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Image Resize Guide 1.4.1 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Image Resize Guide 1.4.1

Image Resize Guide - Smart Image Resize, Shrink Pictures and Objects Removal.
User rating: 463 25 comments

Image Resize Guide 1.4.1 was available as a giveaway on November 1, 2013!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Automatically remove background from Images!

Image Resize Guide allows you to make context-sensitive changes to the image size and aspect ratio by removing "unnecessary" portions yet keeping the "important" features intact. Removes objects from photos without visible traces. The best results are achieved against a background of snow, water, or greenery.

Important areas can be specially marked. Includes stepwise animated demo samples. Offers these tools: Resize; Crop; Smart Remove; Smart Resize; Smart Patch.

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8 (x32/x64)


Tint Guide



File Size:

12.8 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by CyberLink Corp.
Developed by PhotoInstrument
Create, manage, copy and edit custom images.
Developed by Mirillis Ltd.

Comments on Image Resize Guide 1.4.1

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To the developers - the 'demonstrations' has a bug. It freezes my cursor. It jerks back and forth but goes nowhere, even off the page to another program or browser until a popup states that the demo time is up. Then my cursor acts normal again.

Also, when I tried to install I got a popup that stated the program could not start bc it was missing a SDInit.exe file and to dl it to get it to work. I was going to forget installation so I deleted all files then took down the missing file popup and the installation popped up. WEIRD-yet another bug I guess.

Not very intuitive-so far kind of clumsy. Maybe you should check out the intuitiveness of a close competitor that's been mentioned several times in the revuz - Inpaint.

Reply   |   Comment by Z  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

The "Smart Resize" is simply brilliant !!
And so are the "stepwise animated demo samples".
Make sure you watch them.

Reply   |   Comment by FREEWARE-FREAK  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

I have this from another giveaway website last month.

The developers of this software need to sit down and rethink a proper name for it, to correctly describe its capabilities.

Currently it is very badly named after only 1 of its several features.

Because of its inappropriate name, consumers may just ignore the software and NOT buy it because they thought it can only do resizing of photos.

Thus the software developer may be missing out on huge sales. For example, it could have been selling 300,000 units of this software but only managed to sell 500 so far, because of the wrong name for the software.

Reply   |   Comment by ric  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

It seem to be good and handy software, but most of all I wish that all of the software on GOTD have the same flawless registration method as this.

Reply   |   Comment by rizal  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Drat, I followed Giovanni's suggestion to the MAGIX page - turns out it's Trialware - 30days and that's all folks.
Might be nice if they were asked to hop on the GOTD train because their software can make funny special effects.

Reply   |   Comment by GreeneyedNewbie  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Similar free app:
Seam Carving GUI 1.11

Reply   |   Comment by Kody  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

HI Everyone, Downloaded and installed Image Resize Guide 1.4.1 with out any problems at all, Registration was Automatic! NICE! Installed on my test AMD 6 core Black Edition Bulldozer @ 3.4GHz with 16GB RAM Windows 7 64BIT. It works as advertised and is very impressive! I also Like the Plugin that installed Automatically for Adobe Photoshop! It works really nice inside Photoshop and gives you a little more control While your in Photoshop and decide, Or, Need to resize a Photo, Its right there and works very good..
The ability to move objects around or removed them completely so that objects in your photo fit the seen better after you resize it! Is very nice and works Very good as well. All and All, Image Resize Guide 1.4.1 is a lot more then just a Photo Resizer! And I can see it being a handy tool addition for my Photography Editing and Production. With all that it is capable off, It explains why the price seemed a bit on the high side? But, After testing and using Image Resize Guide 1.4.1, The price @ $45.00 Dollars does not seem to far out of line.. If you see and use all its capabilities? It is clear that quite a bit of Programing and Design work went into it. So for for me anyway, It seems like a very Solid and Handy to have in my Photo Production tool box! I know there are a lot that say if its anything more then FREE! It cost too much! I do not have money to throw away ether, But, I do believe a Person or Company Should be compensated for there efforts and goods for sale. I know I am Happy when my Clients pay me for my work and are happy with what they received and I get more work through referrals, I mean we all go to work or do something to make money everyday to survive and take care of our families etc, Unless your one of the privileged few and then your paying people to work for you! (o; But, Cost is not the issue on GOTD, But, More the quality and performance of today's offered software application! That being said I give Image Resize Guide 1.4.1 two thumbs Up! For today's GOTD!
Thanks goes to Tint Guide for releasing Image Resize Guide 1.4.1 through GOTD for all of us to Test and Try for FREE! Today! And as always, A special “Thank You” To GOTD for all your hard work and Time spent to bring us all these great applications Like today's Image Resize Guide 1.4.1, For us to Test, Use, Play with and Keep for as long as we like for FREE! Today and everyday! Thank You!
Take Care Everyone, But, Always have Fun! Rick D.

Reply   |   Comment by Rick D.  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I'm going to download Image Resize Guide even though I have iResizer (a GOTD I picked up back in May 2012). I was first attracted, though, to Tint Guide's Picture Cutout Guide offer because I've been looking for a simple, standalone program that would allow me to easily cut out and transfer portions of an image to another image to create a photo montage. For me, the $5.99 today-only offer to GOTD viewers sounded pretty good, so I bought Picture Cutout Guide. If you get it, be sure to uncheck the default to Photoshop plugin if you'd rather run the program as a standalone. You also have the option to move the *.8bf file to another program's plugin folder (explained on the site). Getting back to the giveaway, though... several of Image Resize Guide's features as described are included in Picture Cutout Guide. The developer's approach being similar, it should make working with both programs easier, a plus for me. By the way, the demo provided with Picture Cutout Guide was very helpful, so I imagine the same would be the case for today's giveaway. Thanks and thumbs up to both Tint Guide and GiveawayoftheDay for offering a good giveaway and a good discount today.

Reply   |   Comment by J. Mac Neal  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Installed without problems on Windows 7, i7, 64 bit.
I tried out a landscape photo of a winter sunrise with clouds shot through with brilliant reds and yellows with a big phone pole in the middle of it that I'd previously tested InPaint and Photoshop Elements' Content Aware Healing tool with. Both InPaint and Image Resizer were easier to use than the Photoshop tool. All three programs/tools had a tough time filling in and/or replacing the "missing" object with the background objects and their colors. I next eliminated a phone pole from a plain sky and each tool did wonderfully well.

I tried out the picture straightening option and it works great. Since the program can "clone" missing areas of a photo with the background, it would be great if, instead of cropping, there was an option to fill in the empty spaces created at the corners/edges when a photo is rotated.

Of the three, the Image Resize Guide has a number of things going for it. First, are the demos. Each shows only one resize/remove-resize option and they are easy to understand. Second, the GUI is well-laid out and the tools work smoothly and without bugs and bumps. Thirdly, output is wysiwyg and immediate so you can see what you're doing as you do it. Fourth, I love that I can copy the 8bf Photoshop plugin file to use in Elements and Paint Shop Pro.

Both InPaint and the Image Resizer have their uses. Both are solid, bug-less programs with good controls and a dependable output. Image Resizer is good for those large photos that always end up with the errant bird, pole, wire or tourist in the wrong spot. It works flawlessly with a plain or evenly textured background without a riot of color. BUT the same can be said for a lot of photo editing tools. I'm keeping my copy:-) Thanks GOTD!

(When is Brightness Guide coming back? I downloaded, got busy with family and forgot to install:-(

Reply   |   Comment by Mujer  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

2 thumbs up for today’s GOTD. Installed, tried it's object removal capabilities. Very satisfactorily results, especially with SmartPatch. Just give it a try.
Funnily enough a sister company of Tint Guide, namely Two Pilots (www.colorpilot.com) has a similar if not equally featured software called Image Scissors Pilot. From the description of each product, one might decide they are both based on the same algorithm, with different GUI only. Actually, the main difference is the price. $45 for Image Resize Guide vs. $30 for Image Scissors Pilot.
Moral: today's offer costs $0, so go for it; if you like it and anything goes wrong then buy the 'competitor' at 2/3 the price.

Reply   |   Comment by Odd_Grandpa  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I tried this with several different photos, and it really does a pretty good job. Better on some than on others, but that's only normal. The way it works, some objects change their shapes when you take others out, and whether you find this acceptable depends on what you're trying to accomplish with that particular photo. Removing objects from a photo can be a delicate problem, and clone tools are not that easy to use, so I'm glad to have another tool in my arsenal. This one is a keeper for me.

Reply   |   Comment by Judith  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

It takes a little practice to get the most out of today's offer, but the result can be surprisingly good at removing objects. The Patch Tool is a very interactive clone tool, but I think it could be even better if there were the choice of a square as well as a round brush.

Reply   |   Comment by Peter Stern  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

As a photographer I want to say that Inpaint is one of my favorite programs along with Picasa. My first impression of Image Resizer Guide is that the Tool resizer is a great improvement over Inpaint. Just rotate the mouse wheel.

However the Simple resizer, Two step removal, Monodirectional removal are NOT as good as Inpaint. They greatly change the layout of the original image.

Smartpatch is as good as Inpaint and may replace Inpaint in my toolbox.

I am keeping the program because it works very well with the Smartpatch, Legend and Skyline.

Two solid thumbs up for me.

Reply   |   Comment by Bill Marsh  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+21)

I think this is a worthwhile app -- installation has a low impact on Windows, so if you work with images at all, get it -- if you find yourself using it often, support the developer, TInt Guide.

#7: "I suppose in essence it can be summed up as a cutting, stretching and squeezing tool which can also mark objects that must remain untouched."

#8: "Originally I thought this software would only remove objects instead of cutting out portions of the picture."

Nowadays you can Google "inpainting" & "seam carving" [separate searches not using quotes] & get loads of info, as people have had a good chance to use these tools [they're neither new nor gimmicks] while developers have been busy tweaking & improving them.

At their core these apps & plugins stretch/shrink images while ignoring parts of the image you tell them to ignore, e.g. you might stretch everything but the fire hydrant in the center of the picture or stretch the rest of the image to fill in where the fire hydrant is now. The Gotcha! they share is that when you want to remove something in the foreground of an image & the background is complex.

The problem in those situations is you might have to stretch part of the background downward to cover up the *hole*, stretch another bit of the background left to right, but just a little, then the lower right corner might have to come up a bit etc... hopefully you get the idea -- with some complex backgrounds you have to take something from every direction, but in different amounts, to make up for whatever's missing when you remove something from your image.

When that sort of problem happens, if it's a borderline case try another app, e.g. Inpaint. Otherwise you can take the route of the artist, become more of a technician, or combine both. The more artistic approach would be to paint over the object you want to remove -- many [most?] people would use a clone brush or tool. The more technician oriented approach would be to break apart the image, fix the various parts, & then reassemble it -- it's not as complicated as it might sound...

While there are loads of image apps that let you adjust colors, contrast, brightness, & such, at the heart of good image editing software you'll have the Selection tools -- it's all about isolating, selecting the part of the image you're going to work with or copy. Using my simple example of a fire hydrant, let's assume it's in the middle of a sidewalk in front of a building. To remove it from the picture, also assuming that Tint Guide didn't work on the picture as-is, I could easily select the part of the picture above the edge of the sidewalk, & then do the same thing for that part that's below that edge. Each portion is now better suited to a seam carving plugin, or if I save the selections as new images, I can open them in a stand-alone seam carving app.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+29)

I was hoping that this software would become a GAOTD several months ago, when I checked out one of their other products. However last month GAOTD featured "INPAINT" ($19.99) and I am sold on this product for removal of items in a picture. With "INPAINT" you can tell the program what part of the picture to remove but also what part of the picture use to fill in area. IE telephone lines, people in the back ground and watermarks.

This program you tell it what to remove and it resizes the image to fill the void.

INPAINT ($19.99) and PICASA (free) will put you in control of your snap shots.

Reply   |   Comment by N99kid  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Cool ! Try it before voting this down. Many thanks to Tint Guide (and the GOTD team, of course!)

With previous giveaways, the wise GOTD user would have a complete set of interesting tools:
- InPaint
- IResizer
- Photo Montage Guide (from Tint Guide)

RIOT is more an image optimizer targeting normal resizing, a plugin for Irfanview ("Save for Web...(plugin)"), XnView (found in Filters), TheGimp (you know where it is ;).

Reply   |   Comment by papin  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Nice program. I've been using Inpaint for about 2 years and I've really enjoyed it and now this looks almost the same. Install went fine and seems to be working just like promised. A Keeper...

Reply   |   Comment by justnakenny  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

I noticed in the sample pictures on their website, the woman was not only removed but also the area she was standing in. If you look at the two major rocks at their feet along with the background shrubbery, you can tell they are much closer together (cut out) as displayed in the last picture. Originally I thought this software would only remove objects instead of cutting out portions of the picture. That's just my take on this.

Reply   |   Comment by Neil  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

Initially I thought it was a simple image resize program but it's not and the only way you can understand its function is to download it and play the demonstrations.
I suppose in essence it can be summed up as a cutting, stretching and squeezing tool which can also mark objects that must remain untouched.
It is a different way of removing objects than the more often used chameleon type where the program tries to guess what is behind the object to be removed.
The only way you can understand this programs capabilities is by downloading it and it's certainly worthwhile doing so.

Reply   |   Comment by XP-Man  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+37)

Giovanni,bravo.Riot is excellent, there is a Plug-In for Gimp

Reply   |   Comment by Milovanović Sinišavić  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+28)

Very GOOD APP today which, exactly as Inpaint, can remove objects from a photo by replacing one area of it with another one as a "patch", without any quality loss at the end of the process.

Unlike most similar FREE/PAID products out there, this tool can resize a picture by removing only unnecessary portions of it, instead of equally reducing all objects.

Smart way to reduce the size and aspect ratio of a photo, before publishing it on the web (on Facebook, for instance) or send it via email as attachment.

Even the LITE and FREE version of this app is very good, despite lacking of the "Smart Remove" function designed to remove objects from a pic without leaving visible traces!!

3 THUMBS UP from me!!

So overall this GAOTD is an EXCELLENT APP but 45 $ is as usual too way expensive in my view, especially when compared to FREE alternatives out there!!


First of all, to remove objects and compress the image size and aspect ratio you can use the excellent Open Source "GIMP":

http://liquidrescale.wikidot.com/en:examples https://github.com/bootchk/resynthesizer

Another excellent FREE & PORTABLE app almost noybody seem to be aware of is also RIOT (Radical Image Optimization Tool): in short it's a cool image optimizer tool, which helps you visually adjust compression ratio parameters, while keeping minimum filesize and high image quality, in order to easily share any photos of yours on the web or via email as attachment.
With this magic FREE tool users can preview the resulting image in real time, as it updates itself immediately after each photo alteration by a cool function called “in-place compare”.
Can also be used to remove metadata (IPTC, Adobe XMP, EXIF profile, ICC profile or comments) from any photos with ease.


See also:


Reply   |   Comment by Giovanni  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+190)

Downloaded and installed with no problems. Registered automatically (no hoops to jump through)

Takes some practice to achieve the desired result and some functions work better than others in meeting my needs. However, performs pretty much as promised and worth keeping in the toolbox for when a quick edit of photo content is required to meet size constraints.

Reply   |   Comment by Amargein  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+28)

The installation was without any problems.

The software started working immediatelly and it started by suggesting that you should watch several video demostration of the functions the software offers. I believe it is a wonderful feature.

Then I took several pictures from a comic and tried to resize them. You can see the results at http://www.aj3000.org/demo/index.html

Honestly, I was not satisfied with the results, so I am not going to keep the software, but with a different kind of pictures this software could work much better.

Anyway, as it is free you should give it a try and see for yourself.

Reply   |   Comment by Zdenek Rotrekl  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+66)

Two simple picture/photo edition software only supplied these following capabilities of Resizing; Cropping; Smart Removing; Smart Resizing; Smart Patch with users. I known around the remarkable CNET download site ample of video converter tools for us not only have the strong video conversion abilities but also enable users to edit the picture/photo so well. Because of those upper picture edition skills had already been equipped with the media converter tools such as Wondershare, Leawo, ImElfin, etc outstanding merchants' procedures.

I do not believe that this single function tool unexpectedly cost us $45 which is a high price for us. If you are willing to spend these bucks to earn it by the regular method, why not use it to purchase a Total Media Converter that almost can edit picture/photo, convert audio/video, download media files, etc. It is almighty. I suppose this way may become a primary choice, what's your idea ?

Reply   |   Comment by Doll  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-97)

GIMP Liquid Rescale Plug-In http://registry.gimp.org/node/144

Reply   |   Comment by Milovanović Siniša  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-8)
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