Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
FastPaste was available as a giveaway on May 22, 2007!
FastPaste saves your time. Paste frequently used text, formatted text and images with custom hotkeys! Makes it easy to enter frequently used text blocks: signatures, e-mail addresses, internet and IP addresses, logins or passwords, pictures, etc. Has also clipboard processing functions, like case conversion or diacritics remover.
Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server
1.83 MB
Ultimate to-do list software with a to-do list tree. Supports view modes, filtering, task attachments and many other advanced features. Powerful yet fun to use!
Simple and user friendly time management software. Allows you to allocate certain amounts of time to each of your tasks.
SmartSleep (the shutdown utility) have some really neat functions - you may display black screen during countdown so you can save life of your monitor.
I like it
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Sometimes GOTD has very good software. It seems today it is not the case. No problem, it will be better tomorrow. BUT just one question: according all the comments, mostly negative, how come there is about 60% positive comments??? Who posted them??? Strange...
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39. Sarah & 36. CJ - Please copy two different items and then press Ctrl + V and see if you can paste the first item. If you're able to do this in an Office program, try pasting the first item into another application. Can't do it without pasting into Office, copying again and repasting into another application? That's what this application is for. Plus you can store your own text which you can't do using Windows clipboard.
41. Kunzite - There are lots of other sites which do exactly what you request. GiveAwayOfTheDay isn't one of them. Thank goodness for diversity.
40. Keiko - Nice one!
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won't work on windows 3.11
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What is the point of this software exactly??
I am amazed they can sell it for $19.99 when CTRL-C and CTRL-V do the job more quickly and without taking up TSR memory.
What is the point of it?????
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Hempman #29
"I guess this is just another demonstration that if one tries to get by on-th-cheap, one continues to fill thier hard drive with loatware like FastPaste"
Wow. Cutting. I am not sure the need for such comment but to reply to the more constructive parts of your message, I too have XP Pro and Microsoft Office yet have never been aware of the facility you detail (nor the need to list programs so that you are informed of the worth of my installed software). This is not an obvious tool that comes with the Microsoft programs, I use Office daily for my 3 internet based businesses and have never come across this utility. Perhaps instead of wishing you could post screenshots you would perhaps tell where to find this facility?!
I do resent the implication that I/ others use free programs "on-th-cheap" - even if I did not have XP Pro/ Office I would not personally care. So long as there are programs available to do the job then surely it does not matter whether they are - gasp! - official Microsoft multi-hundred dollar utilities or whether they are open source. Golly, you know what, there have even been times when I have had to "get by on-th-cheap" and you know what? That is how I made enough to get Office which I did not do as a label but because I particularly wanted FrontPage to assist me when building websites. I started off with absolutely nothing and free software such as this assisted me to get 3 businesses where they are today. There is certainly no shame in using free programs, nor in "getting by on-th-cheap". Just because programs cost a lot of money does not mean that they are necessarily better nor that those who own them are any better than anyone else, something that it would perhaps be an idea to remember.
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@ #17 (& 29) Hempman:
What are you smokin' dude?! Did you forget your not alone on the planet? Not everyone is running XP Pro which is no different than XP Hm in regards to clipboard function. And not everyone wants to/is running or can afford for that matter M$ Office, let alone the 'Pro' version. A lot of apps do have some of these features, but the convenience of these functions all in one handy place is a plus for many that DO use repetitive clip/paste processes rather than trying to remember each and every apps separate feature to accomplish these tasks. We're happy for you and the fact that you have this function covered, but a good number of folks just don't have your wisdom and insight or deep pockets to keep uncle bill living the high-life.
Speaking of bloating your computer...
"As far as I can tell, this is for people trying to get off on-the-cheap, but end up bloating thier computers with stuff like this, costing more than if they bought an integrated package in the first place."
...I suppose that's something your all too familiar with. Or is this just all a 'figment of your imagination' as you toke away believing M$ is the only game in town and all can afford (or need) the Pro version(s) that are so bloated in size and price? Read your own quote! Your entire comment reeks of ignorance!
"get off on-the-cheap"?! Then what are you doing here?
"end up bloating thier computers with stuff like this, costing more than if they bought an integrated package in the first place"?! I ask you again; ...what are you doing here? Isn't your integrated package ...doing it all for you?
If your not cheap and don't want a bloated computer; again... "what are you doing here?"
Lay off the hemp-man (until after hours at least) and quite making an ignorant a** out of yourself and being a nuisance to the rest of us with your FUD.
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It's no hassle to use ctrl-c, ctrl-v or even the left and right mouse buttons. Why would I want to use system resources with a prog for it? Some people are too lazy.
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Great, now if we all promise to allow Open-Source software into our hearts, as our personal saviors, to forgive all our commercial software using sins, will you leave us alone, and go back to handing out linux disks at the airport of something???
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#17 Hempman
Open mouth, insert foot.
It's even better then the build in multiple clipboard of your overpriced bloatware MS office and *gasp* you can even install it and run it for free.
Unlike today's offering it should even work for #30 Nikita Kobrin because it supports full Unicode.
Btw, Hempman, you do know that open source software also exists for Windows and not just for Unix/Linux don't you?
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Please guys, can we PLEASE stop moaning about each other and keep our comments to the software itslf. Whether YOU like some software or not doesn't mean that someone else has a different point of view - ALL views are valid. Remember although this software is FREE to the end user, GAOTD are making money out of us. They don't offer this software out of the goodness of their hearts and so if you want to moan (even though its free) then do so. But PLEASE lets keep the personal comments out of here.
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Read the review of BladedThoth, and realized this one is [i]not[/i] the clipboard utility I'm looking for.
Thanks go out to BladedThoth for the review and to GAOTD and Dextronet for the offer.
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Thanks to all for the constructive comments and GOTD / their suppliers for the progs.
Today's giveaway? Very nice, easy to install, use, excellent interface and good features but, with other free progs readily available, and always the 'fear' that you end up having to re-install Windows, like you do, and losing today's giveaway, well, what are the alternative freebies? For me it's Phrase Express - http://www.phraseexpress.com/ Ok it's text only but packed with features and excellent user guide etc. Worth a look.
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I've just tried this app and should say that I didn't like it at all. The main shortcoming is that it doesn't support Cyrillic: this drawback is enough for me to send FastPaste to a bin. Though it's not important for those working with texts only in Roman characters I would not recommend this proggy to anybody: it is simply not convenient. In my view PhraseExpress (http://www.phraseexpress.com/) is much better and free for personal use.
My rating: ■■□□□
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Hey, Merril. -edited- Wixh we could post pics here, so I can show you how the fully updated Windows XP Pro/Office Pro Clipboard actually looks.
As I type this, there it sites over on the right hand of my screen, with the last twenty or so items I copied or cut, all ready to be selected for pasting.
I close it, hit Ctrl-C two times, and Voila, it is back ready for action again.
I guess this is just another demonstration that if one tries to get by on-th-cheap, one continues to fill thier hard drive with loatware like FastPaste.
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Wow this program is pretty sweet, I already have 10 hotkeys lined up thanks GAOTD
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#7 Alex - you can download programs without them starting up on rebooting, this can also make your pc run faster on start-up - go to Start > Run and type MSCONFIG then go to the Start Up tab. Uncheck any programs in there that you do not want running. All can be unchecked without affecting Windows as none are System utilities but if there are any you do want left (such as your anti-virus) just don't check them. Press Apply and OK and you're done; the progs are on your pc for when you want to use them but don't automatically start themselves.
#19 Ronn! - To register the program you go to http://www.dextronet.com/gotd/fp.php and type in your email address (although your email is not used for the rest of the process). Upon pressing Confirm you get your username and passcode. Your username is GiveAwayOfTheDay (typed exactly as written there) and your code is a series of numbers and dashes. Copy the numbers and dashes code and go into FastPaste and press Help > Register FastPaste - type in GiveAwayOfTheDay as your name/ company name - NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK and then the code. It will ask you to restart the program so that you are then registered.
This really is a wonderful program and contrary to previous comments does SO much more than Windows already does! Dextronet really do have some great software that they have given away recently and this is by far the best for me personally. Genuinely wonderful.
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This is the most perfect software!! I have been wanting this since the first day I used a computer and didn't think it existed!!!
To all those who cannot see the use, it is so annoying to want to paste something that you located and copied to the clipboard just a few minutes ago - but not being able to because since then something else was copied to it. The clipboard has only ever allowed ONE item to be copied and pasted, as such losing anything else when another item has to be copied to it.
I always thought that Microsoft should build into its Operating Systems "Copy 1" and "Copy 2" - if you regularly need the same things in the clipboard or, like me, use the Copy function a lot, such as for screenshots that overwrite previously copied text etc then this program is an absolute dream and I genuinely cannot thank Giveawayoftheday enough!!
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All clipboard formats are supported.
Template can be registered.
Pop-up menu is displayed by "Alt+C."
Menu can be customized.
Item is paste automatically.
Picture is displayed on a menu.
Tool tip is displayed on a menu.
The format to leave and the format to save can be set up.
The ignored window can be set up.
The paste key for every window can be set up.
Function is extensible with plug-in.
English version
clcl112_eng.exe (size 181 KB)
clcl112_eng.zip (size 145 KB)
Japanese version
clcl112.exe (size 180 KB)
clcl112.lzh (size 153 KB)
Russian version
clcl112_rus.zip (size 146 KB)
Galician version
clcl111_gl.zip (size 142 KB)
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windows makes lots of programs stop running on my pc. stupid "dep".
I might try this prog. thx gaotd!
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What a bunch of whiners. For crying out loud this is a Give Away not a paid membership, so whats all the bit*ching for? The way some of you write, I'd swear that you were coughing up 50 bucks a month to be at this site. It's GIVE AWAY so if you don't have anything good to say or if you do not need the GOTD then shut-up.
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Well, I don't think I'll download it cuz it is something I already have about 20-30 copies of ... but thanks anyway
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Ronn: If it doesn't display a nag screen at the start it is indeed registered. You can see in About dialog - Registered to: GiveAwayOfTheDay
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Hello everybody! Today's 15-Minute Review is up! Check it out!
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I've tried entering the registration information several times, but each time when I restart the program it says it is "Unregistered." Anyone else have that experience, and if so, did you get it to work? Or did I miss something?
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Crashed on Windows ME. :-(
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First, while I have not been able to test Craagle, both McAfee and Symantec have tested it and say it is safe, although it does seem to use cookies.
FastPaste seems to be another one of those programs to take people's money based on thier not knowing that thier computers and installed software already do this.
First, Win Clipbloard already does most of what FastPaste does. Then, in an elevated environment such as MS Office, the clipboard functions do all this and more. I understand from my LotusNotes pals that they can also do this sort of thing.
As far as I can tell, this is for people trying to get off on-the-cheap, but end up bloating thier computers with stuff like this, costing more than if they bought an integrated package in the first place.
Wait, maybe the "OpenSource" community can tell us, is this something _you_ guys need? (that was rhetorical, since the answer is YES.
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"Windows already does the same stuff this program does." I agree with this comment 100%, for me if a program is going to be windows redundant, I would much rather have a screensaver anyday, because while screensavers don't really do their job like were intended to do, they help you get through a 5-10 minute much need break at the office when you get stressed out. Were long overdue for another good screensaver. :)
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Worse... Flashpaste much better, it has tree for strings and has not such amount of bugs :)
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Great Program! I really needed something like this. I would give this program a B+.
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Important if you have and use AltGr key on your keyboard: Please read the "AltGr" topic in the help file or in the online manual - http://www.dextronet.com/fastpastehelp.php?m=6
Thanks a lot and have a great day!
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Windows already does the same stuff this program does. No taker today. Thanks GAOTD, but Fast Paste is almost usless to me.
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This is a great program! After the disappointing working program Global clipboard as gift on the 16th january this program is very good, because with the hotkeys you can choose yourself which copies you want to copy and/or paste. So in a scale from 0-10 I give the program 10 points.
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P.S. & by the way I'm still using AccelClip from April giveaways & I LOVE it!
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OK I scanned it with TrendMicro & it was clean. Installation clean & smooth. Registered very easy. Please exit the program & restart it after you register so it can take effect [for those who will say I registered it but nothing happens ;) ]
Overall great program, and very useful. However, for those of you who already have one or several of our recent Macro/Hotkey giveaways you can do the same thing with those. If you didn't get one of them or don't want all the extra functions of those, it's a wonderful program. Thanks GOTD & Dextronet!
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I already have a thousand programmes loading on startup, dont need another, i've been doing just fine doing things manually thank you
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Windows would not allow this program to run after registration, it may contain a virus, please be careful.
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I'm still using Flashpaste so no thanks....
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I agree with OnceBitten,
We coluld use alot better program dowloads, this does all that windows/mac clipboard doesm will try it out, but dont expect a 5 day use GOTD,
Now i hate nagging coz it starts arguements but thinks plz GOTD its good but follow the forums, have a poll out of 4 products this week what download should be listed on GOTD!!! and dont show ppl the answers so its still a surprise,
Thanks tho GOTD
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Repeated software, We could use more productive usefull software
Thanx but not interested in this one.
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I love Craagle! This is the best software ever! Thanx for this stuff. I got it some days ago with Craagle!
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