Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Kotobee Author 1.6.0 (Win&Mac) was available as a giveaway on December 23, 2019!
Kotobee Author is a comprehensive ebook creator and EPUB editor, suitable for textbooks, storybooks, magazines and everything in between. With Kotobee Author you can create interactive ebooks rich with video, audio, 3D visuals, widgets, questions, and more. Kotobee Author allows you to export to all top platforms, such as EPUB, MOBI (Kindle), Web apps, Desktop apps, and Chrome apps (Android & iOS app export available only for Premium users).
The GOTD exclusive license, allows you to brand your web and desktop apps with your own logo instead of Kotobee's. You will be allowed 1 month of free software updates.
Please note: the program archive includes x32 and x64 program installers and Mac version!
The quick guide to get started!
Windows Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
280 MB
yep.........I used 3 different emails including gmail, none accepted.
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Won't accept any email I try, waste of time.
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Like so many, I have yet to receive an email with an activation code. I'm using Edge as my browser and have tried several times to no avail. I get the following error message when trying to send this comment, yet I am online and connected.... "Cannot contact reCAPTCHA. Check your connection and try again." I wonder if the issue is with reCAPTCHA?
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Registered on Win10x without a problem. Haven't tested program yet.
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I used a chrome browser and using the link in the readme file I submitted my email address but I've never received the activation code. I'm uninstalling the program.
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Like many, I had problems receiving a registration code, but for free software, the customer support is amazing. They really seem to stand behind the user. Thumbs up for these guys.
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Referencing comment no. 23 by Binser, why are all of the registry entries he listed needed? Is it possible to install KA 1.6.0 without those entries? Thank you for your reply.
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*might* be useful. I've tried both of my emails, and it won't affirm them. Never tried the program before. Looks like I won't try it now. :-(
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This sounds like a great program, BUT I installed it twice. Each time the same things: On launch I get some kind of a big white spash screen that goes away immeidately. Program is in the task manager but will not come to front. In TM "processes" there are 5 Kotobee Authors running, but the program is not usable. Prior to installing the second time, I used REVO uninstaller to uninstall first.
If someone tells me what is wrong, I will try this program, but after tomorrow I will just uninstall and forget. Thanks.
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I have not tried it yet, but looks good. Just what I have asked for. Well done guys. Merry Christmas,all
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OhOh, got into a trouble, The kotobee when try to open epub file of a size 45.2 MB. It will report that the file is corrupted, where actually can be open in another reader.I have tried several others , seems that the limit is about 14mb at 15mb it reports as a corrupted.
Is that known or intentional limit? or the problem is someplace else?
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TK, Thank you, as I have mentioned I have no problem reading it, just the K.author has problem loading it.
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I still haven't received the e-mail with the registration code. My gmail address was rejected, so I used my hotmail address which worked, but still no e-mail, not even in the spam folder.
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Never mind, I just got it.
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Jamie West, To the hotmail, or gmail, or both?
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Used two different (and valid) email addresses in an attempt to register this application.
Both failed.
As far as I am concerned, this application fails.
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I can't review the software because I cannot get the registration code. I have used three different browsers including Edge, Firefox and Chrome. I have also used three different email addresses and they all say they have already been used. I am going to uninstall today's giveaway and hope that there is a better registration method if there is another giveaway.
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Could you please explain, why your software enters the following information in my windows 10 registry? (I erased the hashes after the "=" for privacy purposes.)
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Try registering using a Chrome based browser like Vivaldi or Opera, and then the registration will work.
Edge and Firefox seem to have problems.
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Had no trouble installing/registering.
Plugins need to be downloaded for some of the export options; Windows App, PDF, Kindle (that I know of)
Created a test with a single line of text, "this is a test".
Here are the resulting file sizes generated by various export options...
epub --> 88.8 KBytes.
PDF --> 4.79 KBytes.
MS Word --> 2.49 KBytes
mobi --> 66.5 KBytes (the Kindle option)
Windows exe --> 146 MBytes. (WOW!)
Also note that the only supported import video format is mp4.
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I want to make sure I get this straight because I am an author and have thought about this a lot. I can use the free version for ebooks for myself. For $40 after the 30 day trial, I can get the premium version which has all the bells and whistles --- Once I upgrade, are there any additional fees to create, upload, publish - other than the fees with the distributors that I'm used to like ISBN etc? And how do I access the $40 deal? I should have it in 30 days and I'll hopefully be finished with radiation and chemo by them and will be back to work more. Your book into an app option fascinates me and there are some things I want to create for one of my Etsy stores - so some interesting plans.
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I have tried two e-mail addresses that I have not previously used, to register with Kotobee. The registration form tells me:
"Email validation has failed. Please check the email again or use a different email address."
I have repeated this four times, with no change in the failure message. I am giving up. This is just not worth the aggravation.
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Frank D, please send me your email on support@kotobee.com.
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As stated in the README file, to receive the activation code you will need to use an email address which was never used for the previous Kotobee giveaway. When I tried using my email address, I was informed "This email is already registered". I must have used it in the past to obtain and install an older giveaway version of Kotobee Author, that I unfortunately never found the time to try out or work with. I'll have to pass today's giveaway, as I have no intentions to obtain a new email address to be able to get around the problem.
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Same problem as encountered by many others. Email is NOT accepted for registration even when tried from different browsers. Very frustrating experience even when the task is unndertaken by technically savy individuals who follow directions completely. How do we get registration completed?
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Skinner22, I am sorry to hear this. Please send me your email on support@kotobee.com.
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Just a suggestion. Try a different browser. That seems to work.
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the 1st email I entered did not work. For the 2nd one it was ok, so I registered. The software looks quite nice! Thank you!!!
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It says "Email validation has failed. Please check the email again or use a different email address. " I created this email just for this registration so I *KNOW* I haven't used it for Kotobee before. Please help? Thank you.
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Diana, Please send me this email on support@kotobee.com.
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looks like a nice piece of software, it can really edit books in different languages and with pictures.
Registering was quite simple, even though 1st address was refused the other worked just fine and quick,
I received a link to download page, it gives you as a default win32, if you need 64 you may want to click on other releases.
Finally some useful software, even though wont use often.
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One of my activities is being a writer and having had several GOTD versions of Kotobee Author (loss in hard drive crashes), I am expecting nothing but excellence from this latest version. Truly a Christmas gift for self publishers.
Thanks Kotobee.
Question: What is the hopefully discounted price for continued updating after the first 30 days?
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spyglass, It will be 40% of the $100 , so it will be $40
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spyglass, Agree - I've looked at this before but was concerned about other fees. I love the option to turn an e-book into an app. So many awesome possibilities.
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Error message: "Email validation has failed. Please check the email again or use a different email address. " I have checked and re-entered it several times including a hot-key that has worked hundreds of times.
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After trying several addresses, all of which failed, I switched from Firefox to Opera where I was able to get the very same address to work. Your web site was likely not tested with Firefox.
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Leo, Please send me the email you are tying to register with on support@kotobee.com
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Downloaded and registered was successful ,no problem registering I have not tried it yet. It looks interesting. I believe this software will very useful. Thank you.
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The software developer wrote: "Kotobee Author allows you to export to all top platforms, such as EPUB, MOBI (Kindle), Web apps, Desktop apps, and Chrome apps (Android & iOS app export available only for Premium users)."
Do I correctly understand your statement that whatever I will develop in Katobee’ today giveaway it won’t be available to Android-based devices (i.e. most smartphones and tablets), nor any IOS–based ones, unless I purchase Premium user’s option? If so, then the reader’s base of Katobee products seems ridiculously reduced to PC and laptop users, which in today’s world seems to make the value of the option offered today quite limited. Or am I wrong? I do not complain, nor do I require (how should I?) more than was offered. I only want to make clear if I understand correctly Katobee’s giveaway of today. Regard - Marek
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Marek, I am not sure what your question, statement,nevertheless let me say something on that software.
The software runs on mac and windows, maybe others.
you can edit the books on windows then save it on one of the format, even pdf. Then on your Android you can get PDF, EPUB, Mobi reader to read on your mobile device. Most of handheld devices have pupular book readers available. - If I understand your concern that should clarify.
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infi, thanks for your kind reply, in which you explained what, I think, most users know, i.e. that e-book readers for Android may be installed in an Android-based device to read pdf, epub etc formats. And that’s what I have in my devices.
However, my concern was what the sofware developer meant by saying: "Android & iOS app export available only for Premium users". What that export is all about?
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Beside its outputs as EPUB, MOBI, PDF, HTML, EXE, the software can also allow users to export the "book" as an app (to install and run directly on an Android, iOS or Windows phone/tablet, without the need of a book reader).
This giveaway does not offer you to export your book as an app, which requires a Premium account.
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EDU, OK. Thanks for your reply, which makes things clear to me.
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Marek, Seems that I still not sure what do you need.
What do you understand by "Android &iOS export?"
would calibre be able to do that job for you?
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EDU, I would find that of wast of space and limitation of the book. One would need to generate separate files for each system, where keeping in a book format is more flexible. anyway everyone has own preference.
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Will this work with poetry?
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Hi and thanks for offering this. No problem registering.
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Cool! Is this a lifetime license?
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Yes, it is.
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Suzan, mine shows expiration today in 2020.
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First email address failed but second one worked though site was very slow to verify. Have no memory of registering with Kotobee before.
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I can't get the email registration page to function for generating the code.
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Harry Wilson, you will have it after downloading the zip file. You can find the link in the readme file.
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Suzan, that is the point I have used the link in the read me file and it does not works Thanks Harry
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Harry, what is the error you are having? or what is the message shown to you?
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There is just no way to register this thing!
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Adrian, Please tell me what is the problem you are facing.
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Okay... Tried three email addresses, my work, my home, my university. None qualify???
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Lowell Fourman, Please send me the email you are registering with on support@kotobee.com.
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After reading the Quick Guide, I found there's no a $100 licence in Kotobee's menu, so it's difficult to say what this GAOTD edition is able to do and what it is not. At first sight it looks like the free version plus personal branding, but it will be helpful if the developer clarifies this point. Thanks in advance.
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JamesS, I haven't downloaded yet (just got here and reading stuff) but I did read in their description: "Kotobee Author allows you to export to all top platforms, such as EPUB, MOBI (Kindle), Web apps, Desktop apps, and Chrome apps (Android & iOS app export available only for Premium users)." So I guess that would be the difference. Developer might correct me if I'm wrong.
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JamesS, I see now in the readme file that this is for non-commercial usage. So you can create ebooks for yourself but you can't sell them.
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Installed but couldn't register the software. Tried 3 different browsers. After the captcha nothing happens. Uninstalled and hope someone else manages to register this software.
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Sam, I did, but I had to try twice.
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Hello Sam,
Please send me the email you are registering with on support@kotobee.com.
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Unless I am mistaken .....for some reason they don't seem to like Gmail.
No problem using another account.
Take care.
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