Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
EZGenerator 4.0 was available as a giveaway on March 13, 2012!
EZGenerator is a Website builder and content management program. Create the structure of your website offline, add pages, blogs, images and other features then upload it and continue to add 'live' content online.
EZGenerator contains everything you need to create and manage professional looking websites. If you can use a word processor you can use EZGenerator.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7 (x32/x64)
123 MB
FL Studio is one of the world's most popular music production systems for Windows, downloaded over 30,000 times per day. It has everything you need in one package to compose, arrange, record, edit, mix and master professional quality music.
FL Studio Mobile will allow you to create complete multi-track music projects on your iPod, iPhone or iPad. Never lose that idea again. Let it down and make music wherever you are.
My banner maker is only a black window
(with an error message ...there was an error )behind the window.
Whats up?
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As soon as I launched EZ Generator it BSOD'd my computer, XP SP3
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That's Latin. Isn't that still a popular language? :-)
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Joe, that's Latin filler "lorem ipsum ..." has been used to fill text for decades.
From Wikipedia:
In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum[1] is placeholder text (filler text) commonly used to demonstrate the graphics elements of a document or visual presentation, such as font, typography, and layout.
A variation of the common lorem ipsum text has been used since at least the 1960s, and possibly since the sixteenth century, to provide a filler text during typesetting.
Google is your friend, and Wikipedia is Google's friend!
Okay, back to the software -- way too complicated.
Newer anything should be simpler than previous anything -- look at the iPod versus any previous MP3 player.
Don't make me think, and I've already learned web site design, just facilitate my effectiveness, don't make me learn yet another disorganized set of your bad habits.
Any web page software must be able to download an existing web SITE totally from the web without FTP, and parse it into a workable copy, and leave a directory structure on your hard drive that any other web site software can deal with, including Microsoft Front Page (antique!), and, of course, Dreamweaver, any version.
Don;t get me started about active server pages.
In other words, I want to be able to use any tool on the web site copy on my hard drive, and have each tool NOT compete with the prior tools. One tool may be great at search and replace, one may be best at button design, one may be a good menu and css installer, one may be smart at graphics, another at photo resizing and insertion, and finally, yet another may be my favorite text tool.
Then comes maintenance -- can this software help me take content from one place, incorporate it, and update the web site on demand? How many steps? How much manually, how much automatically?
Finally, I need to work on web pages from any computer, and this software is humongous and not very portable.
If it has strengths ...
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I'm prefer Joomla it's powerful and it's free.
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This software concerns me greatly. I do not care for the heavy registration process and it seems to infiltrate the pc on many levels. I personally get bad vibes because of its evasive nature.
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Why is it the GOTD web was timing out all day for EZGenerator this is the second time web site software that I couldn't get to the site. I'm trying to learn web design, and Serif sucks to get any of the bonus software you have call them, then they try to sell you junk, by saying the program you just bought off their site is 3-4 years old and not to work correctly in the new browsers.
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works on win 7/64
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Number three of the terms of agreement is ambiguous at best. Commercial use prohibited? Well, that could mean that I am not allowed to use the software to build a site for someone else in which I will be paid for. Or, it could mean I cannot use the software to build a personal site in which I will profit from. Actually, it could encompass both scenarios.
Additionally, installed in English. Built a test site. Had the project language setting set to English. Sure didn't preview in English...lol. Not sure what language it was but, wasn't English.. See the link below.
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Same problem as Greg: Setup.exe freezes at activation
Would love to give this software a try, but until/unless the GOTD activation process works, there's no way I can proceed with the product registration process! :-(
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I give up. I downloaded the program. Even watched the video. I still can't get the Registry Key to work. Everytime I try to merge the file it just opens it up in notepad. Probably has to do with some setting on my computer, but I'm tired of messing with it. You shouldn't have to be an IT person to install this program. I think this program is too complicated to download.
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To #163 and all others that do not understand (no wonder about that) why other have problems registering this software:
Have you take into account that many of those unable to register this GOTD perfectly understood and followed the right procedure and nonetheless encountered one or more problems?
So, before judging the IQ of others, many should think twice...
Comments should be meant to be helpful, not to denigrate other members who need help!
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One more point. As noted previously, the registration procedure deliberately makes customers set up an account so you can download EZGenerator at any time in the future if you should need do.
Remember people are usually paying for this software so this is a security/backup system for your purchase. Unlike many vendors you can come back in 5 years time and re-download what you paid for.
This is why we also ask for personal and address info. If your email address no longer works, you can tell our support staff who you are and where you were when you bought our products and they can let you back into your account.
Regards Scott
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I was thinking of downloading this one until I read about the registration AND that the giveaway time limit will run out before I could get it downloaded.
Try FREE KompoZer for a nice website maker. And it's all of 7.6 Mb.
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Thanks everyone for your feedback so far.
Every day we sell 1000's of download software products using the registration system as experienced above. We don't really have that many issues.
As I noted early on we had some issues our end with settings, but we resolved those.
We appreciate people may like to see something simpler but our process allows our customers to unlock multiple products with a single file. What we are planning on doing in future is adding the download & unlock process from inside the software.
Regards Scott
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I encountered several roadblocks in registering, mostly in the form of links that, when clicked, took me in a circle, and one link, the one I really needed to download the file, that did nothing. This link finally worked this evening, so I guess their servers were just overloaded.
However, I am now beating my head on the wall about something else: after registering and starting the program, a splash screen opens that shows the software registered to me, asks whether to open a demo project or start a new project, and regardless of what I select, the program simply disappears - crashes into invisibility.
I tried uninstalling with Revo Uninstaller Pro and reinstalling with an installer file downloaded directly from the EZGenerator site. After multiple attempts and reboots, I am having exactly the same problem - it just disappears. I'm running Win7 Pro x64 on a system with plenty of horsepower and runs everything else just fine, so...
I'm sad about this because I need a simple content management system and if this worked well, I probably would have bought it.
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Tried several times to get the registration process to work and could not get it.......way to difficult. Will uninstall all of it and go with one more user friendly even if this was listed as free it has already cost me several hours trying to figure it out.
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Looks very good. Installed and registered easily. A great gift. Thanks to GOTD and Imageline!!
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Downloaded, installed and registered the software according to directions in readme.txt on Windows 7 machine. Absolutely not complicated and no problems. Thanks GOTD!
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I wasn't able to get the reg file to do anything other than open Notepad by double-clicking, and there was no merge option on the context menu.
I opened Regedit.exe and imported the file that way and it now says it is registered.
To open Regedit, click start and then type "regedit" in the text box at the bottom of the menu. Click on the program icon that appears above, then, when Regedit opens, click file, import, and direct the file browser to your file, and open it. That worked for me. Do this when the program is not running and it should show that it's registered on the splash screen the next time you open it.
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Is this program linked to the developer so that the developer can track its use? If so, exactly what kind of tracking is involved?
a) Coding that has been developed and posted to the internet?
b) Coding that has been developed or is in development, even though not yet posted to the internet?
c) Access to information of the user, other than that developed through the program.
I am not saying that any of these are occurring; however, the registration process causes me to be concerned as to whether there is such tracking. Is there?
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Well… install went fine.
Unfortunately… while registration went smoothly, as of 10:45PM Eastern Time, I have not received any email from Image Line Software. No emails found in my INBOX, SPAM or TRASH folders.
This offer ends in less than 4 hours and I have not received the UNLOCK KEY.
What now???
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Well... install went fine.
Unfortunately... while registration went smoothly, as of 10:45PM Eastern Time, I have not received any email from Image Line Software.
This offer ends in less than 4 hours and I have not received the UNLOCK KEY.
What now???
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I have a question. Why use a reg file to get the program to work? What's wrong with just supplying a simple key and then offering to set up an account on any product website? It seems long-winded and unnecessary to me. Thanks for the giveaway. No comment on it though, simply because I'm only just about to download it and go through the lengthy registration process I seem to have read so much about.
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Regardless of the template I select, when I attempt to download updates I'm met with a dialog box stating "Template could not be downloaded [5]" and the same error message:
"Server maintaince. Updates are not available! Please try again later."
Aside from the obvious spelling error ("maintenance"), I'm a bit concerned that after the seemingly generous offer of 90 days of "updates," any templates which haven't been downloaded by that time won't be available anymore unless (presumably) the user pays a subscription fee of some sort.
I could be wrong about that, and if I am I'm sure that Scott will set me straight. I'm hoping that the reason for the error is that the developer's server is simply being overloaded by all of the requests generated by all of us downloading and installing this software, which looks to be quite powerful in general.
Another concern that comes to mind is that it appears there's no option to work with any templates other than those supplied by (and downloaded from) the developer, and so I'm concerned that even though they do initially provide a wide variety of templates and styles, once the "free update" period expires, so will the usefulness of this software since only the front page template is installed, with sub-page templates not downloaded until actually used in a project.
It that's true, this is a rather unique spin on the old "forced continuity" marketing ploy, and I don't think it will be very well-received by the folks here...
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Was surprised at the size of the download. Then surprised further at the size of the install and time it took to install. Guess I should have read a few more comments...
Install was EZ
I didn't let it start up automatically though.
Filled in the registration info, downloaded the reg file...doubleclicked.... allowed the registration to take place. When I opened the package - it was fully registered.
My system is a VISTA (ugh, I know)
Although there are a lot of templates (thumbnails are Probably part of the 39k files) they all seem very much alike. Guess I need to explore more. Figured out how to add a shopping page - but since I don't have MySQL turned on...it was greyed out. Help page on that was fairly clear - but pictures on that page would have been helpful.
I'll try it out... looks like you can build a semi-custom website in about 15-20 minutes. Easy navigation up and down the webpage tree.
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I also found the software easy to download, install and register, if you follow the instructions. Looks like a very useful program for in-experienced web site builders.
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I could not register this program. The file would not download, I don't know why. My computer came up with..... cannot download file. If its that hard to register the program, no matter how good it is, I don't want it. Thank you. I'll stick with what I have.
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Downloaded and installed. Registration is almost as mega as the program. I've installed operating systems quicker. Someone said the templates should be included. The templates folder includes 36,000 of the 40,000 total files and takes up 260 megabytes disk space. Each template comes in various flavours with cosmetic changes that would be achieved in Serif WebPlus or Avanquest Web Easy by changing colours and loading other pictures etc Strip out those templates and you have 50 meg left of the install and thats the interesting part. The widget and graphic designer part is most impressive. I think the templates look like an attempt to make a mass appeal for something that fits a smaller audience. If that part was standalone .... Don't think this is for newbies though WebEasy and WebPlus could be. The latter has a free version. Just register and download it and if you want to make impressive banners etc use that part of this.
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Is this a Windows 7 64-bit application? That is to say, can it be installed to C:\Program Files? I have actually installed it to C:\Program Files (x86) where it works just fine, but I see the program chooses to save its backups to C:\Program Files\EzGenerator4\Backup. Does anyone have the answer to this as I cannot find in on the vendor's website. Thanks.
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because I am on XP SP3 I ran into the following, the new project wizzard was blank, so I had to open the example, then go to main menu, that is window's top left logo, options, there you see that it is set on IE9 and can be changed to IE8 or your default browser - otherwise no problem, playing about, do not find it difficult, lots of templates and variations!
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I downloaded and installed the program, then started the registration process of creating an account. In reading the terms and agreements of the License, I found (for me) too many unacceptable agreements, one of which was that I agreed to allow the developers and their affiliates to SPAM me (after providing my mailing address). I refused the terms, did not download the registration file and uninstalled the program. Uninstall left over 10 Meg of files a still-existing program folder. All total, about a waste of 4 hours of my time.
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(once again) you must register on "their" website ...
W7 x64
installs into directory of your choice, 200 MB, the majority (150 MB) are "templates" it installed the desktop shortcut for a User other then the one i had installed from?
online registration, requiring a web account, i didn't care for it. & after reading through all of the problems from yesterdays giveaway (though i had no problem), i was not looking forward to registering today.
& in fact, *I* made a mistake today when registering. it asked for "full name" & i only entered my first name, entering my last name in the next box (address as it was). that m threw me for a loop (many loops actually, as
the site complained multiple times) until i realized what *I* had done. then it was like, duh.
registering prompts you to download your "registration file" (a Windows .reg file), which you merge into the (Windows) Registry. simple enough.
running through the wizard to set up a site, was easy enough. layout work is already done & all you need to do is to enter relevant text data. make mods as needed. save, open in your browser, & there it is. quite easy.
not something i could (easily) create with say SeaMonkey's Composer.
with very little work, i put together something decent enough (for a first timer)
with a bit of work, i feel i could put together a nice site with this program.
didn't try publishing, as i have nowhere to publish to, but i wouldn't expect any problems.
sql, php, ... stuff like that is well beyond me, & nothing i would look at from the getgo.
likewise, i'm unaware of similar types of programs to compare against.
suffice it to say, i could do something productive with this.
Composer would be far more down & dirty, would take /me/ far more to learn, & work to perform what would be more, "fill in the blanks" with ezGenerator. "Use Mozilla/SeaMonkey Composer to Make Web Pages" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcaYsG2nYqU
i did note (but did not put in) an update that showed up immediately after installation
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I'm not going to say anything about the registration process except that I was able to successfully install on my ThinkPad G41 with 2GB RAM running XP SP3.
This appears to be a VERY powerful and feature-rich client-side webpage creator/editor, and although "newbies" may be able to eventually teach themselves how to use it effectively, it is by no means a "simple three-click site creator" that some people find sufficient for their needs. However, if you're wishing to create a specialized site that doesn't have the security vulnerabilities that Wordpress-based sites have, and you have the patience to learn how this software performs the various aspects of page creation, then you really should download this and start playing with it.
They even include the ability to attach your own notes to the project so that you're able to pick things up where you left off when you decided to call it a day the last time you worked on that particular project.
The only negative I have right now is the frequent error messages, such as "Server maintaince (spelling). Updates are not available! Please try again later." and also the fre
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Ok, this program isn't going to launch a nuke so why all the hoops to jump trough to register? Geez, I felt like I was trying to run an Adobe product. I got as far as giving my info (not REAL name or address), downloaded the reg file then pulled the plug. Thanks guys but I'll stick with my Microsoft Web Expressions (free for students) rather feel like I'm giving you more then you need for cripleware.
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To StarkyCat
Truly Amazed … THANK YOU
Any Database Builders?
Use the CMS Open Source JOOMLA:
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Has anyone looked at the code this program produces? Wordpress, as mentioned several times, produces reasonable coding. Should this match such a level, then this would be a good program. (Coding is important as it advances or retards listings -SEO stuff)
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To StarkyCat
Truly Amazed … THANK YOU
Do You Know Any Search Engine Builders?
Comment byStarkyCat — March 13th, 2012 at 9:37 am
Try this:
See also:
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I have been trying to install on Dell-Win7-64, every thing goes smooth till I click on FLRegkey- it opens up a Notepad and the software is in trial format. I tied installing on an old desktop and everything installs great and even FLRegkey activates on the desktop. I have tried on the laptop 3 times - same problem. Any Help will be really appreciated. If there is any one from Image-Line support group could help.
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Hehe, ok, this is really not my stuff. As wrote earlier, installation and registration were good. But i'm deciding to stay with my programmers handle my websites. A small html website doesnt cost much or i can use Wordpress. This is really for geeks. thanks anyway. Uninstalling.
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The downloaded file has a bad header. Here';s what Izarc says:
Header error: missing or corrupt
Testing: Readme.txt -- OK
Testing: Setup.exe --- failed
Windows extract simply would not work at all. Second reload had same results.
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Installed and registered fine, but for some reason can not get the program to run. All I see is the splash screen saying that it is registered to me but then it goes away and the program does not open. I am running win XP Sp3
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I am a returning customer to Image Line Software and had to go to the library to download this huge file. I got home, opened it as administrator and immediately got a message upon extracting, using Windows Vista Home Premium extract tool:
"Please insert the last disk of the Multi-Volume set and click OK."
It shows the file as a 0-byte file when Windows Explorer shows it to be 129,005,026 bytes.
So I tried Izarc to unzip it. The program immediately crashed with this message:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Setup.exe_unknown
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4d8099b4
Fault Module Name: Setup.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4d8099b4
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00003278
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 2f0c
Additional Information 2: e6aa906168340f853b7778cb42ec3f26
Additional Information 3: 76cc
Additional Information 4: f62b66b69dd611c9f5e3a65cc443fdb2
I no longer have time to drive the 40-mile round trip to the library again. What a waste of time! This really sucks!!!!
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Yes, installed and registered no problem. I dont know why ppl complaining about it, but for me it was a smooth one. I've now a new toy to play with :)
Thank you the developer and GOTD.
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How do I get a license for two computers? I would not like to create an additional account just for the purpose.
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I got all the way to the registration and it wouldn't accept the registration number three times. I then got a message that I wouldn't get to try again for am unspecified length of thime. Uninstalled.
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Installed smooth and flawlessly on Win XP SP3.
Not worth to have a more advanced Windows. I bet persons complaining about registration process have a Win 7 or at the worst cases a Vista...
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Nice giveaway! No problems loading and I'm excited to have a chance to try this, especially for the price. Awesome Giveaway! Thanks so much...
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After debating all day to install this program - with some research on other free programs mentioned here - I took the leap and did so.
I installed it EXACTLY per the readme.txt and it came out perfectly! And, by the way, I'm using Win7 64-bit Ultimate.
1. Install the software per the setup.exe (I unchecked the box to open the program upon finishing install).
2. Copy/paste the link into your web browser and fill in the required information.
3. Once that information is complete it takes you to your account where you click "this link" to get the FLRegkey.reg file.
4. Agree to terms and conditions.
5. Download the file. Right click it and choose "merge". Once installed, open the program.
With that said, this program is incredibly easy to use for a first time web designer. It's functionality is not only user-friendly, but it seems to keep track of updated information even when the layout is changed.
Hope this helps, even if only a little.
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Painfully slow in downloading and INCREDIBLY slow and complicated to use. tried to open help to no avail. Will remove programme from PC!
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