOTD back in 12-19-2013! I do not really have a problem with that, As there must be some difference as the program offered today is several hundred bytes Smaller then the Version 6.1 offered in 12-19-2013! The main problem I have! And I very seldom have an issue! But, I also downloaded and installed Photo Retoucher 1.4 SoftOrbits GOTD FREE 02-13-14 And Sketch Drawer 1.4 SoftOrbits GOTD FREE 07-10-14 ALL 3 of these SoftOrbits Programs became "UN-Registered within Hours of the End Date of the GOTD offering! This was NOT Due to an update! Or, Anything else! Other then, I believe the Software company trying to "Force" Users to Perches there products! I wrote a letter to SoftOrbits explaining the situation and that I usually DO Perches Software offered On GOTD! If after using it for a while in everyday usage and a new version comes along and I like the program I WILL Pay for the New Version and continue using it! But, To have there Software Become UN-Registered within a Day of the GOTD Offering is a Bit Much! Besides the Fact that there Software is a Wee Bit on the OVER Expensive Side for what it does! I NEVER Received a Response form SoftOrbits and I take that to mean they just do not Care! I return the favor by, NOT Buying! Or, Using there Products! There Are plenty of FREE applications out there that do the same thing and most of them do it better then SoftOrbits anyway! I could see this being a screw up! On my PC for any resin, But, 3 Programs at different dates ALL From the same company? Na! Se lave!!! (o;

So, That's It for me, I will wait and see if this version stays registered for more then a day? and most likely Remove it from my system there after! For this resin! I give SoftOrbits and Photo Stamp Remover 6.1, 2 Thumbs DOWN! I Do Believe that GOTD should be made aware of this? As I feel it is a deceptive marking ploy! And Not in the spirit of GOTD Offerings! I do, As Always give GOTD 2 Thumbs UP! For all there Hard work and and all the software they Offer Everyday! For us Geeks to Evaluate, Play With, Test, And Use, (In most Cases) For as long as we want! Take Care, Always Have FUN!!! Rick D.

Reply   |   Comment by Rick D.  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

#14 - if you want to have two versions of the one program on your computer, and to be able to use them both, then consider installing each version into its own folder (not the program's default folder). This will usually do the trick. To be on the safe side, perhaps install one or both using the Monitored Installation function of Advanced Uninstaller Pro (a freebie), which allows you to easily and completely repair any damage if things go wrong.

Reply   |   Comment by Arafurian  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

@ William on comment 10:

I myself have practiced law for 25 years in many areas, including copyright. I am not convinced by the contents, wording, and editing of your comment that you are an attorney or a copyright specialist. You don't demonstrate any professional knowledge or background with your pseudo-legalese.

A person has an ownership interest in his or her work. This interest exists, regardless of whether the person chooses to register the copyright. Copyrights are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office, which is part of the Library of Congress. This registration is a simple process, and now can even be done on line.

Registering a copyright basically gives the copyright owner the right to enforce his or her interests against alleged infringement.

What is "Chain of Causation?" Whatever it is, I don't think it's a concept used in analyzing or enforcing someone's ownership interest. Sorry, bro, but the company which manufactures the camera doesn't have an ownership interest in pictures taken with the camera. Whatever it is that you mean by "Chain of Causation," I've never had that term come up in any of the thousands of criminal defense cases I've handled over the years. FYI, my job as a criminal defense attorney has never been to free my clients of "responsibility." My job is to do whatever is right and honorable to protect their interests.

People certainly have the right to add logos, numbers, watermarks, and copyright notices to their photographs.

The more I review your posting on this matter, the more I see that you are a fraud. I do not agree with your supposed facts or any legal analyses that you present.

Whenever my next copyright case comes up, I sure won't go to you for advice.

Reply   |   Comment by Robert Wolf  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded, installed, and evaluated this version 6.1 of this program during a previous giveaway. I run Win 7 Home Premium SP 1 64-bit on my 3.1 GHz AMD processor with 4 GB of RAM. I had no problems in downloading, installing, and registering the program.

It works well within its limitations. For example, on my first test I removed a date stamp from a grassy part of a field of flowers. The software worked perfectly, with virtually no learning curve. I have kept this program installed, as it is simple to operate with dependable results.

I have found that as the background from which the image is to be removed becomes more complicated, the results become less satisfactory. The area from which the image is removed becomes increasingly blurry. The results start to look like a bad job of cloning.

I like this program and will continue to use it. It works well on simple removals, and I use more complicated solutions on more complicated removals.

Reply   |   Comment by Robert Wolf  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Comment by William is good . thank you for giving me the legaleze on what is or isnt a legal photo and a watermark...i have had to protect my music and writings of music papers.

Reply   |   Comment by stonyrivers  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I had to login to respond to #10, whom I suspect is not an IP lawyer as he claims because the info he's providing is simply wrong.

Any original photo you take, picture you draw, music you compose/play, movie you shoot is automatically protected by copyright. 99% of images on the Internet are under copyright. The 1% which aren't are those which have been released into the public domain, or which are so old their copyright has lapsed. If you're reproducing an image you found on the Internet for purposes outside the specified fair use cases, and you do not first get the creator's permission, you are almost certainly violating copyright law.

Registering your copyright for a work does only one thing of consequence: it allows the copyright holder to collect punitive damages - basically raises the damage ceiling in a copyright infringement suit to the maximum allowed by the law (currently $200,000 per infringed work). If you don't register your copyright, you can still sue for copyright infringement. But (should you win) the award amount is limited to damages you suffered.

e.g. If you don't register the copyright on a photo, and someone grabs it off the Internet and sells it to an ad agency for $500, and you sue for copyright infringement, the most you can win is $500. The person effectively deprived you of $500 by selling your photo to the ad agency before you could, so you suffered $500 in damages. But if you registered your copyright prior to the infringement, you can potentially win up to $200,000. That's the only difference registering makes. Failing to register a copyright does not mean the work is not copyrighted. Everything you create that can be copyrighted is automatically copyrighted.


Reply   |   Comment by Makaira  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Well, I've only been a lawyer for 16 years, and I don't specialize in intellectual property law, but I will say this: if "William" (comment #10 above) is actually an IP lawyer, or any lawyer for that matter, I'll eat my hat. There is so much fundamentally wrong with his analysis, it's not even funny.

Really? The guy who made the pencil has copyright in my original work? Wow.

That said, one doesn't need to be a lawyer to understand that it takes more than slapping a watermark on something to obtain rights to it. The watermark does not convey any rights...it simply puts others on notice that there may be rights attached to the photo. Many websites ("Egotastic", for example) slap watermarks on the photos of others, to keep competing websites from "stealing" the pics, but that doesn't mean anyone other than the photographer (or other copyright holder) has those rights.

Reply   |   Comment by Sean  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Quite why Softorbits can't change the name of this software to 'ImageOptimizer' or something of that ilk instead of the bizarre "photostamp remover", I've no idea. It's just a refinement of the same Open Source (i.e., free) software which InPaint trades on.

I work with images a lot, so tend to be hyper-critical of anything to do with image management and post-processing. The last time I used this product, in an earlier version, it was. . . horrendous. Visually, it dragged in pixels from outside the target area with so stunning a lack of intelligence that the end result wasn't so much a picture as a surreal, fragmented jigsaw. The algorithm being used was as clunky as a loose floorboard and just about as useful -- coincidentally, that same alogorithm, or one very much like it, powers the current version of Image Resize Guide, offered on here from time to time, and still as horrendous as ever in assigning chunks of unrelated content to massively distorted final renderings.

Because I have a stack of test images on file so as to be able to quickly trial image editing software such as this, it's been a case of a quick test of this particular giveaway. The test image is about the easiest that can be thrown at any software of this kind: a beachside scene of my car parked, facing out to the ocean, with a large palm tree seeming to grow upwards from its roof. (The shot was deliberately composed for this kind of test.)

As before with earlier versions of this program, the elapsed time clock seems to have no idea of what the word 'elapsed' actually means. Nor is the progress bar meaningfully incremental. However, this latest version did very well indeed in obliterating the palm tree and cloning in content from contiguous areas. Hitting 'Remove' resulted in a 1 minute 35 second process -- which,in the absence of a proper elapsed time counter seemed achingly long. Hitting 'Quick Remove' slashed the time to 42 seconds. . . with no discernible degrading of the QR image compared to the standard remove image.

For comparison purposes, this test image was first processed in Photoshop CS using that program's powerful cloning facility. Time taken with Photoshop: 11 minutes. However: that takes into account all the steps in the selection process, including the changing of brush sizes, whereas today's test run of the Softorbits' product used only a single size brush broad enough to remove the palm tree trunk in one go and then sketch out all the leaves.

That broadness is, of course, absolutely useless when it comes to contending with fine detail -- in this case, the image conjunction of tree and car roof, as well as the reflection of that trunk in the metalwork. The finest brush possible, and the steadiest hand, is necessary.

The software was therefore re-run, employing selection markers of varying radii down to 2, and varying zooms to enlarge the work-in-progress. The end result emerged after 5 minutes 10 seconds including selection and processing. It was not as good as throwing Photoshop CS at the picture. . . but you'd have to look hard to know why. And then, you'd have to factor in that CS costs several $100s, whereas this is $49.99 (seriously over-priced in so competitive a market sector) but free today.

On which basis then. . . today, it's a bargain -- so long as you don't ever expect software of this nature to do what it says on the tin because if it did, it would be Adobe CS and you'd have spent half a lifetime learning how to use it and the other half, earning enough to pay for it.

Give Photostamp Remover 6 relatively simple -- yet massively time-consuming -- tasks like cloning out overhead power cables and telephone wires against a plain or consistent background or toppling a palm tree from a car roof, and it'll serve you well. Ask it to make deletions in images cluttered with objects and backed by inconsistent textures and you're actually expecting waaay too much: this is *not* graphics studio software.

Recommended on the basis of being a freebie today -- but I'd never, ever, pay the kind of money Softorbits wants if a re-install ever became necessary.

PS: All kudos to William @ post 20. Not only is his one of the best posts I've ever read on GOTD, it's such a relief to have an authoritative voice talking sense when so many dispense simplistic drivel about the complex legal issues of copyrights and copyright holders.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Comment #10 (William)has given a legal opinion concerning copyright. In my view, William's stated opinion is almost totally incorrect. The part about paper and pencil and camera manufacturers is nonsense. HOWEVER, if you post your work on some site or with some service, the agreement that lets you do so MAY transfer some or all of your rights to the site owner.

If you want to know the law on copyright ownership -- check out the law - http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap2.html

The United States Copyright Office website also has a listing of "frequently asked questions" about copyright - http://www.copyright.gov/help/faq/

If you have a serious issue, consult a copyright attorney.

Reply   |   Comment by HJB  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi - me again - Win 8.1 - no prob with anything today - including the program - I really like scenery & this was perfect for all of the photos I selected (none in a room or radical changes (must need to do smaller sections at a time for stuff like that) nice - will keep - thanks Soft Orbits & TOGD

Reply   |   Comment by Thomas Roberts  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

Removing their "mark" on a photo - will in NO WAY diminish their RIGHT to that photo. If you use common sense - the photo released with a time/date or photomark HAS to be (1)copied - THEN (2)reworked - NOW what does the person do with the pirated copy - the original is ALREADY in the world & any good copyright infringement lawyer - would be able to win all comers - OF COURSE - there will be shady people always - but, I think in today's world - people are lawsuit shy & try to verify all work before production - the others are just trying to take props where they don't deserve & talent will weed them out - so, for my money (but not $50) I like (for personal enjoyment - & I keep BOTH copies for just such an occasion) an unblemished pic. There, that's my 2 cents. B|

Reply   |   Comment by Thomas Roberts  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-10)

This is a good app to have. I purchased this app last year my version is 5.5, however I can't upgrade to 6.1 or this version without losing my free techsupport. I get minor updates, but not major upgrades. I purchased this along with 2 other apps for about $9.99 it was a bundle deal. I use this app to remove unwanted things or people from my photos and it does an excellent job. also its pretty fast on my cpu
running win7 32 bit. one of the other programs was remove logo now, but there's even a better deal now you get about 8 or 10 apps for 29.99 and if you pay the extra 9.99 for free upgrades you will be saving a lot. it's a good deal. I choose to buy it. you should think about doing the same thing. here's something to think about if you don't want to purchase. almost any free photo editor program that have a clone stamp can remove unwanted objects and people as well. my free alternatives: http://hornil.com/en/downloads/ get the lite version and also Gimp http://www.gimp.us.com/gimplp2/index-yahoo.php?pk=4860&c=Gimpus_Q_USA_Exact have fun and think about buying you will have better and more choices, more apps for a small price. my 0.00000001%

Reply   |   Comment by mario  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

Looks like a very good software, will definitely try it out. P.S. Have anyone compared this to Inpaint?

To BlackKnight_UK and others citing removing watermarks as the only ability:
This software can be used to remove objects you don't want to have in your photo. For example electric wires.

Yes you can use a lighter to burn down a town, but you can also use it to warm up a meal. Think about.

Reply   |   Comment by Johnny  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-11)

No problems with install but not at all impressed with the results, where an object was removed it was very obvious on the "after" photo that it had been altered. I'll stick with Inpaint.

Reply   |   Comment by Lenny  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Looks like update check setting is in the registry:
Changed "disableUpdates" from "0" to "1" at:

Reply   |   Comment by Avid Gamer  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+17)

I have been an attorney specializing in Intellectual Property cases for 26 years, the internet is just barely reaching its 25th anniversary as we speak.

The number one misconception is by adding items such as logos, numbers and or watermarks on images constitutes a legality. It's not the least bit true. If that was the case every digital camera with time stamping enabled would copyright the images as they were shot. Then under procedures of law the owner of the camera wouldn't own 100% of the intellectual property rights to the images shot with said camera. The manufacturer of the camera would hold 51% ownership of all intellectual property rights. That would also be 51% on every image shot with the cameras they manufactured. Apple has tried to argue this point a few times in an attempt to hold iPhone owners hostage.

This is how law works, the tort "Chain Of Causation" standard is a linked series of events leading from cause to effect. Typically in the assessment of liability for damages, or in criminal cases by defense attorneys in an attempt to free their client of responsibility. Basically placing responsibility on events or individuals that Preceded the crime by steering the their client into committing it. So in everyday civil court proceedings it's rarely argued mainly because the attorney isn't experienced in tort law.

So under the law, even professional photographers, or say even tourists taking pictures, under the letter of the law technically do not have enough rights to add logos, numbers and or watermarks to pictures they took in the first place. Think of it like this, you draw a picture, okay but did you make the paper or pencil you used to draw it with? No, in that case all 3 parties involved (i.e. you, the pencil maker and the paper manufacturers) are all rights owners the drawing. That is the letter of the law.

To combat this from happening in every aspect of intellectual property rights, procedures were enacted that standardized the steps on "how to" as well as "who" can copyright images and or textual writings. If you're a photographer or a writer you should know how to do this and have the right to complain if your images are altered without your permission. As for the rest, no-one is committing any crime as 99% of all images on the internet aren't copyrighted legally anyways.

Reply   |   Comment by William  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+69)

I get an error 5 when downloading on Wins 8.1 - downloads the prog but can not open once installed. Would appreciate any help on this as a new laptop and can no longer take advantage of GAOTD offers. Thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by Paul Lyons  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

I downvoted simply because photographers put watermarks on our photos to protect our copyright, software like this shouldn't be described as being able to remove watermarks.

Reply   |   Comment by BlackKnight_UK  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-54)

This was given away in 19/12/2013 appears to be same version. Read reviews at

Reply   |   Comment by Neil  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+41)

I was hoping for a newer and better software, i already have this from another giveaway, i don't like it too much.
But thanks for putting some software, others may find it appealing and functional.

Reply   |   Comment by fata  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-30)

I consider it unethical to offer a program that removes the watermark from somebody else's work

Reply   |   Comment by andrew graham  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-73)

Easy, trouble-free download and registration of the software. I have always wanted a photo stamp remover but never really hunted down one. Loaded up a picture of my sister and I taken in the sun beside her car. With Selection Tool selected the date and time stamp. Clicked Remove.
It was done. No blemishes or distortions seen. Highly recommended.
Have not tried the Batch Mode option but so far faultless.

Reply   |   Comment by kokobin  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

I won't be keeping this one. It performs the same task as Inpaint, which shows up here quite often, except not nearly as well. It's fine for small areas on a large plain background, but that's about it. On most of the photos I tested, it not only did a poor job of erasing, but the selected area was replaced with a part of the picture that was nowhere in the vicinity of where I marked, making for some bizarre results. Even if it worked as well as Inpaint, the asking price of $49.99 is outrageous for a one-trick pony with a bum leg. I appreciate the offer, but I'll pass on this one.

Reply   |   Comment by Heather Sheffield  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+64)

Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit system.

The registration thanks in the name of "Sketch Drawer".

A Russian company with address&phone. We had had several software from this company.

On their webside they cannot decide to name this software "watermark remover" or "photo stamp remover"...

Upon start a resizable window opens, you can change language from finnish to farsi or kurdi.

After the first restart the software returns to unregistered, after the second registration it seems to work. The program fails in my case sometimes to remove the selected pictures, so I have to restart the program.

You add your picture and with the red marker you define, what should be deleted and replaced by the background. This works sometimes and on other pictures not, depending on the background structure of course.

I made a short test example. The pizza files - they will stay my "lorem ipsum".

Here are the before and after pictures. You see, what can be done and what fails. Does what it claims, depending on your skills&precision and the photo structure.

before : http://www1.xup.to/exec/ximg.php?fid=20628336
after : http://www1.xup.to/exec/ximg.php?fid=94159080

An easy to use software - keep it, if you don't have any of this kind.

Uninstalled via reboot - I don't need it.

Reply   |   Comment by Karl  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+107)

I won't vote simply because I have used similar software before, and the results are less the perfect if the photo is complex, say, inside a house, but on a beach, with water, yeah, passable results. For that reason, I say, thanks, but no thanks, but will not rate it as I have not, will not test this program.

I'm sure others will say if it works a charm on complex photos.

Reply   |   Comment by Henk Van Helmond  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-122)
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