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TwistedBrush Paint Studio 1.14 was available as a giveaway on September 19, 2018!
Providing painting and drawing with natural media brushes, TwistedBrush Paint Studio makes no compromises in offering the best of the TwistedBrush painting engine. Presented in an interface that's perfectly suited for creation of new art work using expressive brushes from thick wet oil paints and fluid watercolors to slick oil pastels and fine airbrushes and everything in between.
Over 120 of the very best natural media brushes available anywhere in these general categories: Acrylics, Airbrushes, Basic Brushes, Blenders, Charcoals and Chalks, Crayons, Erasers, Markers, Masking Brushes, Oil Paints, Oil Styles, Palette Knives, Pastels, Pencils, Pens, Watercolors.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; 500MB disk space; 1024x768 minimum display resolution; 4GB RAM (8GB or more recommended)
33.5 MB
TwistedBrush Pro Studio is a program for digital artists of any level: from novice to professional. Strong focus on natural media painting, photo editing and illustrative styles. TwistedBrush has more than 9000 brushes in over 250 ArtSets!
Tree Studio is a product born from TwistedBrush Pro Studio but with a focus on 2D tree creation with a simpler, streamlined interface. Tree Studio has pairs of brushes for each tree type. One for the frame and one for the leaves. The frame is algorithmically generated so it will be different each time. This allows you can create an endless variety of each tree type.
Luminance Studio is a Pixarra product in the Studio series with a focus on painting with luminance for both natural media and design style of artwork. It builds on the success of other Studio products by Pixarra, giving you, the artist, a tool dedicated to achieving your vision quicker and better than other options.
Selfie Studio provides you the creative tools to edit your photos to get just the look you want.
The Blob brushes allow you to model and shape your objects and then paint them with the included brushes with the results being crisp lines you might see in illustration software but without the need to mask anything. You can even continue to shape your objects after they are painted.
It installed right away (with my antivirus temporarily off), and it seemed to accept the registration code from the Readme. I closed the program, then restarted it. However, the file AND the help And the intro screen are still asking me for the registration number. I have entered the reg number in each of those places, closing out in between, and it still asks for the reg number. What's up with this?
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I got the Pro version back in August, so I really see no reason to go for this one. They way the pro version works is quite intuitive IMO. I expect this one is also, so if you are interested in this lighter version, and can do without the extras in the Pro version, I would recommend it, as I like the Pro version very much.
Now I must say this; there is a group of programs that could be considered a big competitor of this called Project Dogwaffle. The latest versions are PD Artist 11, which could be called a good competitor of this program and the Pro version as well, and PD Howler 11, which includes animation capabilities, and the ability to create height maps and turn them into 3D models to export in .obj format. That last one is a Cadillac among the Paint programs that are available. I have PD Howler 10, and am quite satisfied with it.
I point this out not as an advert for the Project Dogwaffle programs in so many words, but as a possible companion to what is being given away here, allowing for greater variety in what can be done with both being used together. I am actually recommending both be in your artistic toolbox. Of course the decision is yours to make, but just giving some options to make the experience better for you, and provide incentive to go for this Give Away.
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L. Cleveland Major, I got the Pro version then as well. That version produces 8 error msgs on startup and 8 upon shutdown. Even though it was installed on D: drive, I'm guessing it still creates some of it's files on the C: drive, then can't find them. I think Dogwaffle is the better choice as well.
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Why is it, that after install, when I do a search of my computer through the Cortana box, it doesn't find the app twistedbrush PAINT? It finds the uninstall, but not the app. I was finally able to start it using the desktop icon.
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rich, you should be able to find the source through "Properties" on the desktop icon itself.
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Installed fine but when I went to run it I was asked to install DIRECT PLAY which apparently is some old MS program used for legacy gaming(?). Would have been nice to be warned about this, who needs useless software, so I uninstalled it.
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The original download from the website
is a version TB paintstudio 2.17
Using the key from the readme
results in a crash of the program TB paintstudio 2.17
best regards
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Program installed and it works.. flawlessly. Very intuitive for the most part. What I'd like to know is if there is anything resembling or actually recreating the effects of an Oil Stick? Is that kind of thing available in the pro Studio product?
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Hi Paul, you can use the search option on the Brush Select panel and search for "oil pastel". There are a number of different oil pastel brushes available. These may be closest to an oil stick. We recommend to start with the brush "Pro Oil Pastel (2015)" and use the Brush Controls to get the desired effect.
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I tried twice to install, but I keep getting a pop up saying that the giveaway period is over for this program. :(
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Sorry, my fault for not uninstalling a previous GAOTD with a similar name. This version of the program has been accepted and installed perfectly. Most impressive feature is the huge array of brush effects. Can I suggest also having some filter effects like blur?
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On August 23rd we had TwistedBrush Pro Studio 22.03 which I couldn´t install. Is the today giveaway a minor product or better than the other one? By the way, I tried to install this one, too, but I got the same problem (even with my kaspersky closed).
Is it possible to install it with the Registration key from the exe file of the homepage? Thanks in advanced for some helpful answers. Have a great day!
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Johann Anton Oellers,
Pixarra's webpage linked above says, and I quote:
"TwistedBrush Paint Studio is a product born from TwistedBrush Pro Studio but with a focus on natural media painting and drawing with a simpler, streamlined interface. Internally the same great TwistedBrush brush engine is used. TwistedBrush Pro Studio is feature packed but if you want a stripped down version for painting and drawing with a new slick interface then Paint Studio is for you. TwistedBrush Paint Studio strips away complexity and what remains is the very best natural media brushes available as well as the key features that have always made TwistedBrush great."
So it sounds like it's basically a "lite" version of the Studio.
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Johann Anton Oellers, I had the same problem as you concerning not being able to install the program. Yes, you can install it from the homepage & use the Registration Key. I just did it
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Carolyn , i did that too.
TwistedBrush Paint Studio 1.14 is installed with the key given in an e-mail message. You can also upgrade to the latest version if you pay $ 9.99.
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