Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Filter Forge 7 Pro was available as a giveaway on December 7, 2021!
Filter Forge is a mighty graphic software with thousands of photo effects and seamless textures, and an editor to create your own filters. It allows computer artists to use and build filters – seamless textures, visual effects, distortions, patterns, backgrounds, frames, and more. The key features of Filter Forge include a visual node-based filter editor and a free online library of over 12,800 user-created filters to which anyone can contribute.
Windows 7 (x64)/ 8/ 10; Core 2 Duo or better CPU, 4 GB RAM;,1 GB free disk space, Screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher, Internet connection to access the Filter Library and submit filters, Host application to use Filter Forge in the plugin mode; Mac OS X 10.8 – Mac OS X 10.14, Multi-core Intel CPU, 4 GB RAM, 1 GB free disk space, Screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher, Internet connection to access the Filter Library and submit filters, Host application to use Filter Forge in the plugin mode
185 MB
lifetime license with support and no updates
Dear GOTD users,
please note that ALL who requested the registration codes today will receive those for
sure and will be able to register the program with it! The registration system is email sensitive, so it is recommended to use some widely used email provider to prevent the company server being black listed.
Please don't worry as the developers server needs some time to proceed all requests!
Thank you for understanding!
GOTD team
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How do I know if my email provider isn't black listed?
Al list might help.
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Terry I,
when you request the code you'll be informed about this.
GOTD team
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Thank you Helen.
That puts my mind at rest x
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Terry I, ...If you use one of the big emails (like gmail.com) it will say that an email has been sent. However if you use an email (like your work email) that is not a big email company, but your domain (for example; Betty@FlowerWorld.com) it will say something regarding the email. I believe the "Sent" one is in Green and the "use a better email" one is in Red. PLEASE BE PATIENT. The Filter Forge webpage says to use the 30 day trial and it may take UP TO A WEEK to get you your code. From Independent Reviews from known Designers, They RAVE about how AWESOME this is. Well Worth Downloading Guys!
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hotmail.hu domain is a Microsoft domain (as outlook.com), and I get 'Your email provider is not on the whitelist.' message.
Please check it, and add this domain to whitelist!
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Thank you Helen, thank you, thank you, thank you.
I got the registration info a few hours later. You were absolutely right.
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Helen, received my registration codes but informed when pasted that the code was in an invalid format
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Halasi Miklos, thanks for the suggestion, we'll add this domain in the Whitelist.
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YAY! went through spam folder again and there was the registation email... Thank you, all up and running now
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Never got my Registration code. Used my normal gmail acc and gone thru spam folder etc. Shame, was looking forward to using this
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No key sent and registration deadline passed. Waste of time.
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Still no email with the key and I sent off my request yesterday at 1PM. Sigh.
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Alan Peterman, Same here. Did you ever get yours? I have not. I just used the contact form to send them a message. Pity as I have been a paying customer in the past, and really enjoy using Filter Forge. But this giveaway has been a bit of a dud for me so far because I never got the key.
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Downloaded, installed, and registered 3+ hours before promo expiration, with a gmail.com email address...never got any activation code. Checked all folders, including spam and trash, but I never received any email.
There are several other ways to prevent bots from signing up for fraudulent accounts. I recommend Filter Forge investigate those methods.
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Can you use this with Windows 11?
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Thanks GOTD! Downloaded the program 3 hrs before expiration. Rec'd the key within 10 minutes.
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Registration details finally arrived several hours after I applied. Pleased with the application. Well worth waiting.
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use a virtual machine.
Install LINUX on the computer as the base system, and then install a virtual machinebase, like VMware. Then install what you want to use, as a virtual machine on top of that. The virtual machine is nothing but a set of files (several gigabytes in total), which you can copy to the HDD of your new computer, which, of course, should be a LINUX machine with a virtual machine base on it.
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If I have to re-install (or upgrade) my OS or move (permanently) from one computer to a new one, will this still work for me? Or once it's activated, it's toast if I need to install a new harddrive? Please advise, thanks!
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Flamanar, you should be fine with reinstalling / activating, since the program is activated locally, not online, it is probably unlikely that it's activation is based on any hardware.
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I still have not gotten the email and license key. It's been about 15 hours and only six more hours before midnight. I used a gmail account and have looked in every folder, spam, trash, deleted, etc, and it's not there. I am now trying an Outlook email account and hope that I receive it. I tried the gmail email twice and the second time it said that they had sent one to that address already, but I sure can't find it.
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COLLETTE BAILEY, have you received the key already?
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COLLETTE BAILEY, I also have not received the license key after more than 24 hours.
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Alan P, please contact our support team with this issue https://www.filterforge.com/contact/
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Got the ZIP file to my MacBook, opened it and copied "Setup.dmg" to the desktop. It contains (surprise!) "Filter Forge 6.pkg" (Oct 20, 2017) which will not install no matter what I try, showing this message every time:
“Filter Forge 6.pkg” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.
This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.
This item is on the disk image “Setup.dmg”. This disk image was downloaded on an unknown date.
Sure would like to be able to try this...
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OK, I looked up that warning message and it turns out there's a method to force-install the package (right-click, choose Open, see warning, choose Open again to proceed).
Still somewhat disappointed that it's an even older version than 7, given that the current version is 10.
Still, can't complain -- thanks anyway for this freebie!
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Well, if I had read just a bit further in the email that contained the registration/license info, I would have seen the instruction to download v7 of the macOS version.
But as it initially was, I had already installed the v6 that came in the ZIP file from GOTD as the email did not arrive until hours later. I became frustrated that the registration/license info was not accepted (by the v6 installation), even when cut & pasted.
And then... my eyes spied the directions further down in the email to download and install v7 directly from THEIR website. Why it wasn't included in the GOTD zip file is a mystery.
Anyway, after uninstalling v6 then installing v7 all is now well. Wow, this installation got stretched out over many hours today.
Many thanks, though, Filter Forge & GOTD!
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Hmarx, that's great that everything's fine now. We had lots (LOTS) of license key requests and our server was a bit overloaded for some time (first part of the day).
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J'aimerais recevoir le code D'activation
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Version 9 was out about 2 years ago, current is V 10. I'd like to see them host a couple clips showing several filter choices being applied to an image. There is not a lot of information about the product to be found on their website.
Including image formats supported, resolutions supported, etc.
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BobbyA, there's a video here and on the filterforge.com with a general overview of the program.
As for the resolutions and file formats, you can read more about all Filter Forge features here
Resolutions: The biggest one we tried was 65536x65536 pixels — and it worked! Granted, it took hours, but anyway! Furthermore, the interface remained responsive — we were able to zoom and pan the preview while rendering that monstrosity. In Basic edition the image resolution is limited to 3000*3000px.
File formats: Filter Forge supports majority of the commonly used ones (like jpg, png, bmp, tiff) and more rare formats (like OpenEXR, PFM)
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Filter Forge, Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yup 65K x 65K is significantly larger than I shoot, but good to know. Looked interesting. But your "non conventional" (a euphemism) email filter killed the deal for me. Maybe another time.
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BobbyA, maybe another time, yep. Unfortunately, giveaways are plagued by bad guys who deliberately specify invalid email addresses - as a result, our mail server is blacklisted by popular email providers, and good guys can't get their deserved free copies. This is the one and only reason we implemented the whitelist system.
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Filter Forge, If you are only sending the registration code, using a fake email is a dead end and not popular. If you aren't sending the users multiple offer emails beyond the registration code, I'm not sure how you would come to be blacklisted for emailing a bunch of deadend addresses at any given domain.
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BobbyA, some guys (or girls) leave us spam traps as a contact email. We really don't know why but that happened several times.
As a result our customers with at&t emails can't get proper support -- at&t blocked our domain as a spam one.
We just don't want our customers to suffer because of the giveaways and the Whitelist is our way to stay safe.
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I have purchased all the versions and then bought the neverending subscription. Love this software.
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Nancy, thanks for your kind words!
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Just received my key (in about 1 hour after registration) and it registered fine.
Now it's my turn to make me some nice filters. :D
Thanks for the offer.
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Hurray.. finally got my key ... great software Thank you Filter Forge and GOTD!!!
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Whew!! Got it!! Thanks! All running good!!!
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It did take some time (applied 10am) and with a little patience (received 2:19pm) I finally receive my registration.
A BIG Thank You to Filter Forge, Inc. and the GOTD Team for this (F)antastic (F)reebie.
P.S. Everyone, please do not forget to check your e-mail spam folder.
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No desktop shortcut icon? Installed around 2AM as part of paint.net and still no Key. Reinstalled at about 11:45 AM as standalone under administrator and different e-mail provider... again no desktop shortcut and waiting for key. I really want this program. Has anyone received their Key?
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unruly, yes, keys are arriving.
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Required privilege's are not held by the client. It will not allow me to install. I tried admin privilege's as well. Why is this ?
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Running with admin privilege's does not work either.
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Kat, make sure you're running Setup.exe and not Setup.dmg(if you're on windows). If that doesn't work. right-click on the executable file and go to properties in properties see if the file is blocked because it was downloaded from the internet and unblock it and apply the changes and try to run it again.
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Kat, if you still have any problems with Filter Forge installation, please let us know via https://www.filterforge.com/contact/
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I agree that the email domain requirement is pretty annoying--especially when I've been using Filter Forge since 2008, including paid versions, and they won't take the email address that I have used to give them money on more than one occasion.
Anyway, that being said, I love using Filter Forge, and this version works just like the previous versions I've used, including the plugin for Paint Shop Pro. I especially like the photo effects, and I love perusing and downloading user-created filters. It's a great program and worth trying. Installed smoothly with no issues.
But yeah, annoying that I had to use an old email address that I rarely use anymore just to register the darn thing.
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jogo, thank you for the kind words. Unfortunately, giveaways are plagued by bad guys who deliberately specify invalid email addresses - as a result, our mail server is blacklisted by popular email providers, and good guys can't get their deserved free copies. This is the one and only reason we implemented the whitelist system.
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Filter Forge, thanks for your response. Unfortunately, I still haven't received the registration key.
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Filter Forge,
Still no registration key. It has been approximately 30 hours. I have checked my inbox and spam folders, and nothing. I even tried another email address. Still nothing. I guess if I never receive the registration key I will have to go back to Filter Forge 5.
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jogo, please, contact our support team via https://www.filterforge.com/contact/ They will help you with the key.
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Key finally received 3 days later. Apparently AT&T blocks Filter Forge emails, something that I did not find out until today. I received the key after Filter Forge used a gmail address to send it to me. I still like the program, but this has probably been more hassle than it was worth.
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I have had this email address for years and it has never been blacklisted EVER...
This is all I use. I had a Gmail (had) being the operative word that for my own reasons I don’t use anymore.
If I am blacklisted here then it must be a mistake or a con. Only you know the true answer to this.
Alan Gilbertson
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Alan Gilbertson,
it is not that your personal email is blacklisted!
It means that the email provider you use might be not some widely used, so the email sensitive system might reject it. All big email providers are accepted with no problems and the company promised that all users whose emails were accepted will receive the codes eventually.
GOTD team
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Alan Gilbertson,
Your mail is not on a blacklist, there IS no blacklist.
Your mail is NOT on the WHITELIST, the list of allowed mails.
Any mail that is not on the whitelist of allowed mails, is not accepted to receive a serial number.
Try using a mail from a more popular source like google mail or yahoomail or hotmail, something popular.
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Registered with a valid outlook address. 3 hours later still no email. Tried to register again with the same email and it wouldn't allow it as that email address already used BUT here I am 3+ hours after first registration, still waiting for the email.
Is the email system slow 'cos, like most office environments, it's getting to the xmas time of the year??
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TheCatSaid, patience :) registrations (like mine) are being received
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TheCatSaid, have you already received the key?
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Filter Forge,
Yes thank you. It arrived sometime later in the evening. *thumbs up*
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Whiterabbit-uk, If you got this message then you used OK email. address.
I used (for the 1st time) some NOT OK email - and I could see (on reg. page), that my email is NOT 'Whitelisted email address' (and reg. page wanted another email).
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Just want to say that I now have a registered copy. so they are catching up.
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Terry I,
lucky you
nothing here yet
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They demand an email address belonging to a whitelist so none of my providers are possible. I will pass y turn!
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PaulF, It only takes a few minutes at most to get a Gmail Account and you can use it just for things like this. Also, it will not add unsolicited emails to your regular email and you can use this Gmail account in the future. I have heard RAVE REVIEWS on this Software from Known Designers. This is a Quality Product. Your Choice, but wanted to spend a minute letting your know what I heard. If you have a use for this, you might reconsider.
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Still waiting after a few hours for an email with registration code. I filled in the details and it said:
''Your request was successfully sent, we'll send you the license key as soon as possible.''
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I to received this when it asked for my email and still have not received my code yet 3 hours later
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Finally arrived several hours later. Well worth the wait.
Stay safe everyone.
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Filter-forge only accept 'Whitelisted email addresses' to send the license code too,
that is GOOGLE, Yahoo, Outlook etc.
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Brian, Just to Clarify to the 2% that may not realize that Brian's "GOOGLE" is referring to Gmail (xxx@gmail.com) - Most will know... I know... but for the one or two that don't
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I got the message Filter-forge only accept ''Whitelisted email addresses' to send the license code too'' for Hotmail, but still got the code sent to my hotmail account.
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Email domain not white listed so no code for me??
A bit annoying but OK.
However it does not give a list of what email domains are OK to use so I have to guess. Very annoying.
I imagine I can use a gmail or outlook address but it is too early in the morning to play games.
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I love that on GAOTD it tells us Filter Forge 7 Pro. But When you download and install it on a Mac it is Version 6.010
Also how long does it take to get registration info.
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It took several hours for me to receive my registration details. Well worth the wait though.
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The e-mail with your license/registration info tells you to download v7 from THEIR website and install that. I missed reading that crucial tidbit for quite a while.
I'm not sure why they packaged v6 for macOS within today's GOTD zip file as (for me, anyway) it would not accept the license/registration info -- confusing. (See my comments/"story" above regarding my experience.)
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It would appear that if you become proficient with this offering that you could obtain the very latest PRO version for free.
Just by designing some filters for Filter Forge, as long as it is selected, you will earn brownie points - submit 3 filters and you will receive a free copy of the very latest edition. Design more and it gets better. See Here.
Anyway while you are awaiting your key why not download a few more filters (top right of program) Most will work with this version although there are some that require a later version.
Happy Days.
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Terry I,
sounds interesting
so, you have 30 days to make some awesome filters and depending on how often they are actually used it gives you points and then you could theoretically win a copy of FF
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Oskar Fischer, it's a lifetime license, so unless you die within 30 days there is no reason to assume you can't take your time learning, designing filters and working toward the free new version.
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Oskar Fischer, have you already received the Filter Forge 7 license key? If yes you have eternity to make filters because Professional edition allows you to create and submit new filters. The license we give away is a lifetime one, as David said before.
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Works with Affinity: https://www.filterforge.com/download/filter-forge-as-affinity-photo-plugin.html Thank you for this GOTD.
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hm . . . still no registration info
maybe this is a Christmas gift...
we still have a few days to go
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And I made a biiig mistake: I uninstalled my version 5 giveaway (since this one would'nt install over it). Others: don't do that!
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ouialaraison, you've probably received your registration code by now?
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CliveBowerman, Still nothing, and I've looked everywhere in my mailbox (Gmail). Still 7h45mn before the end of the giveaway though...
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ouialaraison, have you already received the key?
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Filter Forge, Yep! Key received and software successfully activated. Thank you. I like it and would have been disappointed to lose it.
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How long does it take to get a license and is it manual generated?
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and this is a good question...
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Daniel, Still waiting for mine to arrive.
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Daniel, hopefully before the 30-day free trial runs out? Seems like they know people will wonder why it is taking so long as they state: "Keep calm and wait for the key."
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Luke What, you're right! We know that such giveaways load our server greatly and it may be slow. But we know as well that everyone who requested the key will get it.
Have you already got your key?
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is it really non-commercial use?
here on the page it looks like 'commercial use allowed with no updates',
but in standard giveawayoftheday readme file it says 'strictly non-commercial usage'
=.= ...
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the software when you click ACCEPT the License agreement has no extra license agreement unless you read somewhere something about giveawayoftheday in it you are fine to use it according to the software license agreement, and THIS is the only License agreement that is valid, GOTD own license agreements would get thrown out of court
on the giveaway page for FilterForge I don't read any usage restrictions
so, no, the software is to be used within the limitations of the Filterforge software license agreement and not to GOTD. if so, they should have made it clearly visible in the Filterforge License, and this is not the case
use it as you see fit
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gtaking, you can use Filter Forge and any resulting images or patterns or textures as you want -- commercially or just for fun.
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