Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
HDR projects 3 Pro (Win&Mac) was available as a giveaway on January 22, 2017!
Originally launched in 2012, HDR projects has taken HDR photography to a whole new level. Smart Colorspace Adaptation (SCA), a unique and entirely new development of the projects line, determines an individual, intelligent colour space for every calculated step. This capability enables elementary enhancement of the primary colours’ vividness, with finer and more distinct colour gradation.
If you are a Mac user please download the installation file here (65.7 MB).
Please note that you won't be able to request the key for the second time with the same email address, so if you have any problems receiving the key, please try the alternative one!
Windows 7/ 8/ 10; Mac OS X (10.7 and higher)
77.5 MB
Once you have seen HDR images, normal images will just seem boring. HDR projects 4 enables you to generate very precise lighting situations that are not possible with “normal” photography or photo editing. The leading process for super realistic images with unbeatable contrast and detail that you have never seen before! Special price for GOTD users: get HDR projects 4 Pro for only $20 instead of $198!
Of those that didn't get the registration how many used YAHOO email? I found that my attempts to use YAHOO all failed and I had to make an account with GMAIL before I could get this to work. The first GMAIL didn't work, I made a second one and I got that one to work.
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How to get the registration code?
If you filled the form and did not get the registration code yet, please follow these steps.
1. Start the Franzis website (sorry, it is in German)
2. Click on Anmelden, Mein Konto link
3. Fill in E-Mail and Passwort, use the same words you used in the form, and press Anmelden button.
4. If you have an account you can see now
Meine bei FRANZIS registrierten Produkte
Folgende Produkte haben Sie bei uns registriert.
HDR projects 3 professional Windows - giveawayoftheday
Please press "Registrierungscode erneut anfordern " link to get the code resent.
You'll get it within a few minutes.
You can register the program at any time within one month.
If you don't see the "HDR projects 3 professional Windows - giveawayoftheday " then you didn't send the form and asking for the code was not successfull.
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might as well close this hours earlier for email response won't come til too late, if ever
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Received two different activation codes. One worked. That one is also the "serial number" requested when the software opens. Itsa mystery.
GUI size is fine on my Win 10 HD. Thanks.
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When I saw the "Thumbs up" so low and the Comments' numbers high, I knew immediately the reason had to be issues re Franzis' registration process. Why? Because their software is excellent and registering is a long, aggravating process.
#27 ChrisM's instructions illustrate just how ridiculous that process is for 'HDR projects 3 Pro' and is equally for all their other products. Considering it's not the latest version, I suggest GOTD require them to reduce the hoops we users have to jump through! Orrr...don't offer them at all. Their software may be good, but there's many other sources of equal quality offered here and on other giveaway sites w/o the hassles and wasted time!
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It seems they get backed up with sending out license keys. Time to call it a night, and the email has yet to arrive. I do hope they make the key usable tomorrow.
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In addition to having to send in my email, before even being able to install the software, it now says it is just a 30 day trial and requires a serial, which was not provided
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Like many been waiting for over 8 hours and no email reply with codes nor key.
*8 hours it's the general difference in time from North America and Europe +/- 3 Hrs.
Been on the site before so already have an account... So !!!!
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I have not received the email from you to activate this software. I went to the Franzis website as instructed, logged in, completed the registration, and it says it was completed and an email will be sent shortly, but I never received any email. Please help. Thank you.
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Got an email with all kind of offers to buy the product but NO registration key.
Pretty useless exercise. FAIL.
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For some reason, the Mac version does not open, no matter what.
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Will this work on a Windows 10 machine?
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Barney Rubble, Finally got this installed on my Windows 10 computer, but it doesn't seem to work. I get the opening splash screen that shows the camera lens, but that's it.
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Barney Rubble,
Yes, it works fine on my PC - Windows 10 64-bit.
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Tried and tried to get the sign in to work BUT no go. Haven't received and email from them ALL day! Was looking forward to this program too. Hmm, will just have to try some other HDR program.
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works with xp
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Installed and registered. When I start the program, it just shows the splash screen and stays there. If I click the splash screen, I get an error message from Windows, saying that the program is not responding, and giving me the option to kill it.
Please help. Thank you.
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I find the Franzis products to be by far, the most difficult to register. I had this product a year or so back when it was offered on GOTD but have since purchased a new computer. Like many others I have not received my email after waiting 1/2 day. I have tried several different accounts. One time, I got an "internal error" on their website when using a @.org email account. I honestly don't know why I am getting the Franzis HDR, because I only used it once from the last install. I think it must be because I find it to be such a challenge to navigate their German site and try to figure out how to get the code.
I am an amateur photographer and appreciate any photo software offerings by GOTD. I really liked the HDR product Photomatrix Essentials 4.x that was offered a while back. I used that software many times. It was very professional and the installation was a snap.
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Like several others have commented below, I enter the required information onto the website for receiving a registration code and I never get one. I've waited 5 hours now. I've tried several times. A little frustrating.
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The Franzis site will not let me complete the download and registration. The email they promise to send with the 'password' has never arrived, despite repeated attempts to request it. I did the initial request, and the 'forgot password' options, but despite their statement that the email has been sent, it's never been received (nothing in junk folder). Thanks for nothing seems to be the theme today.
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Andrea Stacy, same old story from this software company
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Their website seems to be down thus I cannot get the info, http 404 not found.
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It seems that there is no difference between today's GAOTD and that of May 24th, 2016:
- I had installed the GAOTD on May 24th, 2016, and got HDR Projects version 3.34.02375.
- I have reinstalled the GAOTD of today, and I have got exactly the same version 3.34.02375 (installed on Windows 10, 64 bits)
If you already have the previous GAOTD, do not waste time installing the present one.
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Gerard, but today is the professional version, last time it wasn't.
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M. H., you are right !!! I did not notice that.
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Gerard, Thanks. I thought this sounded familiar. Mine was installed on May 23, 2016. Plus I never received an email for this one.
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Adrian, It took them over 12 hours to send the registration info so what good is that? It was too late then.
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At the end of the setup I get the message: Photoshop CC 2014/CC/Cs6 or Photoshop Elements 13/12/11 could not be found on this computer.
You can use this setup package to install the plug-ins at a later time.
When I open the software A window opens inviting me to enter the serial number, I now understand I need to enter it a SECOND time... Not very clear though, why twice???
So I open PS and I get a message that some plug-ins are not on my system or something like that, and are invites to click on: System info in PS and this is what I find: Duplicate and Disabled plug-ins:
HDR projects 3 professional NO VERSION - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2017\Plug-ins\HDRProjects3Pro_PH7_x64.8be”
Plug-ins that failed to load:
HDR projects 3 professional NO VERSION - - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2017\Plug-ins\HDRProjects3Pro_PH7_x86.8be”
HDR projects 3 professional NO VERSION - - from the file “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2017\Plug-ins\Photoshop CC Plugins\HDRProjects3Pro_PH7_x86.8be”
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Thank you to Franzis and G.O.T.D. for this grate HDR program that merge also Nikon NEF (RAW) images.
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What a hastle to get the username and password. I hope this software was worth it.
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Brilliant software but nearly 1/2 a day before getting codes (Already had an account with them)
Perhaps they saw my prev message but at least I am up & running and happy to have it back again.
DO remember to download to your desktop, the English Instruction Manual provided in the download.
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I got the user ID and code but now I am asked for a serial number. I put in the product code but apparently that is not the same as the serial number. How do I get the serial number? Thanks.
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Stephen Pell, use the registration code.
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Pretty useless when you never receive the registration codes and all their website "help" is
"Important Notice: if you do not receive the confirmation message within a few minutes of signing up,please check your Junk E-mail folder just in case the confirmation email got delivered there instead of your inbox. If so, select the confirmation message and click Not Junk, which will allow future messages to get through. "
What if it never gets to ANY of my mail folders? There's no contact info or way to get them to resend...
I'd like to try the program but it seems like a real waste of time at this point...it's been 2 1/2 hours already... Major FAIL.
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Diana Carroll,
Be patient.
Mine took 4 hours and then three arrived (I tried 3 times lol)
It'll happen. :)
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Not a bad program if my memory serves me well.
but not if you have already had their offering before it would seem.
Waited 1/2 day for my reg codes. No show not even in Spam folder.
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HDR = High Dynamic Range. A digital camera's sensor is limited in what data it can capture. The camera's electronics &/or software lean towards light, dark, or balanced in between. But you can take all 3 pictures, & then fuse them together IF your camera allows it -- some cell phones & cameras can do the whole thing for you, take separate photos at different settings & combine them into an HDR image. With a camera however the result might be jpeg rather than RAW. With a camera, taking a set of pictures at slightly different settings is called bracketing -- you normally set the different parameters, e.g. one picture adjusted dark, one with no adjustments, & one adjusted lighter. Originally it was to give you 3 options -- you'd choose which picture was best -- but they can just as easily be combined in HDR Projects 3 Pro.
Note not every picture can benefit, & an HDR image may display better on some panels than others -- if a display crushes shadows already, adding more shadow detail won't help. The same can be said for printing.
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Many thanks to Franzis, GOTD for this, and to JohnL for his comments [#5].
As an amateur, I'm having great fun tweaking my photos with this and the previous edition. And I love the results: the images are more interesting and captivating.
Yes, the download, registration first, installation next, is quirky, and tho I've
done it before, I still fumble through it.
For me, it's well worth it.
Give it a shot and enjoy.
Thanks again.
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Many thanks GotD for this software, I know I will find it useful as I got a spiffy new camera for Christmas and am experimenting extensively with HDR photography! I already had the regular HDR Projects 3 from here (from May last year) but the Pro version looks more full featured. I'm very pleased with this offer and the results from a quick test with it just now are impressive.
For those wondering how to install this is how I managed it - unnecessarily complicated and fiddly but I got there in the end after about a quarter of an hour...
1. Click Download link above (Mac users: there is a different link for you above). I don't have a Facebook a/c so I selected the email link option. Fill in your email address and wait for first email.
2. First email: contains link to download the software. Download to your PC.
3. Unpack zip, read the text file if you like and start the installer...
A registration type of panel pops up with an "Internet button" - click this first.
4. The "Internet" part of the install procedure requires you to enter your name, address, email and a password. This appears to be in order to setup an account of some kind. You HAVE to agree to getting newsletters too.
NOTE: If you have already registered an email address for an earlier version of the software (as I had) then you need to provide a different email address, unless you have an online account already, which I didn't.
5. Submit this info and wait for a second email.
Check your spam folder if you don't see this and/or add registration@post.franzis.de to your whitelist. This 2nd email contains a link for you to confirm/vaildate your email address for the account you just created.
Once validated wait for a third email...
6. The third email FINALLY contains a User ID and registration code!
7. Go back to the waiting program installer. Fill in your ID and code. The program can now be installed.
When it fires up for the first time you have to enter the registration code for a second time before you can get in.
8. That's it. Done!
9. Make yourself a nice cup of tea and relax - after this song and dance you will need it. ;-)
I hope this helps someone, or at least gives an idea of the process. It's a bit tortuous but it broadly went off without a hitch for me. Good luck!
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Good grief. More like a nice stiff drink after all that! Nice job on the instructions. :)
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ChrisM, So, is the hdr a thirty day trial? The second time adding a reg.code says 30 day trial activiation.
thanks .
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No, no sign of a trial here, it looks fully registered as far as I can tell. As I outlined in my instructions above I entered my User ID and Registration code (as supplied in email #3) so that the installer could start and then, when the program first fires up, the requested Registration code again in order to get in and play. Can't remember now if I got actual confirmation of successful registration but presumably the install would not have gone ahead if the details were not acceptable. ?
Have you looked round for somewhere to enter your details? That's often an option with trials. You might have inadvertently gone ahead with a trial install. Or maybe you didn't fully copy/paste the code when the program started so it assumed you were not a registered user. I'm just guessing here.
Looking at the manual that came with the download, page 4, there's a shot of the registration/activation dialog. This is not what I saw, by the way, but the suggestion from this is that you can try the program out for 30 days or you can activate it. Therefore I would expect there to be somewhere to input your reg code if you chose to do this "Later", which is the second button choice on that dialog.
I hope you find your answer!
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Installed on Win7 64x -no problems - just that I ended up on the German site and had to keep in translating until I got to the English site....fortunately I had created an account when I installed HDR2. Anyway, this is a good product - not very intuitive but I would suggest playing with a few images and adjusting them using the tools. It does some pretty amazing adjustments to images and some nice adjustments for play purposes. I used an outdoor scene and adjusted the sky color and the clouds and got some interesting and plain weird/unusual looking images. Give it a try and keep it as useful tool for making images look unusual.
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Downloaded the ZIP, extracted and got the Program installing. Clicked INTERNET, filled out but didn't get an EMail. Now what?
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Barney Rubble, I had to use a different EMail for some reason. I got it installed and working. I really like the software, makes some amazing photo transformations. Here's an example of the first image I tried with it:
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Barney Rubble,
Same here, tried XY times, 2 emails...
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I didn't receive my Email with the ID/Key.
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Carroll MacDonald, cc
If it is not in your spam/junk folder, try using a disposable email provider, like 10 min com. I did that, and it worked for me. If you find you are almost running out of time (10 min), extend the time by another 10 minutes.
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Carroll MacDonald, Franzis filter out emals from disposable email addresses, in an attempt to get only your real email and details. I ended up setting up an email with a well-known company, just for Franzis stuff. Their programs are VERY good indeed and worth it, but registration is an incredible pain, as is the newsletters, which you have to keep unsubscribing from. You really should use just one email address for this company's software and nothing else. I wish they would change their practices.
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Terry Yore,
Total rubbish.
A few moments ago, my boyfriend also used a disposable email to download and register this giveaway successfully on his computer.
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consuella, and that is why the english website is now down...so Franzis can filter out disposable emails through their actual .de site
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consuella, "disposable mail addresses" are not accepted.
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If you like fake pictures, this is for you. I prefer natural shades, to express the reality of the moment and the true colors and hues, therefore, will not install it.
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bantom, Very true..... it is a great tool to use.... but too many people blow out the contrast and colors to a point of ridiculousness.
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"If you like fake pictures, this is for you. I prefer natural shades, to express the reality of the moment and the true colors and hues, therefore, will not install it."
Done properly, the whole point of HDR [photo & video] is a more lifelike picture. In real life there are no artificial steps between purest black & purest white -- with things digital that's a necessity, same as with audio. With audio you increase the sample rate, meaning more possible steps more-or-less, to get more quality. *Think* of HDR as doing the same for your photos.
With photos you're not actually adding more possible steps the way you are when you increase the audio sample rate, but you're working around limitations of the camera's sensor & electronics. Since the camera cannot capture *all available* shadow & highlight detail in the same photo, you take one photo with shadow detail, one with highlight detail, & put them together.
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mike, you said:
"...............you take one photo with shadow detail, one with highlight detail, & put them together."
If that is OK with you, I'm glad you like this software.
On the other hand I'm with bantom, more of a realistic and true colors gal. Nothing can compare the real picture even if it is not perfect. Reality has 100 times more value than a phony picture.
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Web site is down... https://www.projects-software.com/hdr/hdr-projects-3-professional
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downloaded and installed, had to check spam because of a previous giveaway that sent a ridiculous amount of email. Still not the easiest to use, definitely has a learning curve. haven't seen anything very impressive that most freebies can do. Uninstalling mainly because of two reasons. 1:too steep of a learning curve with nothing that I don't already have (that can be done much easier) and 2:they can't even set up their website correctly to prevent theft of information. If a "professional" company can't even get a website right, how good can their software be? Very unimpressed here.
As a slight side note, the addons for Photoshop are also very disappointing and far to easy to replicate
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The owner of www.projects-software.com has configured their web site improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this web site.
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You can access Franzis website through the program.The pro version include maximum algorithms for preparation and blending of the images AFAIU.Works on XP SP3.A very velcome item for my digital darkroom.Thank you Franzis!
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Previous offer of version 3 elements has these features:
6 professional HDR algorithms
40 Presets for masterful images in landscape, nature, monochrome, architecture, surreal and artistic settings
Intelligent optimization assistant for sharpness, tone values, clarity and noise removal
Fully automatic alignment for exposure series taken without a tripod
High end ghost image removal for moving subjects
Supports all current RAW, TIFF and JPEG formats
HDR effects also possible with only one image
Includes scratch and sensor spot corrector
Current offer of Pro version:
13 different HDR algorithms
Individually weight each exposure
Selective exposure and HDR weighting with HDR Painter
Highly precise alignment for crisp exposure series results
Fully automatic high-end ghost image remover – also manually useable in extreme situations
Professional pro-league RAW converter for all RAW formats
81 presets for faster professional results
10 tone mapping calculation algorithms for the most creative freedom possible
72 high-end filters for creative looks and print-ready images
Area corrector for sensor spots
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Great product, I got v3 for GOTD previously.
However the link to the homepage does not work and if you search on google and try to access the developers website that was, it no longer exists. So if you want the application grab it now from GOTD as it may be the only way to get it.
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alan, only the german version of their sites work.
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Tried adding a "Security Exception" to be able to see the company's website, however, I received an "Error establishing a database connection" for both "www.projects-software.com/hdr/hdr-projects-3-professional" and even for just the "www.projects-software.com" home page.
Then I also received a "404 Not Found" error for "https://www.projects-software.com/hdr/hdr-projects-4". None of their company's links are currently working. Not even their home page!
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http://www.franzis.de/ -it's working as always!? this link on GOTD page is ''broken''
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Sandman, it works only the german site. www.projects-software.de/hdr/hdr-projects-3-professional
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nibo1978, thanks! I was able to add your link to Google Translates to read it in English. Here is the link to the translation: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.projects-software.de%2Fhdr-projects-3-professional.
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I already have HDR 3 Pro from GOTD. Is it really different from the one offered today?
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FranMuy, I believe previous version offered was "express edition" not "professional".
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FranMuy, I installed the last one and it doesn't say Pro. Plus if you look at the history:
It doesn't say Pro either, so I'd check as this appears not to have been offered before.
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On attempting to access the developers website I get the following message:
There is a problem with this website's security certificate!
This can mean that someone is trying to trick you or steal information you send to the server. You should close this website immediately.
I have tried both Edge and Firefox :-(
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On attempting to access the developers website (via the link above)I get :
"Your connection is not secure
The owner of www.projects-software.com has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website."
...... and this on two different machines running two different OS's.
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installed easily in Win 8.1 ... I LOVE this companies software! can't wait to play! thanks GOTD and FRANZIS!
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BTW this free version 3 is well outdated. The 20 dollar version 4 is also outdated, current version is 5, it sells for an insane price of almost 300 €. I'd like to meet someone, who would not buy Photomatix and still had for 17 months worth of Photoshop + Lightroom subscription from Adobe instead :-D
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Vlastimil, Like several photo software companies (DXO cough cough) the trick is never to pay full price. Just sign up to the newsletter and wait for a deal.
Version 3 is still a good HDR program though (I have v4 BTW) and a bargain at free (as I think it's better than Nik's effort).
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Already have HDR Projects 3........does anyone know how this Pro version differs & if the differences make it'worth installing
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Paul Whiteley, There is a handy comparison chart on their web-page, but it seems broken right now (the whole projects-software site) so I can't help. I think the link will be this when they fix it:
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The German version of the page is below. You can use translation sites like Google Translate to read it until they fix the English version of their site:
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Dan, excellent link, and the OP's answer is yes, it is worth installing if they have the non-Pro version.
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i downloaded the file and its only WIN version in the file and i have mac!
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Read above, and where it says "If you are a Mac user please download the installation file here (65.7 MB)."
You simply click on "Here" which is highlighted in blue.
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queenbee, underneath the description above is the Mac link! just above How would you improve HDR projects 3 Pro (Win&Mac)? :)
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queenbee, It says above that there is a special link for mac users. Did you use that?
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I can't get passed the registration to continue download. No conformation email just password sent.
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Ron Clarke, same, then I set in a password I just came up with and then it proceeded, I was then send an email with ID-nr and serialnr.
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I tried to visit the publishers site using the link above. I received the following message...
"Your connection is not secure
The owner of www.projects-software.com has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website."
I am using Firefox 50.1.0 on a Windows 10 Anniversary update laptop. This does not make a good first impression.
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gpc111, Their ssl certificate is wrong (belonging to myserverhosts.com), I wonder if they have changed their hosting company and the site is broken because they haven't done it properly.
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gpc111, I get the exact same response.
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gpc111, the link is wrong! Please change .com in .de.
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