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New Utilities Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — New Utilities

Optimize your system using various tools.
$29.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 226 105 comments

New Utilities was available as a giveaway on February 14, 2008!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Transfer and management software for Android phones and tablet.

Repair PC errors, clean and speed up your PC!

New Utilities scan and repair the Windows registry, clean registry and hard drive, optimize your PC. Useful utilities for you - work with maximum performance!

New Utilities is a set of system tools for each day: fix registry problems; clean registry and hard drive; restore deleted files; ensure personal privacy; startup management, memory and processes management and more.

System Requirements:

Windows 2000/NT/XP/2003; 2 Mb free hard drive space; Administrator's privilege; Recovery option support NTFS file system only; IE version 5.0 or higher





File Size:

1.41 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by Disc Soft Ltd.
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Developed by Baidu, Inc.

Comments on New Utilities

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The install was ok but when I tried to click on registry optimiser in the application the program stopped responding and when I ran registry cleaner it removed some of the files my system needed and messed up my computer and I had to use system restore to roll back to a point when my computer was working ok, I would not recomend the use of this program to annyone.

Reply   |   Comment by tkelly46  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Re #1 and #17: I have ran this programme on all my four XP-machines. In ALL cases the automatic backup of the reg-files ran impeccable.

Reply   |   Comment by gergn  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Re: 102


Thanks for the update I guess we will never know with certainty if
Larry = LSL :)

This software junkie looks forward to tomorrow’s GOTD
and am keeping my fingers crossed that unlike today’s N Technology
product offering - the program is better than the banter.

As is the established pattern; thanks for your frank and honest assessment of the GOTD.


Reply   |   Comment by Paul Wo  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@52 there is a lot of good software from Russia, e.g. Kaspersky Antivirus and Internet Security one of the leading antivirus programs

Reply   |   Comment by Roger  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well after uninstalling and reinstalling the registration key worked! Guess the install procedure/file validation process is a little flakey.

Reply   |   Comment by Don  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

And for those of us that wanted to try it out on a really bad system anyhow (low risk), the registration key in the pop-up after activation (which is the same as what's in the readme.txt file) doesn't work anyhow. Activated OK but trying to register (4 times) it kept stating that it was 'Invalid'!

Reply   |   Comment by Don  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Re: 97 “If the software doesn’t work, neither does the programmer”. This is a very true statement and if Larry wants to continue to work as a programmer, I suggest that he uses the criticism to fix the problems rather than bad mouth the posters.


I think this is all a misunderstanding. Please read all pertinent posts beginning with the 'snowball' - post 70.

If you care to sort it out Larry (the poster) was just quoting NTechnologies. Also Larry (the poster) in not Leisure Suit Larry.

Mike “if the glove doesn’t fit you must aquit”.


From BuBBy: I never saw the original post that was supposedly from NTechnologies, so I cannot vouch for the authenticity of the subsequent "quotes".

Reply   |   Comment by Paul Wo  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

93 & 95 I recently purchased Acronis True Image 11 with the idea of imaging my current hard drive and XP system then using the backup to move my files over to my soon to arrive Vista system. Having read your comments on "Ghost" and googling, I am now wondering if I should have gotten "Ghost" instead? Any chance of getting a brief education before I screw up ....again ?

From BuBBy: I wouldn't worry too much. I use and recommend either product - they both work very well. (Although GHOST is a lot larger today than in the days it could fit on a floppy boot disk (DOS) and still had room for half the DOS utilities and a bunch of network drivers - but that's progress, and the eventual result of little guy "Binary Research" in NZ getting bought out by big guy "Symantec").

Reply   |   Comment by thefbi  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

First and foremost I would like to thank bubby and all the others for the heads up. These warnings are really invaluable to me. As a computer geek I've tried many freeware open source and, of course, these giveaways. I love this site and the oppertunity to own closedcode, software.

There has been gems and some kind of useless. Never though, have I come across software here that is, so to put : DANGEROUS. To think one would want to pay to destory the intergal parts of there OS is mind boggling. Not only would I not get it for free, one couldn't pay me to use it. The only people who would use this are those that wanted to extrat code for virus engineering.

To the developer: clean up your act, and stop trying to sell harmful software to those that may not be tech savvy. This is clearly an unfinished project. Becuase of such hazards I will not risk my data or settings by downloading this program.

Reply   |   Comment by CRD  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal is all you need. I got it from this site many months ago and I have not had any problems on my computer since. I can't update anymore but I don't care, it sets my system back the way I want it every time. I also haven't bothered to try any of these others that claim what New Utilities claims because I'm so happy with AWCv2P.

Reply   |   Comment by Rick  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

another registry cleaner... All these so is bork your pc.

Reply   |   Comment by Mike  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just for clarification, Symantec Ghost Enterprise Edition installed on my server is just under 35MB. The Ghost.exe file that resides on a floppy is 660K. As #93 points out, the rest is filler on the CD.

Now for my comment; this has been one of the most entertaining list of reviews I have read on GOTD. The reviews have been very informative and, in my opinion, very fair. If Larry (I am assuming that he is the developer) is offended by the bad reviews, I suggest that he improves the software rather than defend it. I have been in the software development business for the past 27 years and an old colleague of mine once said, "If the software doesn't work, neither does the programmer". This is a very true statement and if Larry wants to continue to work as a programmer, I suggest that he uses the criticism to fix the problems rather than bad mouth the posters.

Reply   |   Comment by Mike Johnson  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Re: Post 93 "Software does NOT have to be bloated to be useful. Anybody else remember LIST.COM, the shareware file manager/viewer from the DOS days? Only 40K, and easily the most useful program I’ve ever owned"


I too yearn to spent an hour with Edlin 

Yes we used to run our applications on boxes as big as a small room.
Yes 64 KB was all we had to run our programs including the system (supervisor) on old IBM 360s. Then we got slick and ran small office LANs from just one or two 10-20 MB hard disks - before Windows even existed. Then we got past Y2K which was caused by the obsession to count bytes in the prior decades when the cost or ‘storage’ really mattered.

I agree with the general drift of your post but for me the terms bloat and especially bloatware are excessively used to the point they are but clichés.

If you have a reasonably current machine and you don’t use dialup the size of the program should not be much of a factor for any GOTD offering.

The focus should be on GOTD functionality. In my opinion program size in and of itself neither enhances or detracts from program

Someone, get me a core dump to muse over...

Just my $.02 CDN :)


Reply   |   Comment by Paul Wo  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Dear JoeM,

You sound like you know what you are doing, but I found this on MajorGeeks. Maybe once upon a time Ghost was svelte.

Norton Ghost
Author: Symantec
Date: 2008-02-14
Size: 89.2 MB
License: Shareware $69.99

Reply   |   Comment by ziplock  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

>Larry(not a mod)

"First: My post is a copy and paste reply from “New Utilities” (and is placed below the bold text).

Here again is the text from Nt Technologies (New Utilities) - bear in mind that the word “softgiveaway” is an integral part of their reply."

Where exactly did you copy/paste it from? I only directed my comment at you because your name was at the bottom, and the bold text seemed very moddish. "Larry" was just a name, which I attached to the (purportedly)quoted comment because there was no other.

"Second Who is MOD?"

Not a "who", a "what". I'm surprised that you've never encountered the term before. A mod is a moderator - somebody who cleans up comments on blogs and posts on forums. Occasionally, they edit the comments or posts(which is how we get "Msg from BuBBy:". BuBBy, if you haven't figured it out by now, is a mod.

"Third: You english be Horrible.
You think so - well your comment should of read Your English is horrible!"


Has You herd with SARCSAM/IRONY!

Anyway, "of" is incorrect. It should be "have". You english be Horrible to!

>Computer Teacher

"Wow. This is a great program! Thanks GAOTD!
I teach a class on computer diagnostic and repair. I was looking for a quick way to corrupt the os. Looks like this is an easy way.
Definitely worth $30. I will no longer have to go around NSFW sites to attract viruses and such.
Thanks GAOTD!"

That was hilarious! Too bad that I accidentally voted it down, otherwise it would have a +2 rating. Sorry! Your comment will go in my thread on funny and stupid comments - under the former category!

Reply   |   Comment by Lockett  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#79 - GHOST.EXE, the actual Ghost program, fits (just barely) on a floppy disk. Please don't try to tell me otherwise, because I've used it to load three computers so far just this week. I don't know what your 90 meg version is, but GHOST.EXE is all you need, at least assuming you have some idea what you're doing.

Might want to check and see how much of that 90 meg CD is filler, stuff like trial versions of Norton Antivirus, or PDF manuals complete with an Acrobat Reader installer. If I remember right, even the Ghost Server installer is only a seven or eight meg executable.

Software does NOT have to be bloated to be useful. Anybody else remember LIST.COM, the shareware file manager/viewer from the DOS days? Only 40K, and easily the most useful program I've ever owned.

Reply   |   Comment by Joe Momma  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Larry, I'm sorry that your post 70 confused me and I felt compelled to post 72 in reponse.

However, the only thing I learned from this is who Leisure
Suit Larry (post 82) is - and I am quoting Wikipedia.

"Leisure Suit Larry is the title character of a series of adult adventure games written by Al Lowe and published by Sierra On-Line from the 1980s to the present. The character, whose full name is Larry Laffer, is a balding, dorky, double entendre-speaking, leisure suit-wearing (but still somewhat lovable) "loser" in his 40s who spends much of his life trying (usually unsuccessfully) to seduce attractive women.

Thought I'd pass this on as I didn't know L.S.L. was!


Reply   |   Comment by Paul Wo  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

ROFLMAO!! This is the most hilarious discussion I have yet seen! And to think I was just going to ignore this because I didn't have any use for another of these programs. It would almost be worth the download just for this read.

Also I would like to thank BuBBy and the others who did actually take the time to test this fully and provide us with a report. Many of us forget the value of such feedback and neglect to provide it. And a thankyou to Larry for forwarding the developers rather rude and abrupt response.

This is not the first beta-program to appear on this site, and sometimes it can be frustrating for us. The recent game giveaway, Magic Farm, for instance. In that case the developer accepted the criticism and made a serious effort to address the issues and repair the problems. In less then a week they had fixed everything plus expanded the game. And all GGOTD users received free updates and support. Our feedback was not only listened to, but also respected.

I was very impressed with that developers response. That is a company I will certainly recommend. They respected me and earned my respect in return. Very unlike 'New Utilities'.

Both Giveaway sites provide excellent promotional opportunity for the developers. Not only does it bring them to our attention and the attention of all our friends and family, it also provides a lot of feedback which they can use to improve the software.

In this case they clearly are not interested in fixing their mess. I have not even tried their software, but after seeing their response I will definitely be steering others away from them. Hostility is a bad sign for any company, especially one offering such poor quality merchandise.

Reply   |   Comment by Alien Bard  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow. This is a great program! Thanks GAOTD!
I teach a class on computer diagnostic and repair. I was looking for a quick way to corrupt the os. Looks like this is an easy way.
Definitely worth $30. I will no longer have to go around NSFW sites to attract viruses and such.
Thanks GAOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Computer Teacher  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I understand little of what you are saying Larry. Maybe your comments are confusing, maybe I simply am too sleepy. Where do I find the response from Nt Technologies you are quoting? Should of read. Eh? If the reply is genuinely from Nt Technologies it shows the developers are as crappy as their software. And if so I would be dissapointed with GOTD if ever offered Nt Technologies' again...

Reply   |   Comment by Moizelle  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

For quite some time now I´ve been looking for an error repair program which is compatible with Vista - so far with no luck and apparently it´s not gonna be this one either. No Vista-support and it seems like there´s too much insecurities connected with it :-/

Reply   |   Comment by Dorthe  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hello Larry. Mod is short for Moderator. Him saying "You english be Horrible" was sarcasm. And you have partly right. It "should have read: what you put, not "should of read". ;)

Reply   |   Comment by Cr0w  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

well, no one seems to have anything good or worth while, guess im gonna have to pass on this on.... i cant justify loading my pc with more stuff... im running windows xp, 20 gb hd, 500 mb.... i dont have a top performing pc, but would love something to help me maintain my pet. send us something else gotd

Reply   |   Comment by Douglas Gebhardt  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Larry(I’m assuming that the bold text is by a mod)

First: My post is a copy and paste reply from "New Utilities" (and is placed below the bold text).

Here again is the text from Nt Technologies (New Utilities) - bear in mind that the word "softgiveaway" is an integral part of their reply.

"New Utilities included in largest sofware archive such as softpedia, download.com, freedownloadscenter and many others.

Do you think that these archives has mistake when add the software to their base and unknown BuBBY from softgiveaway can change hundreds popular editors?"


Second Who is MOD?


Third: You english be Horrible.
You think so - well your comment should of read Your English is horrible!

Reply   |   Comment by Larry  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

well i was going to get this but lots of people don't like it so im not . i like these programs tho that make your pc faster keep im coming .
just a suggestion since xp well no longer be supported soon no many people well make visual styles for it so can you please get style builder as a giveaway . there has not been a new version in like 3 years . please

Reply   |   Comment by chuck  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sorry i forgot my testmethod #84

Newly installed XP, then i made a snapshot of the registry.
Installed this stupid application, run it and run the undo.

Then i made a snapshot and compare them.

result : 26 item missing.

Reply   |   Comment by jan  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

# 72 are you Leisure Suit Larry ?

I have tested the program on a fresh installed PC.

this is also the recommadation of BlatedThoth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A screensaver with fish is better.

Reply   |   Comment by jan  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

What the %£*^**§@'& is going on with GAOTD?
They seem to be thinking we are all frustrated with our run down PC's ???

Reply   |   Comment by Jerticko  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"The way I see it, it is their problem!"

That right there tells you what kind of support this company has and how they view any of their future customers.

Reply   |   Comment by Rasta  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

# 68: Why do you think Microsoft enabled a Compatibility Mode for XP on Vista? It works well, as I can attest. And Ghost weighs in at 89.2 MG on it's latest version, not exactly a lightweight as you claim. (Quote below)

"#8 - installing something like this on Vista when it doesn’t say it supports Vista is not a very good idea. You’re lucky “would not register” was the only problem you encountered.

#5 - Symantec’s Ghost is even smaller than this program and costs a lot more then thirty bucks. You pay for functionality, not for bloat. Otherwise Microsoft Office would cost ten thousand dollars."

Reply   |   Comment by ziplock  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Market seems like is floaded with optimizers.Always backup. If possible check back up feature before doing any job.

Reply   |   Comment by hakan  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just noticed that the registry cleaner in this utility bears a close resemblance to the registry cleaner in Ky Nam's wonderful little RegToy, which is freeware. He also provides many other features along with it, under Utilities and it is Vista capable; as well, it is a good tweaking tool. Altogether, pricewise and quality-wise a much better application.

Reply   |   Comment by ziplock  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Better I'll stick with M-U-C-H safer programs like "Glary utilities" and "CCleaner"!

Another good news-
"System Mechanic 6" is available FREE with "COmputer Active" February 2008 issue! Have it right away..:D

Reply   |   Comment by pradeep  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


ANTHRAX is free too... go get some and be happy about it ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by Gunter  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#72 Larry

Larry, please use "quote" and "unquote" to avoid misunderstanding.

Reply   |   Comment by ~ Robert ~  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Re: 72 Unknown Bubby?

"Do you think that these archives has mistake when add the software to their base and unknown BuBBY from softgiveaway can change hundreds popular editors?"

You are lucky BuBBy is feeling charitable today. If you were
talking about anyone else, Bubby would have rightly deleted
your post because it had the tone of a personal attack. I should know
I've had my posts deleted as late as yesterday :(

Bubby doesn't need me to defend him. His knowledge and feedback (believe me we don't always agree) is a known quantity here and always welcome.


Reply   |   Comment by Paul Wo  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

>Larry(I'm assuming that the bold text is by a mod)

You have given nobody any reason to download and install your worthless, harmful program. Everybody on this site knows that the sites that you mentioned "add the software to their base" without so much as a look. If you're not convinced, Google "The Software Awards Scam".

This site is called Giveaway of the Day, not "softgiveaway".

BuBBy is not the only person who has tested your program and found it harmful.

You english be Horrible.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Reply   |   Comment by Lockett  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Reply by New Utilities" to #1 post - guess they are frustrated.:

"New Utilities" included in largest sofware archive such as softpedia, download.com, freedownloadscenter and many others.

Do you think that these archives has mistake when add the software to their base and unknown BuBBY from softgiveaway can change hundreds popular editors?

The way I see it, it is their problem!
"T H A N K S " again Bubby for you insight not only on this program but your regular posting on this site. Freedom of speech - nothing wrong with that.

Reply   |   Comment by Larry  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

These countless PC optimizers, each of which knowing almost everything, make me remember a joke:

A native woman visits the saman and tells him that her husband is seriously ill. The saman says, "Don't worry, give him this red powder and he'll be alright." Some days later, the woman returns and says "It didn't help, he is even worse." The saman says, "OK then, maybe this green powder will help him." One week later, the woman comes back crying, "I cannot believe it, my husband is dead!" The saman replies, "What a pity! I would have had so many other great powders for him."

Reply   |   Comment by zoltan  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I really love you "pros" on here... You have saved me numerious headaches with your comments and those of you who test these programs... 1000 thumbs up for your concern. I was considering it early this morning and decideded to wait and am now soooo glad I did.
Thank you BUBBY and all the rest of you.
Happy Valintines Day to all!

Reply   |   Comment by hazy  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#8 - installing something like this on Vista when it doesn't say it supports Vista is not a very good idea. You're lucky "would not register" was the only problem you encountered.

#5 - Symantec's Ghost is even smaller than this program and costs a lot more then thirty bucks. You pay for functionality, not for bloat. Otherwise Microsoft Office would cost ten thousand dollars.

Reply   |   Comment by Joe Momma  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

In general I agree that no one should critique before posting.

Save yourself the heartache of a potential reinstall. Do not install the current GOTD.

I think it difficult and not advisable for GOTD to pull any software offering as some have suggested.

However, there is plenty we can as GOTD devotees can do; just heap praise or scorn on the current GOTD and hope others are listening. Believe me the software developers are listening - the pain is almost tangible when their product is flamed.

In summary, save your system and heed the preponderance of good advice offered in prior posts.


Reply   |   Comment by Paul Wo  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


"first off the programs here are FREE. GET IT FREE, all they want is you input good or bad, not a book about it. just like or dis like."

A-hahahahaha! What if Windows' (myriad) error messages only said, "This program isn't working. Sorry." No matter how incomprehensible, they're always helpful if you Google them. It's the same with the comments; there's no point in just saying that you liked or disliked something, that's what the THUMBS RATING is for! What's more helpful; a thumbs down, or a report of 105 pointlessly-deleted files? I think that it's a no-brainer.

Reply   |   Comment by bobster  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

** Beware, I have tested this on a backup os.....it has the potential to make a complete hash of your system...if your a novice....forget it...if your a pro, why would you need this??

Reply   |   Comment by iggy  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

> What is the “going rate” per mb, these days? $10?

>> The “going rate per MB” thing is simply insane!

>>> that’s almost the point I was making in not so many words

I'm beginning to think subtlety is wasted on this lot, Bub.

By the way my favorite program of all time is the command-line text editor that I use, which if I use the right compiler and cheat by running the output through an exe packer, I can get down to about 12k on Windows :-) And it is a damned sight more powerful in terms of getting the job done than *any* of the editors I've used on Windows. (Or on Unix for that matter). Maybe I should package it up and pretend to sell it so that it'll be eligible for inclusion on GAOTD :-) (all it lacks is an installer and a manual :-) )


Reply   |   Comment by gtoal  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I really hope they don't expect anybody to buy their software after their public meltdown. Is this beta? Seems like the software is far from completed. Anybody try the 1.4MB shareware version to see if that actually worked?

Reply   |   Comment by Ted  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


only $29.95 to completely disable your PC at the next boot sequence.

Not a bad deal.....


Reply   |   Comment by Gunter  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I couldn't git this app to register using provided
name/serial. This one wins the 'worst yet' sloppy app
of the year award. This one is a total joke.

Reply   |   Comment by yerkon  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

after reading the first post i think i will stay away from this one. hope to see a better one tomorrow :d

Reply   |   Comment by Fabian  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


"C’mon…. If ppl think the free giveaways inhere are so ridiculous why do they stop by? If you don’t like it then dont install it… Stop thrashing them.."

Let me put it this way. If nobody said what this program did, and how badly it screwed up their computers, many more people would have downloaded it, and screwed up their computers. The most important comments are the ones that expose serious flaws. Besides, how can sombody like or dislike something that they haven't installed? Your statement that "If you don't like it then dont install it" is meaningless.


"Im sorry to say but you people b**** too much.
first off the programs here are FREE. GET IT FREE, all they want is you input good or bad, not a book about it.
just like or dis like.
YOU have no reason to DIS this website about anything"

I don't like ketchup on my burger. That is a matter of personal preference. When somebody installs a registry "optimizer", and it screws up their system, it is not a matter of personal preference - it is a serious problem, and, like all serious problems, it must be reported in as detailed a way as possible. Without such a report, there is no distinction between subjective preferences and objective problems. You might as well get rid of the comments and only use the thumb rating. Apparently, reading is a difficult task for you - if you had read the "books" that people have posted(come on, they're one and a half window scrolls), you would see some very interesting situations that occurred as a result of using it(my favorite was crashing it by opening and closing its own dialog boxes, followed closely by 105 "fixed errors"). The truth is that this program is a horrible piece of code that, by some miracle, apparently wasn't alpha tested and instead was directly released. Don't touch it with a ten-foot pole.

Oh, and nobody's "dissing the website" - they're dissing the program.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Reply   |   Comment by Lockett  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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$3.99 ➞ free today
Swift Miles Tracker Giveaway
Organize mileage tracking and travel expenses.
$7.99 ➞ free today
Drop The Chicken 2 The Circus Giveaway
Drop The Chicken is a fun filled, addictive and challenging puzzle game.
$1.99 ➞ free today

Android app giveaways »

Tech VPN Pro / Protect Privacy Giveaway
Premium VPN with fastest VPN Server, Secure VPN Connection & Protect Privacy of the users.
$49.99 ➞ free today
G-Stomper Studio Giveaway
A Music Production Tool, highly optimized for doing Electronic Live Performances in Studio Quality.
$16.99 ➞ free today
Who Uses My WiFi - Network Scanner (Pro) Giveaway
Monitor the number of users connected to your WiFi network and get information about the connected devices.
$0.99 ➞ free today
Word Search Games PRO Giveaway
Challenge other people from all around the world or play in a relax mode without a timer!
$2.49 ➞ free today
Draw Fun Giveaway
Draw Fun by Mookiebearapps: Where Creativity Comes to Life!
$1.99 ➞ free today