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PhotoScissors 9.2.2 was available as a giveaway on May 3, 2024!
PhotoScissors saves the day when you quickly need to cut out a person or an object to paste it to another picture, or to remove background from a photo. You don't need any specific skills or professional software for a perfect image clip: few mouse strokes produce an accurate clipping path that can be further enhanced with fine brushes.
Windows 8/ 10/ 11
1.09 MB
6 month license
PhotoStitcher will automatically combine overlapping photos to produce a perfect panoramic image.
Intelligent Resizer enables new smart ways of resizing images without deforming or cropping the content.
What happens after 6 months - is any functionality left?
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program is 64 bit only, installed size is 200MBytes as the setup.exe in the bundle is just a downloader stub and it is installed into AppData/Local/Programs/Photoscissors/ the vast majority of which is a model1.db database file.
You can save off the db file and the main exe file and put them on a larger secondary drive if your main C: system SSD or mmc drive is very small and space is tight, you can then uninstall the program from the bad choice of install location to your preferred location and then use right click on the moved main executable and send a shortcut to the desktop to make the new location usable. It is possible the model1.db may need to be written to so make sure the new location has write access enabled for the running program just to be safe. That may be the reason the developers resorted to the unsafe default install location in the first place rather than putting the exe in the program files hierarchy and the model1.db into ProgramData hierarchy. SO it can be used by all users of a machine.
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I like that this program doesn't clutter up the desktop with an icon. Easily found in the start menu and can be pinned if so desired.
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The new versions seem to work online. If I recall correctly, you get a limited number of uses, is that correct? If that is the case, that makes it more like a demo. Can anyone confirm?
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The program did not appear to offer, and did not install, an icon on my desktop to activate the software. I had to search for the executable program and "send it to the desktop". They really need to fix this issue as it doesn't leave a good impression of a well thought out program.
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Dennis Comito,
Did you look in the Start Menu for the program. Not all programs install an icon on the Desktop but all should install a shortcut in the Start Menu.
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I still use v4 from quite a while ago because it has an unlimited licence. Still works great and does everything I need from it. I don't know what they added or changed in v9 but if it's at least as good as v4, then I recommend PhotoScissors.
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Jeff, you are correct, I have the same version and works fine.
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Jeff, This version has unlimited licence too :)
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Antonio, today's GotD version has a 6-month license.
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If you visit the download page the changelogs are displayed for each version. Long story short, there have been Many improvements since v. 4.
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Antonio, But the GAoD says it's only a 6-month license.
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