Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
MEDIARevolution was available as a giveaway on March 2, 2012!
By it's enormous function range and the support of numerous media formats MEDIARevolution is the only player you really need on your PC! Apart from playing video and audio files as well as DVD's, you get a complete media administration and a digital video recorder. Perfect for Massive Media Collections!
Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7(x32/x64); Min resolution: 1024x768; RAM: 256 MB; Min. processor: 500 Mhz; Min. free diskspace: 160 MB; Sound card required.
24.8 MB
Produce easy and fast professional slideshows, select a directory with pictures, add afterwards your favorite song from a Audio-CD - finished!
Now you can edit your digital photos and graphics very easy with the Photo Software "FotoWorks XL 2012". The extensive functions of the imaging software are clearly arranged for easy handling. The imaging software provides extensive image editing and printing functions as well as batch processing.
Save electricity and shutdown your PC when it's no longer used. Perform smart automatic shutdown of your PC with Intelligent Shutdown. People often leave their PCs unattended, often throughout the night, while downloading from the Internet, copying large files or performing some time-intensive calculation. Intelligent Shutdown lets you schedule your PC to log-off, standby, hibernate or shutdown upon completion of its task(s).
With IntelligentVideoConvert you will be able to convert nearly any types of Audio and Video files to other multimedia formats. With the Joiner Tool, you can also put several media files of different types into a new File with a selected output format.
You can quickly and easily create folder structures, drag photos with your mouse, sort, rotate, or search for duplicate photos. Bring back order and clarity to your hard disk fast and easy. Additionally SortPix XL offers several Presentation options for your photos, such as a handy picture viewer or fancy slideshow with music. Sort your Photos or remove duplicate Photos with then Photo Manager Software.
The GOTD Setup Files did have NO Opencandy in his Setup, the online Version from our servers did have opencandy, but the Version from OUR Servers is NOT the GOTD Version which was online here.
It seems you dont know what opencandy is, it only shows you one additional free software you CAN install IF YOU WANT IT, but you can also click that you dont want this. Its no malware and no virus.
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Hi there
I downloaded and installed but am still waiting for the registration code.
How long must I wait?
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I filled in the online registration form TWICE with different emails, but still didn't get the activation code. If they can't even send out the activation code, then maybe their software isn't worth installing. Just saying...
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It is quite upsetting that the developer continues to avoid addressing the existence of OpenCandy in the installation of this giveaway.
Doesn’t he realize that by doing so he is undercutting his credibility, and consequently, his future business?
As I stated in my post, currently @ 84, the user just cannot opt out of OpenCandy during the process of installation. And without accepting the installation agreement, which clearly stipulates that you have to accept OpenCandy activities on your computer, there is no chance that you can install this giveaway.
It is pretty obvious then that the developer underestimates the intelligence of GAOTD users by denying the existence of OpenCandy in this giveaway. He probably doesn’t realize that such an attitude is going to affect his business negatively?
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First I'd like to say I haven't experienced any of the errors? negatives that other here have posted.
Next I'd like to say I use VLC for almost everything (which is great for freeware!).
I will now be using Media Revolution, it is a great all-round media player that does everything a commercial product should, and it's only $15 (seriously cheap!).
The thumbs up should prove this as even other quality (many other quality) software have been given thumbs down (due to people not wanting the software, yet still being high quality). But this is high quality soft that everyone should get while free.
I don't say this usually (actually I don't believe I ever have) but even if you missed this giveaway (it's late when I'm posting this) if you pay the $15 they are asking you will not be dissapointed, seriously!
Thanks IN MEDIA KG (wierd name by the way) and GAOTD, one of the best this year, and probably one of the best all year through!
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@SteveS Go to Your Taskmanager Processes and Terminate Mediarevolution.exe Thats IT like in every other application, if it hangs terminate it, and then uninstall
@JohnA WDM Means, that youre TV Card or Webcam does need an Windows WDM Driver, most TV Cards have WDM Drivers, but something not, theese i can not control
@therube devil.dll is a part of the R4 Visuals
and to close the application click on the red button in the deskdisplay, and there close or Rightclick into the cover and there close, or rightclick into the trayitem and there close....
The Setup File which is here on GOTD is checked via VIrustotal.com with any possible AntivirusEngine, and its clean!!
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Took me forever to figure out how to register this thing, the #9 instructions "At The Left Side Bar (Move Your Mouse To The Left To Display) Press On The Logo, This Will Display The Options/Settings." were of no help since while I was able to display the left side bar, I don't have any kind of logo on that side. Fortunately comment #72 clued me into all the right click options, so I right clicked on the right side, and THAT'S where I found the registration window under the MEDIARevolution tab. Of course by now it's too late at night for me to actually try the program, I'll give it a go tomorrow, but hopefully the program usage is a little more user friendly than the registration was. If not, I can put up with a high learning curve if the program actually works well. So we'll see.
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in the GOTD Setup theres NO OpenCandy included!!!
i am using this Player on one 47 Inch Display....
To get to The Crossfader Settings Simply Rightclick on DSP and there go to MediaPlayer DSP Filters - Internal Filters - Crossfader Settings.
below the sidebar are the Add to Playlist and Remove options like you search it.
The Problem is that many Users doesnt know what a sidebar is...
Simply move youre mousecursor to the right edge of your screen, and there wait a second, then the sidebar slides in. There is the Playlist and any of these Options, here also a DSP Button is placed on the right lower edge. Please should your eyes open, its not that hard to understand, just look and also see the hints when moving the mouse over buttons, theres much help in it
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Yes, the GUI is small - but I could live with that!
I could accept all of the little hoops that I had to jump through...
What was unacceptable was the way it tried to take over operations! Fields on unrelated pages were no longer populated as they have been for so long.
Other media players would not work!
And, Windows (7) itself was having difficulty.
Too, much like a looming disaster.
Thanks but can't "afford" this kind of operating nightmare.
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Looks useful and frustrating as well. I particularly have a problem with the menus disappearing so quickly, I don't have a chance to read them before they are gone.
No crashes or fails, but difficult for me to use as configured. I'll play with it some more as time permits. Thank you for giving me a chance to see this in action.
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I downloaded this program three times to my computer. I have a Pentium D 2.80GHz and 2GB of ram. I played audio and video for a couple of times and then when I closed the program and attempted to open it, it crashed and would not load again. I rebooted but got the same results. Other than this issue it downloaded fine, was easy to register. The only issue I could see is that it would be nice if it adjusted the audio from slow to fast like Windows Media does.
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I wonder how someone managed to increase the counter number to make it look like a popular program...
The reality is, kid, you need to focus on one area and come up with the most high quality program that integrates UI, good design, flow, functionality and power. Once you do that, repeat the same process in all the other features.
Your program gave me the blue screen of death on Win7 while turning the TV tuner. Not good, just like that it had to go.
Again, focus, do, and when done, move to the next module. And focus.
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Since yesterday I am trying to get the rego code for my MediaRevolution player that I downloaded from GOTD. Never received it!!! I tried my compugrid@mail.ru email many times please check your system. Also i tryed other emails . It is not in my inbox, or spam or in any other folder. Do they select who to send the rego key??? By the way the plaey did not have automatic rego after the installation. I have installed it twice. NO LUCK! any suggestions?
Never received the registration number.
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For the ones that voted to increase the display size. Increase the size of the display by right clicking on the player screen, click desktop display size and choose from the different sizes offered. You have several options including changing the skin color.
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I'm not going to provide any more GAOTD software developers with my email address. I'm VERY careful with my email info, and have been completely spam-free for at least a couple of years. Now I'm not only receiving regular unwanted offers from Ashampoo and others, but I'm receiving obvious spam too. I've "won" the German lottery at least twice ("just send a few thousand Euros for processing"), I receive pharmacy spams, and now I'm receiving email from "the IRS", despite not being an American. NO MORE. If you can't include the registration info in the attached Readme, I'm not going to install your software. I advise everybody else to do likewise.
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I tried downloading this for the whole day.
Every time I tried to install it I will get a corrupt message and
Code Error 25151 - File fail CRC check. . . .
I eventual gave up after the 30th download.
However I was able to read the Read me file and got a registration key.
Would have loved to try this out.
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Just about missed this. I am in agreement with #72. I started right clicking and also found a whole bunch of neat stuff. Like: A calculator; RAM + CPU usage; clock; notes; WebNews; Empty Recycle Bin; Windows Tools; MS Outlook Express; list of 24 radio stations and you just keep on finding things. Neat! I will certainly enjoy checking out all that I find. Thank you GAOTD and IN MEDIA KG. By the way, download and installation went smooth and so did the registration. Goodnight all!
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Radio takes error - does anyone know how to get this fixed or what error is saying ..get radio error 3...9....most of the pre stations dont buffer to load.....none really work.
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Not worth. Hard interface to understand.
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looks terrible and it the player doesn't have a proper slider somewhere whicg vlc does pretty neatly.
Why is this file so huge , vlc wins hands down:
Sorry thumbs down:
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I installed this with high hopes. I attempted to play a DVD, but it gave an error that it did not run line 22 because of subtitles. I tried a couple of times and never could get it to work. I think it is missing the CODECS, so I uninstalled it. I uninstalled using the software's uninstall feature, but it did not completely uninstall the program. I had to finally use an uninstaller to completely uninstall the program. I was hoping this would work, but it did not. Thanks, anyway.
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#66. Right Click, Desktop Display, Desktop Display Position, Desktop Display Always in Background
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Be careful folks.
This program contains OpenCandy, and because of that it gets thumbs down from me.
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The interface is so weird, I could not even find where I can enter the registration code.
Whoever programmed the interface part must be psychologically unbalanced. I had never seen such a unattractive and user-enemy interface in any of the players.
Please do not sponsor such software in Give Away of the Day which will only go to waste the time of the subscribers.
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I sent several times a request for a key and there are still 6 hours lef, but no key is sent to me. Why not?
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I am very frustrated that I have been waiting several hours for the reg key. Tried submitting twice. I hate these complicated reg procedures. Waste of bandwidth downloading this one. I see others have been experiencing the same problem. Thumbs down on this one.
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Downloaded and activated , BUT it locks up my screen and the only way to get it out of the way is to close it ,
XP3 and chrome
Is there a way around the freeze ?
I would like to use it but before I download it on my other computers I need to know how to fix this,
Thanks for your help
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Apparently this is a known problem and it seems there is no easy fix.
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Installed v3.8.1 registered OK after wait for key , runs a bit but crashes, tried to put the bug fix release v3.8.2 as the updated listed several known issues however that version will not register. so reinstalled the GOTD version, will see if any workaround is possible or uninstall??
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If, as others have stated, this installs version 3.8.1 instead of the current 3.8.2, then we are missing some potentially important bug-fixes:
Version 3.8.2
-FIX: Search in column memo
-Bugfix: fixed Podcast Download list fixed
-FIX: Treeview option - titles only from tree view reset
-Bugfix: error folder remove from the TreeView fixed
-Bugfix: fixed some small bug fixes (they really should not do this, they should always specify)
I don't like when we are given an older version instead of the current one, but usually when they do this it is because of important features they hope will gen sales from here, rather than functionality issues.
But this is a small version diff, and a bug-fix version to boot. It does not bode well of this company's attention to detail that they would leave off the bug-fixes in their "getting exposure at GOTD" version.
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Can someone recommend a media player that gives me control over playback speed while adjusting pitch on OS X Lion?
VLC supposedly does that but it crashes whenever I adjust the speed. MPlayerX is nice but it gives me no audio when I play some video files.
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Clunky interface, irritating sidebars, and a playlist designed to play hide and seek, failed to detect installed codecs.
All in all, a solution that ends up with a lot of fragrance and power, but it virtually unusable except for specific things.
As others have said, other programs can do the same thing, with less arguing with the interface.
And I can't even find the words to describe how stupid the the 'rain' effect is.
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I had no problem installing, but upon running this program, I did not like the look. On my wide screen laptop, the text of the buttons is tiny, there are many, many buttons and a right-click will not show you what they do. The app came up with small minimal boxes. With bifocals, it would be neck wrenching to try to read the buttons...Not ergonomically good for anyone with eyeglasses, the app is too busy with too many small buttons. I vote it a 1 out of 5 for poor visual. I won't even try to run it. It's not worth the trouble in its present form. Needs to be full screen and many less options and they need to be more visually obvious as to their function.
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# 60 from Developer says "@Slick You can Record Video from Webcams or TV Cards, but only WDM Devices are supported". What does this mean, as
it relates to recording from on Air TV and recording from DVR box?
Please explain in simple terms. Thanks...John A.
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This is the second comment by 74. I just attempted to uninstall MEDIARevolution using the Control Panel's uninstaller. (I have Windows 7X64). But it's still active and causing its interference. I now have a bigger problem to troubleshoot.
Next, I tried to manually delete individual files from Program Files. But it says "Close the file or folder and try again." Then, I went to the Task Manager and ended task. it's still alive and creating it's major annoyances.
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Too cluttered of an interface to be of any use. No thanks, Uninstalled.
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MEDIARevolution appears to possibly have many benefits.
Although, frequently use Windows Snipping Tool, but MEDIARevolution is causing a problem during my use of the Rectangular Snip. When I move the cursor to flush-right or to flush-left, a black board pops-out and interferes with my efforts in creating a screenshot.
Unfortunately, I was not able to find a Help button so that I could possibly change the settings. I would appreciate advice from a knowledgeable fellow GOTD participant or IN MEDIA KG. Thank you so much.
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This one is too buggy and akward to handle in my opinion. Thanks for the offre, but I uninstalled, and I'll stick with VLC. The new version is in fact the best 'till date. But I have one mor Media Player, I'll love to share with you guys. It my be known by a lot, but I'm sure, tthere's a lot, who never heard about Jaangel. It's freeware, but it can easyly compare with paid sofware. I saw, that our man, Giovanni, the Italian software supplier, allready shared some hot recorders, so i'll say goodnight from Denmark with a link to Jaangle. Check it out - You could get surprised :http://www.jaangle.com/
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Trend finds a virus in this download:
Maybe false but not taking a chance.
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Very disappointed . Win XP SP 3. At first I thought it had installed ok .
The GUI is awful , the buttons are too small and fiddly . Could not find a help file. The tips should be turned into a proper help.
The sign of a good prog is if it works without using/ needing a help file. This one is far too fiddly and complicated. It needs a help file and a link to an online video to explain all its functions.
I was looking for a full screen button, could not find any, but it lets you drag and drop. Even turning off is a several stage procedure.
Clicked to change skin to red ( did not happen) and did a system check , and it suggested missing codecs. Downloaded and installed the "Real " one and then on restart the media revolution freezes , with Good evening loading prog, please wait. After waiting and waiting nothing happens.
I would strongly suggest that anyone makes a system restore point BEFORE installing this prog. Where the hell the radio and online record is I never had the chance to find out.
Will now have to do a system restore. Would have been really annoyed if I had paid anything for this.
Never had a chance to register it as the thing is frozen.
As it promises so much I might try and uninstall and reinstall it again .
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Wow... Never had to work so hard to find the settings in a program before, aaaack!
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The overall software is decent enough, but I don't understand the point of adding the open candy installer.
@ the developer: Is there any way you guys can remove it?
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I think it is a good software. You can click at the main menu at the icon right side and you can see -Register - its easy. Why people don't think, i Can 't understand it, this software is great, you can click and Rain Effect it won't be activated. And this camera effect is powerfull
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My system crashed just after launching this, I also have Win 7 64 just like Franklin Moore.
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I don't know why it has that many good reviews, but I didn't liked the colors as my first impression. As I installed on Windows 7, it thrown me many options that I don't need, I disabled anyway. But the black screen, I really didn't liked and there is no option to change skin or color of it. With Microsoft Windows Player, i am happy... and VLC is another best bet, I feel, if I needed
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Does not do .f4v files
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key showed up immediately in my email:
program takes up about 50 MB, adds a font, & possibly
another 3 MB or so into /Windows/System32. (devil.dll,
an image library, sounds ominous?), otherwise installs
into directory of your choice, & appears clean.
i have NEVER heard of this before?
so just what is this?
a media player? if so, it is totally non-standard.
there is a bunch of "junk" (a calculator?, etc)
included, but i can't fathom why?
focus is removed from whatever you are doing, like
typing this, to the player, when the next clip loads.
fancy, schmancy, purposeless animations & whatnot.
skin is not to my liking. there appear to be others,
but i haven't a clue how to access them to change?
but then that is the biggest fault of this. i haven't
a clue how to do much of anything. my videos play
in a tiny thumbnail-like window, with no "feature"
keys (like pause, play, forward ...) & by looking at
the thing (compounded by the "skin" issue), i'm
never been a fan of "flyouts".
i like something simple, straight forward, that works
the way i want it to work.
MediaREVOLUTION does not do that for me.
i'm so befuddled by it's interface, i can't say if i
ever got to or did enter the registration code? & if
i did, i've not a clue to look to see where (as in
like a Help | About)?
not my style, do not like it.
after all this time, just found that if i double-click
a video it opens "larger". not sure what "larger"
means, as it still doesn't display as i would expect,
but at least it is bigger then a thumbnail.
with audio files, the flyout has player controls. eh.
not sure if there are volume controls anywhere?
oh, some parts are "always on top", so like, always
in your way.
when a song jumped to next track, i did not lose focus
with what i was working on (unlike video).
CPU usage /appears/ higher then i would expect.
things like Compress.exe, have German texts. thats
fine if you Sprechen Sie Deutsch. Ripper.exe is in
i just spent a good few minutes trying to figure out
how to CLOSE the application. :rolleyes:
some may get off on this, but ...
i have to ask, WHY (does this exist)?
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So far the developer has conveniently omitted in his answers that this application also wants internet connection for OpenCandy. You have no ability to opt out of OpenCandy, because it is included in the agreement that you have to accept before the installation can proceed further.
After having noticed that, I immediately aborted the installation.
I’d rather the developer keep this “poisonous candy” for himself.
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The whole purpose of a video player is to be flexible on the display and to be adjustable to the user, however, it is waste of time using this player on a laptop and even computers with 22" monitors with very high resolution set up.
Uninstalled it.
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