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MultiStage Recovery 4.1 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — MultiStage Recovery 4.1

MultiStage Recovery is a professional file recovery software for Windows
User rating: 230 25 comments

MultiStage Recovery 4.1 was available as a giveaway on February 23, 2010!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Get professional-looking results in minutes.

MultiStage Recovery is a professional file-recovery and undelete software for Windows. It is designed to quickly recover files from hard disks, floppy disks, flash drives, digital camera cards, and most other digital storage devices. The program supports all Windows file systems including NTFS/NTFS5, FAT12/FAT16/FAT32/VFAT. With an optimized algorithm and smart built-in cache system, the tool has incredibly fast scan of hard drives.

The most important feature of MultiStage Recovery is that it finds everything that can be actually recovered. This is not the case with competitors of MultiStage Recovery, whose software often finds and displays non-recoverable files just to boost their recovery claims. It is usually the case with competitor’s software that such data is already lost or has been rewritten, so cannot be recovered.

System Requirements:

Windows NT/2000/2003 Server/XP/Vista/Windows 7


Enplase Research



File Size:

3.10 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
Developed by Disc Soft Ltd.

Comments on MultiStage Recovery 4.1

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Looks like I may have spoken too soon. I tried "Search for missing NTFS files" and this was the result on my Win7 x64 machine.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: msr2.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 00000000
Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Fault Module Timestamp: 4a5bdbdf
Exception Code: 0eefface
Exception Offset: 0000b727
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

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Reply   |   Comment by SloppyGoat  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I had already used this and have version 3.6 installed now. Thanks for the update! I've had success the few times I'd had to use this. I don't believe you can have too many data recovery tools, so I have quite a few, and this is one of the first I'll reach for when/if I ever need to recover something. Thumbs up here!

Reply   |   Comment by SloppyGoat  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Re: #11 by FUBAR - Partition Find and Mount is truly a WONDERFUL TOOL that I used successfully a few months back to restore all my Partitions, most of which appeared to have disappeared (couldn't see them using XP's Disk Management utility: Start>Run>diskmgmt.msc) because somehow my harddrives "Master Boot Record" had become corrupted and all I could see was 2 Primary partitions.

All partitions and their data was still there on the harddrive but the corrupted MBR didn't see them and "P.F&M" scanned the actual harddrive found the primary & logical partitions and gave the user the option of rewriting the MBR (which in my case was a real lifesaver because the thought of all that lost data and how to ever recover from such a disaster was way to much to contemplate).

Partition Find and Mount: really should be at the back of everybody's PC ToolKit, for those 'once in a lifetime' situations.

Reply   |   Comment by Peter C1  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Yup, it WAS "EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard", now that I stopped trying to remember for a moment!

Definitely the best Data-Recovery program I've seen, (that doesn't try to go about all of the things that "SpinRite" does)...

That's the one that came up when I clicked on my "Recover Files" shortcut...

...I usually name my desktop "shortcuts" so I'll know what they're going to DO, and not who the author or publisher was; Sorry about that!

An excellent program indeed, (although the Giveaway I got from here some months ago wasn't a "Demo", it was the full program);

Perhaps the GAOTD team will be able to get that one back here, one day soon!

Reply   |   Comment by Phoenix  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

There was a very good file-recovery program on this site some months ago; I don't remember the name, but it's on both of my "main" machines, desktop & laptop, and it worked well throughout my "acid-tests", (which is why it's still on my machines)...

As for "the best of the best", when nothing else available will even begin to try to work, I've found that the best chance for recovery before sending the drive out to a Lab, was, still is, and will likely continue to be, Steve Gibson's "SpinRite", from Gibson Research (grc.com).

While it's not free by any means, I used the original version, (1.0), in 1988-89 to verify & repair/recover HDD-based data which HAD to be recovered, or the drive HAD to be made "as workable as possible", until the data was copied off & then a replacement was installed, since those were in FAA Flight Service Centers, in consoles where pilots entered their flight plans, as well as getting the latest weather updates just before take-off...

In that year of testing 5 to 10 HDD's a day, (4 hours per disk/full-level test, with up to 5 PCs running nothing but that program on them, with only the one HDD connected, and the program running from a floppy), I managed to recover many, many drives, and get many more certified "Working", well enough to where I put "the green sticker" on them, and then signed my name to them, which meant that if anything "bad" happened due to a drive with my "green sticker & name" on it, it was MY hide that would be hung out to dry;

Since that never happened, (I never turned out a drive that failed in the field while I was working at that place, performing that task), it's the one program for "drive recovery" that's always in my "toolkit".

If a drive has physical damage, then the only possibility of recovering anything, before it gets sent off to the expensive lab with Clean Room facilities, is always trying SpinRite for me, since I HAVE been able to get my data back, even when the drive was "rattling inside", so that should speak for how well it really works...

...As soon as I had the data from the disk on some "safe" media, I pulled the disk out, and either sent it to the factory for replacement, or if the client wanted to pay for it, then I'd send it to a well-respected Lab, where they'd take the drive completely apart, and "do their thing";

There was only ONE out of a few THOUSAND drive-failures, where the lab was able to recover any more data than I aleady had with the current version of SpinRite...

...I'm NOT saying it's a "cure-all", but it's well worth the current price, (and upgrades are much cheaper than buying a new copy, once you've bought the first one; Mr. Gibson is VERY good at keeping that program up-to-date, and I'm constantly amazed at how well it does what it was designed to do)...

I'm not connected with Gibson Research in any way; I just thought I'd throw the program's name & where to get it "out on the floor", for those who don't know about it.

As I mentioned before, there was at least one file-recovery program that I got here, which worked VERY well, but I just can't remember it's name at the moment; (It was NOT the current offering).

For what it's worth, perhaps the best protection against losing data to begin with, is a RAID-style "mirrored-drive" setup, where everything that goes on one drive, also is "mirrored" exactly onto another, identical drive, so that you've always got the "latest possible backup" of what was on the drive that "dies"...

...Then, you just remove the "dead" drive at the first opportunity, and replace it with another identical drive, and tell the RAID-controller board, or chip, to copy everything from the remaining good drive to the new replacement, (and be careful you don't "wipe out" your data by accidentally copying the new, "blank" drive to the one that was still working & in the machine), and you're "good to go" again.

Since I couldn't get my (now "old") Abit KG-7A mobo, with the built-in RAID-controller on-board, to work properly, and I've had to use another machine, I still keep my copy of "SpinRite" handy, since it's brought my machine "back to life" when I couldn't get it to boot, countless times over, in the last few years alone, (while I STILL wait for the Vendor who shipped me that apparently-defective mobo with the RAID-controller chip on it, to get around to sending me a NEW mobo).

My other option, once I got the chance, was to open up my current "workhorse" machine, and plug in a RAID controller board, then plug four of the five drives in the box into THAT;
Loaded the OS onto the "fifth" drive, (on its own EIDE/eSATA line), and once it was all "ready to go", enabled the RAID controller, and let it "clone" the single "stand-alone" drive onto the RAID-array, then "mirrored" it, (and since I had the "extra" two drives, I also "striped" the array, for a huge gain in performance; If you are using a 4-drive array, instead of only a 2-drive array, it's well worth it)...

And lastly, I set the System BIOS and/or RAID-controller "boot-option", to boot from the RAID-array, with the "fifth" drive as a "backup", so in case one of the two or four drives in the RAID-array ever fails, the RAID controller board will just switch out the "bad drive", and bring the fifth, "good drive" online, after it's updated that drive to take the place of the one that "died"...

...IF that ever happens, I'll see a flashing red border around my screen, as it "beeps" to get my attention, and I'll know that something happened to my HDD-array that needs prompt attention, but I'll still have ALL of my data intact, & can swap-out the "dead" drive when I can get to it, meanwhile continung to work as usual, without any "down-time" that I can't afford.

Since the cost of that RAID-controller board was about $30(USD), and the HDDs I used hit their first "price-break-point" at 5 units, (from the shop where I get mine from), it was still cheaper than if I ever had no other option than to look up a qualified Lab to send a single drive to, since that's VERY expensive, but that's sometimes the ONLY way to get as much of your data as possible back.

(Obviously, I haven't been able to do that with my current laptops, although I'm trying to get the maker of my newest one, to send me an interface board, since the laptop has ports for external eSATA & iSCSI storage, and "external" RAID systems are almost reasonably priced now, depending on the drives you end up putting in them)...

...Although there ARE some that come "ready to run" right out of the box, with drives already set up & everything; With those, all you do is tell it to "Start", and then wait for it to copy your "System" drive to the array, (and if your laptop will DO it, your "primary", "internal" drive will "spin down", conserving battery power);
(The RAID-box is externally powered, although there are supposed to be new ones coming out that use SSDs, (Solid-State Drives), which don't have any moving parts, and so don't eat battery-power like mechanical HDDs do).

The external RAID-box can be set to "spin-up" the latop's internal drive just before shut-down, or at specified intervals, or anytime certain files are changed or added, so you can press the "RAID-Off" button, and once you have the "Shut Down OK" screen from the RAID unit, you can pick up your laptop and go, & the internal drive will be updated, or "synchronized", with the data on the RAID-array, so you'll be up-to-date at all times;

When you get back, you plug the RAID-box back in, and it'll "re-sync" itself with the laptop's internal drive, so you'll always have as close to the "perfect backup" as you could get with a desktop machine with a RAID system in it.

I agree with the others here, who point out that there are very good Freeware alternatives for Data Recovery; I personally prefer the Giveaway that I got from this site a few months or so ago, and if that didn't get all of my data back, then it's SpinRite;

(As for RAID-arrays, you don't NEED 4 or 5 drives, since only two drives, set up in a "Mirror-Only" array, will work just fine; I like having the speed that a "RAID 0+1" array gives me, in addition to the security in an "always-latest-state" backup, ready & waiting to come to the rescue if it's ever needed).

Just for what it's worth...

Peace, and may you never need any Data Recovery...

(Like THAT's going to happen, lol!)

Reply   |   Comment by Phoenix  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Recovered a large folder from main hard drive, which had been defragged since folder deleted, and had many files added /deleted from drive, only one file irrecoverable!

Reply   |   Comment by Charles L  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

File recovery software can be practical upon the accidental deletion of any or all files from a known location within the last month or two ... depending on the amount of computer use.

If hypothetically speaking you want fast access to these deleted files then it's best to use a fast backup and recovery software to schedule a daily backup to an external USB hard drive, while having the backup service deleting the files no longer needed ... which in effect are more than 2-3months old.

Should you be unsure about deleting any files, then backup the files and folders which are MORE than 2-3 months old ... to DVD media since the discs can hold up to 4.7GB on average.

As I always say ... "Prevention is better than a cure/repair or recovery/restoration."

Software developers market their programs on the hype of different perspectives and views regarding lost or damaged storage media. In stating that, these guys know each individuals way of thinking is unique thereby producing software that works according to the needs of an individual.

Multistage Recovery however, claim their software has an incredibly fast recovery rate while the critics are saying it is slow. If PC users are just new to computers and fresh out of PC beginners level education, of course it may invariably be slow. Much of the time consumption is dependent on the level of deep scanning needed to restore the files and how fragmented the system really is.

Upon using this software sometime ago when it was previously offered, I found this to be reasonably paced software data recovery rate.

Many thanks to GAOTD and Enplase, for the chance to update my previous version.

Reply   |   Comment by Jeff_D  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

hey... I read all the comments and decided to pass on this. I have only deleted something once and then changed my mind or realized it was a mistake. back then I didnt know about software like this .
took notes on the freeware so if I need this type of software I will try some of the freeware.
comments 14.15.17 were enough to get me to pass on this.

Reply   |   Comment by john connor  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

"I tried this software a few years ago" "If I can recall correctly" GET REAL ---- TRY this software NOW in it's most recent form and THEN comment accurately!

For me it recovered nearly the whole content of a large folder deleted quite some time ago from my main c:\ hard drive, which had since been defragged and had many files written to it. Can't do much better than that!

Reply   |   Comment by Charles L  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I tried this software a few years ago when I had accidentally deleted about 150+ photos (that I had JUST taken) from a SD card while on a trip to the Smokies. If I recall correctly, the best it could do was show me some of the fragmented files that were left over, but nothing more. In fact, I tried several different programs that basically all did the same thing - nothing. I finally broke down and purchased EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard after trying the demo which had found ALL the files & assured me it could recover them. It worked like a charm and recovered every single file, although one was too badly corrupted. But I can accept a loss of 1 out of 150+. Long story short, THIS software offered today is not worth the download, in my opinion. If you need to recover an important file and this doesn't help, I would have to recommend trying the EASEUS demo version, then make your decision from there.

Reply   |   Comment by Scott  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+39)

As stated, doesn't exhibit ANY bugs, works extremely fast, indicates if files recoverable and recovers them extremely well. And works on whole drives in XP WITHOUT crashing!

Can't understand posts stating otherwise unless they've a motive to discredit this EXTREMELY EXCELLENT GOATD!

Reply   |   Comment by Charles L  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-28)

The program doing… nothing!
I tried to recover 3 different files- a pdf file, a doc file and a jpg file. It seems like recovering files, but when I tried to open the files, all of them was giving an errors.
I am wondering- if it could not recover a small file, what to expect for a video file, or so…
The good thing about the software- it is easy to be uninstalled…

Win XP Pro, fully updated...

Reply   |   Comment by Az  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+24)

I have never commented on a product before but this offer begs comment.

Telling people software recovery equates to the services of data recovery services is complete and utter nonsense. Most of the time data recovery requires HDD being disassembled and the platters removed to actually work.

If a file is recoverable then most freeware will work.
Trying to justify a hefty price tag with bullsh@t statements tells me these people either don't understand data recovery or are just scamming people out of money.

You will not be able to recover data from a damaged HDD with software if the drive cannot be accessed or the platter, heads, motor, pc board are damaged.

I agree data recovery is vulgarly expensive when sent to a lab with a clean room, but there are NO software programs which will recover data from an inaccessible drive. It is not possible.

Freeware options for recovery from an accessible drive: TestDisk (Windows/Mac/Linux), Recuva (Windows), PhotoRec (Windows/Mac/Linux), Restoration (Windows), DiskDigger (Windows)<will also work with usb, flash drives, memory cards and supports 64 bit OS

Reply   |   Comment by Christophe  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+46)

Hi all!!

49$ for this crap?

The developer must be joking!!

I've just tried it but my system crashes whenever I try to scan the whole hard drives.

So THUMBS DOWN for me!!



Definitely best partition/file recovery tools I have ever used (yes Ashraf was as usual right!!).

Alternatively give DISKDIGGER a try!!


You won't regret it and not just because it's FREE...LOL!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Giovanni  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)


Exept for comments #1 (Ashraf's summary review) and #5 (pointing to a major bug, also mentionned by Ashraf) the rest sounds like pure advertising!

jay allan #2: copied and pasted his "comment" from
and takes mr. Grynko's words to be absolute proof of the fact that this program "Seems to be excellent software"... (actually implying that it IS EXCELLENT software).
I've never met a CEO who would not praise his product, Jay, he might get sacked for publicly pointing out serious problems or bugs.
E.g.: I would like to see his claim that the software is used by "Small and medium companies; Educational, military, medical, and government organizations; Large companies and international corporations" in 35 countries get some substance (traceable references, names... and not just some testimonials). Perhaps you have missed (the important part of) this statement: "Due to the Enplase design and marketing capabilities, Multistage Recovery invariably remains a step ahead of all competitors(...)" Marketing indeed.
I propose that you test the program first before posting some of the developer's salestalk and give your own, independent appreciation based on your testresults. We might all learn something really valuable from that.

As for filerecovery in general: a lot depends on how the file(s) got "lost" and what one has done on the system (in the period) prior to attempt recovery.

I myself may give this tool a try, but Ashraf and Vibhor #5 make me hesitate as to it's overall usefullness. I hate systemcrashes -and I suspect most of us do- unless there's a good reason for "forcing" a crash, e.g. when testing the limits of a system or a program ;-)
So I'm awaiting some more comments here and I'll have a look reviews of older versions and updatelogs before installing and testing.


BTW: this should be comment #6, but it may well have become #20 by the time of submission (14:33 GMT+1)

Reply   |   Comment by Patrick  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+24)

Enplase keeps working on this, and there are some improvements, but my opinion remains the same as always, which is that it's very buggy and will remain so. Of course, there's the question of why one would want to compete in a crowded field with excellent software, including freeware. MultiStage Recovery lists all sorts of unrecoverable files as recoverable. MultiStage Recovery doesn't work right and errors-out on my virtual drive.

I still prefer Recuva for most purposes. The latest version, 1.35.472, is interesting. I noticed that a deep scan yields completely different results from a quick scan (as opposed to simply more potentially recoverable files). A quick scan found a few files which it said had an excellent chance of recovery, but they weren't recoverable. A deep scan said all of those files were overwritten, but found recoverable files. While a deep scan is much slower, if my PC isn't otherwise occupied, it only takes a few minutes and returns useful results. Of course, not all files listed as recoverable really are. Recuva never has problems with virtual drives. As I've stated previously, use the slim installer or the portable version on the Builds page. I did notice some strangeness with 1.35.472. Using the thumbnail view, I noticed that many image files which were marked as unrecoverable had valid images. I thought that the files had been overwritten and I was looking at the files which had done the overwriting, but when I checked them, Recuva said that they were overwritten by themselves, which obviously wasn't correct.

PhotoRec can scan for a huge variety of files, but most are formats which I don't use, and it lacks some formats which I do use.

Partition Find and Mount looks interesting, but I don't have a corrupted drive to test it on. It's overpriced for what it does, but you can use the free version, which limits disk I/O bandwidth. It would probably work with Recuva, which would enable Recuva to work on drives which otherwise don't have mountable volumes.

Reply   |   Comment by Fubar  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+60)

Crashes on Win7 Ultimate drive scan - SKIP

Reply   |   Comment by JB  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+19)

This program has some similarities like "Wondershare Photo Recovery" or something... it takes up lots of physical memory and lags everything down. :(


Reply   |   Comment by Joji  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

Very fast, extremely good recovery! Scanned whole drive no problem whatsoever. Win XP, SP3.

Once again, very many thanks GAOTD!!!! !!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Charles L  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-22)

Crashed on XP while scanning whole drives.
Seems to be a major bug.

Reply   |   Comment by Vibhor  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+55)

Another free alternative

Reply   |   Comment by Dario  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+31)

very useful

Reply   |   Comment by kas  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-53)

Thanks GOTD for this updated version of MultiStage Recovery 4.1. It has been the best recovery program that I have used thus far. I thank you for the chance to get the updated version. The last time you had this, it was MSR 4.0. May seem small to some, but I am glad for any additions to the program. Thanks again, and thanks for your site!

Reply   |   Comment by Greg  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-17)

Seems to be excellent software.

The following is from the "Enplase Research" department [Ivan Grynko, CEO]:

With the cost of hard drive recovery services ranging from $600 to $7,000 to restore data with a wait of at least a week, more and more people are turning their heads to the so-called do-it-yourself recovery solutions like our MultiStage Recovery.

MultiStage Recovery will recover all recoverable files, saving you hundreds of dollars that would otherwise be spent on expensive in-lab recovery services. At $49.00, its a true bargain even if compared to the similar software for data recovery.

MultiStage Recovery is a professional software solution for secure, fast and accurate file recovery. Launched in May 2006 to great acclaim and fast growing popularity, the program is the leading product of the Enplase Research company.

Although todays MultiStage Recovery is an extremely reliable and powerful software product, it is still actively developed and updated. This ensures that all customers are provided with the most modern and effective file recovery and undelete solutions on the market.

With users from over 35 countries, MultiStage Recovery is used by:

Private users
Small and medium companies
Educational, military, medical, and government organizations
Large companies and international corporations

Due to the Enplase design and marketing capabilities, Multistage Recovery invariably remains a step ahead of all competitors, matching the best solutions to specific user requirements. Each client has access to modern software solutions and professional technical support.


Thanks Give Away Of The Day Team!!!
Keep up the great work!!!

Reply   |   Comment by jay allan  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-111)

The Good
* Has different levels of scanning.
* Can preview files before restoring.
* You can restore multiple files at once.
* Can scan internal hard drives, disk images, and external media.
* Has a built in search tool.

The Bad
* OK recovery rate.
* Very slow.
* Program crashes when trying to scan whole hard drive(s).
* Not very clear on the "recoverability" of a file.
* Always starts fully maximized.

Free Alternatives
Testdisk & PhotoRec

For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.

Reply   |   Comment by Ashraf  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+100)
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