Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
GDocsDrive 3.1 was available as a giveaway on September 25, 2016!
One problem of Google Drive is that it syncs all the files to your local disk, which consumes too much disk storage, network bandwidth, and downloading time. As a disk-free client for Google Drive, GDocsDrive offers you all features of Google Drive from your desktop, allowing you to edit the cloud file with local software.
Windows XP/ 7/ 8/ 10/ Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2012
7.78 MB
CubeBackup can protect your data with automatic and incremental backups of all Gmail, Google Docs, Google Contacts, and Google Calendar information. Secure your business data with a local backup.
This will save me precious disk storage, network bandwidth, and downloading time. As well as more operational efficiency. Works for me. Thanks.
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Installed it and it works as advertised for me but it needs an image preview option .
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Can't install on my Windows 10 64bit. NSIS error. Installer is corrupt. Can you please send me the full installation file. Thank you very much.
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Marcelino, Jr. Domingo,
I also have a WIN 10 64 bit machine. I initially had problems installing as it would not allow me to paste in the license key. Then after five attempts,, the last one from copying the license key again, that time was the charm.
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Marcelino, Jr. Domingo, try downloading the app from their site then enter the reg #
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Peter v Rijswijk,
Thank you very much. I was able to install and activated the software as per your instructions.
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Another easy way to store, backup and grab my stuff without logging into to google.
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Yes, definitely a comfortable way of accessing Google Drive on a Win Desktop.
No hesitation, for me a very useful addition.
Thank you, dear Giveaway Team, and of course, thumbs up to GDocsDrive :-)
Very prompt response from GDocsDrive by mail and I do hope they will continue to support Google Drive and might even extend their services to Dropbox, another popular web drive.
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Have downloaded and installed on windows 7, 64bit.
First problem is that it opens a page in my default browser (firefox) asking me to logon to Google. When I logon to Google I always use Google chrome but there is no option to specify in the program which browser you'd like to use. (Probabaly a minor problem for most people but a show stopper for me)
Second problem, when I did logon to Google in my Firefox browser as requested, I got a page asking me to allow Gdocsdrive access. I clicked the allow button and it opened a page with a url starting with: http://localhost:56817 and I then got the message: "The connection was reset", and nothing happened. I then tried the same process with my Firewall turned off but got the same problem.
So at the moment I'm unable to test to see if the program is any good.
The concept is great and it is something I would use if I could get it working
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NW, Happened to me too with Win10x64 and Firefox. But after the error I just closed the page and the software was showing all the content. This program seems a little amateur with Win3.11 look. But it actually does what it promises.
Developer, You are on the right track. Thank you for this giveaway.
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NW, It looks like you are connected to http://localhost:56817 and all of your files will be re-routed to that host before it goes to google.
I would uninstall the software if that is the case.
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You realize that the app is just establishing which port on YOUR computer to use, right?
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NW, If I wanted this and had the same issue, I'd do some more troubleshooting!
To me, it sounds like you have some sort of "rule" set up on port 56817. Your ISP could have that port blocked. If not, it will be either on the local hardware/software firewall, a program running in the background on your computer, or on the router/gateway.
Anyway, TCP/UDP port 56817 is, as far as I know, used for private networks. Here's a link that may help you, I hope so:
Good luck!
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NW, I'm Jerry, the author of GDocsDrive. GDocsDrive employs OAuth2.0 for login authentication. OAuth2.0 doesn't require your account and password when logging in, instead it redirects you to the Google's login page, which is a much safer way to protect your credentials from being leaked to any third parties. For any web-based apps/websites, after OAuth logging and clicking the "Allow access" button, OAuth will redirect you from Google's page to the original webpages. For desktop-apps, it redirects to a localhost page and then close the browser in less than 1 seconds. In some rare cases, the browser might not be closed correctly and keep open.
GDocsDrive is completly safe and do not open any routing port on your computer. Everything you saw was just a normal OAuth login.
Thanks for all the comments!
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Jerry, Thanks for your reply.
I'll retry and see if the program works after I close the browser. Do you have to stay logged in to Google in your browser?
I prefer not to stay logged in to Google on my firefox (default) browser.
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NW, No need to stay logged in in any browser. And, after the first time browser login, GDocsDrive will not ask for a login again in the future. Actually, when the OAuth login was completed, a long string (Access Token) was generated and GDocsDrive will use this access token for future logins .
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Jerry, That's brilliant - much better than I expected! Thank you so much.
I have the program working and as you say there is no need to login to Google each time.
Note that my firewall was continually asking whether to allow an outbound connection because GDocsDrive was connecting to a different server each time (I'm assuming it is the Google servers it is connecting to), so I had to set the firewall to allow GDocsDrive to connect to any server. Just mentioning here as other people may have similar problems with their Firewalls.
When I first used it I was thinking "how do I sync the edited file back to Google docs" but after checking I see that it does it automatically.
I can see that this answer is on your FAQ page - but it is under the question:
"How does the “Open with a default local application” feature work?"
Maybe include an extra question such as :
"How do I sync my locally edited files back to Google"
Thanks so much for a great program
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How is possible? Any reference?
To me it seems impossible.
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[One problem of Google Drive is that it syncs all the files to your local disk, which consumes too much disk storage, network bandwidth, and downloading time.]
It is not a problem because you change your sync settings for Google Drive.
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So correct. Why give access to 3rd party when Google Drive already does this. Sounds like bad idea for security.
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Kao & Ric, I think you are missing the point. This allows a lot more control than an "all or none" sync for specific folders. The advantage of Google Drive (and most cloud storages) is that it allows synced content across all of your devices that use the same google account. The issue is that if you "disable" syncing then the files on different machines will not be the same, so if you modified a presentation at home for work but didn't sync it then your work computer or device would have an outdated file. Conversely if you use a data plan, you don't want all your devices to be constantly updating files you might not need. This program gives you the "best of both worlds" kind of option. Files modified are saved to the Google Drive but NOT automatically downloaded to your other devices UNTIL you select the file to work with. This has the potential to save wasted data transfer.
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Cannot see the point of this seeing as Google won't allow its servers to be used to store files after October... :(
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Kiwi1960, source of that information please? Google Drive is not being discontinued according to any information I can find, they give you 15GB of free cloud storage. This program just ties into Google Drive and allows you to "temporarily" download the file you wish to work on and then uploads it & removes from your computer when done. Not that saving 15GB is a lot of space for most hard drives, but this does save a lot of potential data transfer & re-syncing if you work with files stored in your Google Drive.
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I just did a search on Google, and a couple of tech news sites I like. I can't find any indication of this.
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