Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Direct Access was available as a giveaway on May 3, 2007!
Direct Access speeds up your personal computing experience by reducing time consuming, repetitive task through the use of abbreviations. Type an abbreviation in any application and Direct Access will detect it and perform the task you desire.
Imagine typing a piece of correspondence in your favorite word processor and then typing the abbreviation "sign" to affix your closing and signature to the document. You can also use the abbreviation shortcuts to open applications, websites, your email client and do web searches. You can invoke abbreviations from any program.
Watch Direct Access in action at http://www.nagarsoft.com/VideoTutorials.aspx
Windows XP/Vista
4.85 MB
This is Windows Automation Made Easy. The only solution with VBScript built in, a dedicated windows automation language with over 200 functions, full variable support, a native code editor and debugger, a macro recorder that creates real human code and the ability to create standalone EXE files. Powerful and flexible for the advanced user yet easily mastered by the novice. Save time and money and put your PC to work. Endless possibilities await. Special discount for Direct Access customers
Fusion Desk is project management and time tracking software for individuals and small teams. Its power is well disguised behind a simple and elegant user interface. It adapts to your way of doing things, instead of forcing you to adapt.
Cannot receive links by email for adobe products download. Have tried now for 3 days with no email received.
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would you be so kind to write me directly? I'm aware of the random crash that happens at startup. This seems to happen when there are many other software launched at the same time. I'm working on fixing this. In the meantime I'd suggest you try Startup Delayer (a free tools that puts a delay between program launches at startup)
If you have received your license file, Direct Access is fully functional. Write me if you are still having problems.
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Today I got a 'trail software' warning! It looks like the free registration did not work.
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I've been using DA for a few days and wanted to thank Nagarsoft for this wonderful product. Like many, I'd almost given up my keyboard for dead. I use icons for everything, program links, folder links, web links. So at first, I didn't see the benefit of DA.
But now I use it constantly. Names, Addresses, Phone numbers, any text is faster when abbreviated (isn't it ironic how long the word abbreviation is). I can google for info in the middle for typing something without having to reach for my mouse. I still use my QuickLaunch icons but I'm not so dependant on them now.
Thanks Nagarsoft and GOTD!
Andrea, I'm still getting that occasional crash when I boot up WinXP.
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@Grand Pubah
Have you finally been able to activate the software?
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I had problems activating this software on two different computers. Otherwise it's a great program that saves a log of mousing around.
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I'm going to send you an email in few hours. I'll check the db to see if I got your registration right.
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Please contact me at this email address if you can: gotd@sweetestdeals.endjunk.com
All other contact methods listed here have failed.
I supposedly registered just fine on 5/3, but I ran Direct Access today and now it's a trial version. What gives??
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Regarding the license, same thing is true for Direct Access. You can use it on your home pc, office PC and notebook.
Yes, Activewords is much more mature but it looks like it has stopped growing and it's much more resource hungry than Direct Access.
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#27, Andrea Nagar, when I said in post #25 that "the functionality appears limited", I meant in comparison to similar applications. ActiveWords PLUS is a mature product, having been around for many years, and is currently much more feature-rich, with many free add-ins available. The concept of giving away software for free for a limited time is not new; I received ActiveWords for free nearly a decade ago (and apparently, they've given away some free copies since).
ActiveWords PLUS has a free 60-day trial, and although it costs $50 vs. Direct Access' $40, ActiveWords PLUS personal license may be used on any number of computers that the purchaser owns.
ActiveWords can automatically suggest new actions, via monitoring what actions the user commonly performs. It has free add-ins that are similar to auto-correct, can perform searches, perform arithmetic, convert numeric text to words, etc. More than one action may be associated with the same shortcut/abbreviation.
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[...] Access, on the 3rd May, was featured on Giveaway of the day. This is a Russian website which, each day, offers a special deal on a software application. [...]
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Thanks everybody. I was overwhelmed with the response. Promotion is closed. People who registered during the promotion and didn't get their license code can email me (through my website).
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They were having problems during part of the day and people had trouble getting the return e-mail, If you didn't get yours, e-mail Andrea Nagar directly(e-mail address is listed in these comments). If you did everything right up to sending the e-mail you should be able to get it to register once you get the return. I finished about 4am this morning and mine registered fine.
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I'm still waiting on Nagarsoft to email me a key code after I installed the software and filled out their registration screen? I waited for over an hour last night and nothing ever came through. Yes, I checked my spam filter too. What's the deal?
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i'm still not getting my email after many hours
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Was Nagarsoft supposed to email me a key code after I installed the software and filled out their registration screen? I waited for over an hour last night and nothing ever came through. Abd yes, I checked my spam filter.
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Thanks, everyone (and especially Andrea, who e-mailed me back-and-forth until I got it to work). For some reason my "click" just wouldn't open the darn thing! Finally got it to work about 4 this morning - and unbelievably, it registered to me. So I'm all set.
Just want to publicly thank Andrea for participating so generously in today's "free-for-all." What a class act!
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i have written direct as stated in this but have not received the registration code as yet
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Great app. Thanks, GAOTD and Andrea. As someone else said, this is one of the first I haven't removed immediately after installation.
Also, I'm looking forward to seeing a GAOTD of Fusion Desk Pro. Currently playing with the lite version, and it's very, very nice but missing some crucial features. I'd love to see how the Pro version measures up.
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@face go back to 75 hope that helps copy and then paste it
then close the program and go back to the folder and open it by cliking on the link with their icon goodluck !!!!!
Thank you for Direct Access looks good, and GAOTD keep up the great
job you guys do even if you mix it all in with a screen saver( yes
I said the double SS words, sometimes you need to just listen and enjoy them and you can always unistall it.
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There were problems with the URLs in my previous post. Here's a second attempt:
* http://lifehacker.com/software/texter/
* http://svn.adampash.com/texter/
* http://lifehacker.com/software/text-substitution/
Texter can be downloaded from:
* http://lifehacker.com/software//lifehacker-code-texter-windows-238306.php
* http://svn.adampash.com/texter/Releases/0.2/
Thanks again to GAOTD
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Seems so positive everything was so easy new to all this but thanks to all concerned.
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Hi, I downloaded the application and installed it(took a couple of hours because it downloaded NET & I only have dialup internet access). Received the license email & saved the attachment, but when I try to open Direct Access I get an Application Error message "...failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)..."
Any thoughts?
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I sent you an email. Hopefully you should be able to sort everything out.
Time is almost up. So if you need a quick answer I suggest you write me directly. 20 minutes to deadline.
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For free text substitution alternatives, see http://lifehacker.com/software/text-substitution/, particularly Texter (http://lifehacker.com/software/texter/ & http://svn.adampash.com/texter/) which is open source (GNU Public License) and free for all uses (not only personal), written using AutoHotkey. Also, "Texter is also portable, so if you want to take it with you on your portable drive, you can grab the texter.exe executable."
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If you are having problem receiving the license before the promotion ends, just be sure to have Direct Access installed before the end of the promotion. I can send you the license afterwards.
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136... you are funny. "disk" mean your hard disk. not dvd disk or desk. hopefully you can get the idea now.
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I wrote you privately sending you the registration code. Please advise if you have received it and everything is all right.
If you haven't received your license code, write me directly.
@Edison Rosa
If you haven't received your license code, write me directly.
When I say save the license to disk, I mean just save it on your desktop or anywhere on your hard drive. Mail me if you need more detailed instructions.
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I forgot to add that I have tried:
1. double-clicking on the attachment, resulting in a box stating "Windows cannot open this file - it needs to know what program created it ..."
2. right-clicking it, resulting in a dropdown where I selected:
a. "open in a new window" - nothing happened
b. "open in a new tab" - nothing happened
That's where it stands - I'm going to pick up reading at #54, so if the answer is in this vicinity I will find it, but if it is much later, please just tell me the number. Thanks!
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Thanks GAOTD.
Just found the time to install the programm.
I will find out every possibility. It works and looks good
Thanks again.
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I've only read as far as Comment #53, so please excuse if this has already been answered, but time is quickly running out and I would appreciate a response before I lose the chance to get it.
I don't know why I am the only one who is having a problem with this, but here goes:
I downloaded it OK and sent off for the e-mail reply, which I received quickly and without problems, but now I am stuck on what to do next. Does "Save the license file to disk." mean put a DVD disk in the drive and save the attachment to the e-mail there somehow? (If so, please, how? ...) Or is it a "typo" and "disk" meant "desk"? - "Save the attachment to desk?" (If so, how ...?)I guess I'm confused on exactly what the "license file" is. Please, I could use some quick help!
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Ok, enough for me. No email, no registration number. My previous message, saying I hadn´t received the registration from Nagarsoft, wasn´t accepted by the moderator od GAOTD. So, no respect. I´m tired, it´s 2:30 a.m. I´m gonna sleep.
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This is a great productivity booster. Thanks GAOTD! To all those, who are passing on this one, give it a try...I guess I won't use Launchy or FARR any more.
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I haven´t received the email from Nagarsoft with the registration number. And there is just more 2 hours till the end of the offering. What do I do if I don´t receive the registration in the meantime?
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I'm back online.
@Moizelle and Wyn: if you haven't receive the license, please write me directly
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I haven't received my activation email.. All spam filters are off always so it couldn't have gone there.
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Since I can not install this software into my laptop, I copied it from my desktop for entire folder, including license that I install earlier of the day. And it works.
Good software and I like it.
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What a great program and it doubles as a drag and drop launcher.
If you're unsure if its useful or not watch the tutorial and a
look at the http://home.earthlink.net/~agjon/abczrule.htm for
abbreviations suggestions from post #81 is well worth it.
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Hi Slava
Why I cannot install this sowtware. It give this warning:
Activation module failed to connect to Giftawayoftheday.com. Software activation is not possible at this moment. Please try again later or check your firewall setting.
This error never happen before. Is it problem in your side or in my side?
thanks for this cool software.
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Nice program we got here-highly customizable, very useful, waaaaaaaaaaaay better interface than AutoHotKey. It's in fact the first program I got from GAOTD that I didn't uninstall right after.
Almost worth the price of $40.. perhaps $25 would do.
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Great giveaway today. I have lots of use for this one.
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#115, Andrea Nagar, I had repeated problems, apparently with Google Toolbar in IE 7. I had a cascade crash involving Direct Access, the Windows Defender UI, and Google Toolbar (no telling which crashed first). I already use xStarter to delay startup of some applications, but xStarter and Actual Window Menu both cause problems on my system, perhaps by themselves or perhaps due to conflicts with security software. As I said, all of these types of applications hook into each other. Security software is trying to monitor these programs, and these programs are trying to hook into the UI's of the security software. And there are the keyboard and window hook chaining issues. On your end, you should ensure that your hooks are as clean and correct as possible. The problem with Direct Access tooltip windows and forms in IE 7 is annoying (not functioning correctly as I type this).
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Seems like a good program for a professional keyboardist, writer, etc., but I don't need it myself. I would like to thank this provider for their interest in helping the people here with their downloading, installation, etc., though.
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Hi Andrea, I sent my e-mail address and received notification that my licence had been sent, more than 3/4s of an hour ago and I have received nothing. Am I panicking for nothing over 3/4s of an hour, will I continue to be patient? I do have another email address that can be used.
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This is the best software I have seen even since I "joined" this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does what it says, no problem at all!!!!!!!
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i can not get the key, i have tried 3 times and each time states email been sent. the account that its sent to does not have a spam filter on it. any help please
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Ok then. I stand corrected ;O) The registration page is still trying to get one step further but the confirmationmail did come in. Will love trying the program.
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Well done GOTD!
Thank you very much!
This is the starting point of a promissing Windows application. Perhaps, sometime in the future and with the help of a large community, it can become the dreamed Quicksilver version for Windows. But there is only the plugins bridge that today separates both applications. You need to encourage your users to submit plugins and make it even more powerful!
For beginers, I would suggest to use keywords that start and end with ':'. So, you would never accidentally replace some normal text with a predefined keyword. This is what typists do with similar software.
Perhaps, Autohotkey could become a great aid to this application. But in order to save some extra time to program some cute utilities with it, you should have Direct Access installed and integrated in your production habits.
If in doubt, please, Direct Access deserves you give it a try.
This application belongs to that class of utilities that once you have started using it, it becomes an irreplaceble extension of your daily work.
Thank you, again!
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Things seem to be normal again.
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Looks like a very interesting program. Sadly can not register, seems the server is facing huge overload. By the time I tomorrow can be online again it will be too late to take advantage of the offer. Too bad. That said, am very impressed with the support and responses given by Andrea Nagar on this page. It makes me wonder why other developers always are so silent.
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