Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Hide My Folders was available as a giveaway on July 31, 2007!
Hide My Folders by Eltima Software allows hiding files and folders from viewing, accessing and searching completely, so that only you know that those files or folders exist. No matter how particular computer (over local network, from internet or directly) is accessed, those folders stay invisible and safe.
Once you hide files/folders, Hide My Folders will not reveal its presence in your system, and the files will be hidden until you unhide them. No one can find out if any of the files or folders is hidden. This is achieved by low-level file access which is reliable, robust and fail-safe. Hide My Folders launch is password-protected and you will be the only person to see and access your private info.
As a security measure, Hide My Folders incorporate foolproof control which means that nobody cannot hide system critical files and folders (such as C:\Windows etc.) and lock your system. In order to hide files with specific names and extensions Hide My Folders offers advanced pattern-matching approach. By specifying special string as a mask you may hide a group of files that comply with it.
Pentium II class at least 200 MHz; Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server; 64 MB RAM; 3-5 MB of initial free disk space; Video: 800x600, True Color
1.93 MB
Powered Keylogger is a driver-based software keylogger that secretly captures keystrokes, mouse clicks and passwords, tracks sent and received emails, monitors Internet activity and logs launched applications. Not a single click can be hidden from Powered Keylogger.
Hide My Folders ActiveX is a robust ActiveX Control that lets developers hide any file or folder in Windows system. You don't need to dive into hazy world of low-level file access functions. Once files or folders are hidden they cannot be accessed, searched for, viewed or deleted, therefore no one will know that they exist.
USB to Ethernet Connector makes it possible to connect to any USB device that is located on the remote PC on the local network or Internet and use it as if it was plugged into PC in front of you. You will be able to work with it as with local USB device and applications working with it will never see the difference.
I hate "100% FREE" programs that are trial versions!! - use a free program to get users to your website where you advertise programs to be sold - but make it free!!
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Crashed my system as well, not recommended
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This software caused my comp to crash and within about 30 seconds of installing it. I do NOT recommend it.
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Hello GOTD and Everybody ! Hmmm All this talk about hiding folders...encrypting...Error Messages...Vista...XP..
To Hide Or Not to Hide---That Is The Question ! And Well Precisly My question.. I would like to know-From anyone here who has a bit of computer knowledge if it Really Is Absolutly necessary to Hide your Folders. And If You hide your Folders with or Without the Program ( Wich by the way Is cool to get for Free ) What happens if like someone said before you crash or something--Are they gone for good ? Also-To the person who mentioned Saving the File to disk and using the serial number if you have to reinstall--No you can't do that. I know because I've tried with other Free Programs -It always checks to see if the GOTD is still available NO MATTER WHAT. So, ya thats about if from me. Oh ya...I do apprecieate the FREE Stuff GOTD! I mean -Think abnout it---You could jump on here and get something useful and Free Everyday if you wanted. * BIG THUMBS UP* To GOTD. for all the Hard work and Dedication keeping this site up and running. And * BIG THANKS * For all of the Cool Free stuff--Whats not to love : ) One more thing before I go--You know what would be a Totally Cool Give A way-- A ScreenSaver Making Program that lets you add your own mp3's,wavs and pictures or animations. Now that would be Awesome . Just a little something to think about GOTD ;)
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Does this one also work for Outlook folders ?
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He choose not to do an review about this tool. You can ask him here: http://www.bladedthoth.com/information/
You also can read visrev's test here: http://visrev.bravehost.com/ instead of.
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to #51,
bladed thoth said yesterday he'd be away til at least thursday
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#51 He said he'd be away for a few days so no reviews until he returns.
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To #49, yes, that is true. The volume could be deleted. Also, if you don't choose to hide the encrypted volume it is visible like any other drive when mounted. The benefit is that nobody is going to have access to whatever files are within the volume when you haven't mounted the drive. It assumes that you would dismount the volume when you aren't using it.
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Cheers GAOTD. Good idea - not the most secure in the world but suitable for files which you want to hide but not necessarily are bothered about being too protected :).
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#17 Thank you , It works.It has a key # and thank you again . And thank you GOTD for the software . it does what it says. and it works on XPpro fine.
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during install process, pc performed hard reboot. During reboot, dreaded blue screen of death appears for about 1/2 second then reboots again. Did this over and over until I opted to reboot using last working settings. All good now.
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Have I missed it????? Where is the "Bladetooth review" ? I may not have digged deep enough into gaotd, but I can't find it? Any help?
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I got it installed and running ok on my XP. Will not install at all on my Vista. It said that it did not meet system requirements. I like the program and it works very well on XP. Rather dissapointing it doesnt work with my beloved Vista. :( Vista is so much better than XP! I LOVE VISTA!!
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My computer immediately crashed after running setup. Blue screen saying that a program was trying to write to ROM. I'm running XP Home so absolutely normal.
Couldn't start up again until in safe mode and then select "start up with latest functioning settings".
Kind of weird. Maybe #45 is right...
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Question...Has anyone checked out the following?? If a folder is password protect on a thumb drive to take files with you, can you open that folder on a computer that does not have this software installed?
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The encryption is all fine and dandy, but the encryption key is stored in the user profile. So I hope you never get a NTUSER.dat file corruption, because then you will never get to those files again.
With that note, how does this software hide the files?
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Hmmm... "security" software from a spyware-making (keylogger) company... Thanks GAOTD but I will pass...
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anyone else noticed that this will not install on vista? it just said you're OS doesn't match system requirements and stopped working. way to go program
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#33 What planet are you from? There are obvious reasons for hiding information. It may be personal, adult rated, any number of reasons.
And for a home computer that say, everyone uses - It is reason enough to keep you personal things private.
Oh wait, I guess you leave medicine bottles out where small children can play with them too.
Neat little program btw.
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this one won't register i mean
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i have downloaded en registered about 6 or 7 programs from gotd without problems,but this one won't,how come?
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would not download said error 1073 Annie
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When I un-zipped this software it wipped out my complete file system. The last thing that I saw was the blue screen from Microsoft telling me of a major crash. This program is unstable. I am running Windows XP Pro, explorer7, pentium 4, 1025mb ram, HP Computer. It sounds like a great program but watch out for the big Blue Screen.
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Yeah, but there are a number of security tools that can reveal the hidden folders hidden with HideMyFolders. So if anyone else has access to your pc and knows even a little about security, they can easily find your so-called hidden folders. But if your just some n0ob trying to hide their pr0n collection, I wouldn't worry too much.
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Not bad. I can see some usefullness in this app. Can't beat the price, either.
If this doesn't appeal to you, I do recommend going to www.Komando.com to their downloads section. There are several encryption freebies to check out if other "cloak-n-dagger" stuff is what you're looking for.
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TrueCrypt, free on-the-fly open-source software which creates a virtual drive or partition is superior to any of these "hide" programs. Encryption/decryption is automatic and requires no action other than to mount the drive(s) which will be of a size of your choosing. An elegant world renowned program. Wouldn't do without it.
Downloads - www.truecrypt.org/downloads.php
Documentation - www.truecrypt.org/docs/
Screenshots - www.truecrypt.org/screenshots.php
Statistics - www.truecrypt.org/statistics.php
More results from www.truecrypt.org »
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Right-click on a file, go to properties, then check the check-box that says "Hidden"
To view Hidden files, In Vista: Open up any folder, click "Organize", then "Folder and Search Options", then go to the tab that says "View"; then,in the "Advanced Settings" box, find the first two Radio buttons (those round things), click the one next to "Show hidden files and folders." Then click "OK"
So, thanks, but no thanks.
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The program works well and if it is uninstalled all the hidden files show, but it does not work with external HD's, not for me anyway
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why would you NEED to hide something anyways? If it is your computer then why would you? and if it is someone elses computer then you shouldn't BE HIDING STUFF.
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#26: Thank you for paying our attention to the mistake in Hide My Folders description. We are of course sorry, but as you could notice we are located in Germany and English is not our native language. However we would like to advise you to try the Hide My Folders free demo version, as the grammatical mistake doesn't influence the quality of the application anyhow.
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Hallo # 4 (and people who give him a plus).
Hide folders XP does the same but, in my opinion, the difference is
1) It works with vista (the OS I use).
2) You have to pay for it.
Next time I hope to see this prog in giveawayoftheday.
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Installation and registration worked fine. Program launches, but any attempt to use the menu or toolbar cause it to terminate; sometimes without any message, sometimes with this error pop-up:
"Error: Access violation at: 0x77FACBBB (tried to write to 0x00030FAC), program terminated".
Right clicking an item in it's explorer window cause an other error message: "Protection Error
Debugger detected - please close it down and restart!
(and more info for Windows NT users about WinIce/SoftIce)"
Dragging a file or folder into the table marked "Files and folders to hide", works without the program crashing. The item gets Status Hidden, it also disapears in Windows Explorer, and does not appear in Windows Search. Not sure if I will ever see the hidden items again since the menu and toolbar cause app to crash.
PS! I did not install in the default folder C:\WINNT\HMF. Used C:\Program Files\Fide My Folders, to keep apps out of the Windows directory, and to give each folder a more descriptive name. I realize that storing it in C:\WINNT\HMF might make it harder to find, but then it should not have a shortcut in the start-menu either.
This installation is on "Windows 2000 SP4 with SP4 Rollup": It has hardly any other updates since I have disabled MS Windows Update/Genuine (Dis)advantage/Spyware.
I'm willing to do more tests/debugging to locate the source of the problem. Just tell me what else I should try.
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I downloaded Premium Booster the other day and the next day I had a popup tell me I needed to update so I did. Now I have a 30-day trial version. I was tricked, that isn’t nice.
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This proggie may well work for you if you are a home user trying to keep prying eyes away from your files unless you have some computer-savvy people searching your machine. It won't likely be good enough to hide something on a corporate computer though. With tools like SMS, etc. hidden folders can be easily found. This is because they run under the system account and have complete access to files and folders, hidden or not.
I tend to use TrueCrypt to hide some tunes. They are visible when the drive is mounted and in use, but not after dismount. When not loaded it appears simply as a rather large file with a .tc extension. They may know what program uses that file but without the PW they aren't going to know the contents! TrueCrypt is free and offers quite string encryption methods.
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So what exactly does this mean? As taken from the product description, boldface mine for emphasis:
"...Hide My Folders incorporate foolproof control which means that nobody cannot hide system critical files and folders (such as C:\Windows etc.) and lock your system."
Double-negative? So that means, basically, your system files are just as apt to be hidden and lost? I try not to download software with such poorly written or just sneaky descriptions. If that much effort goes into the marketing I'd hate to see what the program does!
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Here te same, it doesen't work on windows vista :(
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Sorry John but you are wrong. The Test folder still is not visible
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This DOES NOT work with Vista. Big pity!
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Hi all, to begin #1 if you encrypt large files movies for instance, it takes a long time to decrypt the file, not good if your in a hurry. #12 if you hide any important files it's best to backup files first on a disk or external hard drive, this also applies to encrypted files. #21 checking show hidden files in folder options does not show hidden files in this program it just shows files that windows thinks you shouln't see or change unless you know what your doing. If you scan with anti-virus program etc it does not scan the hidden files but you should scan files before you hide. If you do a windows search it does not find the hidden file. Make sure to write down or remember password if you choose that option to protect program. This stops anyone from opening the program, and also uninstalling the program. If you uninstall the program all hidden files are returned to their original state.
This program works well and does not interfere with windows OS in any way. Good software!!!
International ۞
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Many Programs can do this thing.
Hence today's software is not of much use
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I will give it a pass
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I would prefer universal shield over this any day, but it also has a price. The thing is, it can encrypt as well as hide, it can prevent folders (or files) from being "visible" "deleted" "written" "read", and you can select which things you want.
eg: you want to keep your document, everybody to read that, (maybe a compter rule document?) but not delete it ar chane it. So you can turn on visible and read, that way you will be able to read and it won't be hidden. hmmm, well you must get the idea by now.
Link= http://www.everstrike.com/shield.htm
there is a downside, you have to pay for Ushield.....
By the way, i m not working for everstrike, (just because you maybe thinking like that.
But one of my favoryt is FolderLOck.It has great GUI and has somekinda Lock, folder where you have to keep your file.
hhhhhhhhh, i m done writing, my hand hurts, so check out below if you want more info
Link= http://www.newsoftwares.net/folderlock/
SO THANKS gaOtd,BUT I THINK I WILL PASS.Sorry, forgot to turn off capslock.
so thanks GAoTD,
but i think i will pass
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To 12, English Bob:
NOT necessarily so: if GOTD's install program yields a serial number like yesterday's backup program, then if you take the precaution to also save to disk the original installer from the author page (and keep it in a safe place), then you should be able to re-install it fine!!
I'll wait for BladedToth's review before I'll try this proggy (and see if the installer yields a serial #)
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hmmm I have a program on my home pc , I don't want my boss to see or his computer support company , hmmmm. thx GOTD , hope this works or I may need a new job soon
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#1 & #5 Yes, there's no reason you can't do both (encrypt and hide) for a "belt and braces" result. Further, create many diversionary hidden/encrypted files with interesting names containing (truely) random data.
I like this prog and will give it a test run
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#11 That is because others before you have given a + rating. When you click on it it still takes one off but is not adding score
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I just ask myself if it's not quite easy to find the hidden files when searching the windows harddisk with a linux system. I guess this program is just using rootkit technology wich will not work outside windows. Did anyone check this out?
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If this is useful to you, you should buy it. No, I don't work for Eltima! Here's why. The version you download from GAotD will only install on the day of download - so what happens if your disk fails later, and you need to reinstall? All your hidden stuffs will remain hidden, and you won't be able to open them without this proggy. It's even possible that Eltima won't be around by then.
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I am clicking on *not* useful but it is coming up +1 instead of -1. The reader feedback ratings on the comments will be useless today. :-(
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