Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
IvyBackup Home 2.8.2 was available as a giveaway on May 9, 2018!
IvyBackup is a light-weight, efficient and user friendly smart backup tool for Windows. It helps you create and schedule your backups in the shortest time possible. IvyBackup simplifies your backup process because it features a unique level of backup customization and an accommodating user interface. All this allows you to create and automate simple or complex backup tasks with ease.
IvyBackup creates full and smart backups (differential and incremental). It performs backup tests and can run completely automated backups. Built with speed and efficiency in mind, IvyBackup is incredibly fast; it is optimized for low resource consumption, it’s designed not to slow you down.
Key Features:
Windows Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
10 MB
This are not the smart backup edition, so do not promo it as this.
It are less then you get with most free tools, and have a lot actions that are shown but not enabled is this edition.
Installed checked, uninstalled, waist of time, for this price I buy Acronis or other better tool.
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my window defender detects this said software containing virus and deletes automatically for me.
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the votes on the comments are alarming. who did you hire to downvote comments that go against this software? too suspicious to even try this program
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Buddy: You're correct. It's been going on all day. My own comment seems to have survived unscathed perhaps because attacking it would've been too obvious. But other critical posts which make uncomfortable reading for today's developer have been systematically downvoted.
Seeing as how the developer's representative "Penjani" is on here but refusing to answer the concerns raised, it's now obvious that Kudu Computing has tried to mislead GOTDers today with a deliberately false product description in hope of luring them into paying for the $85 version to which all their hype actually refers.
From pathetically obvious misrepresentation to even more pathetically obvious down-voting is only a small step, but I guess as they've failed at the one they may as well waste their time on the other. I greatly look forward to seeing this comment of mine multiply down-voted by them, too.
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I tried to install but the key is not acceptable so I thought is a false software or wrong code.
Need some help.
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Bill ghale,
If you're having problems registering your copy, send an email to support:
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Penjani, Not much point is trying to sort out the registration issue if the program itself won't run, maybe you should look at fixing that first.
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This item has the following : Trojan:Win 32/ Spursint.F!cl
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Your anti virus software is showing a false positive:
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If you look at the IvyBackup website, you will not find a hint that their software is sold as an annual subscription.
On Jan 23, 2018 the standard edition was offered on a site that has shareware on sale with daily offers, and there was no mention that the software was a subscription service. At the time, the software was advertised that it was regularly 34.99. Their Professional edition was $64.99 at the time.
Then on March 22, 2018, they offered the Standard edition on a different giveaway du jour site, also as a free offer. Again, the Standard was $34.99. The Fine Print stated: "After you purchase IvyBackup it may be used for 12 months and will not function after that unless you renew your subscription."
And, "Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free up to the next major version. For versions after that, upgrades will require additional payment, which will not be discounted."
In other words, you would need to pay $34.99 per year, and when the major version number changed, you would also have to pay the full prince for the software again. Imagine how much you would have paid in just a few years, and all the time you haven't see any significant improvements in the Backup software to justify the subscription.
Backup software is not Rocket science. If the Backup software is decent enough to being with, it does not need a lot of updates throughout the year, so one year after your initial purchase, you are running essentially the same thing you started with. Otherwise, you purchased buggy software to begin with. If you purchase any Backup software that is offered as a subscription service, you need your head examined, or you need to read some good reviews of the alternatives.
Maybe that finally sunk in with the developer, because now, it appears that the software is no longer offered as a subscription service, unless they have an even better scam then Backup Subscriptions. They have increased their prices by $10 for the Standard, and $20 for the professional, and dropped the subscription. May be it is another marketing attempt.
The Home edition is so limited that you cannot use it to rescue a OS system disk, so all you get out of it is saving some of your personal files to a different drive. I cannot see any advantage to using it over something like 7-Zip to save copies of your documents. Both programs are creating your files in a zip format, so if the IvyBackup were to be on a drive that got destroyed, the simplest way to get your files back would be use 7-Zip anyway.
I'm still a bit leery at this point based on seeing what this company attempted in the past. Thank goodness there are some excellent alternatives as others have already mentioned.
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IvyBackup is sold as a one time purchase and has never been sold as a subscription service.
On the the homepage it states clearly that there are no monthly fees. In other words you do not need to purchase it every year.
While 7-Zip is no doubt a good piece of software, it is not backup software ( 7-Zip is a compression utility ) and lacks the features that automate the process in simple and straightforward manner which is what the home edition aims to do.
You can read more about it here:
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Gary, Gary -- For a business not 6 months old it's been real busy. First release of IvyBackup was December 18 last year in a datelined press release from Kudu Computing in Kitwe, Zambia. "Kudu Computing Chief Engineer Penjani Mkabdawire" said a lot there if nothing here. The soft has one review from a website well known for shilling for cash. IvyBackup could maybe have had a better chance if competitively priced but 85 bucks kills it stone dead against freeware backup software out there that's just as good or better. Today's trickery hasn't done it much good either.
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Freezes at start. Useless product. Another one for the dumpster.
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Freezes my computer every time I start the program. I have Windows 10 64 bit, i7 Intel Processor, with 12 gig of ram. Installed on the C: drive that is a Samsung EVO SSD. I think my computer is 'capable' but this is garbage software.
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I was interested in today's giveaway until I read the information at post number 4 in this comment section. The developer has not responded to that post so I can only think that it is saying one thing but offering another. Business conduct like that just puts me off ever having anything to do with it.
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I find Exiland, offered by GAOTD a few weeks ago, sufficient and reliable, and judging by the comments here far better, so will not waste time on this.
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Managed to install and register on Win 10 (64) and that was all I managed to do with this. First attempt to run it and it crashed and had to be closed with task manager. Rebooted my system and ran it again and noted that it had not remembered it had been registered then it froze and refused to do anything. I might be missing something here, but I thought the idea was to encourage people to buy the developer's products instead of convincing us to steer clear of them. Garbage and uninstalled.
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Checked the website.
Confirmed that Home version lacks Disk Imaging.
That means NO ability to do bare metal restore from your backup.
You may still find this software useful in spite of that missing feature.
I think it is not good enough.
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Not accepting registration key...lists returns "not a valid..." even though it was cut & paste.
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Thanks for today's offer. Will have a try.
I'm now using aomei backupper free available at here and 99% satisfied. Some days ago, aomei backupper paid edition was there for giveaway, however, it had expired when I came. Will it be here again or cannot find it anymore? If u guys bring it back, I am glad to replace my free version.
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Sorry Stefan, I had a disaster with the "free" version AOMEI. It would NOT restore.
Contacted AOMEI . They wrote to me "It is a known bug we already found". They couldn't help me. It was simply a disaster.
Do NOT depend on it unless AOMEI confirms the bug is fixed.
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You can create backups with the home version however, you cannot restore them.
hahahaha no thanks.
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You can restore all the backups you create with the home edition.
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Matthew, I dont know why you are getting so many downvotes. What you stated is true to a point and others have also agreed.
When a full backup is done, which this version said it can do, it would be nice to be able to place it on a disc of some sort, yet this Home Edition does not include that ability. Neither does it include the ability to store it somewhere else ie the cloud. Read MikeR's post #4 as it includes what I said.
You can't restore a full backup if the drive it was on crashes, therefore you cannot restore all the backups you create with home edition.
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This edition support Full backup only without Cloud storage. Not useful for me.
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Wont run , just locks up , uninstaled
Win 10 - 64 bit
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Another giveaway that leaves the GOTD user to try to figure out for herself / himself just exactly what is being offered. The developer of today's IvyBackup Home 2.8.2 says on this page:
"Ivy Backup creates Full and Smart backups (i.e., differential and incremental backups." Features include: Cloud Storage support, automatic backups, encryption, Windows integration, and backup import/export.
But on the IvyBackup version comparison page of its website:
the developer says of IvyBackup Home's features:
Differential backup: NO
Incremental backup: NO
Cloud Storage support: NO
Automatic backups: NO
Encryption: NO
Windows integration: NO
Backup import / export: NO
Which means that either:
(a) Today's developer is so incompetent it can't even get the facts right about the software to which it would like folks to commit their time and effort to today, or:
(b) Today's developer is punting a hopelessly rudimentary $25 product in hope of manipulating a sell-up to the $45 Ivy Backup Standard or $85 Ivy Backup Professional.
Though I sincerely hope it's the former rather than the latter, neither are going to encourage a prospective customer: there's no excuse for muddle as complete as this. Thanks, GOTD, but no thanks.
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MikeR, well said, was thinking along the same lines myself
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The program is available for $24.99,
but it will be free for our visitors
as a time-limited offer.
Does the app never expire if you download it before the 24 hr time limit?.
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John Robertson,
This giveaway offer is available for only 24 hours.
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Penjani, See my reply to comment #1.
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What is needed to restore to a recovered computer, where even the OS is restored so no license until the PC is restored?
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bob, Paragon Backup/Recovery is not free.
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D_Ram, Yes it is.
It says "The free backup solution with professional functions."
This usually means its free. This also means @bob was right.
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Chris Locke, I read that but when I first installed it couple days ago it said "trial", uninstalled today and reinstalled and will check again.
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How long does the time limited offer last for?.
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John Robertson, the only time limit I can see is that this offer is available for download for up to 24 hours.
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Thanks for the info but after installation this software freezes and you have to got to task manager to end it, useless.
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Eddie, Not exactly. You do not have 24 hours from when you download it in which to install it.
There is a period of 24 hours from when the offer first appears (midnight at some point or other in the world) during which you must download and instal. (English instal, only in American install!) This applies to all GAOTD offers excluding those for android an iphones, which are more complicated.
The period of 24 hours is thus fixed by GAOTD.
Note that you must not just download it but also instal it within that period.
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download, install and register; all in 24 hrs.
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maddog7, No!
First, registering is part of the instal. All it says is download and instal.
BUT you may not have 24 hours in which to do it. It must be done within the 24 hour period and if you download just an hour before they change it, you have only an hour, not 24 hours, in which to instal (including register, it is not properly installed until registered, IF registration is required.)
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The giveaway offer license key is only valid from 5/9/2018 - 8:00 AM GMT to 5/10/2018 - 8:00 AM GMT. You will not be able to register your copy of IvyBackup after this time window.
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Relax; take a laxative; chill; get a grip ........
Some installs allow a choice to reg or not. The not regging then only allowing a free or limited version.
You're right about not being 24 hours if one is 'late'. read what +Penjani writes about it.
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maddog7, Neither you this (second) time, nor Penjani, has contradicted what I said. Read the word IF.
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ok, you win. Bye.
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