Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
PartitionGuru Pro 4.9.1 was available as a giveaway on November 22, 2016!
PartitionGuru is an all-in-one tool which supports data recovery, partition management and data backup. It is able to recover deleted, formatted and lost files and partition from all storage devices; with this application, you can also create, resize, clone and backup partition, repair bad sector, edit hex data, view HDD S.M.A.R.T. information, erase data permanently, etc.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8 /8.1 /10; CPU: Intel Pentium or compatible; 500 MHz or higher processor (For WinPE environment: 1000MHz processor clock speed); 512 MB RAM (1 GB for Windows PE Recovery CD)
36.8 MB
Eassos Recovery is user-friendly and powerful data recovery software. It’s able to easily recover deleted, formatted and lost files from PC, HDD, external HDD, flash drive, digital device, etc.
The Windows 10 update (v1607) repartitioned my hard drive automatically (increased recovery partition size). When I restored the system image file of a previous Windows 10 copy, my other partitions were erased! I'm not talking about just missing a drive letter assigned to them which you can easily fix. The partitions had no files. I think the system image tried to restore the old partition sizes (system recovery and C:\ drive). I still don't know exactly what happened since this happened just days ago, but Partition Guru saved my ass!
Partition Guru has a partition recovery wizard as well as a files recovery wizard. I tried Eassos, but it would only recover portions and only by file type (jpg, wmv, mkv) and renamed everything to something generic like File0003.doc. No original directories either so all video files were mixed - Youtube ones with porn. Partition Guru showed me the old directory folders and recovered the files by folders (and the sub-folders under the parent folders which was far more useful than sorting though thousands of generically-named files with no original folder names. You can just select certain folders (and individual files within each folder) that you want to recover instead of recovering everything (although you still need to run the hours-long scan).
I'm still recovering the files which does take a long time. I did notice some files were mislabelled, so check your vids to make sure something labelled as "funny kid with dog" isn't porn. Some files were also corrupt, but it may be my fault because Partition Guru also shows all deleted files which haven't been written over. You can also de-select these files for recovery which have a red trash can next to the file name.
Anyway, this was a life saver. I was okay with losing a great deal of porn and other vids but not the pics and documents which I cannot replace. I really wasn't expecting Partition Guru to be useful as a file recovery tool, but I am so glad I know this now.
P.S.: Partition your hard drive so you separate the operating system from data (or get a dedicated hard drive for the OS)! If you ever lose your files, do not write anything in the damaged drive/partition(s). The data is most likely still there, but won't be if you replace them with new files. Always recover your files onto a separate drive so you won't write over the old ones.
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there are two many functions, view S.M.A.R.T., edit hex data, convert virtual disk format, copy sectors, reconstruct virtual raid... Why didn't I know such software before? Thank you GIVEAWAYOFTHEDAY!
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The warning during the installation about not installing the program "to the partition where you want to recover files." ends with "Otherwise, files will be destroyed and can NOT be recovered forever!". That last part could be better worded as: "Otherwise, files will be destroyed and CANNOT ever be recovered!".
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Well DON'T install it on any drive....see above....but what would be wrong with installing in the Program File......that would be normal.......and presuming you computer didn't DIE with a blue screen. would presume any files you might want to recover would be on some other drive or partition.
Bottom line, oh well had enough of THIS ONE PERIOD.
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iwontell, I didn't state anything about Program Files or BSODs. I was suggesting an improvement in how the warning is stated.
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Might be too late to get an answer, but can this be used to restore a 1Tb HDD still plugged into an ASUS PC that thinks no OS is installed due to failure moving partitions? Win10 is on there somewhere. Doesn't recognize anything when I try to boot to some supposed rescue disks with ISOs on them, says to put in something with an OS.
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MindyMac, you can try to recover the original partitions with the Recover Lost Partitions/ Partition Recovery Option, Hotkey L.
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Not trying to surpass PartitionGuru Pro 4.9.1 of this event ....
My friends ... Here with GOTD ...
I'll hang on too EaseUs ...
And ... with it's also ' free ' alternative of managing your Drives.
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Unfortunately, I get an error trying to register. It says to check the internet or try again later. I've tried disabling firewall and anything that would prevent this from registering. I even ran as administrator. Tried the offline registration as well with same results. Any ideas?
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Michael, your lucky, I got a blue screen on two computers...lucky me......only took an hour to get back to normal........
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If anyone can tell me how about today's giveaway compared with AOMEI Partition Assistant on partition management and AOMEI Backupper on data backup?
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Actually, the free AOMEI Partition Assistant can fully satisfy me. It supports all basic partition functions, such as, create, merge, delete, resize, move, copy, split, format partition etc., it also provides some advanced features like create bootable media, Windows to go creator, migrate OS to SSD, NTFS to FAT32 converter, disk copy, and of course partition recovery.
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I always run such programs from a bootable CD
Does this program have the ability to create one ?
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Rob Crombie,
1. Click "Disk"-->"Create New Virtual Disk File"-->"Create .img File" and then can create an image file;
2. Put the image file to the boot sector of your cd by using CD creation software.
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I never clone.
Get an external drive, and create an image into it, and verify/validate the image. If your external drive is Seagate you can use the free Seagate DiscWizard. If your external drive is WD, they too have a free DiscWizard.
After installing the DiscWizard program, use it to create a bootable CD, and use that when imaging.
We should have backup images anyway, so the above is warranted.
After that has been created, you can use it to Restore the image into the 2nd drive. You can keep experimenting until you get it to work.
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Rob Crombie,
You 'never clone' ???
The description of what you do - given in the rest of your post - is cloning.
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I recall the Texas Instruments TI99a and Sinclair PC of the time: small, but expensive as hell...thinking what would I need that for; I have a notebook! Boy, times change.
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Easy installation and registration - BUT:
If you only use Windows, it looks useful.
It doesn't seem to be so useful if you dual-boot with Linux - my Linux EXT4 partitions are incorrectly identified as EXT3 so I wouldn't trust this program on my PC.
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andyf, i am using PartitionGuru for two years now with Win7 and Linux multiboot system. Had no problems with it so far. But i create all my Linux partitions with gparted, i use PartitionGuru to repair sectors on dead drives and such other more complicated stuff.
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Thanks Burni, but I still wouldn't trust a program that incorrectly identifies an EXT4 partition as EXT3 to handle anything involving the file system on such a partition. That would be asking for trouble.
You may be right that it could be useful for repairing dead sectors but it's a long time since I experienced one.
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PartitionGuru Pro isn't my favorite partitioning app, but it [at least versions prior to this one] runs portably without the installation routine for drivers that those other apps require. Sometimes for a quick task it makes sense to skip that install when/if you can, & then I reach for PartitionGuru Pro.
Otherwise, while there's nothing wrong with AOMIE, MiniTool, & Paragon, I usually use EaseUS.
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mike, you mentioned the good choices, this one INST in the running unless you got a lot of time and like to play with BLUE SCREENS........
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does anyone know if this will rebuild a FAT in order to recover the data files? If not anyone know of something that does.
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R Carter,
I tried recovering my original partitions recently using Partition Guru, but it only showed me the partitions with no files (Partition Guru has a preview window of directories and files in every partition before you try to recover it). I used the Partition Guru's files recovery wizard and it was able to recover the files in their original directories with their original names. :)
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+Neil K. Friedman - I decline to use Facebook but I hope you see this anyway. MiniTool Partition Wizard can change cluster sizes. www.partitionwizard.com/partitionmagic/change-cluster-size-for-4k-disk.html
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TK, you are completely mistaken. Twice. +Neil K. Friedman was, indeed, talking about cluster sizes.
In addition, the "low level format(ting)", you refer to is more relevant to the ancient Modified Frequency Modulation (MFM) hard disks introduced by IBM and, thereafter, also widely used in most floppy disks, than it is to today's HDDS. I quote Seagate:
"Actually the term "low level" is a bit of a misnomer. The low-level process first used years ago in MFM hard drives bears little resemblance to what we now call a "low-level format" for today's SATA and ATA (IDE) drives. The only safe method of initializing all the data on a Seagate device is the zero fill erase option in SeaTools for DOS. This is a simple process of writing all zeros (0's) to the entire hard disk drive." (http.... knowledge.seagate.com/articles/en_US/FAQ/203931en)
You probably are familiar with it already but, if not, take a look at this nice little gem, HDDGuru: (http.... hddguru.com/software/HDD-LLF-Low-Level-Format-Tool/) You will see that changing cluster sizes, like the OP asked about, and low-level-formatting are completely different animals. What he was trying to do is rather straightforward and not all too difficult. I've done it a dozen times or more using both TestDisk and, more recently, the much more user-friendly tool I first recommended, MiniTools Partition Wizard Pro.
I hope you did not scare him with all the arcane, techie, low-level-formatting stuff. It really isn't that complicated.
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TK, YOU ARE RIGHT and my advice was wrong, IF, indeed, his drives pre-date circa 2009.
In any event, again, YOU ARE RIGHT: You cannot turn a native 512 byte sector drive into a 4096 byte sector drive. The drives on which I successfully used TestDisk and MiniTools to change sector (cluster) sizes are all less than five years old and, therefore, were designed to be backward compatible with the old MFM standard.
Thanks for patiently repeating yourself until I finally got the better-informed message. ::sheepish grin::
-- JMJ
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Is this site turning into a chat room? There are a ridiculous number of comments about an old pc under the heading of "cgp" comments about archaic pc's! All I want to know is about this product!!!
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Mike OD,
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PartitionGuru Pro 4.9.1 looks like DiskGenius ~ indispensable for file/partition recovery, beside formatting, resizing partitions, etc.
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Hon Kong, PartitionGuru is DiskGenius.
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I want to partition my 1T drive so I can have a section for a second OS. Is this a complex program? I am not looking for all the bells and whistles but to put in 100GB for the section and be done. Should I wait for a different program?
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Craig, Any partitioning app will do what your looking for, so yes this will do what you need. Just make a new partition and your good to go.
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Craig, I have not used Partition Guru, but I've used every free partition program, and the one I prefer is called Macrorit Partition Extender Pro. I prefer it for one simple reason - it's the only one that has never failed me.
Failure can take several forms from not being able to perform the partitioning to catastrophic failure and complete data loss. So be sure to backup the partition before you split it up. For that job, nothing beats Aomei's Backupper, also free.
In my experience, all the partition programs are fairly easy and intuitive, but one thing you need to do after designing the partitioning you desire is to look for a button that says "apply" or "commit," or something similar. Otherwise, you'll get a message that you have changes pending when you try to exit the program.
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Craig, doing what you wish to do it is a bit more complicated than just making a new petition. I will use Linux as an example. There is an article that describes setting up Linux as a second operating system. The article discusses Windows XP. The procedure is the same with any Windows version.
Step-by-step directions and explanation of each step
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If it's LInux Mint or Ubuntu, don't worry about it, as they will both help you create a partition for themselves. Be VERY careful with doing partitions! you can, and many do, destroy pre-existing data.
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Craig, Disk management in windows will partition a hard drive for you no need for any program
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"I want to partition my 1T drive so I can have a section for a second OS."
Ideally Craig, you'd have one ~200-300GB partition for your current OS, a 2nd partition of the same size for the 2nd OS, & a 3rd partition taking up the remainder that you could add software to, store media files etc., & subdivide into more partitions if/when needed in the future.
Normally you'd just defrag the disk/partition with the current OS to pack the files near the front of the disk, then create any new partitions in the free space [like shoving everything to one side on a shelf or in a drawer to make room for something else]. The Gotcha is if you already have partitions after the %system% partition where the OS [Windows] lives.
If that is the case, you may or may not be able to move them without hurting their functionality. And partitions can be hidden -- you might not know they exist until you run a partitioning app. In any case, if there are partitions after the one for Windows, safest way is to leave them there & work around them, subdividing the %system% partition as necessary.
" Is this a complex program? I am not looking for all the bells and whistles but to put in 100GB for the section and be done. Should I wait for a different program?"
DO a full disk image backup before you use any partitioning app, & if you do that you should be fine with PartitionGuru Pro.
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To repartition a hard disk: select the disk in PartitionGuru and click "Quick Partition" button, and you can select partition table type, partition number, size, 4K alignment, etc.
To split a partition into two: select partition you want to split and click the right button on mouse, then click "Split Partition"
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Hi tedwest. :)
"I've used every free partition program, and the one I prefer is called Macrorit Partition Extender Pro"
Maybe you wanted to write free, because pro is the paid version of it.
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xilolee, to be sure, though one would hope he'd figure that out and expand the tree before it's too late?!?
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Downloaded and installed easily, however, when I attempt to open program I receive the following error message:
Error at hooking API "NtProtectVirtualMemory"
Dumping first 32 bytes:
48 B8 78 13 16 00 00 00 00 50 C3 90 90 90 90
4C 8B D1 B8 4E 00 00 00 0F 05 C3 0F 1F 44 00 00
I would like to try prograsm if you can tell me how to resolve the problem.
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SpyShelter and similar software causes this error
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I get error while trying to start the program: "Error at hooking API 'NtProtectVirtualMemory'" followed by dumping bytes - Tried to reinstall but nothing has changed - Any suggestion?
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Archimede, try restarting the computer
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Archimede, i suppose apps protected with VMProtect can bring this error
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SpyShelter and similar software causes this error
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Wento to their site and looked what they are offering. Seemed good, Just installed. This thing has more options than any regular mortal would like to have!! Looks a VERY awesome product. Thanks GAOTD and EASSOS
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I am a previous user and this is super program with many, many options - almost like a swiss army knife. All it needs is.....
A. It badly needs the ability to restore backups with option to use a CD restore running under Windows PE.
B. Addition of a good Backup scheduler
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Copany name very close to the well known EASEUS. Also same lay out for download. My guess,.... a. sister company, but why.?
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I almost jumped on this, but after seeing the company name and thinking the same thing, I have changed my mind. I bought three of the Easeus products and had to jump through hoops to get them installed to a new computer. Wasted many hours waiting for emails from them to just install what I already paid for, because of their stupid machine only registration system. They must think they are Microsoft. Then after all installed, all I saw were nag screens to upgrade -- to pay yet again! No way! I will never buy from them again, and if this is Easeus hiding behind another name, I don't want it. If not Easeus, they are stupid to use a name so close to another company's name, and don't deserve my attention.
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anon, just installed it flawlessly and NOTHING of what you are mentioning above happened!! Seems a GREAT product. And please note I'm not a newcomer to computers. My first personal computer was an old Sinclair ZX Spectrum with 48k memory, circa 1982, which still works!!
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Generally I agree with your observations about Easeus.
It is located in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China.
I did try an EaseUS backup and restore software once. Turned out to be not what I want.
I surfed the official EaseUS website forum where a so-called company guru was supposed to dispense advice. After reading the forum in detail, I realised that the EaseUS staff cannot understand the questions posed by their customers/users and usually gave irrelevant answers that did not solve any problem. It may be a serious language problem and English may not be their native language.
Back to this Eassos Ltd product.
No idea whether Eassos has any link with EaseUS.
Eassos Technology Co., Ltd. is a software developer located in Qinhuangdao, Hebei in China.
The Eassos website does not reveal this.
No idea why they are ashamed to reveal who they are and which country they are from.
I cannot comment on the performance and quality of this software product.
Because I never tried it and do not intend to.
The FREE MiniTool Partition Wizard Version9.1 is extremely good and that is what I rely on.
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Mario, Still have my ZX80, ZX81 and Spectrum, all still working .... Ah! Those were the days!
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DaveC, we're TOO old!! 99% of GAOTD users do not have a slightest idea of what we're talking about!!
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I do ;-) lost my zx spectrum 128k sadly.
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PartitionGuru - a great program with a glorious history. No relation to EaseUs has not, except a similar company name.
But when PartitionGuru (formerly known DiskGenius) was already great, EaseUs company did not exist.
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rotsen, LOL - 128K??? man, you were a power user at that time!!! OR very rich!
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Mario, You obviously did not read his post or understand he was talking about re-installing the Easeus version on a different computer. I had the same bad experience with Easeus paid version. Delays and delays from support.
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Mario, Ill go back a bit further.. still got a sol 1 and sol 3 unit and my 8080.. now can we say s100 bus :) a few of us are still alive that remember the ol apple 1 computer and COLOR vice BW or amber or green or TTY machines.. as output..
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ric, and others who might be interested,
MiniTool PW version 10 is about to come out, so they are giving away version 9.1 PRO for free.
No upgrades, no support, but we know that from other sites... ;)
You just need to subscribe to their newsletter.
You do need an e-mailadress to confirm the subscription... but you can use a junk mail address.
Or unsubscribe after you got the license code. :D
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Waste of Time,
Thanks for actually reading and understanding my post about Easeus.
I guess the rest of those old geezers just want to brag about how old they are and not actually read the comments. (I am not young either, but I won't say anything here about my first computer, my first monitor or my first job that dealt with computers.)
Thanks for the info. I will go try to find the free MiniTool Pro.
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If you're still there, where do I find this offer? Do you have a link? On MiniTool's site all it has is a demo of the Pro version.
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Breew, I had a Commodore 64, with a 4-digit serial number. Betcha I'm older than you! Color? Much much later!
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Keith Russell,
Just saw your message.
No reason for panic yet. You still have time to get it.
http://www.minitool.com/promotions/2016-thanksgiving.html is the place to be
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MindyMac, Hey C64s came much later.. i went with the atari 800XL with a hand built memory of 256K upgrade.. had to wire the pins and stack solder the chips when i retired my sol terminal. Just a note helped build a few imsai 8080 .
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Thanks, Merlin. Got it.
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Differences free and pro version: http://www.eassos.com/partitionguru/featuredetails.php
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Can it be used to restore a system partition? Secondly, the DOS partition it claims it can create, is that a virtualised partition (with a high footprint), or a real DOS environment (non-emulated)?
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Cornjaco, a new physical partition - bootable if you wish. Not a virtual partition.
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See: eassos[.]com/partitionguru/manual/RebootAndRunDOSVersion.php
A current Windows device may not boot to DOS -- with backup & partitioning apps etc. most often a version of *nix or WinPE provides the support needed to run a [usually minimal] version of the program. And those files can be added to a bootable USB stick or optical disk, or in this case, the hard drive.
For that to work, you don't need a separate partition on the hard drive -- otherwise bootable CDs/DVDs wouldn't work for this sort of app... the device bios just has to find & read the boot loader for the small copy of *nix or Windows [WinPE], & that's it.
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