Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Extra Video Converter 4 was available as a giveaway on August 13, 2008!
Extra Video Converter is a powerful, universal video-conversion and video-split program that converts video files between all popular video formats. With this software, you can convert videos from AVI, DIVX, XVID, MPEG, MPG, WMV, ASF, RM, RMVB, DAT, MOV, SWF, FLV, VOB, and NSV to AVI, MPEG, Apple iPod, Sony PSP, Mobile 3gp, Microsoft Zune, WMV, YouTube, FLV, MOV, MP3, WMV, OGG, or WAV.
It is simple and easy to use. Just a couple of clicks on the output setting panel and you can make conversions like a professional!
Windows 98/ME/2000/NT/XP/Vista
3.85 MB
i LOVED this program!! of all the different converters i've used, this is the timeliest AND the best quality. i paid quite a bit for two other converters, and was disappointed in the quality of the output, but this one was WONDERFUL!! thanks for the great work!!
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I don't like the converter much, especially after comparing to FormatFactory. But I must say that Extra, by participating here and offering some other free products has shown that they do care. That can only mean that they'll strive for a better product. I respect companies that are like that. Keep it up!
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"I’ve just discovered FormatFactory, a freeware converter that not only converts audio and video files, but also picture files. At the same time, it also has built-in DVD ripping functionality. On top of that, it can also convert DVD/CD to ISO and also ISO to CSO (compressed ISO usable on custom PSP) and back."
I agree - used it extensively yesterday, never crashed once, whereas Extra crashes if more than one file!
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seriously one of the best i'v tried worth the download!
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I tried to use the program. It was really great. However, when I burn the converted files I couldnt run it in portable cd player.
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Installed, converted a 70 minute avi in minutes! Problem was it only played 1 minute! Uninstalled. Thanks anyway, keep 'em coming.
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Sadly same problem here as #155. I am running XP Media Center Edition with SP3. It does not happen every time and I am unsure if a particular group of settings cause the problem.
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Their links on top right of screen are always months old so I didn't even think to look there right away. Shame on me.
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Thanks for sharing this coverter.. I was looking for a nice tool and this one is really a good help for me. Thanks again... too bad it is no longer available. When will it be available again?
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Thanks for giveaway of the day to publish our product, and we receive many people'emails .Thanks for these people,and thanks for your suggestion.
In order to thanks for these people's warm heart and giveaway of the day,we will give our coupon to these people who visit giveaway of the day.You will have at least 10% discount.
Extra DVD Copy coupon :EXTR-V3TO-COPY
Extra DVD Ripper coupon : EXTR-I86W
Extra Video Converter coupon:EXTR-YQM6
You can go to our website:www.dvdcopyrip.com to download our product.
Many thanks for giveaway of the day to give us this chance to receive so many suggestion. Thank you!
Extra software,Inc.
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Win XP ... installed OK , but when executed, I get this error :
"Extra Video Converter has encountered a problem and needs to close."
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I was looking for a convertor. this is good
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Would not load on Vista Premium.. installed several times..uninstalled and went with #37. Thanks anyway to GAOTD for
hard work bringing the best to us for free!!
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Same as most multimedia apps, makes a mess out of multimedia-related registry entries and DirectX filters.
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Thanks for giveawayof the day publish our product .And thanks to so many people try our products. For all the insufficient, we will improve our product. In order to thanks for the people who leave the message to our products on August 13 , you can go to visit our website: www.dvdcopyrip.com ,and you can choose one of our products which you need.we will give it to you for a gift.
You can contact us by support@dvdcopyrip.com
Many thanks!
Extra software
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I found Extra Video Converter help:
Extra DVD Ripper Express help:
Extra DVD Copy help:
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Me too! Installed, but it won't run! Tried installing to a different place, where it wanted to put itself, still won't run! Re-installed 3 times, nothing. All I get is a note that says Windows Explorer is shutting down. Windows XP sp2 Media Edition. Uninstalling. TY anyway, GOTD!
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I posted a comment earlier saying this was just a trial till i relized i had to get the code from the read me file. If i wasnt so dang stubburn i would have relized it earlier. I just want to say THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! for whoever created this site one of the best sites i have found in a long time and giving away a video convertor thats amazing thank you for saving me lots of $$$$. This site is the best one around!!!
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Program looks good and can convert more than one file at a time unlike most converters. However, I don't like the fact that it takes an hour and a half for this thing to convert a 90 minute movie from WMV to MP4. My other video converter can get that done in about 10 minutes, possibly a bit longer. But I suppose I'll keep this program around for converting multiple videos at once.
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I am using my laptop with windows xp Sp 2. After the install it opens up with: it encounters a problem and has to close.
Any help? Thanx
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Cannot get this application to run on my computer. I have tried the regular download area and also the mirror area.
It seems lately that a number of applications that you are putting on your website are having the same problem with downloading the programs. They "encounter a problem" according to the paperwork being sent into Microsoft regarding the situation or problem.
I had to remove your link from my website because others were saying the same to me regarding the applications.
Please advise me to the current situation. Thank you.
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As like many others above, the program installed, but will not launch. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling…no luck. Even tried rebooting. It simply will not launch. I even tried the software download from the website and it did not work.
I guess I should have expected that from China. They seem as though many times they just don't have their act together on so many different softwares.
Windows XP Pro with SP2
960 MB RAM
3.06 Ghz
I special hat tip of thanks for all those that mentioned the other types of software that are compatable.
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It seems to me recently if a program is rubbish on here but "Works on Vista" is mentioned, the comment gets a YES vote.
Quite weird voting on this site really, Thumbs up cos it runs a terrible operating system like Vista!
Personally, I tried this on an mp4 file and it would'nt even open it and used another GOTD offering which worked just great (Any Video Converter)
Sorry GOTD and Vista supporters but you'll have another *NO* to click on in the comments now.
(Well the *Hit refresh* mob who can't wait to see what the next offering is and click the thumbs up icon!)
How about a screensaver that shows a converter doing it's stuff? :-)
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Unfortunately, I cannot get this product to run on my system. Windows XP SP2. I have installed and uninstalled this program 5 times with reboots checking the folder and even trying Lisa suggested but it did not work. If anyone has any more ideas how I can get this to work, I would appreciate hearing from you. Thank you for the application no matter what the turn out for me. I appreciate this site and hope that you will continue despite some of the comments.
Thank you again.
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Does not convert from mp4?
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This program installs and tries to register the files on its own during installation. It won't open/launch the program once installation is completed and brings up the "windows needs to close or debug screen".
I have removed the program and reinstalled it and the same things comes up. I am running Windows XP SP3.
Sorry but I have to give this program a pass as there is obviously something seriously wrong here. I haven't had any problems with any other programs I have installed lately so it must be a problem with this software.
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Oh my goodness...giveawayoftheday is giving away a free VIDEO converter? That's surprising...I guess.
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Software looks good. I would like to see the voting system changed to something that's actually usefull. I've seen great software look bad and bad software look good with the current system. I just doesn't tell you anything useful!
PLEASE change this - Perhaps allow an additional box to the comment submission to have it good/bad/neutral. Then others can vote on usefulness of the comment. this would also allow you to showcase the most useful comments, like Amazon.
Otherwise, please scrap the voting. It's useless!
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Installed fast but a BIG BUT Does not work out was 0 bytes
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I noticed that the list of formats doesn't include mp4 and that at least one poster attempted and failed this. Does this program support mp4?
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hmmm, installed just fine, but the program wont open up, i click on the desktop shortcut, and the program wont even open. seems this program is a hassle, makes you go through with the installation and then it dont work? a waste of time mabe?
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I keep getting a fatal error when I try to set it up. It says Fatal Error: Invalid Key
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
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One simple comment here...
This will be my 4th converter from GAOTD and I simply can't thank them enough.
Each one turns out better than the last, either with more formats or higher quality. Even if it seems like they offer a lot of the same thing, I don't complain. Just compare people, that's all.
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Didn't work for me. Installed okay (or seemed to) but hung up when I clicked on it to start on my Windows XP system. Never got a chance to input activation code maybe a bad download, I'll try again later.
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Will not work for me. I've tried twice to install and run this program but I keep getting this program needs to close even before it opens. Didn't even get a chance to register. I guess I'll never know anything about this program first hand. Windows XP Home
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Ultra buggy app imo.
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its working absolutely fine. thanks GAOTD team..
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I just downloaded this software, and I've been trying to convert a dvd to put on my ipod...is this at all possible with this software, or am I going to have to try something else?
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Pluses: Installed and ran the first time (Windows XP Pro with SP2). Converted a .FLV file to an .AVI file with no apparent problems or issues.
Minuses: Annoying interface with beeping sounds whenever anything is selected--sounds like a 70's video arcade game. Not nearly as configurable as ZV Video Converter (GOTD offering on 1/20/2008) as it lacks a specific setting for most non-Apple media players (mine, an Archos 605 for example, that has a screen resolution of 800x480). And, unlike ZV Video Converter, volume adjustments for the output file are in preset percentages (so, for example, you cannot boost the output volume to 175%, because that is not one of the specified options).
NOTE to GOTD Team: It appears the previously mentioned (by me) ZV Video Converter had a hidden "counter" in the GOTD offering. I installed it on two computers, but only used it regularly on one of them. Suddenly, every file I tried to convert with ZV Video Converter on the PC I used it most often resulted in this message:
> No decoder to decode this file.
> To solve this problem, please download ZC Video Convertor Codec Extra
> from: http://www.videoxdvd.com/download.htm
> And then install it.
But the only option at their website was to download either a trial (pay later) or pay now version. AND, the exact same file converted with the same version of ZV Video Converter (also from GOTD) on my other computer. So, as a side note to the GOTD Team: before you post anything else from ZC Software in the future, please let everyone know if it's only trialware.
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Uninstalled! I did it for many reasons but heres two! I use Spy Sweeper on all my systems. It's a very rare occasion that it's wrong about something. It scanned today & found adware that wasn't here last night. After I removed this program & I scanned again. Nothing detected. Now I don't usually see an add as an infection but a converter just isn't worth the headache.
Second: It didn't do an output with good quality for me. Video was fine but the audio wasn't. In my opinion, this was just another poor video converter.
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useless does not even run,seems other people also had a similar problem-but no solutions?
installed 3 times and tried to run on my winxp sp2 os but the software does not run-absolutely nothing happens-no error messages or anything else.if some solution to the problem is there -maybe some response from publisher
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Wow! This is the best conversion program! The fasted I have ever used and it is flawless. Installed perfectly, am now batch converting a ton of video to MP4 for my wife and kids Ipods. This is great! Very user friendly! Simple, effective and powerful.
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It converts to 3g2 but it doesn't convert from 3g2. I'm not sure why none of the converters I have seen convert from 3g2.
I also love how it says "conversion finished successfully" regardless of whether the conversion was successful or not (unless they consider creating a zero sized file as "successful").
Using a "play" icon to do the conversion is not very intuitive (my master degree includes graphic interface usability, so I'm familiar with usability).
I'm not sure why there's a check box saying "shut down the computer when converting finished". I can't see people using that option.
As far as the uninstall,it asks if it should removed shared DLLs. It should know if these DLLs were previously installed and not ask and do the delete or don't delete them. The user won't have a clue if a DLL should be deleted or not. It also says at the end "Some elements could not be uninstalled. Those can be removed manually." Nice.
A big thumbs down.
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Simon says, "Shut up till your brain is engaged." lol This is my first post and I just wanted to say "THANKS" GAOTD. I have found some very usefull stuff here and I have told all my friends about your site.
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@droll, #91, just after rollover, the page did have a hotmail address- so it has been changed in the time since. nearly posted about it myself.
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Seemed to install OK on XP Prof (Media), but will NOT open.
Suggestions before time runs out?
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#45 Thanks Simon, you saved me the bother - couldn't have put it any better! BTW works perfectly!
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With all the bad comments about XP install, I tried it on Win98 (listed in System Requirements). Install was flaky at best. Clicked on the Desktop icon to run and it performed an illegal operation and hung up the system. Rebooted and then the uninstall crashed and hung up the system. This is the worst untested misrepresented software I have ever seen. I had to manually uninstall it and restore the registry with a backed-up version. Save your computer and don't even try this piece of crap.
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Product works terrific for me. I've converted a DVD to WMV, AVI, and MOV all with success. Thanks!
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