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FlexClip is a drag & drop online video editor designed to create videos in minutes. It contains stunning video templates that users can select, whether used for commercial purposes or a home clip. It also provides you with various features such as importing images, video, sound files, text, and even logo to customize your video.
Some of its key features:
- Possibility to manage everything with the drag and drop of the mouse.
-Choose a large number of video templates, pictures, and audio tracks.
-Support all the most popular formats, such as MOV, WEBM, M4V, MP4, AAC, FLAC, M4A, MP3, etc.
-Highly precise cutting, splitting the video.
-Zoom, rotate photos and video clips.
-Possibility to add caption texts, logo, music, transition effects and much more.
-Option to record your own voice over.
-Exports based on the most common proportions, such as 16:9, 9:16, 1:1 format.
-High quality video creation, including 480p, 720p and 1080p.
NB: Annual license.
The program is available for $95.88, but the winners of our contest will get it for free.
Please there is no link to download or follow on the message sent to we winners. Please kindly check. Thank you
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fyi, FB (and most likely Twitter) was created by the CIA as a means to get peoples personal data so they can spy on you. It was a part of a Darpa project. Use at your own risk.
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dq, the voices in your head told you that right?
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I click on Share on Twitter and it wants me to logon to Facebook?? No thanks.
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I don't use Facebook or Twitter so I guess I'm out of luck. I don't mind sharing via email, but getting tired of these offers that try and "force" us to use other social media platforms just so we can try their products. Happy New Year anyway.
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Do not use facebook, twitter and other idle time web applications.
Don't know why they want us to post links for this website to those websites...
Users of those websites are not software customers..
Harder and harder to find a giveaway worth downloading,
screening with antivirus, installing and testing as it is.....
Let alone "Jump thru hoops"
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Hi everybody
Thank you very much for the great gift
good luck to all
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kolovovic, it is not a gift; it is limited to the few who will jump thru hoops
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