Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Driver Booster Pro 3.1 was available as a giveaway on January 6, 2016!
Driver Booster is a driver updating software, created with IObit's most effective driver update technology. The program scans and identifies outdated drivers automatically, downloads and installs the right updates for you with just ONE click. It restores system and backs up drivers with its Rescue center. It also provides more gaming performance and protects your computer from hardware failures, system crashes and conflicts. Save your time with Driver Booster Pro.
Please note: The program includes a 6 months license.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10; 1 GHz processor or faster; 512 MB of RAM memory; 50 MB of free hard drive space
13.1 MB
Advanced SystemCare Pro 8 is an all-in-one PC optimization utility, which specializes in ONE-Click solutions to detect, clean, repair, speed up and protect your PC. With newly added Protect module, the program provides quick access to protect browsing from being tracked, automatically cleaning privacy traces once browser is closed; detects and resists the attack of malicious plug-in/toolbar by Browser Anti-Tracking and Plug-in/Toolbar Cleaner in this tab.
Protected Folder is designed to password-protect your folders and files from being seen, read or modified. Whether you are concerned with privacy, data theft, data loss, or data leaks, Protected Folder is a perfect tool for you.
Put this on my new updated Windows 10 PC the day it was on here & it totally screwed up my system, would not start up again and kept hanging on a blue screen, it erased the drivers for wireless mouse & the keyboard, therefore making it impossible to respond, had to put a copy of windows 7 on via CD and start up from that and install it on a partition. Eventually got windows 10 back after many, many hours of searching on the web for a sollution, and instantly deleted this program. would never use again. Just be aware of what could happen.
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Tried to get this last night but every time I clicked the Share n Download button the Facebook link wouldn't pop up or would be off-screen and when I did find it, part of the window would be cut off n no way to click the post button. Tried restart browswer but it did the same thing. Had a long day n fell out before I could figure it out.
Win 10 x64 Acer Laptop w all updates.
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All my drivers are up to date yet this program found 10 outdated. This was all wrong. A 3 month old driver I installed 2 weeks ago for my WiFi is considered very old..... WHAT???? I do not trust this program. If you are not having a problem with your system, DON'T UPDATE YOUR DRIVERS!!! Next, stop asking to install other "FREE" programs. Just give us a clean install of the program you offer. Thank you though for the key right in the read me. I hate jumping through hoops like that German company that had 5 steps to initialize the license.
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Anyone know what it means just below the description it says, "Please note: The program includes a 6 months license."
After six months what happens, does it turn into the trial version?
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After 6 months it will revert to the free version, which finds slighty fewer driver updates and has a slower download speed.
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And you will get to buy it for next to free if you like it. The longer you hold out the cheaper it will get. If you don't like it dump it!
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I knew I needed a driver for my graphics card, so when I saw this giveaway I thought this would do the trick..big mistake.
The driver update stuck at 39% and wouldn't budge for nearly an hour. I eventually gave up and pulled the plug. When my pc started up all my icons had shifted all over the shop, and my clock reset itself the year 1906 (only kidding)..
Next time I'll listen to what MikeR says..
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Presently I am using MS Security Essentials (Free), iObit Advanced System Care 9 Pro and Driver Booster Pro 3.1 on my Win 10 Pro PC. I do not disable system restore to save space on my SSD's. I provide online and telephone support to our customers 300+ over ten years running. I have also been using the Kerish Doctor 2015 a recent GOTD and have had some great results with it.
Presently many are finding that their smart phone costs more than their entry level desktop workstation.
Many of my customers have been able to install the above programs (free editions) and return their desktop to a usable condition. I have noticed many here are cost conscience and to be truthful I have been getting my best over all results with iObit for over a decade. I have tried all of those other "Known Resource Robbers." My boot time is 39 seconds. During my time as an MS Beta Tester I will note that many of the programs and solutions for Win 10 have taken awhile to surface and to be honest MS is finally getting in sync with iObit.
Rick Martin
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Hi, Anyone interested in previous version(s) and Comments of this Software might want to see it here: http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/driver-booster-2-1/
BTW.., you will not find these Entries under 'today's' Publisher - iObit, as clicking on it on this page takes you nowhere. So, yes, Google to rescue, I'm afraid. This Publisher goes way back on GOTD! Those new to GOTD might also not have heard of one of our recent regulars here, called Karl.. His Comments were simply outstanding and greatly appreciated. What's more - they were typically first (that is on TOP of daily list of Comments!), thus easy to find. Older Comments now (like these in my link above) will only indicate how many months/years ago they were posted, and besides, not numbered, real time of posting removed - are basically scrambled in any order you fancy. And together with it - vital references to questions asked and answered by Users. What a carry on!! What great shame when confusion steadily takes a common place here.. How exactly does it serve anyone in promoting this Site?
Finally, iObit is known for some really useful set of Tools on anyone's computer/devices (including myself) and although I don't need today's Offer in particular - I use them frequently and recommend.
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I have used earlier versions of this program. It does help at times, but I have also had it install incorrect drivers. Fortunately, it has a backup system in place that allowed me to undo. Still, it is better than others I have seen. I am going to download this version 3.1 because the version I have had for the last couple months, version 3.0, keeps causing windows error messages that the driver booster downloader has stopped working, every time I restart windows 10. Hopefully that bug is fixed in this version, we will see.
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Installed as directed on Windows 7. Informed of 3 driver updates, including a Universal Bus Driver. I selected to install this separately and it immediately crashed my computer. Not a good start.
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I currently have this version of the Driver Booster. I have to say that it is one of the BEST programs I have ever used for updating drivers. I would recommend this program to everyone. Since I installed it, some time ago on the advice of someone in your forums, it has found just under 50 drivers that were out of date. I LOVE this program.
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I've used Driver Booster since version 1.0 . Never had a problem with it. But I have with other driver updaters. If you do use this software my advice is to install one driver at a time, then reboot to make sure all is well. If there's an issue, you can use the software to revert the update. But if all is well, you can run it again and install one more driver and repeat the process.
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I have been using Driver Booster since it was offered on another giveaway for some time. I lost it during a new hd installation I have tried others
that wasn't as reliable. I have never had any problems using this software. I downloaded, ran a scan. It found two
drivers that was outdated. I already knew about the two before the scan. Well pleased . Thank you
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Having tried all of the driver updaters that we have seen on GOTD over the years, this is the only one that I have found to be consistent in it's identification of outdated drivers.
It carries out a system restore backup prior to installation, so if anything does ever go wrong, there is a restorative option available.
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Anybody that turns off system restore will therefore be quite aware of the risks of installing drivers via this software, or any other method then.
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see how much space rystem restore uses by this command in CMD run as administrator
vssadmin list shadowstorage /On=C:
Reset size with this command (18 gig is an example)
vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=C: /Maxsize=18GB
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I am very curious to hear iObit's reply to Levitiquetus' and Philip's comments, to wit:
1. Where does Driver Booster Pro get its drivers and how does it ensure they are up-to-date?
2. Why is Driver Booster Pro reporting drivers as outdated when the hardware manufacturers' websites show them as current?
3. Why is Driver Booster Pro calling "very old" a driver that's dated August 2015?
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2. Are you referring to the computer manufactuer's website, or the device manufacturer (e.g, the Intel website if you have an Intel wirelss adapter)? Almost always, the drivers listed on computer manufacturers websites are outdated.
3. If you ask the question at IObit's forum, I'm sure they'll be able to answer that and your first question.
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For years now, every time I install windows on some machine (my favourite occupation) first thing I do is install the free version of Driver Booster from Iobit.com; it has never let me down, despite all the prompts to go Pro or to install other softwares of theirs. But except from that occasion, I wouldn't use it on a daily basis, no driver needs that much updates.
On the whole, a very good kit of ware, I reccommend entirely.
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A positive plethora of "driver updaters" on GOTD recently, so no-one can complain that they're not being given enough choice. However. . .
The fact that there is now such an abundance of this type of software reminds me of the not so long-ago when it wasn't "driver updaters" but "registry cleaners" that were being hyped and marketed so assiduously. (And, well. . . we all know what happened to that software sector.) Is "driver updating", then, the new registry-cleaner-registry-optimizer??
The question needs asking because if it is the new commercial money-maker, then the same kind of care that (hopefully) was exercised by GOTDers in using registry cleaners will be similarly exercised here. Why? Because the potential to wreck a perfectly good computer remains the exact same.
Every computer's configuration is individual and therefore, every computer's configuration is different. Unless the folks who author the software which you're going to let loose on your computer are gifted with psychic ability, then they've no more idea than I have of how your own PC set-up works.
We all know what that led to when registry-cleaners-compactors-optimizers were the fad of the moment: more harm than good. Now, with "driver updaters", we're in the selfsame territory: unless>/i> the software developer concerned has come up with an app uniquely tailored to your computer and yours alone (no, they won't have) and unless that software calls upon a driver version database that, equally uniquely, is at all times 100% infallible (but no, it won't be) then you're investing one helluva lot of blind faith in that developer, trusting to luck -- because that's all it can ever be: sheer luck -- that an up-to-date driver crucial to the smooth running of your computer will not be deleted (or recommended for deletion) to be replaced by an earlier, or even obsolete version, that will leave you and your computer seriously. . . distressed.
Me, I don't go in for blind faith. I take the view that software writers and developers are as fallible as anyone else and that driver-version databases are as likely to have flaws as any other database. On which basis, then, this sudden preoccupation with driver-updating is -- to my mind -- nothing but a commercially-driven fad. A fad in the same (profitable) way that registry
cleaners / compactors / optimizers once were. If your computer is running fine, that means it ain't broke. And if it ain't broke, why on earth are using some stranger's software to fix it?>
Someone in this thread has said how today's software is useful for keeping up to date with Java and Flash. Truth to tell, Oracle and Adobe themselves are far, far better than any third party at informing you of versioning updates: you just set up your computer to receive update alerts direct from them and choose to install as and when you wish. Same thing goes for your graphics drivers: it takes but mere minutes to check for an update with the actual manufacturer and, if appropriate, download the latest manufacturer-recommended version from the actual source.
Already this comment thread is featuring user reports of today's software getting it wrong (and this giveaway has only been running a couple of hours at the time of writing). But it would be unfair to single out this developer alone: browse the geek forums and you'll find case after case after case of people winding up with busted computers because the computer users were, frankly, lazy enough and / or daft enough to trust their PCs to the care of strangers when they should been taking that care themselves.
Thanks then, GOTD, but no thanks.
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MikeR Er, replying to myself . . . Apologies to all at GOTD and all GOTDers for the typographical mess of my post. This is due -- ironically -- to me having updated my spectacles. The new version is bi-focal. This is the first time I've worn 'em and really, I wish I'd stuck with the earlier glassware consisting of reading glasses and distance glasses. Just goes to show: anyone can be caught out by the unintended consequences of version updates -- and make a spectacle of themselves, too. . .
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MikeR Thanks for a good laugh!!!
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Thank you for the awesome review, and even more so for your spectacular sense of humor.
Aside from that, I would like to add that as a non-native English speaker, I truly enjoy reading your posts and am amazed at your outstanding writing skills.
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consuella As a non-English speaker, you're the one to whom praise is due. That goes for every other GOTDer who contributes here in what, to them, will be a foreign language. Me? I have as much difficulty being bilingual as I'm encountering, going bifocal. Doh.Thanks, Consuella -- and thanks, too, to GOTD for running this international forum.
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Apologies for being OT, but on the eyeware, you can find the formula online to use your distance & reading Rx to come up with an in between Rx for PC use. I generally pay $4-$10 online for a pair using this modded RX -- don't have to be sturdy or look good sitting at the PC -- & it's well worth it.
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Interesting take IMHO MikeR. I'd politely disagree on the "if it aint broke" philosophy, but only partially or to an extent, the problem being [again IMHO], it can be difficult to tell if a device or component isn't operating as best possible, & maybe more importantly, why. In my experience, most hardware doesn't match its marketing hype, is broken in some respect(s) the moment you get it, but you don't know if that's the best it can ever do, or if newer drivers might help.
Is it the hardware itself that will never live up to promises, or is the current driver you're using causing problem(s)? And if it's the driver(s), will a newer version written by the same people have other, pehaps worse problems? In the case of something like graphics drivers, will any improvements outweigh any new problems? And with graphics drivers that can really be a *Your Mileage May Vary* sort of thing, e.g. some apps &/or games win while others lose.
No one writes new drivers for fun, & it's a cost companies would prefer to avoid -- many do. Those that do release new drivers don't completely document the changes, so the only way to gauge whether an update is worth it or not is to try it, preferrably *After* researching what others have experienced, so you might avoid an update that's a complete disastor.
All in all it's a fair bit of work, determining what hardware components you have, checking somewhat regularly for new driver releases for each component, then researching the consequences of updating to any new release. For some [maybe many?] components it frankly often isn't worth the time & trouble. You won't likely care how well the audio chipset you never use works.
That said, I have come across cases where a component wasn't working well, & the only way I could get a better driver was by using one of the driver sites, because the manufacturer itself didn't provide the driver download -- these sites often have drivers from different companies that use whatever component, & those sometimes work. Unfortunately many of those driver sites can be more difficult to use or confusing or seem dodgy, & driver version numbers vary between OEM & the various drivers companies have provided. Apps like Drive Booster Pro may make some of that easier, at the cost of sometimes getting it wrong -- you can't automate good judgment.
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I am using the AMD A10 7970 APU "Godveri chip on this machine and the iObit Driver Booster 3.1 over the time I have been using this chip has alerted me to all of the updates written since it hit the shelves. It works twice as fast and now never crashes even though it's running at 5 Gigahertz a 1 Ghz Over Clock. CPU Temp 40 degrees.
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mike Thanks for the heads-up (literally) re specs. Thanks, too, for your response to my original post: as articulate, thoughtful and constructive as always -- and as ever, much appreciated.
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I have not been able to find any
can you perhaps be b nore specific
as would benefit this very old git immensely
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You said "Every computer's configuration is individual and therefore, every computer's configuration is different. Unless the folks who author the software which you're going to let loose on your computer are gifted with psychic ability, then they've no more idea than I have of how your own PC set-up works. "
It really doesn't matter that each computer's configuration is different. Every device driver works independently of each other, and accordingly it does not matter what other hardware is installed in the computer.
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ok, finally decided to try one of these many driver updater programs thats being given away (seems like a lot recently). Installed smooth and easy. Interface was...I guess decent for these things. Ran it, and it told me I had 5 outdated drivers. Went to the manufactures sites to check, and all 5 drivers are up to date. According to the manufacturer. So where do they get the information that a driver is out of date if the manufacturer claims that it's the most recent driver? Uninstalled, suggest everyone do the same. Who knows what drivers they are downloading and from where.
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Almost always the drivers you'll find on a computer manufacturers website are out of date.
Let me explain. Uusally for only about a 6 months after a computer is relased, the manufacuter will provide very occasional driver updates. Newer driver will continue to be relased after that, but the manucfacuters will be more interested in supporting their more recently released computers. There are very occasional exceptions, but on the whole, you won't find them providing driver updates for long. I've installed Windows 10 on a number of old computers, and ever case the manufactuer did not supply Windows 10 drivers.
The best way to check for the latest drivers, is going to the indiviual hardware vendor's websites. For example go to the nVidia website to check for new drivers, if you have an nVidia graphics card.
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I normally use Driver Easy but I downloaded Driver Booster, activated it and ran it in order to compare them.
Driver Booster detected 3 outdated device drivers all of which it claimed to be "very old" although one was only dated August 2015! not that old surely?
I then ran Driver Easy and it discovered 10 outdated drivers and 3 devices that were missing drivers!
Thanks GAOTD but I'll be stopping with Driver Easy.
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Certainly "more" doesn't mean better. Do as others have done, and go to the vendor sites of the "outdated" drivers. You'll see clearly why these driver update softwares are so wrecklessly dangerous.
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The AdwCleaner at BleepingComputer removes this, so be prepared to reinstall this if you use some troubleshooting cleaners.
I like this, especially the ability to update software like Adobe, Java, and MS DX, Visual C and stuff -- I just updated them all with one click, and this pro version downloads quicker than the free version.
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